Keith managed to pull her off when Berna, who had abused her out overnight, couldn't leave inside and took a bath as she held her.

Berna helped me with that when I was washing my face and brushing my teeth in the bathroom with a face I was about to cry because I was perfectly late for work.

"Help...... I will, hap"

You can guess by this sound, but Berna's help means fixing the erection in the morning.

Having licked around the fine polar penis that still bursts in the morning, Berna left Keith's "stop" toothbrush intact without hearing any resistance with his mouth in it.

In the morning...... it's already noon, but Keith, who got one shot out of his sleep, flutters to work with his tiredness yesterday as well.

What I would call today's rare work was a meeting of pool openings approaching a month away.

It was Keith who fixed it and made it usable. Naturally I have a position as the person responsible.

Various agendas raise the question of which day to open up to citizens, such as that we should keep our ties so that we do not enter from there because once it is in the palace.

The most responsible person who came a long way behind in that was reading himself a summary of what was going on in a flat head. It was then.

When the conductor's soldiers rushed into the room, they called Keith and asked him to come to Mashua's room.

Keith, whose roots were frightened by the rush, exited on the way to the place where he was thrilled to be late, and came to Mashua's room about the soldier.

There were several senior military officials and politicians in Mashua's room, and Mia trembling next to Mashua.

"Ah... Um"

Mashua interrupted the conversation and invited Keith aside when Keith spoke to him about the unsolicited appearance.

"Sorry, all of a sudden."

"Yes, no... Um, so what the hell"


Keith lost his word in the explanation that started with that.

There was a terrorist attack ahead of Nia and Aisha, and the scene was in a state of havoc.

Long-range communications from the captain have not caused any harm to the ship Nia boards, but they still do not move the ship out of its airspace.

I mean, it's a situation where you don't know when you'll get involved.

Mia cried out in the middle of Mashua's explanation and was supported by a samurai with her.

"So, you know"

"Oh, I'm getting my military ship ready to head that way right now, and Keith, will you get on it? I'm sure Nia will be relieved because she trusts the Lord. I can't go to Noh and Mia."

Surely there will be no talk of a king and a queen getting on board because they have a daughter at the scene of a terrorist attack.

"Please, Keith... get that girl... Nia."

to Mia's tearful voice. Keith stared at Mashua's face,

"I'm in awe. I will definitely bring the princess home safely."

That's how I swore to leave the room.

When I leave the room, I go back to the room and pack my things before I go to the military ship.

The cautious pack as many magic props as they can pack in their bags,

"Hey, no cat!! Where!! This sucks, we're going to... Lou?... Damn! What are you doing when it matters? He is!

I left the room in a state of evil to the unknown user demon. I met Berna, a maid's garment, on the way as I was fast footing down the hallway.

"Berna... what's going on? I'm supposed to be off today."

Berna is taking three days off her pay, and she is off till tomorrow. So I was still promising to meet Keith in the room today after work.

"I was hoping to be of some help to all of you in King Mashua's room with your services, etc."

"Oh really? Good luck with that. I'm gonna be a little bit."

"... it's my fault"

Keith put a question mark on his head in a sudden, unexplained word.

"Hmm? What are you talking about? To?"

"... because I tried to keep your husband to myself... the bee hit me... and if I had arrived, I could have shielded you and protected you... me"

Keith held onto Berna, who blamed herself and shook her little, hard, wondering who would find her.

Keith, who remained still until the tremor healed, told Berna's Sakuho ear,

"There's no god hitting a bee on Berna, such a good boy."

Berna hugged back in tears to the kind voice Keith would call to reassure her.

"What should I do... if something happens to you two... ugh"

"There's nothing there. So Berna's a good kid and she's leaving a message until she gets back. When we get back...... now let Nia in too and the four of us get laid till morning. It's a promise."

"Yakuza?" It's a promise, "he said back to Berna," and Keith left the spot when he kissed her.

Stopped trembling, Berna headed to Mashua's room only to relieve Keith of her faceless expression to drop off her back and do her job.

Such Berna and Keith away go to the departure site of the military ship and enter the assigned room. It's a military airship, so I don't feel comfortable riding, but I can't complain.

In another room there is a meeting if anything happens to the Nias, but Keith was unable to attend.

Keith's role is only to reassure Nia if she is safe, and it is impossible to fight terror against a hedgehog demon mentor.

But in the room, Keith spreads his magic tricks and creates all the talismans and magic marks he can make.

"Take him away. If so, just the two of us. If you can afford it, Mr. Krone and Mr. Sasha, too, will take you away. Run as fast as you can with your horns."

Actually, I was scared and leggy, but only those princesses and knights...... only those two elves kept saying that with a crying face.

