Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1783 Home Suppression

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters on Edge of Doom!The lizard clan powerhouse who pounced on Smiler, including the general, had seven or eight people.The lizard general did not expect Smiler to be gentle along the way, but he broke the city with a thunderbolt, and he was caught off guard.The lizard clan has settled in Hongtak for many years. There are no natural enemies in this land. Both generals and soldiers are extremely lacking in combat experience.Although there is training on weekdays, it is quite a matter of fact.

If you were replaced by any general with some war experience to guard the city, you would never allow the herd to be smashed by Smiller and remain indifferent, nor would Smiller walk to the city without a commander to intercept it.Or, even if an army of lizards is sent to suppress the beasts, even if a strong person is sent to intercept when Smiller appears in front of the city, even these measures will not change the situation.But at least, he wouldn't be so caught off guard by Smiller. Smiller may not be so easy to break the city.

But now, the lizard generals regret it no matter what.Such a gap in the city wall was blasted, which was equivalent to exposing Moduo City to the enemy's sight.What he can do now is to try his best to hold Smiller, and then let the army out of the city to attack the beasts outside.Even if the quantity is used to fill in, Smiller's source power will be exhausted.

What made the lizard generals chilling was that until now, Allen had not taken any action.

Just as they rushed towards Smiller, the latter pulled out and carried the great sword.Then the giant sword slashed towards a strong lizard clan. When the sword shadow remained in the air, the lizard clan general felt that time had stopped, and the strong sense of disobedience made him look at that strong clan.The strong man looked dull, and then his body seemed to have been slashed several times by Smiller, his body suddenly dispersed, and fragmented limbs fell to the ground!

The lizard general couldn't help but shudder.

He stopped his body and retreated at a faster speed than he rushed in, so his vision was blocked by the strong figure of the same clan.Then these figures suddenly moved up and down, and then scattered one after another, and were cut to pieces lightly by Smiller.

At this time, if you still don't know how powerful Smiler is, then the lizard general might have lived in vain for so many years.He screamed in his heart, why is there such a terrible person?

Smiller beheaded these powerful lizard clan, seemingly easy, but the source of power is more than when walking along the way.But it was worth it, at least, the lizard general was scared.

At this moment, Allen looked up suddenly.

The white on his side was puzzled, and then frowned.He only felt a heavy pressure suddenly enveloped his whole body, and then the speed of the source force's rotation became extremely slow.If something like this happens in battle, it would be too bad, it means that one's own source power is suppressed, and both the speed of the move and the output of the source power will be greatly reduced.

He couldn't help but look at Smiller.

Allen said indifferently: "Have you finally activated the suppressing ability at home?"

When the voice fell, symbols appeared in the sky above the battlefield. These symbols were arranged in a circle, and the enclosure spread out, covering the entire crimson canyon.This is a bit like the ability "Judgment Day" that Allen once possessed, because those symbols are the words of Eboins.

Smiller has the deepest experience when he shows his suppressing power at home.He seemed to be suddenly crushed by a mountain, almost suffocating.Under such circumstances, his only choice is Gu Dongyuanli to fight against the suppression of the home court in exchange for the ability to freely move.But in this way, the consumption of source power has doubled.In this environment where the home court is isolated from the void, unable to draw the source power from the void to supplement, obviously it is a very unfavorable thing for Smiller.

On the contrary, the Lizard General's body soared.Not only him, but other lizard beasts and the lizard soldiers who kept pouring out of the city all flew around the flames.While suppressing the enemy at home, it also has the function of enhancing the source of the soldiers on the side.As the offensive party was immediately forced into an indestructible disadvantage.

In such a disadvantage, Smiller could still laugh, and then he desperately urged Yuan Li.The source of energy in the body rushed like the Yangtze River, and the pressure on the whole body suddenly lightened.But Smiller knew that this law could not last, and he did not intend to last.

Smiller raised the sword, and the giant sword burst into lightning from the inside out. Just when the outline of the entire sword disappeared in the electric light, a ghost of Thunder Dragon appeared behind Smiller.The Thunder Dragon held its head high, reaching a height of 100 meters, and almost wrapped the walls of Modo City when its wings spread out.That terrifying power gushes out from the Thunder Dragon, making all the lizard warriors and lizard beasts on the battlefield stiff, while the mantas keep falling from mid-air.

At this moment, Smiller cut off with a sword.

The Jianfeng sprayed a river of thunder and light, and the river rushed over, flooding countless soldiers one by one.

The lizard general screamed and rushed into the air with all his strength, jumping out of the light river.

Smiller looked up and sneered at him.

