Elf Sandstorm King

Elf Sand Treasure Chapter 8

"The alliance is really shameless, but it is clear, but it can be called a great victory."

The six searches team members gathered together, and the anger is filled with the alliance's behavior, and it seems that it seems to think something.

"These news originated in the initial source, which seems to be the media company in Suruf."

Co Gongtai, let several searches team members have stunned, and the meaning is slightly with gray humor. What is the difference between Xilu Company released the news and the league?

"The outside world is not clear about this alliance action, but this alliance has to cooperate with these news performances for his own face, it is really playing, these big people."

The words are very dull, which makes one of the women's search teams to laugh and walk forward: "Captain, let go, look back, it seems that the Rockets are more than imagined."

"Well, but before this, there must be gains."


"Even if you arrest you, even if you don't want it."

I hiped, the giant sand wavy came, and rolled up the surrounding venue and formed the area of ​​the six search team members.

"Captain, what do you mean?"

There is no concern that I am in the dangerous situation of the dangerous situation, and I have already visited the information in your elice, a lot of the elves of the month, are captured by you in the moon. "

For Christ, one of the searched team members face is ugly: "We will investigate our elixably, you have to complain you this."

When I heard this, I was revealing the look: "Since I find the problem, it is not a problem. And you have evidence to explain that I have moved your wizard? Do you have a problem?"

Pointing at the head, questioning these people, and six people are unknown in the process of the two sides, from a number of directions, although there is sand dust coverage, but they expose a smile at this moment.

This little guy is still not known that he has been in a desperate situation?

The electric light is flashed, and the ghost ghosts from a search team member shadow, pocked at very fast speed.

"Dead, from the big ghost!"

Chapter 9 Devil

From the source of the wizard, these people have been investigated these people. It has broken through some of the world's moral bottom lines, but from the actual effect, it is very quickly identifiable of these people.

According to the previous two sides, in fact, these intelligence personnel do not have the list of the league, but it is obviously angered them in this practice, and when the ghost is coming, it is a red light, and the cold is not close to the body.

"Open, you are unfair."

I didn't know when I opened my body, and the six search members attacked the picture, and included as evidence.

Six intelligencers suddenly were too light, this little guy was very light, but the stock was uncomfortable, so that they had more strong eyes in their eyes, but they didn't care.

Ordinary outsourcing, not enough to make the collapse of the high level, only to catch a few big fish, can attract more attention and eyes, so that you can further reach your own purpose.

The giant sand dust is destroyed, turns flooded, starting the Dragon Dance of the Dragon Dance, and the mysterious assassin with the darkness, forming a great cooperation, let six rocket members do not dare to act rash.

"Flame horse, use sunny day!"

"White sea lion, use, rain!"

The Rocket members are also experienced elite training, after a moment, open the battle battle, two of them release their elf, manufacture two different weather, prepare the sandstone control of Bandgira.

The rain and sunny day appeared in the left and right sides, began to continuously squeezing the duststuff activity, seeing the blocked is about to be cracked, but there is a huge energy to create a huge energy, and the dust is aggravated again.

what happened?

Why is the weather failure?

I don't want to think more, but I saw countless sandbased bombs rapidly, violent shocks, let the flame horse, white sea lions have not responded, and suddenly be impeded by sand, and these sand faster will not be hit to six people.

For the first, a green female training is ingenious to dawn these sand, looking at the opposite of the unpredictable sandstorm, death and death: "All the elves released all, must break!"

Very nice physical fitness, can avoid the sandstorms of the Six Dragon Dances made from the Dragon Dragon Dance.

According to the green-haired woman's order, the remaining five people reacted, and the light of a large number of elves flicker, the various attribute wizards appear separately, release the respective skills attempt to crack such a giant dust field, but not see any improvement, but instead The darkness continues to shoot red, and a lot of elves will be blown out and take away its combat power.

As the strongest green-haired woman in the six people, she quickly found a hint, after many observations, finally identified a thing: "It is very humble! It turns out to put more only wizards, and also cooperate with Bangura Use sandstorm weather! "

Very obviously this kind of sand dust is not the Bangira, which is a wizard of the elves, but many elves are released at the same time!

Is there any so-called trainee? Do you do something like this?

During the entanglement, the green-haired woman tried to release a variety of machine equipment, and observed the surrounding environment.

In fact, the number of ground-first wizards in the surrounding ground is more than 20, and there are many intensive skills to strengthen, one of which has a strange red shadow, which is the strong man who is previously slammed.

"I am only a person, and you have a total of dozens of elves. Under normal circumstances, it is very laborious. I consider the specific way in this way, just with the help of the sandstorms, I have completed the frontline arrangement. "

The elves of the sandstorms may not be the most powerful destruction combination, but it is definitely the best spirit that is best for the position.

When a few people in the Rockets, I took out a delicate data fiber-optic eye of a model, and the unique intelligent suspension equipment was back.

The powerful suspension electromagnetically flashed, and the body slowly floated, swept the opposite enemy, then issued an offensive directive, and instantly produced a dramatic vibration throughout the month.

Eight elves simultaneously released seismic skills, from all directions to the central rockets.


Take a special out of the bracelet, the green-haired woman grabbed a wild comparison, quickly separated from the range of earthquakes, but the rest of the members are not so lucky, the unrequited earthquake offensive is terrible, less than a minute, the whole land is like being boiled , Dramatically shake.

Gongping their ground area is a specific location, the entire surface slope is tilted, which is a few aircraft in each mountain survey of the Moon in each of the mountains.

The dramatic magma has emerged from boiling and broken earth, and the rockets of the Rockets are swallowed by magma, and two training families are also unsaled.

Such a horror, causing the members of all alliances in the distance, many of which heard the news from the news, relying on the equipment to shoot this scene.

The one corner of the mountains in the month is as if it is collapsed. The Rockets are found to be madly felt after this time.

The reporter who was originally holding a fried rice attitude made a spirit, and various news reports were aligned with the place of fighting with the Rockets.

On the Internet, all live news is in the direction of the premium month, the dramatic earthquake attack, combined with the underground magma boil, the heat of the entire news began to increase, while the lens also captures the battle commander to float in the air.

"Don't you say that the earthquake is caused by this sandstorm?"

"This is too exaggerated. Is it true that he has the legendary elf in Fengyuan?"

Compared to the discussion of the reporter, Zhiba, which arrived at the scene, looked at this scene, and the whole person felt a toothache.

This little guy seems to be very big.

"Mr. Zizhi, what happened, is it to say what terrible experiments in the Mountain in the rocket?"

"Cough, this is confidential."