Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

5 Stories Which Should Go

The situation in Wang Capital could be shared to some extent.

If so, we will talk about how it moves next.

"Sure, I'm coming, right?

The first person to raise his voice was William's wife, Ortance.

"I don't care if he eats it, but he breathes righteously."

That said, Celestan gets up too.


There, a new person broke in.

It was François, the mother of Ortans as Celestan's wife, and also Alana's grandmother.


"Mm, it's you..."

My daughter tilts her neck and my husband gives me a slightly bitter look.

To both of those, François walked over in graceful footsteps.

"What happens to the operation of the town when you two leave here?

Soft but somewhere sharp, François asked her husband and daughter.

"That's... if Alana were here -"

"Wait, Mother! Isn't it an act of filial piety, such as spending time in town in your father's crisis!!

Alana disputed Ortance's proposal.

Celestan sighs like he gave up somewhere and sits back in his chair.

François smiled thinly at the appearance of such a husband, then, to reveal his expression, looked to his daughter.


Ortance, stared at by her mother, gave her uncomfortable look and deflected from her face to escape her gaze.

Francois then shifts his gaze to his grandson.

"Now Alana was the Lordship Agent, wasn't she?

"Yes, Grandma."

"Then you decide."

Alana's expression gets a little stiff on her grandmother's words.

"If the Alanas are going to King's Capital, the two guild masters are leaving a message in this town. If you two are going, Alana stays."

So François takes a glimpse of Celestial and Ortance and immediately returns his gaze.

"If you two are going, of course I will accompany you."

The moment I said that, Alana's face looked gently drawn.

"Think carefully. What do you mean, we're going to King's Capital?"

"- I'm going!! Our grandmothers leave us a message!!

When Alana said so to block her grandmother's words, Celestan turned that way with a snort and Ortance sighed.

There, Vista, the butler, advances in.

"Wow, I'm begging you, too. Dear Celestan, François and Ortans. I know you're worried, but please wait for your husband to return at Mailgrad......!

Vista's shoulder, who says so and lowers her head, is trembling in small pieces.

Yaichi and Minori, Sheehan, even though they didn't know what it meant, watched the situation.


As the strained air drifts, François leaks a grin and the venue loosens up a little.

"Okay, we'll stay in town. Are you guys okay with that, too?

"... well, fine"

"Ha ha... I can't help it"

Alana and Vista stroked their chests down relieved to answer Celestan and Ortans.

Alana, please tell me about your dad.

"Yeah, I got it, Mother."

To her daughter's answer, Ortance smiled.

"If it's going to take a while, I'll always be there to help you, okay? Ugh......"

Alana and Vista's expressions freeze again at the words unleashed with a bright look.

"Oh, my lady! Get Ready Now!!

"Oh, yeah! Lord Yoichi! And what else is everyone doing!? Let's go!!

"Huh? Ah... Ooh..."

Yang Yi followed the lord's deputy and deacon leaving the room in a state of haste, bewildered.

○ ● ○ ●

Then Vista and Alana rushed to get ready, and Yang Yi was stuffed into Griffon flights during that one.

"Lord Yoichi, if one of you leads the way, what can you do about the rest? There is no faster way!?

"What!? No, I'll just ask Charlotte... '

And I asked if there was any good way to get around, but aircraft such as Cessna and Helicopter were not readily available.

The issue of the distance travelled can be managed by refuelling and maintenance in [infinite storage +], but we cannot help but prepare the fuselage itself.

Otherwise, we looked at the fastest way to get around [appraisal +], but in the end it turned out to be the fastest way to get to Griffon flights.

"Ready or not, okay?

Lord Yoichi will have most of it, won't he? You're free to come and go as long as you get there, so the first thing to do is go!!

"Lady, you're ready! Come on, come on!!


and so forth, Yaichi and four of Alana, Minori and Sheehan get on the basket and become empty people.

"Then I'm not careful."

Samantha stayed in town because of backward support.

It was quicker for Minori to support it with magic than riding it alone on Griffon flights, and then Alana and Sheehan wouldn't ride it because it's a range of errors, so the four of us got to ride the basket.

"Phew... I'm sorry I rushed you"

Griffon flights went some way and Alana said so and bowed her head to everyone when she calmed down.

"No, well, I guess there was a situation..."

"If I could talk, would you be happy to talk"

"Saya. I don't know why. I don't care if they push me in."

"Mmmm... sorry for overlapping"

Alana said that, she bowed her head again.

"So, when the masters go to the king's capital, is there something wrong?

From the way François put it, and the attitude of Alana and Vista who took it, I could imagine that those three had some problem visiting the King's Capital.

"Uhm, right... when your grandfathers go to King's Capital..."