I'm in the mood for that, heading sailing all over the ship rocking at the highest speed......

"Oh, your husband! What's the matter with you?

"... why are you here, wastecat?"

Keith turned his jito eyes to the user demon who was round with him in Nia's sleeping bed.

If I came all freaked out, the terrorists who had been seen to devour considerable time for hostage exchange and so on I heard were cleaned up, and the scene was in the process of being sealed off and verified by the gendarmerie and the military.

A female warrior, unknown to anyone anywhere, came aboard, freed the hostages, exterminated the terrorists, and finally processed one hidden ship by whatever means.

They talked about solving this by counting it as a series of events that happened downstairs as a quartet of Cathedral Knights female warriors, but they don't exist anywhere they look for a Cathedral Knights with such a female warrior.

So now in this country they say that they are the four angels who wander into the apocalypse... that there are no rumors or anything?

Having wasted all the tools available and Keith's readiness when he had trouble, he came to see how Nia was doing.

And when I came to the room, for some reason the cat was asleep, so I went in.

"Mmm... which one did you do, Lou... Aah! Master Keith!!

Sleeping Nia woke up to Lou's voice and found Keith there, trying to get up happy.

Krone rushes to stop it.

"Don't, you have to stay asleep"

"I'm fine now. Besides, Master Keith is here."

"You shouldn't!

Keith approached the puffy Nia,

"That's right, if it's a bad addition, you have to be asleep. I'm here."

Nia nodded yes to Keith's words as she lay down. Seeing that appearance, Keith asked what had happened to Krone.

Krone stares at Nia clouding his words. Nia shook her head left and right at it. Keith said there's something about this.

"Mr. Krone. I'd like to see the princess's body, but I need you to explain what happened... in case anything happens."

In a threatening inquiry, Krone hesitated a little about what would happen to Nia's body before telling the whole story. Everything that happened during the past day.

After hearing it, Keith was stunned and his open mouth didn't get blocked.

I didn't think so, but it was Aisha who annihilated the terrorists, and I can't believe it was Nia who defeated the Necrodemon on the other ship that was hidden.

Keith peeled off his eyes and stared at the little Elf princess on one of the great adventures he would go to earth to make up stories he had made Nia lie to him about.

Then Nia woke up physically and with a voice that seemed anxious,

"Master Keith, please don't tell anyone about this! Tell your father, your mother... don't tell anyone in the country!

Keith understood the meaning of that word, which he desperately wished for.

Both the sailors aboard this ship and Aisha, the primary task is to "guard Nia".

In the unlikely event that something like this happens, for example, you must first ensure Nia's safety and strive to protect her.

Even if that's Nia's order, it's rhetorical propaganda, like lying on a terrorist ship, let alone getting in and fighting.

Especially Aisha shouldn't be a millimeter away from Nia for the purpose of saying he's an escort knight.

So if Mashua or Saimrad found out about this, everyone on this ship, including Aisha, would definitely be imprisoned as well as resigning from their jobs.

That's what protecting a country's princesses is all about.

Krone, who talked about this, knew it and still revealed what Keith would do.

Keith, hearing the whole story, tells Nia, with his gaze, and Crane, anxious.

"... ok. Let's keep this all in my chest. I don't mean to make all the brave people on this ship quit either."

to Nia, who hears that and breaks his face. "Except!," Keith said before,

"Dear Nia, think carefully about what happens if something happens to you, and now act. I couldn't see the face of the king and the queen when I heard that the terrorist attack happened ahead of Master Nia's... and Berna."

Keith said to stroke his head at Nia, who gets soggy.

"And so am I. Please, don't do anything dangerous without me... because I can't protect you."

Nia shrugged "yes" happily at the warmth of her hands and the words.

A cat has spoken in a reading to the laughing princess and the demon mentor.

Whose fault do you think it is? The princess told me, what's that martial arts!? I've traveled with you, but I've never seen your husband get attacked by an evil hyperninja!!

Lou penetrated that Keith's holla story fuelled Nia's sense of justice and set her on fire.

"Uh-oh... okay, a little bit! I give these dreamy girls dreams and unleash them on the green field of what I call paranoia...... this is all the work of a magician!

"Shut up, chastity thief! You're stealing shit!!

When the hustle and bustle with his head eventually came to an end, Keith examined Nia's body. Actually, Nia has remained flirtatious since unleashing yesterday's super magic.

I can't believe the princess of a country is sick using magic to defeat terrorists, so I just went to see a sailor lightly.

When I checked, the magic in Nia's body was empty, and every single cell was rushing to reproduce it.

Keith started making out with the contents of the bag on the spot when he instructed Krone to bring herbs and other things he wanted.

Healing restores a little tired magic by giving Nia a magic restorative medicine that you can do right away.

