Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

19 Stories A Messenger From The Royal Castle

The next morning, Alana was woken up by a butler with a mansion because a guest had visited her from the royal castle.

Yang Yiyi, who woke up with him, also checked herself quickly, and when she went out of the room, an old butler and a young maid were bowing their heads in line.

"What happened to Henry?

"Boy looks like you're off in your room. From what I've heard, Hazel says it's not in a very awake state, so it's up to you to speak to your daughter."

The hazel, too, is said to be quite grumpy.

"Henry, you should stay put for a while. Hazel will recover after a half-day break, so I think we should leave the rest to her."

Yaichi, anxiously gazed at Alana, reassured her by answering so.

According to [Appraisal +], Henry was physically and mentally depleted by the disenchanted recoil and would not wake up for the time being.

Hazel, on the other hand, is just tired of playing a little more intense than usual, so the firmer she gets to sleep and eat, the less she seems to recover.

"Then last night, a few Kingsguards came to see an example witness. Apparently, we did a situation interview."

Kenneth and Leonard, knights of the Colbourne family who had been captured as witnesses, were being held in a gatekeeping quarters outside the mansion, and their investigation was supposed to be free to go.

However, the Gatekeeper Gail was present and offered the condition that whoever it was would follow his instructions.

"Okay, report very much. So, who's the customer?

"My husband's bedroom was guarded by a Kingsguard man and the other way around. The name is not to be taken against you, Miss Boy."

"Hmm. Do you recognize him?

"Your face is hidden..."

Entering the reception room with the guidance of the old butler, a person wearing a hooded robe sat on the sofa for visitors, while yesterday's male soldier stood at the same time.

The Guest is dressed firmly in a robe to hide his identity and wears a hood at the depth of his eyes (Mabuka).

The suspicious person was not particularly suspicious, but the person seemed to enjoy tea by his natural behavior.

(I see, is magic granted to the robe)

When Yaichi [appraised], who felt uncomfortable, it was found that the robe he was wearing was endowed with witchcraft with an inhibitory effect of recognition.

"Lord Alana Sallis, right?

I can't tell whether there is some sort of witchcraft in that voice, either male or female.

"Hmm. It's Alana, the B-rank adventurer."

To guests from the royal castle, Alana decided not to be polite by naming the adventurer.

She likes the line in the epoch that when you ask a person for a name, you should name her first.

Nevertheless, I'm not exactly going to bump that line against the Guest. At least for now.

"I saw you yesterday. There is no doubt in Lord Alana Sallis."

To the words of the male soldier, the person of the robe leaks a hoot of laughter.

"I've seen it in the distance, but also in the eyes, when you visited the King's Capital before. As beautiful as ever."

"Compliments don't answer anything. So, what can I do for you at home?

"I'd like to wish Lord Henry second if possible...... is it still difficult?

"My brother is ill and unable to get up. If it's about getting involved with the Sallis family, I'm the Lords' agent now. So let me talk to you."

"Hmm. So you're going to greet me in the name of Uncle Sarris Borderline?

"Don't be like that."

"Then I suppose you have the courtesy to do so? That's how they look down standing, 'cause they don't feel so good."

That being said, Alana deliberately frowned.

"Then you'll be named. I don't have the courtesy to pay for something I don't know."

"But at least you're telling me you're from the royal castle, isn't that enough?

"Wherever you come from, all I see in my eyes is a suspicious man with a hidden face."


After saying so, Robe's figure began to laugh with Couscous.

"Well... do I look suspicious now... Kukukuku... that's the knight of the princess..."

Apparently, the concealment effect of the robe worn by this Guest is considerable, and I don't even remember the discomfort in a person in line.

Guests, however, enjoy that the concealment effect is not very effective.

On the other hand, the Kingsguard standing at that time had a complicated look.

Earlier, Alana's attitude was nothing but disrespect for guests from the royal castle.

But if you react poorly there, you're going to give them the material to determine who this Guest is.

So I had to stand with an indescribable look.

"I don't mind a name. but may I ask anyone other than Lord Alana to leave the room?"

To the guest's words, the butler and maid left the room in a courtesy. Make sure of that, Alana opens her mouth.

"I'm sorry, but I need you to allow my people to be present."

"Hmm. So you're saying they're famous for their rumors, Tokoroten?"

"Oh, reliable people. You can ask me to leave the room, but I'll explain the situation to you later. Let me tell you something, even if you die, you can't stop it."

"Hmm... then let me check your guild card"

When the guests said so, the Kingsguards came forward, so Yang Yi and the others each presented guild cards.


"Um, good."

Guests who received a report from the Kingsguard got up and took off their robes.

What emerged from under the hood was a wavy, light green long hair.

The long hair is put together by a simple design hair fastening at the back of the neck and draped forward from the right shoulder.

Purple red eyes hid about half with thick eyelids, but sharp eyelids.

