Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1784 Reincarnation

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapters on Edge of Doom!There is only one bridge of redemption that can pass through the crack in the earth called the Ring of Doom.The bridge can be retracted when necessary, and a curtain of flames will be expelled in the Ring of Doom, thus forming a three-dimensional protection of the Holy Land.

After the Ring of Doom is the holy land, the holy land is huge, equivalent to the area of ​​several magic golden cities.There are many holy temples, squares, and lizard breeding grounds.It is the origin of the lizard tribe, and all the lizard tribes in Hongtak went out from here.

On the wetland where the lizards are used to breed offspring, one can see neatly arranged lizard eggs.The different colors of the eggshells represent different types of lizard warriors produced.The lizard race has no juvenile period, and is an adult warrior from birth. This is a race born for fighting.

Behind the Holy Land is a huge lake, which is the Holy Lake.The holy lake is overflowing with water for many years, and branches will form here for many years. They enter the underground water veins and converge to the Zhannam River through the circle of dooms, becoming the source of life on the land of Hongtak.

On the holy lake is a white palace, which is the temple of the lizards.Kana's white coffin is enshrined in the temple.But the sacred coffin was just a symbol, and the real sacred coffin was placed elsewhere.Every ten years, the lizard clan will hold a grand sacrifice in the temple to commemorate the creation of the lizard clan Kana.

There is a huge holy lake, only a small holy temple was built on the west side.The holy temple is very inconspicuous, but the lizards in the holy land know that it is the place where the teacher lives and lives.For the lizards, the mentor is an awesome existence.

He is Kana's faithful servant and the spokesperson of the lizard king on the earth.He guided the lizard race through the wild years until now.

The teacher is not an immortal person, and every time he goes into a deep sleep.However, his sleep time is very short, as long as one month, or as few as a few days, before he will reappear in the eyes of the lizard race.He will always wear a tattered black robe, and will never let people see his true face.

The only thing the lizards know is that every time after a deep sleep, the teacher's physical signs will change significantly.Maybe he was tall before he fell asleep, but when he came out of his holy temple, he became a thin person.

The only constant is his wisdom.

He knows the history and all the secrets of the lizards. He is the wisest person. No lizard would doubt this.They have become accustomed to following the orders of the instructor, just like this time, the instructor wants the whole family to mobilize and prepare for battle.The target of the battle is only a few invaders, but every lizard warrior is ready to go to the battlefield, even if they have deep doubts about it.

Soon, the news that Moduo City was destroyed has spread in the Holy Land.And I heard that destroying the city of Moduo was only one of the invaders, so all the lizards no longer doubted that with such terrible power, it really requires the lizards to gather all their power to fight.

According to the generals, this is a battle for the life and death of the lizard clan!

Looking at the temple.

On a white canoe on the edge of the holy lake, the black-robed tutor was holding a wooden crutch.The skull of a cub was embedded on the wooden crutch, and the black eyes of the skull were embedded with two red spars, as if the cub was still alive, still looking at the world with its scarlet eyes.

The instructor looked at the temple, where the once-in-decade sacrifice was being held.Red pennants were raised on the sanctuary, and they fluttered in the wind, symbolizing Kana's blessing to the lizards.

The tradition of the lizard tribe, and even the culture of this race, are handed down by the teacher.Then it was passed down from generation to generation, until now no one knows how these things came about, only to obey them silently.

Like those red pennants, it was simply the whim of the instructor back then, and the purpose was only to add certain symbols to the sacrifice.As for what Kana’s blessings are, that is even more imaginary.

The instructor turned around, and with the help of two strong lizard warriors, he went ashore.Walking towards the holy temple on the shore, he has lived in this holy temple for countless years, even if the lizard tribe will renovate his holy temple every three years.But no matter how it was renovated, the erosive air was floating in this small holy temple, like a tomb.

No one can enter the holy temple. All the guards of the holy temple stopped in front of the door and watched the small figure of the tutor disappear into the darkness of the holy temple.

The hall of the holy temple was flickering with fire, the fire was not bright, only barely illuminating a little place.The instructor walked to a sculpture. It was a sculpture of Kana. He raised his head. Kana was a solemn woman. She stretched out her hands as if to embrace the world.The instructor smiled, and even Kana's sculpture was completed with the craftsmen of the lizard clan according to his intentions.This sculpture is infused with a certain divinity, but it is a thousand miles away from the real Karna.