"You can sleep," she said to Nia, who began to relax about the warmth, and the little Elf princess smiled and closed her eyelids to rest.

At the end of the entire treatment, Keith put Lou down and went out into the hallway with Krone. Out in the hallway, Krone said,

"Um, actually... the princess had stopped me from wanting to worry about you, but Aisha did"

"Huh? Oh, Aisha... what's wrong with you?

Krone began explaining to Keith, who would look serious.


Sleeping Aisha slowly opened her eyes when she felt someone touch her body.

For a moment I thought it was Sasha, and I turned my face.

"... that, ki-su?... Dream or Here."

"It's not a dream. It's real."

I woke up completely to that word. Aisha tried to wake up her body, but the pain couldn't run up.

Keith gently restarts the groaning Aisha.

"I can't. I just checked, but the muscles and bones in the body are cramped. Besides, he's even damaged his gut, right? Besides, there's not enough blood, besides the magic road..."

Aisha's body was so run-down that when she returned from a terrorist ship and went to talk to Nia, she left the room and fell down.

She stopped telling Nia not to, and Aisha, who was taken to her room by Krone and Sasha, was taking herbs and sleeping when she asked the sailor to heal her, but she didn't get too well.

"Something's wrong, I haven't got my strength back...... ugh"

"It's obvious, because it's not an injury or anything, it's an overuse of the Devil's Sword. It cannot be cured by the healing and medication level of a normal doctor. So you wrote it right down! When using the Devil's Sword, make sure you use it correctly by checking the usage and time of use!!

Keith's handed over Devil's Sword Gilead has nothing side effects on itself, but the Devil's Sword is nevertheless the Devil's Sword.

Circulating the magic of the Devil's Sword in your body, removing the limiter and fighting for a long time is like grafting and running the heart of a famous horse on a waste horse.

There are more limitations there than being a weak woman, so to speak of Aisha, whose body is tough and working out. That's why I put on the ability to let you know.

Ignoring all of that cancer, Aisha kept fighting, and her body wore out as a result.

"Looks like you're recovering from a powerful sacred magic once, but without it, you'd be in the hospital by now, wouldn't you?

To Keith, who spoke strongly, Aisha wept as she put the futon to her mouth.

"I'm sick... I don't know what to say... gusu"

Aisha almost cries when Keith scolds her for missing her most where she is weak.

Keith, sighed, disciplined himself that this was the end of scolding,

"I'm sorry. I said a little too much...... sorry"

"... yeah, me too... it's true I was impotent"

"... so shall we treat and cure it properly?

"Yeah...... ok"

Keith held Aisha's body by his hand to wake her up, taking the vial out of the bag and letting her drink the contents slowly so she wouldn't swallow it.

When she finished drinking, Aisha breathed,

"... sweet, what is this?

I could see my body making noises with Shushu while I said it and healing from my gut.

Keith, who began healing magic by using the magic of the Xuan there at night, had a serious face,

"Is that it? It's a subdragon pee."

of the Nightingale. It is a stock solution. Dragon water works well for magical damage.

"Buuuuuuuuuu!!! To the navel!! Oh yes!! Hey, what a drink!! I don't know why you have it!?

Aisha, be quiet. We're in the middle of treatment.

I can't say anything when they say that, but Aisha, who was drunk of Princess Dragon's pee, can somehow tell from Nia's dialogue before this that it was about that night.

"Keith I knew it was for such a horrible person...... I mean for such a little girl!! Heh, pervert! Pervert too much!!

Aisha hadn't noticed but she was already yelling at Keith even though it was a struggle to get up until a few seconds ago.

Peeing of the princess of the noble blood line. The stock solution and her magical therapies healed Aisha's body with astonishing speed.

But the physical force to heal is naturally a shake.

"Huh, ah, ah... hey, what, I'm gonna fumble... ha!

"It's natural because you're forcing your body to heal with dragon energy. So from now on...... Yikes!

Keith, who held Aisha back, headed to the bathroom where she kept her princess in her arms.

"Hey, what? What are you doing?"

"You're going to take a bath where you melt herbs and magic medicine. Slowly soaked there will heal the flutter, as well as the external wounds. Two birds a stone."

"Ooh... Keith going in, too?

"Aisha won't be able to get in alone. Or not with me?

Aisha, who shook her neck left and right, did not carry on the words after muttering that she was not.

I'm not, I'm anxious to take a bath with you and what if you want Keith even though your body is like this.

Since she was helped by hair decorations, she has only been thinking about Keith.

I'm a little physically recovered and “screwed”. In a state like this, I wasn't sure I'd ask for Keith, but now I was just a little bit.

I had a knight who was overwhelmed with love.