Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 1046 The Knights of Gonzalo the Revenge
Heading for the castle, I'm going with Gray and the others to capture the entrance to the castle.
"Please! Loco Moco! Airy! Stra!"
»» »» »Shah!» »
Roco Moco and Airy's thunder and Stra's relentless brace strike from the sky. Amazoness slashes and plays, but in the meantime, Grey and the others close their distance and make a gap in Amazoness.
The witches who saw it attacked, but Konoha, Hicks, Spika, Sieg, Azure, and Coral entered the defense, and when prevented from attacking, the Summoners attacked where they had fled.
Having secured the landing spot, I summoned Black Iron, Dean, and Yaya, and the other Summoners rushed in to secure the spot to infiltrate the castle.
Here I had the rare experience of fighting alongside men's Dragonutes and Celian Beasts. Some of these Summon Monsters had recently been the subject of conjugation summons.
That's Einheliyal, the soul of a hero who appears in Nordic mythology. Apparently, they were liberated by engaging with Odin. It seems that the topic is handsome and that there is a female version called Einferia that is another evolutionary step ahead.
When I heard this, of course, the presence of the Valkyrie went through my head before the final evolution. Maybe I could summon them for a title comp. I guess I had to beat the four Valkyries that hadn't appeared in the most awesome Summon Quests yet. He was quite strong.
And the other conjugate summoning beasts fought nicely. First of all, Centaurs, a rare archer among Summon Monsters. The final evolution turned out to be Draco Centaur, the dragon centaur. The reason for this seemed to be that it was the meadow boss who fought against Fegulus.
Finally, a Japanese monster. At first, as the evolution progressed in the form of a black cat, it turned into a monster figure. There are various legends and stories about the monster, and it is a very strong classification among the monsters. In this game, the first black cat figure became popular with women, but as it evolved, it was slapped on a bulletin board. Well, anyone who suddenly grows up from a black cat and turns into a monkey will be drawn. Personally, I want you to be gentle with me. The bad thing is operation. I'm not guilty of anything.
Another pitiful thing in the puzzle is the leader of the Blue Freedom. It seemed that the reason was that he was going to advance Okita's quest, and that he was going to defeat the Black Cat. This is one of the well-known episodes of the death of General Manager Okita, and there is a theory that the cause of the illness that caused General Manager Okita's death is Tsubaki. Okita said that when he became ill, black cats appeared every day, and even cats could not be cut by the sick body. From this story, it becomes clear that the black cat is not a fox.
This story is interesting, but it seems that in Japan at that time, the black cat was a lucky cat. There is also a theory that tales of amulets coincide and that we have come to rescue General Okita. Apparently, he adopted the theory of deception in this game.
After completing the quest, I received a sword from General Okita, but it seems that the female player slashed the black cat. He was foolish enough to say that the price was high. By the way, it seems that in Sakura, Sojiro has already changed his name to Okita Souji.
As we secured the space, infiltrating units inside the castle were opened up to the troops in charge outside. If you look at it, you can see that not only the top players, but also the intermediate players have become stronger.
You've kept me waiting.
To go to the middle of the enemy and conquer one place like that is the strength of the Rock.
It's the result of you covering me from the sky.
In fact, Bazooka's rocket launcher coverage was terrible.
From here, we'll move on to the castle war. We were in a fight, so we stayed behind. It was the Amazones who waited in the castle again. But this time we have the upper hand.
I'm sorry!
“I'm sorry!”
Everyone who got the Excalibur was apologizing and defeating the Amazones. In the previous battle in the field, the fighting power was very fragmented, and when it was in a state of turmoil, strong weapons like Excalibur were much more restricted in their nature.
However, this time, the top players are marching through a narrow passage. It's pretty tough to get into a turbulent war in this situation. Not to mention that everyone is familiar with this kind of thing.
It's a different march than if the shield wasn't standing in front of you.
Amazoness is the opponent, right?
"I would be grateful if you could keep the absolute defense." In that case, I'll let you play an active role in Satanakia. "
I used it a while ago, so please.
Along the way, we arrived in front of a giant door, scouring traps and pitfalls where giant sickles were flying, and traps where guns were firing indiscriminately.
Let's go!
Mr. Magrath breaks in, and everyone enters the king's room, where Satanakia is.
"Oh my God, it's noisy, this is amazing."
Satanakia, whom I had seen before, sat on the throne with her legs crossed.
Demon King General Satanakia?
There were many women around them who seemed to be monks.
Satanakia-sama, I'm scared ~
“It's okay, I'm here.”
"Haha. Satanakia-sama, it's lovely ~"
A mysterious knight guarded the attack on Satanakia by one of us who was shown the sight of this Sister Harlem. I know that mark!?
