Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1705 Civil War Breaks Out

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters on Edge of Doom!Hearing this voice, Allen looked over, and an elderly woman came out from the veranda at the other end of the garden.She couldn't see her appearance with the tulle hanging down her face.Elise on the ground suddenly jumped up: "Elder Rhea."

The woman who was called the elder by Iris stood there and said coldly: "After the unanimous decision of the Presbyterian Church, I will remove the position of Grand Duke from tonight. Duke Tsuta will choose another person from now on. , Everything Elise does will have nothing to do with the Bolling family."

Iris was so stunned, teardrops still hung on her face.

After speaking, the cold and tough atmosphere of the elder disappeared, and her gentle voice resounded in the veil: "Silly boy, you have done enough for the Bolin family, and we can't ask you any more. Starting today , You are no longer Grand Duke Tsuta, you are just Elise, you can pursue the life you want."

Leaving these words, the elder turned and left.Then there was a crack in the garden, and the old butler with white hair and the noble lady who looked only in her thirties fell beside Iris, but they were the two top ten saints of the Bolling family.The old butler, Starm, was crying with Iris in his arms, and the lady frowned and said, "The boss is not young anymore, why cry?"

Then he said to Allen: "I don't care what Prince of Glory you are. If you dare to treat our Elise badly, I won't let you go, kid!"

Then he pulled Starm away with the butler’s gown, and Starm shouted: "Miss, take care of yourself in the future. Remember to cover the quilt when you sleep, and ask for a lady when you eat, and your clothes. I have already packed for you and sent it to the Prince’s residence..."

Elise laughed, laughed ridiculously and cried again.Allen walked over, supported her shoulders and said, "Don't worry, there will be a chance to see them again in the future."

"Come on, wipe away the tears, we go back to the hall, I want to tell everyone the good news."

Elise wiped away her tears, but her eyes were still red, and she snorted: "Now I am no longer a great prince, but I am not qualified to enter the hall."

"Who said that although you are not the grand prince, you are the wife of the prince, who dares to say that you are not qualified."

Only then did Elise smile, and then said: "Tell me first, how many wives do you have?"

Allen pulled the index and said, "It's a lot."

There was a spark in Elise's eyes: "I will be here in the future, you can't even think of another woman."

The two returned to the hall, looking at the jealous Elise, Julian walked over and blinked: "Congratulations, Elise."

Elise is also a smart person. Seeing Julian's words, she knew that he must have appeared behind the incident. She said immediately, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"It's nothing, just a simple effort." Julian looked at Allen and said, "It's just that our prince has many wives. You can work harder in the future and try to give birth to a few children for our prince."

A few flushes rose on her neck, but she nodded and said, "Of course."

As a result, Alan and Julian were stunned.

Elise left them behind and walked to Lucy and Laura's side. With Elise's joining there, it suddenly became more lively.Julian stabbed Allen gently with his elbow and said, "You know, sometimes I still envy you."

Allen smiled slightly and didn't answer.

After staying in the imperial capital for three days, Allen left Olisgar and took the Silver Eagle to fly directly to the south.It was the first time that Elise was sitting on a silver eagle, and she was quite curious about Blade Runner. In the evening, they arrived at Dawning Castle.In one day, I passed through the north and south of the empire. When Iris came down from the silver eagle, she was so excited that she almost ran on the silver eagle and flew again.

Edward received the news of their arrival, put down his work in the study, and met Alan in the hall.He said cheerfully: "Master Ellen, you came back just in time."


"Adele is back. She has just arrived at Ark Harbor today and will be there in two days."

Allen was startled. He heard that Adele had gone to Earth when he returned to the Star of Heaven. He was naturally very concerned about this former friend and said, "Then I have to stay for two more days."

Two days later, a carriage appeared outside the gate of Dawn Castle, and a girl jumped out of the car, it was Adele who had just returned from the earth.She raised her head, squinted her eyes and looked at the city gate and said: "What happened here? Ark Harbor is in ruins, and the mountains and forests before going all the way have become wilderness. It's like a war."

Edward, who had received the news, rushed to the city gate with someone and saw the girl shouting: "Adele, what are you doing standing there? Go, Master Ellen is waiting for you."

"Ellen?" Adele opened her eyes wide. "That guy, are you back?"

In the city lord's mansion, Adele walked quickly into the hall and saw a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar.Of course she recognized that it was Ellen, but now Ellen had more feelings she couldn't tell.It is more mature and more majestic than ever.But because of this, it opened the distance between each other.It seems that he is no longer the boy on Babylon, and in a blink of an eye, he has the style of a king of the country.

Allen is also looking at Adele, the girl has grown taller, and her face doesn't have the kind of childishness she used to.In the past, her long hair was cut into short hair. The only thing in common was that she still liked men's clothing and was still that tomboy.

"Adele, long time no see, how are you?" Allen smiled.

Adele nodded: "Fortunately, how about you, when did you come back from Agareth?"

"It's been a while since you came back. You just went to the earth. By the way, how is the earth now?"

It was just a casual question, but Adele's expression became solemn: "Not good, very bad."

"How to say?"

To make it easier to speak, they moved to the study.Adele sat down on a chair and said, "When I went back, there were already conflicts within the Federation. Babylon has crashed, and now the Federation has built a new city on the surface. Although the Nirm were driven away, But Capulo took the Golden Lion away and separated from the Federation. Now the original federal government, Freedom Gate, Golden Lion, and Light will divide the various administrative areas on the surface. Among them, the former wealthy Smith family sponsored the Golden Lion and took it away A group of nobles joined Capro’s camp. Marshal Windsor Bello, and your Beskard family supported President Mobit. Mobit asked Capro to hand over the army. Of course Capro would not compromise, so he united with Freedom Gate. He Guangyin will oppose the Federation. It requires the federal government to recognize their legitimacy and form a coalition government to jointly manage the earth."

"In this way, the civil war broke out."