Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

2 Tales Different World Survival

Yaichi was walking unmistakably through Jana's forest.

It was such a depressed forest that, as in a certain tree sea, walking a few meters back would make it an unrecognizable view anymore.

If it's training, you can walk appropriately and defeat the demons, then [return] to try to wreck them, but this time there is a clear destination.

A place, probably a city, just east of Home Point 1.

If you walk poorly, you could be heading in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

If you have to, you can return at any time in [Return], but if you have returned every time you are in distress, you will not be able to reach your destination for long, and you will not be able to start a different world adventure.

Yet Yaichi still walks.

It's as if you know the right way.

No, I know.


The more I use it, the more amazing I am at the abundance of its features.

What I kept using was that I could do most of the things that the WEB search engine seemed to be able to do.

Not only could searching for the information you wanted to know give you answers, but you could also search for images, videos, and maps.

Its source is The Treasure of Knowledge, and it can use the divine power of administrators to view information from any location.

It is also possible to check in advance the details of the city if you are curious about it, but Yaichi doesn't like rattles, so he doesn't look into anything more than is necessary.

Yaichi, and that administrator who gave her skills, didn't know, but this [appraisal], or [appraisal +], to be precise, was actually changing.

The protection given by the administrator at a later stage is repeatedly customized to make it easier for Yangichi to use.

"I wish this were the case," he said vaguely, changing in the form of an answer.

[Appraisal +] had grown into what is also known as the "Mori Luo Vientiane Search Engine".

I use navigation from the [Appraisal] map search function to search for the shortest and easiest route to walk and walk without hesitation.

The demons we encounter in the meantime were hunting.

But I ignored demons outside the range of my pistol because it was only my main purpose to go for the city.

As for food, I have just enough things to live with for a month.

It utilizes the [infinite storage] time suspension function to store large quantities of freshly made lunches and take-out items from restaurants, so there is no difficulty in eating.

However, I consider this to be only an emergency food.

I came to another world because of this, so I wanted to try something survival, Yaichi thought.

Hunted demons can be easily dismantled with [Infinite Storage].

Not only demonic meat, but also plants, nuts, fruits and mushrooms native to the forest can be harvested.

You just have to [appraise] to find out if you can eat it and if it tastes good.

I decided to have a meal after walking for about half a day.

It is troublesome to set the boulder on fire, so the cassette stove was removed.

Gas cylinders are also heavily stored.

On the contrary, I even have a full gas stove and LP gas cylinder, but when I got that out from the start, I decided to weigh myself this time because the atmosphere was going to break somehow.

Serve slabs and knives and cut demon meat appropriately.

It seems that the meat of demons tends to taste so good that it becomes so high ranked from the relationship of possession magic that I use the meat of one id-bearer.

Cut the mushrooms and mountain vegetables collected appropriately and place them in a monkey and wash them with water using a water tank with cock.

Of course I bring plenty of water.

All you have to do is season it properly while cooking in a frying pan.

The rice is purchased as a five-litre cooker for business, and the pre-cooked rice is stored for each cooker.

Put that in a bowl for about 2 in. The cooker goes to [infinite storage] quickly while the rice doesn't cool at all.

Take out a mug bottle with hot tea to replace it.

Pinch the stir-fried meat and vegetables directly from the frying pan with chopsticks, whilst stirring in the guts and rice.


Yaichi replaced another two-in-one meal with tongue drums on the first demonic meat he had eaten, mountain vegetables from different worlds, and mushrooms.

"Phew, I ate..."

Yangichi snapped satisfactorily as he clawed his teeth with a claw twig.

After storing the dishes used in [infinite storage], it is not necessary to wash them purposefully because the maintenance function will make them clean.

(No, you feel exactly like a different world survival!!

Auto camping is also an easy outdoor self-catering in bright blue, but if the person is satisfied with this, the problem remains.

Walk another half day or so and decide to go to bed because the sun went down.

