Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 945 Hero of the Constellation
When I opened the door and entered the next room, it was a room with a duel zone in the sky full of stars.I just have a bad feeling at this point.You must be aware of air warfare by purposefully setting the sky.
And my fear became reality, and a blonde, blue-eyed, handsome hero on Starpegasus appeared from the starry sky.
I want you to wait. Perseus is not our last enemy!?I was expecting Theseus, who defeated Minotaur, to come, but I completely misread it.
"My name is Perseus! The goddess Athena gave me S.H.I.E.L.D. Aegis and I am a great hero!I answered that favor!Come on, modern hero! Show me how to win!Now, choose the strongest Summoner. "
Ahh... I feel like I'm getting drunk.Why should I release the second most powerful Summoner?When I look at him, I remember the god who became a chicken.
However, given that the opponent is Perseus, full combat is inevitable.They thought I was the last enemy in the first place.
First, Perseus is a child of Zeus.At this point, it will be out of standard first.And the hero who crushed Medusa, known as the Snake Woman's Monster, and Kathos was also a great hero.
The weapon is a Harper equipped with Sephone, who was made by Happy Istos.However, this is a sword with a curved blade rather than a sickle.This one is meeting with a myth.I also wanted to ask for this shape, but considering the actual battle, I decided that a normal sickle would be better.
Others are bronze shields from Athena.In this game, it seems that the name is Aegis with the shield of the mirror.To make sure there is no misunderstanding, Aegis reads the English of the shield Aegis held by Athena.In other words, in this game, we deliberately divided the shields we gave Perseus and the shields Athena was equipped with.
This shield is said to have reflected Medusa's petrified magic eye, so there will be no doubt about the total reflex.Others are known as the hidden helmet of Hades, and the Tallaria, which can fly with winged sandals.
First of all, if you can't fly at the speed of light when Star Pegasus is there, you won't be able to fight first.I can use Kintetsu to speed up the lightning, but I think it's Theory who rides the spica.After that, when you become a member who can fight at light speed, it comes naturally.
I picked Lily, Ikes, Blanc, Arina, and Spika.This member is the best Perseus I've ever thought of.Perseus rejoiced at seeing it.
"Dragon Newt of Wind and Light, Angels and Alien Robot Dolls!And don't pick the same star Pegasus as me!Looks like you've got eyes on people!It's so funny! Let's kill each other and have the best fight! "
That's Norinori. I'll take the spike and give everybody a quick command.Then the Perseus ascended into the sky, lined up and armed themselves.
"Are you ready? Well done, Starpegasus!"
I suddenly used super-coordination. Then we'll go too!
The two Pegasus horns clashed, and as they were played at each other, my guard and Perseus' Halper clashed sideways.Lily and Bran prepare their buffs in that gap.
"Compete with my Halper!"
When Lily and the others attacked Perseus, Perseus backed them up and checked Lily's magic to see if they could hold Hulper.
"Spirituality! Mooncycle Meetings!"
The light of the moon and the sun was emitted countless times, turning toward him.It must have been slaughtered because it was fired from the sword.
"Too many!"
"I'll do it! Hundreds of flowers!"
My Hundred Flowers Chaos and Moon Cycle Meetings collide, but with a single shot of power, Hundreds of Flowers Chaos are defeated and pushed.But here Lily and Bran's magic is activated and pushed back.
But when the hundred flowers were cut and the remaining slashes approached me, Lily and the others broke in and prevented the rest of the slashes.
Good move, you're blessed with good company.That's what I deserve to fight! "
It's a messy May fly!
"I agree with Arina!"
All of Arina's railgun daggers were hit in an instant, and Ix's shooting doubled when Aegis sucked him in and came back.Is that what Aegis is capable of?
Asking Arina for wind waves, Perseus avoided this.I wish you'd reflected it, but I don't know if it would reflect just light, waves or braces because it was avoided.It's a boulder where you don't give me the information easily.
Then we can only attack on the assumption that it will be reflected.I instructed Ikes to fight on the Deus Twin Energy Blade, and I attacked everyone else with a physical attack.
But here Perseus showed us how to handle our attack perfectly.The cause is Starpegasus' riding technology.I don't know how much Starpegasus kicked me.It was Bran and Arena who were still able to deal with the problem because of the time delay.
Besides, Perseus didn't stop no matter how much we sandwiched him, he came to either side.Then he immediately picks up one person, looks back, and then confronts the one approaching from behind.When the rest of them came towards us, they were taking a distance and attacking from a range.I've done this thoroughly.
The ranged attacks are also diverse, and I used meteor clusters, spheres of light that emit light like laser layers, star bombs that suddenly change their motion sharply just before hitting them, Zeus' children, thunder, thunder bombardment, etc.
Arina's trying to seal off the flight, and she's going after it.But Arena's ability to evade the air was incredible.Perseus and Starpegasus attacked one after the other.But if I showed it too much, I was naturally handled, and Starpegasus kicked me.
The less magic both have, the harder the fight, the more Perseus retrieved the healing items, so this one will heal as well.Perseus sees it and provokes it without attack.
