Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

Fifteen stories.

When he slept for about two hours and asked if the date would change, Yaichi also moved to Home Point 4, which he had installed south of Coruso.

From there, run the motorcycle towards the north, aiming for a planned point of battle with the demon Witzilli, so as to avoid the eye.

We traveled for about five hours and as the night began to dawn, we could see the Ground Dragon in the distance.

"I can spare a little time, and I'll give it a shot."

Yaichi got off the motorcycle and removed Samantha's made objective rifle from [Infinite Storage +].

I already put a dedicated bullet in the magazine.

The distance from the subject is less than 200 meters.

I haven't noticed the other side yet.

[Appraisal +] to aim and pull the trigger.

- Doshung!

A shock incomparable to an assault gun is transmitted to the body, but it is no longer the bearer of muscle power that gently wields a dagger exceeding 100 kilograms.

The impact did not cause the rays to brace, and the bullet flew exactly as it was intended.

At the end of his gaze, the Earth Dragon giant collapsed.


In Earth-made weapons made of non-magical materials, they are ineffective against demons, and in the earlier Demon Mass Rampage (Stampede), several anti-tank missiles were required to defeat this Earth Dragon.

But the bullet containing magic, made of materials from this world, pierced strong dragon scales and skin, and bones, destroying the Earth Dragon's brain.

"Three times is not a lie."

Yaichi shrugged so as he ran his motorcycle to Earth Dragon's and looked down at the carcass.

And when we put that carcass in [infinite storage +], we set out again for our destination, from which, in about an hour, we arrived near the planned point of battle with the demon Witzilli.

"Oh, you're quite ready already."

At the end of Yangichi's gaze, adventurers were trying to put together timber and other things to build a position.

It would be foolish to just wait for the enemy to do nothing more than find out the demon's path and planned battle points.

Let's go around here, then.

A little further from the position, he chose a discreet location, and Yaichi changed the home point 4 he set yesterday from south of Coruso to his current location.

"Phew... well, let's go home"

The home point I installed south of Coruso is no longer available, so I cannot return with [return +].

Unlike the midnight trip, we occasionally needed to avoid the eyes, so it took a little extra time to get home, and it was just a little after noon that we saw the town.

"The Graphs, after they left already"

Earlier this morning, the first group of adventurers, including the red flash, were leaving.

Do you plan to fight the demon Witzilli for like 12 hours on foot with a carriage?

It will take half a day to go on a relatively flat spot near the town, from where it will be on foot.

If we leave early in the morning, we'll be able to make it to the position before sundown.

It takes a day and a half to get to the planned battle with the demon Sugar on foot with the carriage.

Like in the first place, after traveling by carriage for half a day and staying overnight, the next day I plan to walk through from sunrise to sunset to reach the position.

Half a day's carriage to the camp, which means the second team will have just finished preparing to leave.

Both are due to intercept the demons the day after their arrival at the position, so they plan to come to the fight after taking full rest and remaining nervous.

"Hey, Minori!

As we got off the motorcycle on the way down and approached the town for a small run, the northern entrance was crowded with adventurers from the second inning.

In it, Yaichi found Minori and rushed over with a voice.

"Welcome back, Yaichi!

To support Alec and Emma in the Demon Sugar Battle, Minori accompanies them to the second inning.

Right on her side was Alana, who came to see me off.

"Heh heh, it's late, so I thought we might make it."

"Sorry. Sorry."

I wanted to be a little bit of a yes if I could, but Alana was getting attention so I weighed myself down and killed time with a light chat to time.

"For the town, for the empire, and for humanity! We will destroy demons and destroy demons!! Let's go -!!!


A roar rises from the adventurers to the words of Alec in different world modes.


And with the decree, the carriage begins to run sequentially.

"Then Minori, go. Be careful."

"Yes, and Yaichi and Alana"

"Um. I'll see you later."

Yaichi and Alana, who dropped off Minori, returned to the inn once.

"I would be tired of working. I have time, and Lord Yoichi needs to rest."

Yaichi, who took a nap about two hours along the way but kept traveling for more than forty hours, remembered her moody fatigue.

"I'm sorry, but I'll let you do that."

"Mm-hmm. I'm called by Lord Geezera, so I'll deal with him. I'll be back at night."


