Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1912 Going home

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The crash is continuing, and the speed is still accelerating.

The hills of the creation of the monk Embins are also falling off in the film, and the grateful rocks that are shocked, and there is a boring sound of the explosion from time to time.

The sound can pass through Eabin through the secondary wall, can imagine how great the volume is.

Looking at the disaster on the planet of the Creator, everyone gave birth to the same idea: the master is over.

The Creator is indeed finished, the planet has begun to collapse, and those towering mountain peaks continue to collapse, and there are countless mouths in the earth, and they have also passed down the cockroaches.

From the perspective of Embins, the surface of the planet is quickly enveloped by the flame.

After a while, the whole planet seems to be burning, and this is only a corner of the hostess body. At this moment, it is necessary to have a flame of four.

At this time, Airong moved, from his eyes, the extremely strong rays were transmitted, and the rays spurtled his eyes, and they were condensed into a fist-sized light ball, and they went up.

Unexpectedly, the light ball is just a move, and it is like hitting the wall that is invisible, the sphere is flattened back.

This light ball took a few horrible tastes, all around, but the surrounding space is like an invisible prisoner, which is trapped in it.

Allen didn't know when he raised his hand, he couldn't help: "You are also amazing, so that you will make you escape.

But now, how much is your strength, one thousandth? One one thousand in? Is it still one million? "

The sound of the Creator sounded on the dusk: "Let me go!"

There is no war between domains, because the war is meaningless to us!

"I am so good, if this is true, why don't you go!

"I admit that I am very angry after witnesses you to destroy a star field.

But I didn't think about the war, I just want to retrieve some compensation, just this.

Listen, you should let me leave.

Otherwise, the other domain will notice this low-dimensional universe, you will never yet!

"Is this a threat?"

Allen shakes his head and smiled: "I will give you a good class, you have a threat, but there is no strength, but will make me more want to kill you.

Other master? If they dare to enter, I will ask them to have no return!

Then to Lu Wei, "Just in invading your will, I want to kill me with gold rose.

Look, this source is also useful to dominate, Lucy, how is your gun method? "

Lucy smiled and charming: "Baifu is middle.

Then the whole body is scattered with the golden light, and the light is blooming. At this time, Jin Yan is full of light.

Even Lucy also feels unexpectedly, the source of the hand begins to evolve to the third stage, and it is both a golden rose.

This is the real form of Kao Yan, in the hands of Lucy, Golden Rose turned into a golden sniper gun, and it was an incompleteness of an incomplete, elegant, ancient, and people who had a difficulty breath, elegance, and ancient, but people feel an invisible. Threat.

The surface of the slot that was trapped, was a circle, and then the sound of the Creator sounded: "You are all crazy!"

The voice is still ringing, and the light ball suddenly frys countless dots, and the golden light is like a meteor.

Then the Creator's breath completely disappeared.

Until this, the gunshots rang, and in the distance, a huge golden rose flower swayed!

"It's beautiful, the guy invaded your will, in order to do it, I upgrade your level.

Perhaps even you have not noticed, in fact, you are already a domain, Lucy.

Allen thumbs up, then looked up to the sky and said, "Next, I will send this big guy back so that it is destroyed here, don't say Ebinos, I am afraid that this universe will also be affected.

Allen Dynasty Dynasty, a few people point: "I will come."

Then get up.

A magnificent golden light rushed to the half space, Allen's voice echoed in the sky: "Other people left here, the Creator is over, Ebin is will not exist, soon the space door is not closed, you leave here, do not wait for me!

Jin Guangyuan is going.

Ofsse is screaming: "What is to do, on the boat, go home!

The remaining Star Alliance fleet began to evacuate, and Allen has already broken through the wall.

When he was separated from Ebinos, the burning of the eyebrows opened again, forming countless symbols that emerged, strength and rules were integrated with him, and Allen stepped into the realm of the dominant.

He looked at his hands and whispered: "Fortunately, it seems that I have remembered the feeling of simulation, even if there is no dusk, I can do it.

So ... "

Allen looks up, the body's body is in a fierce explosion, after leaving the secondary wall, from here, the damage inside the planet is clearer, the core of the planet is destroying, the body is constantly crashing.

