Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

Amanda Suzano 1

One evening.

Walking along a certain shopping street in Japan, Yoichi and Amy appeared.

Yoichi wears a jacket over his T-shirt, and a boot on the bottom of his denim, which is a little ruffier but a little prettier than usual.

Amy walks next to him in the form of a cardigan, loose chef's pants and sneakers over a cutout with a slightly bigger collar.

No, it was funny, wasn't it?

The two people who walked side by side were both smiling.

Until recently, I was watching rave performances in the performing arts.

"I finally understood the meaning of the word 'Sokotunagaya', which Aniki was talking about."

Amy said happily.

Coarse Kotsuya is one of the most famous acts in classical slang.

It is a strange story that one day a vulgar - an inadvertent person - who died on the return of a drunkard, went home unaware of his death because of vulgarism, and was taken by his neighbor to face his body the next morning.

And finally, a man holding his own body,

It's definitely me, but who's holding me?

- That's how it ends.

Yoichi remembered this story when he saw Amy reincarnated in another world and saw her body off when she died on Earth.

"Oh, but the speaker is important, isn't it?"


Yoichi pointed his mouth at Amy's teasing words.

Amy, who had been informed of the contents of the abandoned longhouse by Yoichi in advance, could understand what he was saying, but she did not know what was interesting about this story.

When I heard professional slang in the theater today, I laughed angrily.

Comparing Yoichi, an amateur, with the poignant rakugo, is a poor story.

Ahahah, if you're puffy, you're cute, aren't you?

Amy hugged Yoichi's arm, which was slightly in a bad mood.

The elasticity of the chest and the perfume scent unexpectedly loosened the expression. He is a chaotic man.

Well then, let's get in the car and get out of here.

"I did it! I'm driving with Aniki!!"

What Amy wanted for this holiday was a drive-through with Yoichi. That was the end of the slang.

Yoichi and Ami, who took the domestic SUV, left the metropolitan area on the highway for the time being, and then went down the general road at an appropriate place.

Then, I washed my car without a destination in particular.

"I'll play it on the radio."

It doesn't mean it won't last long, but I miss having no BGM, so Yoichi switched on the radio.

From the speaker, an unknown personality talks in a good mood.

"Aniki, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, that's right."

It was necessary to hear the words directly from the speaker when translating with the magic tool Amy was wearing.

That's why I went all out of my way to the performing arts venue in a time when I could hear slang from video and audio data.

Yoichi inadvertently forgot about it.

I'm sorry, but please play the music appropriately.

Yoichi said that and handed the smartphone to Amy.

For Yoichi, who wasn't really supposed to listen to music, it was nice to be able to listen to a variety of songs with a subscription.

The drive continues as Amy plays the music from the playlist of her choice.

Yoichi, who was gripping the steering wheel, was consciously moving his gaze around him.

While watching the surroundings, enjoying the view from the window and the music flowing in the car, I suddenly felt my gaze and glanced at the passenger seat.

Amy looked at her with a smile on her mouth.

What's the matter?

Yoichi asked Amy as he turned his gaze forward.

"Nnh, it's nothing"

After saying something happily, I felt her gaze move away from me.

Once again, a glance at the passenger seat revealed Amy enjoying the view while singing.

Ahh, yes, the reaction of the aunts was interesting, right?

As Amy suddenly remembered,

"Well, I thought he was dead. He was alive."


A little while ago, Yoichi and Amy visited the Republic of Nerekzistas once.

So I reunited with the members of the Resistance.

I also checked the body, and the person who did the funeral was still alive, so it was already a big fuss.

Amy explained to the surprising members that she had faked her own death.

Currently, the Republic of Nerekdistas is working to restore economic and order with the help of the United States.

The chaos that followed the disappearance of the giant criminal organization, Oura Tagigo, was greatly contained by Ed and Yoichi's efforts.

Since then, although the government is trying to rebuild the country with some power, various anxieties and grievances will erupt over time.

At the moment, the inconvenient part is mostly because of Carlo, so I collected Hate from the dead Suzano team and drained the gas well, but if Amy is alive, I can't use that hand.

And even with another hand, if Amy, Carlo's daughter, were alive, there would be those who would point the tip of their wrath at her.

Yoichi and Amy told the members of the Resistance the story of how Amy died and escaped from the country...

That's why you shouldn't tell anyone that Atai is alive.

The member showed confusion to Amy when she said that.

They are now helping the government with US aid and would like Ami to come back if they can.

There are still many members who admire her for leading the Resistance while still young.

Amy, are you happy now?

In the meantime, that middle-aged woman who stabbed Carlo in the head asked.

The Resistance is now centered around her.

Yeah! I'm so happy to be with Aniki.

I see. Then you can live freely.

She's at the heart of the Resistance, working harder than anyone, and she wants Amy back.

After what she said, the other members couldn't hope for Amy's return.

Thank you, Auntie.

Oh, be happy.

Having said that, they hugged each other.

”Fufufu... even so, Amy, you've grown up.”

Ahahah, you're saying the same thing as you, huh?

Well, a kid like you hasn't grown up in a while.

Apparently, Amy was able to agree that her appearance had changed because of the growing season.