Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

Episode 13 Relax with the Princess Knight *

Samantha and Sheehan, who obtained [Health Form θ] in the same way as Minori, saw a dramatic increase in their work efficiency.

"Well, is it going to be possible for us to use appliances from now on?

If there is a converter that can convert magic absorbed from Magic Stones and Magic Crystals into electricity, you can still use those devices that require electricity in the future.

"No, at least I'm not gonna do that."


"Yeah, I'm running out of time this time, so I'm gonna use that machine, but I don't think I want it distributed."

"May I ask why?

"There's no deep reason to say this... but I really just don't like it."


As Yoichi leans his neck, Sheehan leaks a light bitter smile.

"Hey Yang, if magic equipment starts to circulate in that world, don't you think it'll be troublesome?

Ah, well...

"It's like that."

"I see....."

It was certainly cumbersome to think about what kind of changes would be made to society when the equipment of too remote civilizations began to be used on a daily basis, if used individually or in small groups.

"That's why I made such a troublesome conversion device.Generators are much easier. "

"Oh, is that so?

That's right. Generating electricity basically turns the turbine, right?Then just bring the wind turbine and keep pouring the magic wind. "

Well, I see.

People will be interested in the equipment they bring in this time and will analyze it, and then the day may come when it can be reproduced with magic tools.

Maybe someday someone will come up with a power generation system.

"It would be nice if someone other than me would do that."

I see.

She seemed to have faith in her.

Yoichi, who helped work on the workshop for a while and left Smith's workshop as the sun went up, visited the integrated operations headquarters.

"Is it here... surprisingly small?

It was a temporary government building built by taking over the official residence of the deputy who had ruled the town.

A full-scale government building is currently under construction at a rapid pitch.

Yoichi, who is allowed to enter and exit the headquarters, shows his Adventurer Guild ID and enters the temporary government building, heading to the room assigned to Rosana.

Sorry to bother you, it's Yoichi.

"Come in."

When I entered the less spacious room, Rosanna and Alana appeared.

"Is this a ceremonial meeting?

"Well, that's it."

"It's a lot of trouble to check the progress together.People from all walks of life are coming together.This kind of thing makes my shoulders stiff.... "

Both of them were tired on their faces.

Somehow, I'm bored.

When Yoichi said so, they both laughed bitterly.

"No, it's Yoichi who works most, right?

"Compared to Yoichi, who is flying all over the continent, our work is quite insignificant."

"No, I don't think so.

Yoichi responded modestly, delighted that they would take care of themselves in this way.

"By the way, Yoichi, can I help you?

"Yes, there's something I want to talk to you about."

And Yoichi explained to Rosanna et al about [healthy body θ].

Hmm, if that's the case, I'll cut it up early today.

In Rosanna's words, Alana looks surprised.

"No, but we're the only ones..."

"Fufu, don't be shy."

Rosanna smiles gently at Alana, who is terrified.

"The increase in Tokoroten's combat power is highly strategic.And if Alana gets tired, I'll be saved. "

Rosanna decided to work with her because it was a good opportunity to work so far.

Since Rosanna and the others were sleeping at a nearby hotel, the three of them went there and had dinner at the restaurant where they were co-located.

I'll see you tomorrow.

The care of Rosana was entrusted to the sidekick who was accompanying her from King's Landing, and Yang and the others parted from her.

○ ● ○ ●

Back in the room, Yoichi and Alana were already tangled naked on the bed.

After a modest foreplay, Alana leans on her back and spreads her legs.Yoichi, who stood on his knees before that, put a meat stick on her secret part.

"Ahhh... Yoichi... come..."

Yoichi, who caught his vagina at the tip, pushed his hips out at the request of the princess knight.


For the first time, a meat stick was inserted.


Hold Alana's leg and wave.

The stick was wrapped in soft, lewd meat, and rubbed against it.

Alana shook her full-bodied breasts loosely as she was thrust in front of Yangyi and made a loud noise from the junction.

"Fuaah... that feels so good...!

When the mucous membranes rub together, the intertwined soft sound and the sweet smell that sticks to your whole body fill the room.

It was unusual, very normal sex, but they were in melting pleasure together.

"Ahhhhh!Yoichi... come...!

They have met again and again.

At the request of Alana, who realized that their climax was near, Yoichi released the semen.

--Plurururururururgh!!!Pyuru! Pyuru! Pyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

"Nh... hah...!

Alana's body turned upside down.

"Ah... ah..."

The princess knight moans briefly as her cum is released, pulsating with a stick wrapped in soft, tangled pork.

As you push your hips up with your eyes full, you'll pour semen into your womb as you gently open your mouth at the tip.

"Nh... fuu... yoich... I'm thumping..."

Alana was also experiencing a big orgasm with a hot stimulus pouring semen into the deepest part of her body.

Every time the semen is released, she trembles.

Tighten up your vagina to squeeze out more of your child.

"Yoichi, please... kiss me..."

At the request of the princess knight, Yoichi leaned over her body and clasped her lips.

In the meantime, ejaculation isn't over yet.

"Lo... chupu... jubu..."

With every pulsation, you feel the pleasure of burning your brain.

With the meat stick sticking into Alana's vagina, I felt the semen overflowing from the junction, and they kept tangling their tongues for a while.