Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 1000 Making the Chalice
The materials are lined up and ready to make the chalice.
Again, there are unexpected ways to make the Holy Grail.
"... that's the niisama in this game"
Is Milly going to praise you? Doubtfully, Nick proceeds to make the chalice as described and finishes it.
Metal blend!
When Kori in Dadda shines rainbow-colored, she turns it into a golden centipede. I tried to appraise it.
Holy Grail: Rarity 10 Critical Item Grade S +
It is said to fulfill every wish. Fill the chalice with water in one of the sacred relics to create the highest holy water. This holy water has the ability to wipe out any demonic abilities. In addition, it has the ability to produce food and weapons other than limited weapons once a day if they have been appraised.
This is where the info screens come in.
You've earned the title Creator of the Grail
Title: "Creator of the Grail"
Effect: Skill Point +20, Status Point +20, Grail Blessing
Titles given to those involved in making the chalice.
I'm hardly involved in making the chalice. Perhaps it was the owner of the Cori in Daddy that influenced it. Nick seems to be sorry.
Is it a good thing I got the title?
I asked you to do it, so isn't it okay?
"... yes. The right to request the creation of the chalice rests with the niisama who was advancing in the quest." Niisama chose us, so there shouldn't be a problem. "
Milly's right. When we thanked each other and looked into the blessing of the Holy Grail, it turned out that there was a deactivation of Magic and a deactivation of the status abnormality from the Devil.
"... I think this is obviously a blessing of boss combat specialization"
In other words, Nick decided to join the boss fight.
Nick tries to escape with many excuses, but we all know that Nick is strong. He's a contestant in the tournament. It can't be weak.
Here I broke up with Nick and soon Mel complains that Milly is making holy water.
We also helped Mirai-chan in her quest!
"That's right! That's right!" You're making Milly think too much of you! "
You can't help it, can you? If you complain that you didn't get the title, tell the management. "
"... I'm sure I was involved in completing the quest, but I think it's over because they said I wasn't involved in the production."
That's what's gonna happen. Well, what they're trying to say is, after all, they want to use the Holy Grail. I thought it was okay, but Mirai stopped me.
"... when the day comes when niisama doesn't really use it, I think it would be good to let him use it at that time"
The two of them rejoiced at this, but I'm sure that the day will not come when the Meles will use the Holy Grail. How many Summoners do you think I have? Well, if you're happy, let's stop pouring water.
Report to the castle that the Holy Grail of Holy Water has been created and offer it to the Grand King.
“You did it… I need you to give this to the soldiers immediately.”
"Yes! I'll keep it for you. Takuto-sama, Mirai-sama"
I gave Hippocrates the Holy Grail of Holy Water, and I gave it to Mr. Brass in the cell. There was a princess Sarah who had been there for a long time. I think it is because I feel responsible for the appearance of Mr. Brass on the boulder. I'm glad I'm looking good for now.
"The Holy Grail of Holy Water! Bring these people back to their original human form!"
Then, when the Holy Grail of Holy Water was sprinkled on Mr. Brass, the demonic parts raised smoke and Mr. Brass returned to human form.
What's going on?
"It's back to normal." That's good, Sara. "
"Oh... I'm so glad."
"" "Princess Sarah..." "
At the suggestion of Mr. Hippocrates, we were to see the situation for a few days, and we decided to treat Princess Sarah with the holy water of the chalice as a precaution. You can't be relieved because you've only just had your first experience with drifting rocks. Not to mention the fact that Princess Silphy is experiencing a demon attack, so I think this judgment is reasonable.
"Look, Sarah, you have something to say to Tact?"
"I know, I know! Um... what? Thank you for helping the knights."
"Please tell Mirai that it's not me."
"Oh, that's right." Thank you, Lord Milly, as Commander of the Knights. I'll pay you later. See you later. "
When Princess Sarah tried to get away from the scene, Princess Silphy teleported Princess Sarah to me.
"Shi, Sylphy-sama..."
"If you have something to say to Tact, you should say it as soon as possible." The showdown with the demon kings was about to begin. I don't like the way the Free Tier Knight Commander and Heroes are doing things like this. "
"Fu... right. Hah ~... okay." Tact, can I have a moment? "
It's okay.
When I followed Princess Sarah, Princess Sarah looked back.
"If you take a peek, I won't really forgive you!" Sylphy-sama! Henri! "
I'm sorry.
Looks like he was full of peeking. I think you're sisters who know this. And I was going to talk in the castle garden.
"... well... you've caused a lot of trouble in the last battle."
"I'm barely bothered." Well, I was about to be slaughtered.
"Um... sorry"
"It's Belial's fault, isn't it? There's no need for Princess Sarah to apologize. I'm sorry to ignore you."
No, that's a relief, I guess...
Doesn't it feel like there's a lot of things left to sort out? Then Princess Sarah asked.
"What did you think when you saw me that time?"
"Huh? Didn't you look good?" Ah, it was when you were caught? "
"Not there! Forget about that!" Now! "
Apparently, it was a landmine.
Is that all that's left of you?
“Yes, was there anything else?”
"No, look... I've said a lot... hh?" Could it be that you haven't heard anything? "
“What do you want?”
Princess Sarah and Princess Silphy didn't argue with me either.
"Well, that's fine." Yeah! I'm really glad... but aren't you disillusioned with me? "
Is it because you have become a demon or a fallen angel?
"My feelings are the same as before." I'm not disillusioned with things like becoming a demon or a fallen angel. I mean, I've become a demon, a vampire, and a demon king myself. "
I didn't have any thoughts of falling into the dark now. But Princess Sarah didn't seem to be able to cut it off that easily.
"Maybe so, but I'm a woman who has been empowered by Belial." I don't even know if it's human anymore. "
"Princess Sarah is a human being." I mean, you're just bothered right now, aren't you? "
Princess Sarah looks at me. I'll keep going.
"Why did Belial give you the power?" It's not up to Belial to decide how to use it. Isn't it up to Princess Sarah to decide? If I were you, I'd beat him up with the power Belial gave me. "
I don't think there's anything stupid enough to empower the enemy. If there's a reason I want to lose, it's okay.
”Fufu. What a tactful conclusion.”
You finally laughed.
"Hey, don't suddenly say strange things!" We're done here! Hurry home! "
You're being kicked out. Oh, I had a favor to ask of Princess Sarah.
Speaking of which, I have a favor to ask of Princess Sarah.
I want you to teach me riding combat.
"... is that even more necessary now?"
Completely stunned.
"For now, I want to learn a solid riding battle." Can I ask you a favor? "
"I'm going to focus on treatment, so after that, that's fine."
“So, if you have a plan, please let me know.”
When I tried to leave the garden, I found two princesses with hiding eyes. I decided to pretend not to see my sisters in order to avoid quarrels. It's annoying to talk about it here, and to hear about Einstein's space trips.
When I get back from the castle, I'll get the Excalibur broken by the Holy Grail.
Broken Excalibur: Critical Items
The broken Holy Sword Excalibur. One of the materials of the Holy Sword Excalibur.
At first, it was Milly's intention, but Milly asked me about my current situation and changed his aim. Mirai's focus was on the Alchemist's highest difficulty quest. They want to judge this after I clear it. That's why I decided to use it first. By the way, it was Saturday noon to challenge the quest at the request of Nick. It happened because there was a wedding in the morning and at night.
I could still afford to check the time, so I gave the meal an engagement.