Soon, I am afraid that the super star explosion will appear.

Even the will of the Creator has disappeared, but its body itself contains huge energy. If the energy is blown, Ebinos is sure, and the Embins will also be affected, even damage.

Allen called out, then lifted his hand and made a moving action.

The spatial sound is sounded in the space.

The planet began to rise, Allen wrapped around the whole planet with his own strength, followed the route between the Creator and the high-dimensional universe, push the planet back.

At this point, in the high-dimensional universe, there is still a quiet space, and all kinds of minimalized spacecraft are being shut down.

The sudden space has an expansion, a black light is radiated, and then a burning planet gradually appears in space. When the entire planet jumps out of space, the horrible cosmic storm destroyed countless The spacecraft, countless spacecraft explosion, but they set off the flames, for the planet, is at all.

Next, this planet was blown up. This is a supernova explosion, and the shot of the star mean billion meter is deep in the depths of space. The huge energy will be destroyed by the planet around the surrounding star field.

With this explosion, the energy released by the main destruction of the main destruction shocks the secondary wall of the high-dimensional universe, forming a multiple yuan resonance.

Through this array, a new inventory spreads in a few universe.

"All the mains who receive this information, you just saw it, it is a self-righteous guy.

This is the result of him who invaded the low-dimensional universe. The low-dimensional universe is not what you imagine, it is a sheep that can be slaughtered.

If we are in a hurry, the sheep will bite you.

This is my warning for you. I will strengthen the secondary wall. If you want to repeat the same mistake, I will welcome you outside the door, then ... "

"Destroy you!

Outside the second wall of Ebinos, Allen finished this sentence and then heard countless sounds.

Have anger, surprised, laugh, there are questions.

Allen shakes his head, and these sounds disappeared.

He looked at Ebinos and the dusk had already collapsed, and this world began to destroy.

Allen's Ebinz is a point in the direction, and the king in Ebin is crashed and exploded.

The king's explosion, and the link between the other king of this universe, the declaration of the declaration of the universe, the space door connected to this universe has begun to disappear.

Allen called out of breath and whispered: "Finally ended.

Then step on a step and disappeared in space.

The Star League and the remaining army of the Star League have withdrew the space door. When the last star ship pulled out the space door, the space door suddenly disappeared, so the latter half of the Star Shilime will always stay in Embins, Star Ships Falling up to the ground, putting out the people in the ship, making a unclear disaster.

Ofusis stood above the land of unknown planet, at this time, an invisible impact has passed through the earth, and the number of people will be overwhelmed.

People have a balance, and Ofas know that it is the destruction of Embins.

In this low-dimensional universe, Ebin is destroyed in this low-dimensional universe. This universe will not come again.

If it will be destroyed, it is also caused by the life of life.

However, after this time, the emperor believes that every soul will change, and for the universe can grow, everyone will contribute to all the strength.

Because from this moment, it finally belongs to all the homes in this universe.

"Why did Allen have not come back?"

Lucy stands above the deck of an Ada Hua Royal Star Star, next to her, and Luola and Catherine are all right.

Catherine shakes his head: "I am not worried about him. He has standing on the height of the gods, and there are all kinds of space for him.

The universe has no secrets, space and distance have not been obedient.

The only thing that I am worried about is that he will be drunk in the universe, that is, the words ... "

"I guarantee that things will not happen, at least will happen now.

The familiar sound came back behind them, and the outline of a threshold appeared in the air, and Allen came out from there, he smiled: "There is a person and thing I can't wait, I haven't seen it yet. Lei An, I haven't let your cute belly, there are many things that have not been done, I can go to explore the universe now.

Catherine screamed, then tiered the face gradually had a smile.

Lucy has already put into his arms and said to his teeth: "Mr. Xia Graille is still counting, next, I want to give you a child!"

Allen haha ​​smiled and said: "Reassure, one is less."

Luo La Hugu said: "It seems that I can rest for a while.

Windsha Belo looked at the stars on the shoulders, closed his eyes: "I don't know if the president does not accept my resignation.

"You have to dare to accept it, I will sit in his office every day.

Allen said.

Then everyone laughs up, and the smile is brilliant and easy.

Allen was leaving a lazy waist and whispered: "Okay, I will go home."