"... the king's capital will perish"




Minori and Sheehan raised their voices as if they were surprised by Alana's words, but Yaichi seemed convinced.

"Uh, Yaichi?

"What, Yang Yi seems convinced, but is there something wrong with you? Just the three of us?

"No, just three or something..."

So after getting a little nagging to think about it, Yaichi looked up and looked at Minori and Sheehan alternately.

"For example, do you think that if we really attacked Wang Du, we could fall for it?

"On what terms?

"Conditions and everything, if you use all the power you can have."

"I don't know..."

It is unclear to what extent Wang Du's power of war is, but using as many modern weapons as Yaichi can prepare, Minori unleashes all his magic and magic.

If there were a defensive facility like the junction, we would be able to disable it with Sheehan's sabotage, and no one would be able to stop Alana wielding a two-button axe spear.

"Maybe it's possible."

"I mean, there's no such thing as a town where we're really falling for it?

"Right? Me and Minori got pretty strong, and I added Sheehan to Samantha, which should have greatly increased my fighting power..."

"Maybe those three are strong in our full line, or something?

"Us, mostly cheats?

"Hey, instead of the three of us, what is it?"

Yaichi used [Appraisal +] a long time ago to try to assemble the tactics of Tokoroten.

"I still can't see the winning muscle against one master..."

In Yangichi's words, Minori and Sheehan solidified with their mouths open.

Only one Alana is smiling as convinced.

"Your grandfather alone, in half a day, will be punished by about a hundred royal nobles, including the king."

What happens when Ortance and François are added there.

Ortans, the Sorcerer Alliance Master, can use banned level extensive extermination witchcraft, and with François' bow arm, physical facility destruction from a distance is possible.

Besides, François is also the predecessor guild master of the Sorcerer's Guild, and the arm of sorcery is no less than Ortance.

In the meantime, there are a number of unexpected scrolls in the nearby Mage Guild.

"No, the King's Capital. Instead, the world sucks!!

Yaichi, who [appraised] the hypothetical results of three people, Celestial, Ortance and François, when they directed all of the forces they could have without restriction towards destructive activities, accidentally raised his voice.

"I mean, why are people with such strategic-class power left out?

"Well, I'm hiding my powers,"

Alana is right, too much power can be troublesome if exposed, so starting with Celestan, Dark Elves and High Elves are good at the art of deception.

"... that's it. Yeah, I'll talk to you!! Is there anybody in this world with the power of a strategic-class but a broken one?!?

"Are you that surprised? Even if it had ruinous power, it wouldn't matter if it wasn't used."

"No, no, I'm just scared I might use it!?

"Isn't that something similar in the world of the Sheehans? How many weapons do you have left to destroy the world over and over again?

"Sora... I think so..."

Nevertheless, with regard to weapons of mass destruction in the original world, the possession of multiple forces makes deterrence work and difficult to use.

"Hey, what would that be if the elves planned to conquer the world or something?

"No, they don't have that kind of greed."

"- So, you're talking about getting done..."

All this is a difference in thought between races, something that is incomprehensible to other races, including human beings in the original world and human beings in different worlds.

The elves take care of a narrow community, but otherwise they're not very interested.

The celestials involved in the running of the town are somewhat of a stranger.

"But hey...... People who are strong like that kind of family love, if they take away their loved ones, they say," I hate the world that took this guy away from me! "Is it possible to say it and run wild?

"Ha ha, I'm not a demon king. Is that a fictional story that was conceived by (...) between (...) people (...) of (...) the world (...)?

Anyone who appears in fiction, be it heterogeneous or whatever, seems to become a human thought or action, but the facts seem different, than only the idea of 'man of the earth' is based on.

At least in this other world.

"Even if something happens to your father, the royal palace will return to ashes at best."

"No, that sucks, doesn't it?

"Hehe, isn't that why we're talking about making it more convenient? And..."

It was Alana smiling slightly shy, but its expression quickly clouds darkly.

"If it wasn't for us, my father wouldn't be able to save Henry anyway..."

For Ortance, William is her husband, and for Celestan and François, also her daughter's son-in-law, except Henry, who falls within the scope of the family but has no blood connection to herself.

"For me, I have a sense of being my brother..."

If you try Alana, half of them are the same people with the same blood, and some of her thoughts and parts are stopping by you for inheriting her own human blood, but if you try the Celestials, Henry is totally someone else.

Try Ortance, you'll have the perception of a husband's child, but it's not an object to protect, and if Henry says it harms William, he'll cut it off relentlessly.

"How is Henry doing..."

"Henry, hey."

Yaichi regularly [appraises] how Wang Capital is doing, which also includes Henry's actions.

"Well, it's okay......? Ha..."

A dry grin leaked from Yaichi's mouth when he saw Henry.