"Dinner all right, wine all right, cake all right, present...... all right! Perfect!!"

Keith made a one-man gutspaw by confirming the set he had prepared for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is finally the annual festival of elves, the Holy Tree Festival. Keith prepared it for that.

The night I promised Aisha that Keith would run around the city and prepare these pieces to make it romantic.

As much as Keith thought I had to, the muscle sex before this burned up.

Either way, it has been four times without ever blaming Aisha sweetly. Anything is too fucked.

Aisha, of course, was a jerk, but apart from that and this, it's not a bad idea to give him a sweet night of salvation here.

Besides, most importantly, I also have a great dream of blaming that muscle Aisha for flirting and letting him do pooping rides and crotch fellas.

I knew it was the inferior species that I thought I would have to experience Ichaechi after I strongly blamed him.

Keith prepared cakes for dinner, even though it was a hassle, for the purpose of implementing those plans.

Now I'll wait for tomorrow night, while I give you my present.

"I'm sorry for the meantime... I was... me because Aisha was so beautiful"

I don't know what to say, because it's already about Aisha. "Keesh!" It is visible that you scream and pee from yourself.

Keith grinned too badly at his delusions and froze him instantly with cooling magic so that the cake wouldn't rot at the dinner he prepared to wipe his covet.

This way, the freshness is excellent, and if you thaw it tomorrow night, you can enjoy it with the flavor as it is.

Keith uses contract magic that isn't even Loc, but he doesn't give a shit about that at all. He turns what he freezes into a refrigerator.

And trying to keep the gift hidden for once,

"Ah, gu! Ooh!! Or I should have turned it into a 20km dumbbell after all!! Oh, my God!! Damn!!

I also had a hard time lifting a 40-kilo dumbbell in my closet.

Lou said, "Are you seriously going to give it away? It is a delicacy that I have heard."

Now it was Keith's dream to let Aisha, whose biceps and spine were raised, have axillary and spinal chills.

When he finished cleaning up all the party supplies, Keith started cleaning the room.

I also have to clean it once to decorate tomorrow. All for the muscle flirting of the night and Keith put up with the annoying smell and tried hard to clean it.

That's how Keith felt the singing coming from somewhere far away as he was wiping the window. It is a stunning cappella of Nia.

Leonora is returning home from Holy Tree Festival to spend New Year's Eve in her own country, so Nia is practicing alone.

Tomorrow's Holy Tree Festival and New Year's Day song performances are extraordinarily important among Nia's official duties, and there is no room for practice.

Especially at the Holy Tree Festival tomorrow, Leonora and I are promising to perform a newly practiced song at the same time in their respective countries and they are burning at it.

A tempered song is also a dangerous one, so you have to put up a shield during practice.

"Wow! It's that time already!! Damn it!"

Panicking Keith threw the unwanted shirt he was wearing to clean and dashed to Nia's room.


After hearing all the song practice he managed to make it, Keith asked Nia's "How was it?" Answered the inquiry with a good boy and a good boy.

Aisha hid herself and called out thinking about giving Nia the throat candy she seemed happy with and then going back to her room to continue cleaning.

"Keith... you remember your promise, right?

"Heh? What do you mean?

"Gu! Ko, this!!

"Ugh, it's a lie. Lie!! I remember. You gotta be kidding me, right?

"I hate jokes that say that!!... fool."

Keith, who hides from Aisha and is a good boy who gets stubborn,

"You can't forget. I won't forget the best night I've ever had with Aisha"

"Ki, Keith."

"Well, I have a gift for you, too"

"Gifts too!? Oh, well... well."

Aisha, who seems to be sincerely happy, gives a look that she said was truly dreamy with a red face. It feels okay to take it home as it is now.

I don't even have to hold onto this till tomorrow night to keep it stocked up. My muscle daughter will suck it up...... I can't believe Keith and Aisha went back to the breakup room.

By the way, Berna and Arsi are supposed to go home tomorrow night by way of example, and Nia is supposed to sleep in the river, sandwiched by her father and mother.

Berna's parents were already in the other world, but then they were supposed to go to the house of their grandparents and uncles who took care of them. My uncle and his wife's house is a short distance from Seimrad, so they are scheduled to leave tonight.

Berna was worried about what to do with Keith staying the same until the end.

"... your husband's baby may be made next year and you may not be able to go home... so I'll go home and say hello to Grandpa and Grandpa properly"

What a very serious eye I've said. This is Keith I think we need to be careful on ovulation day next year more than this year.

That's why Aisha is the only vacant spot I have planned. To perfect the evening exactly for Aisha, Keith tried to get the cleaning to resume as soon as he opened the door to the room...

"... hmm?

I notice strange discomfort there. That was a very strange feeling. It feels like there's nothing there that should be and there's something that shouldn't be.

Keith began walking gently inside the room, in a hurry similar to the feeling that would keep her mind at bay as to what it might be.

Then all of a sudden, there was the sound of a totata tata...... and something running through the room in a small run behind me.

"Oh, hey... Lou?... Lou?

That running noise was small, so Keith called out thinking he was a demon for a moment, but he didn't respond at all.

Keith, who swallowed the saliva, calls out again as he sees a place where a cat might be able to hide.

"Hey! No cats!!... no cat... what is it? Hey, hey..."

Always a familiar corner of the room. Under its darkness and bed, the gap between the desk and the wall begins to look somewhat disastrous. It's like something's lurking there......

