Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

Three story transfer failures?

Yaichi should have died from being stuck in a truck.

At the same time he was flown into an unidentified white space with the dead Dondo, where he met a woman he called the administrator of the world.

And Todo was reincarnated as someone else to the other world.

It seems that Yaichi's death was unexpected, and he was granted the convenient skill of "Classic Skill Set" as his original body, which was to be transferred to another world.

... but this is modern Japan, no matter what you think.

So was that a dream I had in the shock of losing consciousness in an accident?

I needed to make sure of that anyway.


Even if Yaichi remembers that, nothing is going to happen.

For once, the body seems to move, but Yaichi, who had previously seen it on TV or something that suddenly it's not good to get up after a long sleep, looked at the sealing lights, side equipment, etc. while falling asleep and said, "Appraisal!" "What's this? I tried to remember," but I have no particular reaction.

I tried it out in my voice and it still didn't respond.

After a while, a young male doctor visited Yangichi and confirmed a lot.

The first thing is that the truck driver's company will cover all the costs of treatment and testing, and will conduct a precision test tomorrow.

It's only been about half a day since the accident, so you can get up or walk, but intense exercise and getting out of the hospital was forbidden.

"Um, wasn't there another one?

"Yes. unfortunately for you..."


It seems certain that there was one more person at the scene of the accident and that the other person died.

I wanted to verify my identity but couldn't tell you because it involves personal information.

On the unfortunate side, I was also a little relieved by the high level of compliance awareness on the part of the hospital.

Thanks to the rest of the day and medical practices such as infusions, my health was amazing.

Anyway, Yaichi, who remembered to be hungry and was not satisfied with the hospital meal right now, bought sandwiches and a can of coffee at a store in the hospital.

Because they didn't say anything about dietary restrictions.

The next day, MRI, Lentgen, etc. were tested, and in the meantime, police came to ask about the situation.

Explain what you remember for once.

"Who's the driver who had the accident?

"He's dead. With myocardial infarction. And the cause of the accident."


"Oh, nice to meet you too"

Passed to me by a police officer is a written statement asking the perpetrator for severe punishment.

I wondered if I would whip the dead, and I said I would not ask for punishment.

I asked him about the other victim in the attempt, but he still couldn't tell me.

"Oh, my information to the driver's company..."

"I didn't tell you from the police. That's a lot of trouble."

"They're supposed to pay for the treatment here..."

"Don't worry, we can do that now without seeing each other."

Yaichi was very impressed with the words.

They told me to apply because if anything was damaged in the possession, I might be able to get compensation, but miraculously the possession was intact and the contents of the wallet were perfectly fine.

With regard to accidents, there have been detailed procedures since then, but nothing notable will be omitted.

It was about evening that the examination was all done.

I'm going to stay another night.

I'm going to do everything I can to check and verify it, and I'll check all the newspapers first.

And I found the name I was looking for in the death column of the regional paper.

Yoichi Higashido

The farewell ceremony was tomorrow afternoon.

Next I'll take a look at the English newspaper.


Apparently [language understanding] skills don't activate either.

Go back to the hospital room and check your possessions.

Even so, it's about the clothes I wore that day and the smartphones, wallets and towels in the cheap shoulder bags.

There was also a near-drinking pet bottle of tea, but it was discarded in relation to hygiene, which was accompanied by a word of note.

Thanks to the absence of any major injuries, the clothes were not even cut off and washed beautifully.

When I saw it, there was a cage of fruit.

Apparently, a sympathy from the company to which the driver who caused the accident belonged.

It looks like the hospital staff brought it here after depositing it at the reception instead of the company brought it directly here.

Yangichi has no habit of eating fruit aggressively, so he recommended it to the people in the same room.

"... hmm?

When I took all the fruit, there was an envelope at the bottom of the serving cage.

Nothing was written, but there was 100,000 yen in it in cash.

Nothing in particular, like paperwork or notes.

I have heard that when I receive these things, I will be disadvantaged by the conversation, etc., but since they were in a bearer envelope and there is no evidence of whether or not I received them, it would be fine to have them.

Having so decided, Yaichi decided to ask for 100,000 yen.

I tried a lot to take the smartphone I noticed at first sight and store it in different spaces, but I should still say, there was no particular reaction.

(After all, I wonder if what happened in that space was a dream...)