"Fufu, what's wrong? Is it over?I'm not serious yet, am I? "
I guess so.
Fortunately, everyone is ready for Perseus and Star Pegasus.Perseus himself has no gap so far.In this case, it will be Theori who will defeat Starpegasus first.I've just tried many times, but Starpegasus is strong in the first place.
I'll get out of the spica once and give instructions to everyone.
How dare you!
Arina strikes the bear and child thunder drums, releasing countless thunder bombs, which are shot down by Perseus star Pegasus.Then Lily and Bran attacked Perseus.
"Hey ahhhh!"
"Sweet...!? Hero Barrier!"
Perseus activates the Barrier of Heroes, but it wasn't Perseus I was after, it was the Golden Hood that Star Pegasus was equipped with.
"Aim is not bad. But this is also from the goddess Athena!I won't cut it off! "
I'll be blown up by Starpegasus.It wasn't Perseus who Athena gave Pegasus the golden chalice, but a hero named Vereropole.
"Well, no! Starquake!"
"There it is!"
I'll kick a star quake while I'm blown away, and Ikes will fire a Death Sniper Energy Rifle.
"Good attack... let's take that attack! Aegis!"
Perseus chose to suffer a starquake, and Ix's attack came at me in Aegis.When I reach out, I grab the rope of the spika that was running from behind, and the spika plays the Death Sniper Energy Rifle at the star angle and sticks it in.
"Don't ride so rough! Aerial vibration!"
It was Ariana who hit Starpegasus from the side at an overwhelming speed the moment Lily and Blanc were blown up and Perseus used super-coordination.
"What!? Shit!?"
The hyperlink has now been cancelled.Spika's star horn enters Perseus' star Pegasus' neck, and I kick Spika's saddle and take a spin in the air while keeping Kintetsu up.
"Nuu! hah!"
My blow will be played, but Lily will be ready to replace it.
Disconnect the world!
It's inevitable!
Perseus gave up riding Star Pegasus after seeing Blanc pierce his belly with a spear.Arina, Blanc and Spica saw it, and Lily's blow exploded in Starpegasus.
Ike shoots at Starpegasus, who has been knocked into the duel.
"Death Energy Cannon! Shooting!"
More spikes are joining us.Meanwhile, Lily, Blanc and Arina were opposed to Perseus flying in Talaria.
"Quite unforgiving."
"I want you to tell me you're not alarmed."
"I see. I'm sure it'll be better.Let's correct it. And you guys who sent me off Starpegasus brilliantly seem to think I deserve to be taken seriously!Let's go! Let the heroes go! "
Perseus is serious. That's when we tried to use the trump card.I'll be kicked by Perseus and hit by a starquake. Forgiveness.
And then Hulper became huge, and he shaken it at the speed of God.When I roll aggressively, the duel I was in breaks in half in an instant.
Halper is assassinating a hundred-eyed giant, Argos, by jumping his neck.I wondered how he jumped the giant's neck with a sword like that, but if the sword itself grows bigger, he could jump his neck.
"Tact!? Ha!?"
"I'm not gonna do this anymore...!?"
"Pinch... what!?"
Lily and the others were blown up in an instant, and when Perseus came to me, Ikes entered the god barrier to protect me.
"I won't let Master do it!"
"Nice try, but is it powerful? Haaaaahh!"
The Divine Barrier that received the Harper is cracked.This is a weapon that Ikes is stunned to death, but is said to be capable of killing even immortal gods.It may not be compatible with the power of God.
I hold Ikes, fly sideways, slash them, but I get kicked.
"This is the hero Perseus..."
"It's not bad to be held like this."
I feel like I'm hugging Ikes from behind.
If that's what you're saying.
It's over.
When Perseus sets Aegis in the sky, a magical formation is drawn in the sky.The Perseus is depicted.
"Stop it, Bran!"
Invalid magic!
Blanc activates Magic Disable, but it is played.
"It's too late, thank you for entertaining me.Let me show you the truth.Aegis! Let go of the legend! "
You want to use Legendary Liberation here?What the hell are you doing!?I have to stop... anyway.I can't fly because I have ix. My fucking idiot!
Lily! Bran! Arina! Engagement burst!
A terrible light from Perseus that doesn't seem to be the magic of the constellation falls on Perseus... or, to be precise, on Aegis.And Aegis absorbed the light.But Lily and the others made it.
"" "" Engagement Burst! ""
"It's no use! Take it! My heroism! Argor Pandemonium!"
A terrible light from Aegis occurs in all the fields, petrifying Spika and Ix and Perseus' Star Pegasus.
"Fufu, this is Medu."
Engageburst punched Perseus in the face as hard as we could.
In this engagement burst, the armor is green and the joints are golden, and the wings on the back are Lily, Ariane and Blanc's eight wings.The weapon is not in your hand, but in your waist.Other weapons are deployed around as usual.
"Stupid!? Why not petrify!?It's supposed to be a petrification technique that ignores even the protection of God!? "
Heavenly Fist!
"Ha!? Hey, wait a minute"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!And I'll give it back! "
It's all reflections!