Temple Night Demon Lv65
Normal Monster Crusade Target Active
It was still the mark of the Knights Templar. Even so, you treated the demon badly again.
The Knights Templar may be the most famous of the real Knights. I don't know if the Knights of the Round Table existed yet.
The Knights Templars were sometimes said to be the strongest of the Crusaders, but they were actually formed after the first Crusade. Strength and valor can be described as legendary knights after saving the French king and defeating the Muslim hero Saladin in the Second Crusade.
The idea that the Knights Templars' strength would be honored even if they died in a rare battle at the time was at the root of the Knights Templars' strength. At that time, the battle was being fought for a fixed number of days. The longer they stayed, the more money they would have paid for the soldiers they collected, and the more money they would have had to pay, the more they would have quit the fight and returned.
However, since the Knights Templar was not gold, but a knight who fought to reclaim the Holy Land, it boasted a different strength at the time. The Knights Templar was also famous for its great economic power. It is said that the financial resources were at the level of economic support for the King of France. However, this prompted me to destroy the Knights Templar.
By financially supporting the King of France, he means that the King of France owes the Knights Templar a debt. The King of France was in the way of the Knights Templar as his debt swelled. He then plans to destroy the Knights Templar, cancel his debts, and confiscate the Knights Templar's property.
The Knights Templars, who licked the King of France, were prosecuted by heresy trials such as devil worship, confessed to their crimes, and many who did not give in to torture were allegedly executed by fire.
I don't think it's possible for a Knights like that to become a demon. Then someone knew the Knights Templars in this game. Jeanne is one of the leaders of the SS.
"Temple Knight!?"
"Huh? You seem to know them." Does that mean it belongs to Gonzalo? "
Apparently, the Knights Templars in this game are related to Gonzalo. Jeanne's SS leader tells us about the Knights Templar.
“The Knights Templar was the Knights of Gonzalo, and it seems that the Knights were judged for their betrayal of the Pope and the higher clergy.”
After hearing this story, Satanakia inherits it.
“Exactly. They had more wealth and power than the pope and the higher priests, and they were ruined for that. When they were sentenced to death by fire, they wished. Give me back my money, I'll ruin you. That's what Mamon and I like to think. You became my Knights in exchange for fulfilling my wishes."
"A price to pay to make a wish come true?"
"Yeah... I'm the only one who told you where to find the Valkyrie that was going to be an obstacle, or instructed you to go after Jeanne, the Princess of Free Tier." I was interrupted by the most unfamiliar Summoner, but I was lucky to be able to fulfill my promise. ”
Considering Satanakia's position as a general, he is in a position to speak a lot. Instead, it was clear that the reason that Princess Silphy, Jeanne, and Valkyrie were targeted was Satanakia's instruction.
Until now, I thought that Anra Manyu and her men were investigating on their own, but except for Gonzalo's Valkyrie, Anra Manyu wasn't the ones who were targeting the Valkyrie.
Princess Silphy was also in Fretilia Castle, a spy who had nothing to do with Anra Manyu. The reason why Jeanne was targeted was subtle, but at least she felt uncomfortable about Princess Silphy and the Valkyrie.
"Thank you for taking the trouble to tell me." In gratitude, I'll crush you with your pathetic knights. "
If everyone's name comes up on the boulder, we can't just keep quiet.
"Fufu, can you do it?"
Satanakia snaps his fingers and the Knights Templars, who have become countless demons, appear and attack us.
I'm coming for you!
»» »» »Oh!» »
Each other's shield tackles bump into each other, and each other fucks each other.
"We're going to fall back."
Huh? Are you sure?
"The summoning beast is too narrow to fight here." Intervening poorly may get in the way. Let's trust everybody here and support them. ”
»» »» Ok! »»
When it comes to battles, each other's strength is reversed. It was a legendary weapon that won or lost this time.
"Burn to the ground! New Clear Excalibur! Unlock the Holy Sword!"
The Array's Excalibur attack has been prevented. How can you be blessed with victory? When in doubt, the enemy will tell you the answer.
"It's no use. This shield is made from relics." No matter how many gods and stars you win, you can't beat the Creator God! "
"Is there such a thing!?"
In this game, the blessing of saints and the blessing of the Virgin Mary fit into what they call the power of the Creator God. Perhaps the reason is that Jesus Christ is made the Son of God. And the God of the Bible is the God of creation. I guess that's why I set it up like this. Mr. Magrath, who has Durantal, will tell you.
"Calm down! The protection of saints and the protection of the Virgin Mary is not a victory!" I'm just nullifying the usual blessings below victory blessings and god blessings! If you fight and win normally, you won't have a problem! "
The biblical gods of this game seem to prefer a fair fight.