There is a slight wrinkle in the eye buttocks and a slightly deeper carving of the bristle line.

Is the age around 50 or something?

A tight one-piece type jacket that runs all the way down the knee, chic colors and silhouettes are masculine, but from the face and the chest that pushes the garment up from the inside, it turns out that this person is a woman.

And on the embroidered crest on its chest, Alana opens her eyes.

"Was this Lord Tobias?"

That said, Alana bowed her head, and Yang Yi bowed to imitate it.

"Oh, it's an honor to be known to a princess knight. If you ask me, I'd forgotten the Colbourne family crest."

A husky but familiar voice pours out of the mouth of the Guest who took off his robe. She already seems to have a clear picture of what happened yesterday.

"It will not be necessary to compare it to the Earl's house by name alone, my Lord Chancellor"

It was the current Chancellor, the Duke of Rosanna Tobias, who visited the Sallis family on this day.

"So, Chancellor, what does it mean to be at home from Mizu?

"Before you do, make yourself comfortable."

Rosanna prompts her, followed by Alana and Yaichi sitting on the couch across the street.

Minori and Sheehan decided to stand by and refrain from doing so.

"First of all, let me apologize on this occasion for putting an unusual suspicion on the great borderline uncle."

That said, Rosanna bowed her head.

There will be no official visit by the Prime Minister beyond a visit without a name.

Informally though, it is quite important that the Prime Minister himself bows his head.

"Does that mean my father's suspicions are clear?


"Okay. I accept your apology."


Rosanna looked up at Alana's response and smiled relieved.

"So, can you tell us more about the situation?

"Mm-hmm. In conclusion, this case came to the conclusion that Patrick Colbourne had shed no roots or leaves to hide his personal grievances and his own vices, rumors. Well, let me say publicly," Nothing happened. "

First of all, an order given to William called 'prudence', but this is changed to 'standby'.

The reason for "waiting" is because it takes time to report demonic mass outbursts (stampedes) and demon raids.

Of course, the order would be recorded as' waiting 'from the beginning.

"The two testimonies of the example you captured gave credibility to the report you submitted. Based on that, Patrick's series of charges was found to be paranoid."

"Nevertheless, it doesn't bother you that yesterday, today, your Excellency will go out of his way..."

"There are a few circumstances, but first one is that the Empire has moved a lot"

"The Empire?

"Oh, there's been an inquiry as to where you heard, whether it's true that Lord William is imprisoned in the king's capital, etc."

Wouldn't it be impossible to stop a brilliant borderline uncle from leaving the territory in case of a demonic mass outburst (stampede)?

When that happened, a horde of demons ravaged the kingdom exposed anxiety that it might also come to the Empire.

Not necessarily once again the demons will not attack, so many imperial adventurers are assigned to the northern border.

I mean, if a bunch of demons break in from the southern border, we can't deal with it.

If so, the only defense near the southern border of the Empire is for the army to take charge, and armaments must be augmented.

This is only for self-defence, and the Kingdom unofficially declared that it should acknowledge it, but so.

"Hmm... something that enhances the armament of the border and ends only in self-defense? It's something that a bunch of nasty people have come to know about. Well, I think Patrick heard a spy infiltrating the king's capital."

The Chancellor guessed so, but the answer is no.

Yaichi had explained the situation to Alec in advance.

"We'll see what we can do, sss!

He said, so I guess he worked with Celestan and the Northern Border Adventurer around Guildmaster Geezera and did well.

"As a kingdom, we must declare that Lord William's departure from the border is only temporary, and that he will soon return, that is, that there are no anomalies on the southern border"

"I see, so soon..."

Alana also had predicted that if Patrick's murder was admitted, his father's restraint would soon be lifted.

But it unfolds faster than I thought.

"Speaking of which, you just said," There are a few circumstances, "what else?

"Um, I have to apologize in advance for that."

"Apologize, sir?

"Oh, yeah. Testimony about Patrick's murder, but only from two of the knights you were holding."

"... So what about those adventurers?

"By the time we stepped in, they'd already all been killed. Must be a mouth seal."

Patrick was suspicious that Kenneth and Leonard would not return, confirming the mansion that was lurking Genbel and the others.

It was the Prime Minister's idea that the rogues detained there must have been discovered and terminated. The results of the [appraisal +] showed much the same thing.

"And Patrick, who perceived danger, escaped from the king's capital last night."

"Have you escaped...... But then, on the contrary, don't you have too few witnesses? Even without Patrick, I don't think that if the nobles who gave him resisted, they would carry it that way."

"That's what's strange..."

"What do you mean?

"The people who gave it to Patrick, it was time to apologize."

"To apologize?

"Apologize, I guess I should say an explanation rather than an apology. They're all there, and they're all there."

So Rosanna lowers her eyebrows like trouble and turns her gaze to Alana.

"We were being manipulated by Patrick and Amanda."