Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters on Edge of Doom!Allen has not encountered such a thing.?.

In the Devil Praise, he absorbed a lot of life essence, and when he and the chief were both shaken apart, a large amount of information immediately washed his will.Countless images rushed into the brain, and the amount of information exceeded the upper limit of his ability.Allen had to stick to his will and not let his will be submerged in this massive amount of information.

His will is like a light boat, floating on the raging sea.The waves are undulating, and the boat is in danger of overthrowing.Once the will was overwhelmed by the sea of ​​information, he couldn't imagine what would happen.

At this moment, all the source power in his body automatically retracted to his heart, and the blade of the prairie fire on his forehead was flickering, supporting his will with his source power, and persisting in the sea of ​​anger.

But this is not a permanent cure after all.

In his consciousness, another wave of information came like a huge wave.Almost out of instinct, Allen's forehead engraved brightly, and a powerful force hit the waves, shattering it.The waves shattered and a piece of information was annihilated, but Allen felt a lot easier.So he simply used this stupid method to shatter and annihilate some of the information waves that were photographed head-on, in order to relieve his pressure.

But in doing so, his source power was consumed extremely quickly.To annihilate a piece of information, it is his most original power, not the ability of the source power to transform through the circuit.This is much more expensive than a mere battle, but Alan has no better way, and can only use his own source power to annihilate these information shocks from the Chief Blade Demon.

He didn't know how long he persisted, only that the source power had been exhausted several times.Fortunately, the sea of ​​information is not as sinister as it was at the beginning, and the speed of those images that appeared in his will has also slowed down a lot.Let him no longer need to annihilate this piece of information, but be able to "read" it through consciousness to digest it.

Allen saw many pictures.

The first thing that appeared was the scene on the Elsa. He watched the Sword Demon occupy the main control room from the chief’s perspective. Under their control, some crew members were trying to explain the Elsa’s control to the Sword Demon. method.Allen can be sure that those crew members may have implanted translation robots themselves, so they can communicate with Dao Demon.In this way, this tribe's sword demon naturally inherited Idahua's interstellar travel technology.

No wonder Windsor Bello thinks that the holy site is the origin of the Sword Demon interstellar civilization, because the Sword Demon's technology comes directly from Ida Huaxing.In the process, Allen also saw a number of small spaceships.It was originally the standard airship on the Elsa. The airship inherited the style of the Idahua star, with its silver-white hull decorated with golden patterns and gorgeous in style.But the shape is very similar to the airship used by the sword demon.After getting the technology of the airship, after thousands of years of deduction, I want to come to the sword demon to develop its own style of the sword demon.

The picture changed.

There was a dark space in the field of vision, and suddenly a dark red light came on.At the moment the light was lit, a silver flash ran across the entire field of vision.

Blade Runner!

The next screen is the battle between the sword demon and the blade runner. From the chief's perspective, Alan can see that the sword demon tribe and the blade runner are fighting inside the hull, which is not known where it is located.Although the number of Blade Runners was small, but wherever they went, sword demon warriors continued to fall.Pieces of warriors were harvested like straws, and it was not until a powerful person at the sword demon/general level that they could barely withstand the attacks of these killers.

In the end, even the chief came out personally, but after destroying most of the Blade Runners, Allen "seen" the remaining two assassins suddenly disintegrated on their own and disappeared into the sword demon.The chief made a decisive decision, so Alan heard "himself" calling: "Go to the power room, cut off the energy, and keep these ghosts in it forever."

But he knew that the chief's original intention was to attract the remaining Blade Runners so that they could not be mixed with the many swordsmen, and did not know who the enemy was.

This method was really good. On the way to the power room with the remaining General Sword Demon, a Blade Runner couldn't help but expose his whereabouts, attacked, and was destroyed by the chief.

The screen ends when the chiefs and generals enter the power room.

Allen couldn't help sighing, the chief was also wise.It's a pity that they eventually died in the power room.

The next picture has nothing to do with Elisa, and everything that appears is a picture of war.The sword demon itself also has constant wars, and occasionally Ida Huaxing’s ships will appear. Every time they appear, all the sword demon will temporarily put aside their grievances and cooperate sincerely to resist the attack from the Ida Hua people.It seems that Idahua has been holding on to the chaotic battlefield for a long time.No wonder Lucy would say that their interstellar line of defense is much longer than that of the earth, which is not a lie.

While seeing these pictures, Allen knew that the owner of the heart, that is, the chief of the sword demon was Sodom, who had the name of "destruction".His original ancestor projection is very special. It is one of the gods worshipped by the sword demon, the Evil Eye Alifedo.This shows that the sword demon is actually still ancestor worship.The so-called Alifedo should be the ancient ancestor of the sword demon, otherwise Sodom would never condense his projection.

