I found myself in an empty, white space.

Hi. It's been a while.

Yoichi tried to call out to the administrator who was supposed to be nearby, but there was no response.

I looked around, but I didn't see her.

A voice reaches Yoichi's ears as he tilts his head, wondering if it might be just a dream.


I turned my attention to the direction of the voice and saw the administrator there, waving his hand from a short distance away.

Why is it so far away?

I find myself patting my chest in relief, wondering at the sight of a petite woman in a wisteria-colored kimono that didn't really exist a moment ago.

Apparently, he was unconsciously worried that he hadn't seen her for a long time.

It's been a long time since I've seen you, Fujino-do! It's me!

'Yes, yes, I've noticed.

To her loud voice, Yoichi replied to her with a normal volume of voice, aware that his own voice probably didn't reach her, and gave her a small wave.


As soon as Yoichi confirmed that he was aware of him, the administrator began to run.

It's full speed ahead.



The administrator, sprinting towards Yoichi, soars skyward as he approaches the bewildered man a few meters away.

Yoichi felt his feet shake slightly beneath him as his eyes were drawn to the leaping administrator.


At the same time, the heat clings to me.

When I looked down, I saw a steel plate rising from the ground - I'm not sure if it was or not, but it seemed so - seared by a raging fire.

This is ...... no way!


Yoichi, who had been transfixed by the iron plate, looked up at the call, and just as he looked up, he saw the administrator make a spectacular turn.

Then she spread her arms and legs out to the fullest .......


It was like being sucked down to a steel plate.

The janitor!

--Jew: .......

Despite falling from a considerable altitude, without any recoil at all, the clothes of the administrator, which were attached to the griddle, were scorched, and the unpleasant sound and smell of burning flesh spread through the white space.

'U...... ah......'

Hey, janitor!

The administrator slowly raises his head with a groan.

She turns her burnt out face to Yoichi and opens her mouth.

''Ta...... help me please ......Fujinodo-san......!

Yoichi nodded repeatedly in silence at that strange scene.


'Hmmm ...... How was your longest 'jumping baked five body throw'?'

'No really, please don't, it's heartbreaking. ......

Yoichi replies to the administrator, who is completely clean and proud, as if the devastation from earlier was a lie, with a heartfelt look of dismay.

''No, no, since we're asking you for a great favor, we have to show our sincerity too.

'You don't have to do that, how could I ignore your request for a janitor?

Oh, that's very nice of you to say.

Yoichi, slightly thrown off by the sincerely happy administrator's smile, sighs to cover it up.

''So, what kind of favor do you want from me?''

''Well, I'd like to ask Mr. Fujinodo to do something for me: ......

The staggering figure of the manager stagnated, and Yoichi suddenly had a thought.

(Well, did she ever ask you to do something for her?)

I've gotten down on my knees and grilled on my knees before, but it was all due to her apology for her ineptitude.

I think she said something like 'Please check your skills once in a while' when she got the skill of 【Sewatari skill】, but basically she should have kept a laissez-faire attitude towards Yoichi.

The fact that she would go out of her way to ask for something, even to the extent of staging a "jumping-roasted five-body pitch," must be quite a feat.

(Although she says ......, she does come up with some unexpectedly senseless things, doesn't she?

The administrator turned a prepared expression to Yoichi, who was smiling bitterly in his mind while thinking about such things.


Yes, sir.

The administrator lightly closed his eyes and took a small, deep breath.

Then he opened his eyelids and turned his serious gaze to Yoichi.

I want you to save the world.