After dropping off Alana, Yaichi [returned] to 'Grand Court 2503' and took a slow bath.

Then cancel [Return +] and return to the Coruso Inn.

If you activate it within an hour, you can use the cancel feature to transfer it to a location other than the home point.

"Phew... go to sleep"

After a few minutes of bathing, Yaichi dived into bed and went to deep sleep.

○ ● ○ ●

The next morning, when I woke up, Alana was asleep next door.

I didn't even notice she dived into bed when she came back at night and seemed to be asleep.

Alana, wake up.

"Mmmm... mmm... Phew..."

Alana woke up to the call of Yangichi, waking up her body and stretching heavily.

"Phew... Morning, Yoichi Which"

I woke up. I took Alana, [returned] to 'Grand Court 2503' once, and after a quick shower, I cancel and go back to my room.

It is troublesome when you show your face in the dining room to the public, so I appropriately picked up the dishes I had stored in [Infinite Storage +] and finished my breakfast.

From there, we spend a little time relaxing and getting better while we chat, etc.

"It's time."


And when the sun was high enough, they left the inn and headed towards the stables.

Yaichi, who reached the stables, held Alana and touched her beloved horse, activated [Return +] and transferred to Home Point 5.

"Well, that's spectacular."

It was like a basin surrounded by cut cliffs and mountains.

In that place, which is a little square, more than a thousand demons were hissing.

Yaichi and Alana were in a place where they could look down at it.

"But a bunch of demons is resting."

Here we are a bunch of demons led by the demon Tepeyo.

Beyond being an organism, demons also need sleep and rest.

Unlike the demonic mass outburst (Stampede), which only moves on with momentum, the herd of demons led by Tepeyo was progressing with some degree of control.

Due to the presence of relatively strong species and individuals, it can be referred to as a more dangerous group than a herd of tenfold demonic group runaways (stampedes).

However, it is also easy to predict the path and velocity of the progression because it is regulated.

It was Alana who took them into account and chose this place and time.

If you defeat only the demons, you can't predict how the demons who have left control will move.

They thought it would be best to wait to enter this resting place, as they also wanted to defeat as many demons with the demons as possible.

"Well, this time it's ideal to start at the same time as possible"

The progression routes and velocities of the demons are only predictions.

[Appraisal +] wanted to keep as few irregulars as possible than they didn't have the power to foresee the future.

Apparently, demons can communicate with each other instantly using their telepathic abilities.

Assuming we open the end of the war earlier somewhere, there was a chance that the other demons would join us there or change the route dramatically.

However, as analyzed in [Appraisal +] so far, things have been carried out.

"All right, Sugar and Witzilli have noticed each position"

It appears that the reconnaissance demons that each had unleashed around him discovered the Adventurer's position.

This reconnaissance would have a strong meaning of looking for prey rather than alarm.

Now Sugar and Witzilli should attack nearby positions without hesitation.

"Well, it's time to get started"

After saying that in a mild tone, Yaichi took the heavy machine gun out of [infinite storage +] and let the demon herd rain a bullet.

Every time you hit out 110 rounds of a single belt in seconds, you trade it for a belt-loaded gun.

While pushing the trigger on the new heavy machine gun, attach the belt to what was stored with the [Infinite Storage +] maintenance function and, in a few seconds, replace it with a machine gun that struck out 110 rounds.

That's how he punched more than a thousand rounds uninterrupted into the herd.

"You're bullshitting me over and over again."

Alana shrugged as she watched the demons hurting and falling unknowingly.

Even though there is no magic correction, even though it was originally a powerful weapon, a relatively close range and attack from high altitude killed nearly 200 demons in this pre-emptive attack, injuring individuals who double it.

"Well, it's time for me to go too"

Alana, who attracted her beloved horse, spanned her in a loving motion.

"All right, let's go back to the landscape."

Saying so in a mild tone, Yaichi takes out rocket launchers and grenade launchers one after the other, shooting them all in a row.

By the end of the no-press bombing, more than half of the demons had become incapable of fighting, and the mess had gotten even worse.

"Then I'm coming! Ha!!

Before the confusion subsided at all, Alana drove her horse into formation.

The princess knight, who ran down to reverse drop almost close to the cliff, began to ravage a herd of demons, wielding two cloves of axe spears.