Why does the Knights Templar have the Holy Relic? The Knights Templar was founded in Jerusalem to protect those who come on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. In other words, this kind of equipment came out because of its strong connection to the Holy Land of Jerusalem.
Not to mention that Satanakia was involved in the game with González, who manages the artifacts, and also manages the property earlier. There must have been a sacred artifact in there.
Well, what about the Knights Templars, who use the artifacts as weapons and armor? The popes of González at the time, who may have deposited the places and relics with the Knights Templar, are full of tsk tsk tsk tsk. In any case, it turned out that the Knights Templars in this game had an unusual strength.
One after the other, they used the Holy Relics. I hope you get this later. I think the punishment for the Knights who fell to the devil using the Holy Relics was too much.
Here, the player gradually begins to push the enemy. No matter how much gear I had, I couldn't win or lose. Individually or collectively, we were better at what we did, so we gradually started pushing our enemies. Especially the Full Moon, Emperor, and Magrath, who were fighting on the front lines, were very well coordinated.
While they were interfering with each other's magic and healing skills, they switched as soon as they were injured, and the frontline did not collapse when they used their regeneration skills to heal independently. In contrast, the Knights Templars didn't change, and they launched a gun attack.
I thought the death we talked about around here was a reflection of the honor setting.
"Oh my. You're a bad flag." Well then, let's give you a little help. "
Satanakia snaps her fingers when she says so. The Knights of Templar were all in a runaway state.
"Ku!? Don't lick it!"
When Mr. Full Moon used his shield to stop the attack and pierced his body with his spear, the Temple Night Demon became enlarged and his spear could not escape.
"Ku!? What is this!? Everybody back! I'm going to blow myself up!"
I blew myself up as Full Moon had warned me. Completely Satanakian. It makes me sad to think that this is the end of the Knights Templar.
"Are you alright!? Full moon!"
Ah… I'm sorry, but I'm going to swap the gear.
"I've taken a lot of damage, too." Take a break. You guys are working too hard. "
Here, I dealt with the Temple Knight Demon, where Tei and Magrath's guild blew themselves up in a rampage. With time to self-destruct, when the enlargement occurs, the weapon will be thrown far away, and the weapon will be dealt with by a return skill.
Meanwhile, only Mr. Magrath was overwhelmingly strong. It was Durandal. Durandal's attack grew enlarged and slashed, blowing up enemies in the range of attack with the vibrations generated by the pursuit.
A sword called the Rockless Blade, it fought alongside heroes such as Laurent and Hector. And the enemy also noticed Durandal's abilities.
"You're a fool!? What is the power of that!? Blessed be the Virgin!?"
It is said that the Durandal pattern contains the relics of many saints and the relics of the Virgin Mary. The Knights of the Rock Templar didn't have any relics of the Virgin Mary. I don't know if it's because of the rampage, or if it's just because I want the relics of the Virgin Mary, but Magrath has enemies.
"" "" Giaaaaaa!? ""
The enemy is blown to pieces. Strong. Durandal. It just doesn't fit my fighting style. Durandal's sword was the mainstay of the attack. If Lily had seen this, she would definitely want it, but Durandal is unfortunately not eligible for the Grail or Hermes Ticket.
When the Heavy Warrior Squad broke through, they took down the Magus Temple Cleric Demon.
Everyone who defeats them is condemned to death. The healer tries to disarm immediately, but Satanakia blocks us here.
"The time was full. Now is the time to call the most powerful demon our army has ever known! Come from Goat! Arshat Baphomet!"
A goatee was drawn in the space behind Satanakia, from which a black vortex emerged, and from which a demon with a black goat's head emerged.
Arshat Baphomet?
Arshat is the name of the star in Capricorn, meaning the butcher's sheep. Butchers are people who kill animals for food and leather goods. It's not a very pleasant word.
Baphomet knows everyone who fought Belial. It was Baphomet who became involved with the Knights Templars and made them suspect that they were worshipping them.
"Come on! Do it! Arshat Baphomet!"
As Arshat Baphomet's staff glowed purple, the countdown to the death sentence grew rapidly faster.
"" "I don't know!???" "
Everyone who's been sentenced to death falls, and even more cursed assaults attack us. And when we're attacked, we're in an abnormal state of poison and infectious disease.
What do you think? What is the taste of a demonic attack that harbors the resentment of animals killed at the convenience of humans?
Butchery also involves killing with infectious diseases. That's where this effect comes from, isn't it? This is where Gray and the others came to see me. Can I fight now? Sounds like it.
Then Luke and the others fight against Arshat Baphomet. Gray and the others joined us here. And the rest of us, Darley and I, were going to face Satanakia.