Sodom possesses all the characteristics of the Sword Demon. He is both brutal and brave, and he must be at the forefront in every battle.When Allen looked at these scenes of Sodom fighting, he felt like two lives.As if Sodom was another part of his life, even looking at it, he almost forgot about himself.With those battle scenes, the mind felt boiling, and gave birth to the pleasure of destroying opponents.

Whenever this happens, the Sword of Liaoyuan will light up, reminding Allenger to guard his existence with its remaining source power.In this way, Allen repeated the life and experience of Sodom, and kept getting out and coming out under the reminder of the engraving, and then unknowingly blending in in another scene.Like a period of reincarnation, Allen seemed to have gone through dozens of years, even more years.

When this picture unfolded, Allen's mind couldn't help but shake wildly.

In the picture, the angle of view is very low. Allen only sees the knees of the adult Sword Demon. This should be when Sodom was young.Shouts and screams were coming from outside, and a beautiful female sword demon was comforting Sodom.Ellen knew that she was Sodom's mother. After the witch held Sodom tightly, she drew a short knife from the outside of her legs and got out of the tent.

Sodom immediately ran to the tent, and when he opened the tent, Sodom and Alan Qiqi saw the unforgettable scene of their lives.

On the burning red ground, a figure walked leisurely among many sword devils, including Sodom's mother.The opponent's speed should be extremely fast, but every turn of his body, even after approaching the sword demon, he undertook every detail of the sword demon's body with a short knife, but it was clearly reflected in Sodom and Ai. Lun's eyes.

When the man turned his back to Sodom's mother and took back the short knife.A demon gem on the hilt reflected light in the flame, stinging Sodom's eyes.Then all the sword demons exploded with bleeding blades, and the blood blades exploded at the same time. Under the blood mist, the sword demons all fell to the ground.The blood mist that was still floating in the air rolled around, then turned into strands of bright red blood to curl up to the person's feet, and then plunged into the short knife one by one.

Hymn of blood!Blood Blade Burial!

Alan was so familiar with this scene that he couldn't be more familiar, whether it was those blood blades or that demon gem, what was all this not the source weapon in his hand?

If that is the praise of the devil, who is this person in front of you?Is his father?Or the devil praising the former master?

The figure suddenly came to Sodom, Sodom wanted to look up, but couldn't do it anyway.Then Allen heard the voice of a man sounding above his head. He turned out to be using the language of the sword demon: "Aren't you afraid of me? Why don't you run away?"

"Will you let me go when you run away? Master of the Disaster Blade?"

"Do you call it the Disaster Blade? Interesting, but in fact, I am the origin of all disasters. I did not expect you to become like this. Speaking of which, there will be chaotic lives like yours in this star field. Both I and them Responsible. But they kept hiding from me, and I didn’t find out until today. It seems that we can no longer trust each other."

Alan was still looking back at the words that contained a lot of information, and saw that the man had gone away, and then he heard Sodom ask: "Why don't you kill me?"

"Because you did not run away, then I will give you a chance. If one day you can catch up with me, I will give you a chance for revenge. Of course, the most likely thing is that I have one more life in my hands." That person Say.

The picture gradually darkened, and Alan sighed in his heart. Sodom finally failed to catch up with this person. I don't know if this Chief Sword Demon had regrets before he died?

As if waking up from a dream, and consciousness surfaced, Allen's vision gradually had colors and pictures, and then he saw Lucy and Willick who looked concerned.Willick took a deep breath and yelled at him: "Allen!"

Allen frowned subconsciously, then said: "The sound is too loud, don't you need to be so loud?"

The three of Lucy were all happy, and the girl hugged Allen and said: "Great, no matter what we called you just now, you didn't respond."

"I'm back." Allen laughed.

The girl raised her head and looked at him "Huh" and said, "What happened to you, it feels like you have matured a lot, which is really strange. But this is more attractive!"

The two of Willick nodded, and Willick said, "Your eyes, how do you say, are different from before. Correctly speaking, they should be the eyes, yes, the eyes. Boss, your eyes have become sharp ,really weird."

Alan closed his eyes, still feeling the violent killing intent that lingered on his chest.That was what remained after inheriting part of Sodom's experience. He still needed time to digest Sodom's huge experience and eliminate the killing intent.That was always the killing intent of Chief Sword Demon. Allen didn't need this kind of thing. He wanted to go his own way, not to become another Sodom.

At this time, his hands shook slightly.Alan opened his eyes and saw that the cocoon that had been covered in blood hymns finally cracked!
