Eat soft rice in a high school

Mixed in Eating Soft Meal in High School Chapter 188

"Brother Yeluo or Orpheus sauce, what do you like and dislike?"

"There is nothing that I don't like, but Orpheus and I like meat more~"

Ye Luo said with a smile, and touched his little Menglong's head with a petting look.

After all, the first meal he met her was barbecue. From then on, whether it was Orpheus or every time he ate meat, he couldn't help thinking of the warm memories.

"Meat...I know!"

Nodding, the girl entered the kitchen with a confident face, and began to skillfully prepare today's dinner.


After all, there are still a few baby girls in the family waiting for him to go back to sleep, so Ye Luo didn’t stay at Sazhi in Dongcheng. After having dinner and chatting with the girl for a while, he was there. Unwilling to look away from here, he went straight back home.


Because Ye Luo had told Sheng and the others that they would not come back for dinner, so when Hei Ge and the others had already had dinner when they returned home, they were lying on the sofa watching TV boredly, and the moment Ye Luo appeared , The little cuties suddenly came to their spirits.


Lilith, the youngest but strongest, rushed into her arms for the first time. She didn't care about her mother at all, and was full of infatuation, pressing her face on Ye Luo's body and rubbing hard.

"I'm back~"

Ye Luo gently touched her little head, and looked at Zhu Nai and the others who were aggrieved because of the slowness of a step, came to the sofa and sat down with a chuckle.

"What are you still thinking about, come here soon~"


Ye Luo's body was instantly covered with little loli, and the feeling of happiness made his already happy mood a lot easier again.

"Have you really made a decision?"

Sheng didn't know when he came to his side, and after watching Ye Luo intimacy with his baby girls for a long time, he stopped him with a smile on his face and asked what he had said before.

"Well, the school at Asacher has sorted out the information."

Ye Luo nodded, turned his face and kissed the cute little cheek, and then looked at Sheng again.

"The words there are indeed very good for the current black songs and white sounds, and as a trial opponent this time, the [Void Cicada] organization is just suitable for their current strength."

After all, when it comes to his most precious daughter, Ye Luo naturally has a detailed understanding of everything, no matter what the so-called "Void Cicada Organization", or Asacher’s internal traitor [Satanye] Er], or the kingdom of magicians [Oz] that exists in the crevice of the dimension. He knows everything clearly. If he wants to, his maid team can manage these overnight. People are solved silently, so there is no need to worry about whether there will be any accidents.

"That's the same...but those guys in the kingdom of Oz and Satanyel were delusional to realize the [Artificial God Exterminator] plan, which is really fantastic. After this time, the magician kingdom will be solved. Well, I remember there seems to be a divine exterminator in it, plus some other geniuses, just in time to add some new maids."

"Well, you can handle it at that time."

Ye Luo nodded indifferently.

Although they are also living in the crevices of the dimension, this so-called kingdom of magicians does not give Ye Luo very good senses. After all, the [three monsters of Oz] they admire were once the kind that was really red for disaster. To kill the sealed vicious beast.

If it wasn't for True Red's very good character, he would only deal with it unless it was something harmful to the world, this country that occupies a part of her home would have long been destroyed.

Chapter 201 [Bad Group] Birth

"Ms. Ye Luo early!"

"Good morning teacher Yeluo!"

"Orpheus sauce is as cute as ever~"

"Master Yeluo can let me touch Orpheus?"

On the second day, Ye Luo sent his precious daughters to school as usual, and once again came to Lingkong High School.

Different from the calmness of the past, as soon as Ye Luo entered the school today, he sensed several waves of magical power of varying intensity.

There is no doubt that these are the artifacts that are valued by Asacher and are ready to be abducted here together. Because of the awakening of the artifacts, these people don’t know how to hide their magic power. The feeling is for the people in the world. For people, it is exactly as conspicuous as that kind of indicator light in the dark, no wonder there have been so many [lost demons] here recently.

After all, the human beings of the Divine Weapon have the temptation of Tang monk meat to those low-level demons, and if they are swallowed, they can improve their strength.

"You have to ask Orpheus about this. If she wants to, I will be fine~"

Responding to a girl's question with a chuckle, Ye Luo picked up the soft palm of his own little Menglong and speeded up his steps, and went straight to his office.


In the next more than a month, Yeluo saw at least a dozen demon attacks before and after. During this period, apart from Nanantaki Shikiko and Minagawa Natsume, several other male artifact envoys were also in Asachel’s. Deliberately awakened the artifact.

"His Royal Highness, please take care of today's affairs."

In Yeluo's office, Asacher sat in the welcoming chair fairly casually, and told him the information he had collected.

"Those guys learned of my actions and are ready to eliminate all the children and the entire Lingkong High School in one breath."

"Don't worry, you just need to follow your original plan. Also, for the thing that I said before, I will bring Black Song and Bai Yin to the past."

Ye Luo said with a chuckle. He was quite satisfied that Asachel came over to discuss this matter with him. The other party's move was also within his expectation. He himself was not special to the casualties of some ordinary humans. He cares, but because Ye Luo is here, he will come over and tell him specifically, after all, he has no ability to protect the lives of everyone in the school.

He didn't want to be held accountable by Ye Luo for this kind of thing afterwards.

"Of course, but since His Royal Highness Yeluo is also coming over, do you want to come over as an honorary teacher? We have a lot of lovely girls here."

Asacher said with a smile, and showed a [you know] look at Ye Luo.

"Let's take a look at that time. In short, you don't have to worry about today's affairs. I will take care of everything."

"With the words of His Royal Highness Yeluo, I am relieved, then I will retreat first, so as not to disturb your couple's loving time~"

As soon as Asacher left the office, Ye Luo turned his head slightly.

"How does that go?"

"Already fully prepared!"

A girl in a maid costume appeared behind him and said calmly.

"It was a technique performed by Master Saint himself, and now it has covered the entire city."

"Holy...then it's okay~"

Ye Luo instantly showed a look of peace of mind, gently squeezed his little Menglong's cheek, and hugged her to stand up with a slight smile.

"Then let me see how capable the so-called [Virtual Cicada] organization is, and those guys from [Oz Kingdom] are able to connect with the cadres of the fallen angels and the demons of the Old Demon King faction."

"I remember it was called [Woe Regiment], right."