The instructor knocked on the statue of Kana with a wooden crutches. This is a disrespectful behavior among the lizards, but there is no one here. Who sees such disrespectful behavior by the instructor?After knocking on the sculpture, the base of the sculpture moved back, revealing an underpass leading to the underground.The secret path was not dark, and there was a luminous spar lighting up the air below, and the instructor went down.The pedestal of the sculpture returned to its original position, and the holy temple seemed unchanged, only the teacher disappeared.

The underpass is very long, the stairs are spiral, and it goes deep into the ground.When the instructor came to the ground, he looked up and the stairs were already submerged in darkness.This is a small round hall, with some patterns carved on the smooth walls on all four sides, which are almost the same as the murals on the lizard slave screen tower, but the lizards here are very majestic.

There is a passage in front of the rotunda, and the instructor walked through this passage and came to an open basement.Looking up, everything is submerged in the dimness, and only the luminous crystals of miscellaneous growth flicker in the darkness, like stars.

In front is a flat ground with several stone steps at the end, and a platform above it.A white sarcophagus was placed on the platform, which was the real sacred coffin where Karna was sleeping.But the instructor knew that there was no Kana in the holy coffin, and the holy coffin was only a container of Kana's will.At that time, Kana left this will and he left, and he guarded this sacred coffin and the lizard clan Kana left behind for endless years. All this was only for the Dawn Project.

The entire Hong Tak is the treasure house of the king left by Karna!

The instructor walked on the platform. The underground river that flows through the platform over the years is formed by the accumulation of the water of the holy lake. It flows far away and finally merges into the Zanamu River.In the distance, there was a ray of light coming down from the darkness, which was cast from the star well in the temple.

The instructor told the lizards that under the star well is the habitat of Karna, but in fact, there is still a little difference.

A thin hand stretched out from the black robe, and it landed on the sarcophagus, stroking the rough lines, and a hoarse voice sounded in the black robe: "He is here, the man whose destiny is determined, the son of dawn."

"I want him to leave, but he is very overbearing, unreasonably rejected my request, and regards Hong Tak, the lizard clan and even you as something he deserves. What an arrogance is this!"

The instructor’s voice raised slightly. This is a rare event in the endless years he has lived. He was excited and said: "I will not let him do this! Even if he is the Son of Dawn, even if he has powerful power. But In Hongtak, in the Holy Land, I am the true god! Here, he must bow his head to me. I will not let him get the lizard clan, let alone give you away."

He paused, bent down, and the person stuck to the cold sarcophagus and muttered: "Kana, my love. I swear I will protect you forever. I will not let your only will disappear like this. You Just wait, wait, I will give you a new life."

At this time, there was singing.Even though the singing is very light, but in this quiet underground, he can hear clearly. The teacher stood up, and the singing gradually approached after a while.It was a song sung in Ebony, a very old ballad. It was a song written by the teacher to commemorate her shortly after Kana left.

Three small boats approached leisurely from the other end of the Dihe River. Driven by the river, the boats flowed along the water without using remote oars.The bow of the ship was lit, and the lights flickered in the dim ground, reflecting the red cloth straps tied to the ship's hull. They fluttered in the wind, making the instructor seem to see the woman who was flamboyant like a flame.

He stretched out his hand to catch, but only caught the air.

There are women singing on the boat. They are women of the lizard race.And according to some requirements of the instructor, some adjustments were made during production.This made them very close to what the teacher thought.

In general, these women are very close to humans, and it is difficult to distinguish them from humans, except for a few barely visible scales near their collarbone.They wore almost transparent tulle robes, and under the firelight, the two blushes on their chests loomed.

Apart from this robe, they did not wear any other clothes.

The three small boats approached near the platform, and the woman on the boat stepped onto the shore, stepped barefoot on the stone steps, walked to the platform, and knelt down towards the instructor.

The instructor did not turn around, and said solemnly: "You are holy daughters selected from countless people. You should feel honored, because one of you will serve as a container for Karna's reincarnation. Karna will wake up in one of you. And will lead the lizard clan to create new glory!"

The three women were shaking tremblingly, and uncontrollable excitement surged in their eyes.

The instructor touched the ground with a wooden corner, and the platform vibrated.A stone platform slowly rises beside the holy coffin, and finally it is level with the base of the holy coffin.It can be seen that between the stone platform and the base of the holy coffin, there are vine-like things connected, and these things slowly move, revealing such a strange smell.

The instructor turned around and asked faintly: "Who will come first?"

"Please let me try." The middle woman stood up.

The instructor nodded, she gently took off her robe and lay on the stone platform naked.After she fell asleep, the edge of the stone platform kept crawling out like tree roots, which entangled the woman's hands and feet and pierced her skin.

During the whole process, the woman clenched her teeth without screaming.