The lizard general felt wrong, and his whole body suddenly shook.He lowered his head and saw the tip of the awl gun protruding through his chest.The conical gun nailed to the ground pierced his body at some unknown time.

Only then did the general realize that the conical spear left on the ground was Smiller's back.

It was a pity that it was useless at this time, and the unconscious body fell to the ground.When Guanghe disappeared, a long black road that ran through the city remained on the ground.The general's body fell on the underworld, and the battlefield was silent.

A sigh faintly sounded in the sky, and then the suppression of the home court began to disappear.As the words of Eboins in the sky dissipated, the soldiers of the lizard race began to withdraw from Murdor City as if they had received some orders.

When Smiler drew the spear from the corpse, the lizard army ran away early, leaving only an empty city and countless corpses.

When Allen and the others came to the city gate, Smiller took off his horned helmet, knelt towards Allen in a sea of ​​blood and the corpse, and bowed his head deeply.

Allen walked past him and paused: "It's a good job, but it can be faster, right?"

Smiler was shocked, and said anxiously: "I was too showy, please forgive me!"

Allen said nothing, and went straight to Murdor City.

After a while, Smiller dared to stand up, completely unable to understand Alan's intentions, which made him frightened.

Modo City is a military fortress. The streets in the city are very narrow, so it is barely possible for three people to pass side by side.The distribution of urban streets is complex, and the city is built at the foot of a section of the mountain, and buildings are distributed along the mountain.Allen came to the highest point in the city, where you can see outside the crimson canyon, a vast forest like the Forest of Night lay across the earth.

In the forest, you can see the peaks a lot higher than the forest, like a stone gun pointed at the sky.Behind the forest, the clouds were drooping, and thunder was constantly pounding down from the sky. It was dim and it seemed that even the sun in the sky had been isolated from the outside.

"Gray Forest." Linuu Abi pointed to the distant forest, intermittently using Ebonstein to briefly describe the forest.The Grey Skeleton Forest is the back garden of the Crypt Spider Lizard. The ground there is developed into a complex maze by the Crypt Spider Lizard. The Crypt Spider Lizard may appear from anywhere in the forest.And because many cave passages have been excavated from the ground, the soil on the surface is very weak, and the crypt spider lizard only leaves a hidden passage, and only the lizards know where the passage is.As for other creatures, entering the forest may be attacked by the spider lizard, or the floating soil on the ground may fall and fall into the spider lizard’s crypt and cannot come out, and eventually become a skeleton under the ground.

That's how the name of Ash Forest comes from.

After passing through the gray dice forest, you will encounter another city on the way to the Holy Land.Magic City is the second major city of the lizard clan, and the scale of that city is far above Moduo City. It is the outpost of the Holy Land.Those lizard races that have not been passed on cannot even enter the Holy Land. Magic City is the last city they can reach on Hong Tak.

Behind the Magic City is the Ring of Doom, which is a ring-shaped ditch, with a bottomless abyss below.This ring-shaped deep abyss separates the earth from the Holy Land, and there is no other way to enter the Holy Land except through the Redemption Bridge.

Watching Abi drew a circle on the ground, and then pointed to the center of the circle, the lizard slave said that it was the Holy Land.Alan nodded, the birthplace of the lizard race is here.At the same time, under the Holy Land is where Kana and the Lizard King sleep.

At this time, on the other side of the earth, all the evacuated lizard tribe troops had already sank into the gray dice forest and disappeared into the vast forest.Except for the bat lizards that can fly across the sky, no lizards can be seen on the ground.

Among the bat lizards, a huge flying lizard with dark blue scales all over its body made a short cry.Headed by it, the bat lizard swept across the ash forest.Soon this dark cloud drifted over the forest, and behind the forest was the rolling hills.In the distance, there is a city lying on the ground, that is, Magic City.

There are as many as three ways on the walls of Magic City, which are arranged from high to low.The city wall is pitch black, with light gold lines on it, which is exactly the high wall formed by the special metal magic gold produced nearby.

Various weapons, fortifications, projection vehicles, cannons, etc. can be seen everywhere on the walls.Lines of snake-man soldiers on the city wall kept on watching. They watched every inch of land outside the ash forest.Behind the city wall, you can see huge chimneys everywhere, they are emitting thick smoke into the sky, and there is always a thick gray cloud floating above the magical city, making the city look so depressing.

The fire everywhere in the city, like a giant factory, seems to be working day and night.The bat wings first rushed into the sky, and then dived down.From the eyes of the flying lizard leader, you can see the black earth crack behind the magic gold city, and the dark earth behind the crack.

The land looked lifeless.

There is the Holy Land!