Keith trembled when he suddenly got cold. I scold myself because I think about such disgusting things that I shouldn't. I'm worried about the footsteps anyway. I tried to think so.

Ki, bang! Tata tata tata...... the sound of something opening, and running again. Hurry up and put your face in the direction of the sound, there was a sight of the refrigerator door, which should have been closed, opening and shaking.

"Ah, uh... ah"

That refrigerator is not going to open at the hands of a cat, which means it's not a cat. But I don't want to think so.

"Ko, this! Damn cat! What are you making fun of your husband!! I'm gonna be mad at you. Here!!

I try to force myself to assume this event is Lou's fault. Failure to do so seemed like something could be done with fear.

Besides, only at times like this does the ghost noise in between remind me.

No, I didn't, I thought to myself that it was Aisha's fault, and Tsukomu said in the corner of my heart, "But what if that wasn't just Aisha's fault?" Someone whispers.

Suppose there was a real mix of ghosts happening in that event and Keith was taking the ghost back to his room without knowing it.

No way...... no way. Dismiss the idea if it's not possible and close the refrigerator door. I felt uncomfortable again then.

It's my fault. Nothing is uncomfortable. Keith noticed his breath turning white when he raised his face that he was overthinking.

At first, I wondered if the refrigerator's cold air had leaked and my breath had turned white, but I can't say how much refrigerator I have.

Besides, the room temperature, the windows weren't open and the heating was on. Yet now it's cold enough to tremble.

I remember what I heard before when I took a class in Ghost and Spiritual Relationships at the Sorcery Order. When they're nearby, the temperature in that room drops sharply.

A whitening breath tells Keith how nervous he is. Haha and roughened breaths are being exhaled continuously.

There is. There is something. Something is in this room. Keith can't even tell for himself whether it's fear or cold that his teeth beep.

Signs of something behind you grow as loud as ever. 'Cause now you can even hear the sound. Shit, I hear something.

Mixed with the sound, I heard Nia sing from afar. Apparently, she's singing again because she's free.

Nia's gentle singing voice, completely unrelated to the fear in the room, gave Keith courage. Let's turn around. Let's face it. Inspire yourself.

Something to lose or this is my room. Tomorrow I'll make Aisha into a gucho gucho. It's my room. Don't you ever let that plan get in the way like a ghost!!

I instantly thought of the position of the bag, and when I had to, I took the bill out of it... I suppressed myself from trembling even thinking about it, and Keith turned around at once listening to Nia sing far away.

There!!... There was a look at Lori Ver, the ice spirit who wore Davo Davo's Keith's shirt like a piece, pretending to dance his hips as he stood, and screwing up an even more exuberant cake.

Ice Spirit - The Ice Snow Duchess carries a cake that is frozen as she waves her little ass on Nia's singing voice to her crashing mouth with a fork made of her own cold air.

A spirit who doesn't need a meal, but can enjoy it as a hobby. And now she was enjoying the sweetness of the cake as a thoughtful hobby.

When Nia sings Notte, her pretentious butt is going to be fun, too, and she looks unexpectedly oblivious......

"Then no... hey... hey! What the fuck are you doing?

The ice and snow lady looks back at Keith, who asks in a serious voice, with the cake in her mouth, with the fork in her mouth, only her middle finger and her medicine finger in her right hand, emptied, folded into her eyes,

"Killah! I don't think so. Because I know you're saying no. 'Cause I know damn well it's a terrific nori! What are you doing?

Freed from ghost tension, Keith also forgets to salute and ask for serious questions.

Even in his half-clean voice, Lori. The Spirit did not care. When he finished eating the cake, he licked the cream around his mouth with a smudge.

It was delicious. It was a treat. Do you want to show that? Keith only felt ridiculed by the ice and snow princess bowing her head in front of the plate.

And at the same time, I finally noticed the discomfort since I came back to my room. That means the shirt I left is gone and there's ice in the cleaning bucket.

When I was in the fridge, the cake I was supposed to keep was gone, and instead there was a snowman in it for some reason. Keith saw the cause of his discomfort and realized that he would notice in an instant.

Though he was supposed to be a fearful ice superior spirit, Keith grabbed the collar of the Lori Spirit when he sometimes said he felt ridiculed and was under contract to it.

"This! You surprise me!! What, why are you here!? How!? You were shielded properly! Yet."

With that said, the ice and snow princess slapped Keith's chest a ton while being grabbed by her collar like a cat before making a circle with her own fingers.

"To? Me... to the gate? Do... only part of it materializes... Oh, so you're Lori. That's not true!!

Keith putting a scratch in his words, but that solved a lot of mysteries. It's only a part of it, so there's no such thing as ice pickling around like in the summer, and I didn't react to the junction of the palace because I gated Keith.

I can do that. Contract magic... I was half impressed, but you can't still forgive yourself.

It's a big problem (even if it's a part of it) to show up on your own, even though you're finally not scared. If you're bad, Mashua or Fraser could get rid of you.

Keith turns to the princess in the ice and snow.

"Um, I don't know what you're doing here, but go home. If you want to listen to the song, you can listen through me, and if you want to eat the cake, because you ate it all, cu."

In the middle of the word, the ice and snow princess has pressed that limp, cold cream-painted lip against Keith's lips.

To surprise Keith, Princess Lori Spirit laughs at her icy statue with her perfect cute face. Speaking in spiritual language that doesn't communicate with Cuicui is probably "I missed you".