The same rays will be emitted from our hands.
"What!? Definite defense!"
Perseus barely guarded it.
"I see. Did any of you have a light absorber?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Perseus."
Looks like Aegis has some light absorption too.Arina chose to avoid Perseus's attack all the time or intercept it, so it was completely false.
And here's what I'm saying, let's be honest.It was a coincidence that I was saved.If Arina hadn't activated Light Absorption immediately after the engagement burst, it would have been over.
"I wish I could praise Arina more."
Arina, wow
Excellent judgment.
Well, that's all I can afford.
Oh, it's a coincidence. I understand because I'm doing an engagement burst. Perseus laughs.
"I don't think so. I can't help it.I think I can use this for you who have endured my special attack. "
Perseus' helmet turned into a black helmet.Is that Hades' hidden helmet?
"This is who I really am. Let's go."
Perseus disappears in an instant.I certainly don't feel any signs or gaze.Looks like the battle is over.
Oniisama! It's now!Oniisama punches to the right!
"Heavenly Fist!"
We'll blow the Heavenly Fist into the clear Perseus's belly.Make Perseus fly even harder.Lily, Blanc, and Arena's three engagement bursts await speed and mobility.
Perseus has not reacted at all before the overwhelming speed of mobility.However, it seems that this is a shock to be attacked while wearing Hades' hidden helmet.
I kicked it off and hit Perseus with a railgun when lightning struck the surrounding weapon.
I go down with the light gathering in front of Perseus, where Blanc is electrocuting himself with lightning.
"Fufu, that's really unforgiving."
Cumming! Dragon Nova!
Info came when Lily activated Dragonnova.
Successfully crushed Perseus.You can challenge the next challenge. "
The level of the Professional Summoner has increased.You earned 3 stat points.
The level of the Professional Summoner has increased.You scored 3pt skill points.
Perseus and Star Pegasus have amazing experience with boulders.Perseus is about to disappear into the light.
"How did you know where I was?If you wear this hidden helmet of Hades, you won't even be able to see the shadows, and your detection skills will be disabled. "
"Yes, but Hades' hidden helmet doesn't just hide you from the world.Then we can find it.For example, you make a noise that you don't know, and then you use the sound that bounces back from you to figure out where you are. "
That's why I chose Arina.I had an engagement burst with Arina and I could feel it.
"The power of the wind dragon newt... fufu.Looks like you were the first one to take down the wrong guy. "
"Oh, it's results-based."
"That's what fighting is.Everyone who keeps producing results will be recognized and become a hero.And that's all I can do about a dead hero. "
Perseus stood up and offered his shield.
"The hero Perseus gave the god shield from the goddess Athena.I will entrust you, the hero of our time... to Athena... please. "
When I took it, Perseus disappeared.And I dismantled Starpegasus. Here are the results.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Aegis: Rarity 10 Shield Quality S
Weight: 100 Durability: 5000 Defense: 3000
Effects: Absolute Defense, Super Focus, Light Absorption, Total Reflection, Random Reflection, Double Reflection, Hero Barrier, Heaven Wall, Legendary Liberation, Titan Protection, Athena Protection
Goddess Athena gave Perseus a mirror shield.It is alleged that Medusa was petrified by reflecting Medusa's petrified magic eye.
Golden Hood: Rarity 10 Armor Quality S +
Weight: 30 Durability: 2000
Effects: All Stat Ups on Pegasus, Ride Up, Collaborate Up, Magic Heal, Warrior Disable, Golden Barrier, and Athena Protection
The goddess Athena is said to have made it to ride Pegasus.Pegasus, whose temper is rough, is greatly enhanced by the power of Athena, which dramatically improves Pegasus' abilities.
Hmm! Strong! S.H.I.E.L.D. Aegis is more and more reflective of light, doubling it, absorbing it and shooting a colony laser if it can super-focus.Let's keep this a secret from Saba-san and bring it up to Blanc.
"I'm afraid I'll use the goddess Athena's shield..."
"What are you talking about now?Bran's Parras shield was originally made from materials that Athena prepared for Konoha's trial. "
"That's not the shield of the goddess Athena."
"Okay, then don't give it to Cruz."
Bran jumped in when he heard that.
"If it's enough for Cruz, I'll use it!"
I wish I had said that from the beginning.So S.H.I.E.L.D. Aegis became Bran's.And it was decided to give Cruz a Diomedase spear and a Parras shield.And the golden jug in question.
I thought Darley and Spika were going to suffer, so I avoided it, but I had to think more than this.
"Spika, this is your gear, what do we do?"
I rubbed my head.Is that what this is all about? I'll equip it and see how it goes for a while.I'm still worried.
"Hmm... do you usually go with a rope and turn it into this when you're serious?"
Spika nodded desperately.Looks like you've decided on a policy.
Next, manipulate the status. I'll be signing up with Athena soon, so I'll keep my stat points agile.
The remaining skill points were 120pt.In fact, it turns out that some people already have a contract with God and can only acquire the skills of the contracted God.So maybe it's time to target new skills.
Here, I recovered from the effects of the fountain and then went home once and logged out.