Yaichi had several types of tents available, sometimes in the woods, and decided to use a tree tent, with rope between the trees and fixed in the air in a hammock-like fashion.

It was Yaichi, who had no experience putting up tents in the open air, but it was surprisingly easy to install.

I didn't mean to say luxurious things like wanting to take a shower from the first day, but Yaichi, who wanted to at least wash her face and hands and feet before going to bed, removed the manual accumulation type mobile shower from [infinite storage].

It has about 40°C of hot water in the tank, and if you move the pump to increase the air pressure, all you have to do is pull the lever and it's a convenient silo thing to shower.

Wash face and hands and feet using a facial cleanser that comes out with foam.

I don't have body soap or hand soap because if I could use it on my face, I would be able to use it all over my body.

After some neatness, Yaichi entered the tent.

No matter, it is ground-foot forbidden.

After entering the tent, he removed his gear, took off his clothes and changed his underwear.

Clothes and underwear are also clean by using the [Infinite Storage] maintenance feature, so laundry is not necessary.

Keep the undressed underwear in storage and re-wear blade-proof hoodies and other clothes, excluding protectors.

You can't be defenseless enough to look like a sleeping dress in a forest of different worlds where demons just burst.

If a harmful demon or person approaches within a 100-meter radius, set to [appraisal] to issue a warning, and Yaichi enters the sleeping bag.

My skills had grown enough to say that it was time to re-examine the meaning of the word [appraisal] in the dictionary once, but I couldn't help but care less now, so I was Yaichi, who had too much convenience and had no trouble reopening it.

Especially in the morning without anyone interrupting me.

Finish your breakfast with a convenience store sandwich and coffee.

Around the mouth of something that can be done quickly, it is a mindset below the children's party barbecue.

The coffee was made on a larger server with thermal insulation so that it could be poured into a cup and drunk.

I'm going to keep the garbage together and put it out on garbage day as well.

I do not intend to pollute the forest, albeit in different worlds.

Yaichi held on to his natural good sense as a Japanese, "Prettier than when he came".

Yaichi, who demolished and stored the tent, walks through the woods again for the city.

If things go well, we should be able to reach the city tomorrow.

That's how [the appraisal] has informed me of people's presence when I walk until after noon or so and say it's time for lunch.

I set it to let them know if I had a chance to get in contact with the locals and if there were people within a 100 meter radius, and they seemed to have reacted to it.

A little off the route, but Yaichi decided to head over there while he was on guard.

Walk carefully while hiding yourself in the shade to avoid making noise.

Eventually, I was able to confirm the appearance of the four people.

Other than that, he also looked like someone who was falling, but he doesn't respond to the search for [appraisal].

I [appraised] one of those who was falling to try, and "Status: Death" was confirmed.

(Ugh, it's a corpse...)

Yaichi turned his attention to the four living people, while resembling the creeps on the corpses rolling many unwrought.

A man who came in sheet metal armor stands, a man in a robe sitting slightly apart.

A man in leather armor probably fell on his knees and a half-naked woman who would have worn armor before that had fallen on her back.

(That sucks, huh?

It is a situation in which a woman is likely to be offended, no matter how she sees it.

A man is about to commit a woman while the body is rolling, and two men are watching over it.

Whatever the circumstances, shouldn't we be helping here?

(No, for example, the body is one of the men, and the woman is a murderous array, so I can finally restrain her, so in return for fun... targeted)

And, while I think of the unlikely situation first, [appraisal] confirms the actions and thoughts of the last few minutes from the birth of the men.

I don't know. The unique noun came out a little bit, but I found out that the men were scumbags, not women, so I decided to help them before it was too late.

Well, how do we get in there to help?

Fortunately, I haven't noticed Yangichi yet.

If so, it would be safest to kill him accidentally before he noticed.

...... but demons are not sure they can kill people even if they can.

(Ma, if I suck, can I just [return] and run away)

In the meantime, Yaichi, who decided to speak up with a bare gesture without hostility while remaining round his waist, began to walk towards the four of them.

"Uh, sorry."