Ee, Teni Shippai? Seikou?

Episode 24 Together....

A few days later, Yoichi brought Bunya and Seba to another world.

Bunya wanted to come at once, but Seba persuaded her to take a few days to finish her work, which was stagnant in her absence.

Yoichi, Bunya, and Seba stand together and walk Mailgrad 2nd Street - recently known as "Otome Road".

As for other members, Sheehan and Samantha were still in the workshop, and Minori was not interested, so they were packed in the sorcerer's guild.

Alana had accompanied her, but officially she, who was supposed to be in King's Landing, was not going to leave there any longer, so she was escorting her to the Sallis mansion.

This time I found out once again, but Minori is not interested in Bunya anyway.

I didn't mean to hate it, but I thought it "doesn't matter."

Then the reason why I did my best to rescue him was because my stepfather and mother would be sad if anything happened to Bunya.

When I lost my interest so thoroughly, I felt really sorry for myself, but I didn't feel comfortable just because I deserved it.

"Ah, I miss you...."

Bunya murmurs in front of a gorgeous building that doesn't resemble the city.

The party arrived at the armor store in Catherine, the destination.


The young otome who was cleaning the front of the store noticed Yang Yichi.

The otome wore clothing similar to a swing sleeve, with black hair on the chest and a short hem like a miniskirt.

"Yaaa, Hoomin and Sebastian aren't here! Ohisa ~"

Hey, you look good.

Bunya raised her hand and responded to the thumb rushing in with her inner crotch as she twisted her hips.

Without that wild movement and the husky voice, I was so neutral that I didn't feel uncomfortable when I was called a woman.

"Wow, geeks are also geeks! It's a little geeky ~!"

When I exchanged greetings, I noticed Yang Yichi.

"Oh! Yoi-chan? Yoii-chan!? Yaaaaaa ~ As usual ~"

What's interesting is that the toy walked to Yangyi with a laugh and leaned forward.

"No, who?

He seems to know himself, but I don't know Yang Yi.

Somewhat familiar, but not all of the faces and names of employees were known, so it was not strange to have a sense of pre-vision.

"Eh ~, are you playing with honkie? I lured you into this world! Hahaha!"


I noticed it when you told me so.

"Maybe Yoshida Makoto...?"

Shortly after Yoichi acquired the skill, he planned to catch a shingle, and afterwards, it was the burning Japanese university student who liked the yarisa left by Bunya.

They were captured for being hostile to Yoichi and deposited in Catherine.

"Nooo! Call me McCorinne? Ufufu"

Yoichi, who had a wink and a butterfly, pulled his face unexpectedly.

"Yes, that's right... McCorinne. I'm glad you're doing well."

"Wow, geeks are also geeks! It's a little geeky ~!"

I just heard that. Is that a decision dialogue or something? while changing the subject without touching on it.

"Um, are you okay not to go back to Japan?

I completely forgot about Makoline and Yoshida Makoto.

If we hadn't met again like this today, we wouldn't have remembered it for the rest of our lives, but I thought I'd check it out before we met.

"It's okay... Atashi was reborn as Macoline. Makoto Yoshida became a butterfly and flew into the sky...."

I decided to leave him alone because he seemed satisfied.

I checked with Appraisal + , but my sincere relatives seem to be in trouble because there are no problem children, so it seems good to leave them here.

"You came to see the manager, didn't you? I'll call you right away, so come up and wait ~"

After being late for Macoline, who entered the store with Pata Pata, Yang and the others stepped into the store.

"Ufufu, welcome."

Not to mention the sturdy twin tail in a cute, pretentious dress... here comes the Otome.

"Hoomin, Sebastian, and Yoichan, you've come too well."

"Ah... Katrine-san...!

When she saw Katrine, Bunya wept and hugged her.

"Oh, what are you doing? What a sweetheart."

"Catherine-san... thanks to you, I... hah...!

"Ufufu... I don't know what happened, but that's fine. Now cry with your chest."

"Wow, ahhhh!

Even when he was being held by the Mafia, and even after his release, Bunya didn't disturb him so much.

I realized that he was quite overwhelmed, and the Seba and others are wetting their eyes with handkerchiefs as they look at each other.

When it appeared, dozens of Otomes were moisturizing their eyes as they looked around Katrine and Bunya.

Bunya, who soon regained her calm, told her about the incident in detail.

"That's right, it's tough...."

"But it's the seed I sowed...."

"I see. You deserve it. What you've done is never forgiven. There must be a lot of people who still hate you."

Katrine's words to Bunya were harsh, but the tone was gentle.

"You must not forget your sins. I have to face it all my life. If anyone who hates you throws a stone, we have to take it."

Catherine continued to speak, gently stroking Bunya's head in her chest.

"But, even you... no, I'll accept you. So, just when you're here, forget all the nasty things and sweeten them up."

"Thank you... Katrine-san..."

The two hugged each other strongly.

"Ah... well, Katrine-san?

"What is it?

"Um, my stomach is really stiff..."

Catherine smiles faintly - or viciously - at Bunya's words complaining about dyeing her cheeks.

"Oh, I'm sorry. When I heard Humin's story, it was so uneven... ufufu"

Bunya was even raped by members of Ola Taggigo.

In the crowd loop, by being raped by a man, he intended to trample on Bunya's dignity and break his heart to hear what he said.

"Even Hooming is a big deal, right?

"What do you mean... when you remember...?

However, to that extent, it has been experienced with the Otomes.

For Bunya, what happened in the Republic was more like a reward.

Carlo and his executives also seemed to realize that the means they chose were not as effective, and if they rescued me a little more, I would be soaked.

However, when that happens, if you transfuse the blood of Yang Yi with [healthy body alpha], it will not even be a problem because there will be no sequelae.

"Oh? Everyone's on the hook."

Looking around, the ottomans were swelling their groin without exception.

Ah, if you're listening to Hoomin's story...

There's no time ~

"What should I do...?

"Are you going to do it? Are you gonna do it?

Weird luck rises in the midst of the Otomes.


With Yoichi feeling disturbed, excitement reached its peak, and Catherine raised her wild voice.

And she lifted her arm toward heaven, saying, Is it as good as Yang Yi's thigh?

Uroboros party then!!


Catherine's proclamation was followed by the wild cries of the Ottomans.

When Yoichi was twitching his face, he noticed that Fumiya was dyeing his cheeks and looking at himself.

"Ah, um... my brother-in-law, if you don't mind..."

"Oh, that was a decoy!

Before I could finish, Yoichi [returned] to "The Situation on the Border."


Yoichi, who exhaled in relief, fell into bed.

"Uroboros, hey...."

Uroboros is the name of a snake or dragon that bites its tail and becomes a ring.

It is a fictional existence that appears in mythology, but in this world with goblins and orcs, perhaps it is real.

Anyway, it was easy to imagine that the words "dozens of ottomes" and "uroboros" would not make it difficult.

"... let's go to sleep"

Yoichi, who was feeling strangely tired, decided to sleep quietly.

I was thankful to be alone in a large bed now.