Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 1065 The Sea Dragon God of Ugarit Mythology
Identify the enemies that have appeared.
Yam Nahar?
This is Kaijin Yam, who appears in Ugarit mythology. It appears as the first enemy of Baal and is known as the god of the sea, who became the ruler of the earth before Baal. And Ayamuru and Yagursh, who appeared as Baal's weapons, were made to defeat Sea God Yam.
I'm not the only one who noticed this, but I'll get in touch with the people who have these two weapons. Then Yam Nahar opens his mouth.
"Walle, become the ruler of this world. Therefore mankind, perish here."
I'm telling you to die because humans are the rulers of the earth now. So you think you'll be the ruler of the earth again? If so, he's not reflecting on anything.
The reason for his death was that he became the ruler of the earth, and Yam was oppressed by imposing heavy taxes on the gods. As a result, the gods moved to defeat Yam. In other words, you deserve it. Merlin has sent communications to all of us here.
There's nothing to be afraid of. He's already quite weak as a god! It's not much of an enemy!
"Well said. Massive tide."
As Yam Nahar's eyes glowed red, we gradually went up.
"Wait a minute... this is..."
"The sea is lifting!?" Tact-san!? "
"Overrun by the current! No, no, no!" That god has taken complete control of it! "
Full tide is when the sea level rises. But what are you going to do with this?
"Escape to the sky! Tact!"
"I don't think I can do that either." Lilly, onee-sama. "
Following Alina's gaze, clouds in the sky were sucked into the sea... no, where Yam Nahal was. As a result of the lack of high tide at Yam Nahal, there are holes and waterfalls, and the clouds are sucked in. I've seen this sight before. [M]
Can you do the same thing as Kalyubdis?
"Ah, if you think you've seen it somewhere before, was it at that time?" Isn't that disgusting? "
"It's disgusting... Look, the boat's already sinking, and everyone flying is being sucked in." I don't know how deep it is, but since the sea level is rising, the height of falling from the hole is probably more than it was then. "
Oh, my God! Tact!
"Calm down, there's still time to spare. There's no threat so far, so it's okay."
The moment I say that, the ocean returns and everyone is thrown into the sky.
"" "" "" The place is quite weakened! Merlin! ”” ””
Everyone complains to Merlin as he falls. Merlin was the one who flagged it down completely. We were also prepared to fall, but Yuuki escaped thanks to using the immortal's airborne float. Although it was slowly being sucked in, it seemed that airborne floating could resist this suction to some extent.
Phew... I'm in danger
Merlin sneaked up next to me. Leave King Arthur and the other Knights of the Round Table alone. It's not just about Merlin.
"I'm sorry to bother you, Tact."
"We're sorry, too."
Recca and Chiffon also came with a transfer.
"You cooled your liver to a stone."
"I'm glad I metastasized."
In addition, Master Skaaha and Aife appeared from my shadows. Everyone's a little clumsy. Each of the most vulnerable people has taken refuge in a safe place.
Is it okay to leave everyone else alone?
"There's nothing wrong with King Arthur." Here. Look at that. "
King Arthur was flying with the Knights of the Round Table on board, using Pridnestrovie, the shield he would have used in the battle against me. Cufoulin also flew in the sky with his flying runes and attacked Yam Nahal, who was still drilling a hole in the sea.
Here, Yam Nahar unleashes a dragonbreath against the kings of Arthur. King Arthur then turned his shield toward Dragonbreath and pushed through the Dragonbreath.
Shortly before Yam Nahar, the knights of the Round Table jumped out of Priduen and slashed.
It's still hard!
That's why you're stopping the attack, Gawain!
"Heh... you don't have to tell me!" Mode Red! "
The other heroes followed suit, and the players continued to lose.
Isn't that right?
"... how about that?"
Is there anything that bothers you, Tact?
”It's strange that Yam Nahal, who restored the sea in an instant, is still drilling a hole...”
Everyone here noticed Yam Nahar's aim.
"Are you luring me?!"
If so, target the enemy!?
We were too late to notice, and Yam Nahal closed the hole, and the waterfall that had created the hole was approaching the players.
"Run away!?"
"Let me go."
Everyone is captured by the Hades Chain. It quickly took me a short time to get out of here.
"Mh...? Hmm? What is this place?"
It looks like Merlin has been replaced.
"Are you all right, King Arthur?"
"Sure. Take him down right away."
"Are you going to fight underwater against a sea god?" If there's a chance to win, it's fine, but I don't think Merlin helped me. "
King Arthur has a bitter face on my point. At that time, everyone in the ocean was under water pressure that was about to fall apart. Moreover, Yam Nahar demonstrates his power.
"Go back to the original!" The weak! Divine Skill! Aslee! "
Everyone's body bubbles and disappears. It was an instant death move for those in the water.
A mermaid!?
"Damn, kushi!"
I checked with my spatial enemies to make sure they were all gone from the ocean.
Mirai, you can do it.
"... yeah. Revive Harvest!"
When the entire field is enveloped by the green wind, everyone is fully healed and revived. The most powerful healing magic technique that can only be used by clerics. Now the battle is back to square one. Most of the toughest ships are sinking to the bottom of the ocean.
Here, the heroes and players rise to the surface of the water and Yam Nahar turns his back on the weapon.
Even if I tell you the difference in power, you can still challenge me.
"I'm not soft enough to give up like this."
The Summoners did their best so far. If we don't defeat you, we won't be honored. "
Everyone cares a lot about you, right? Then the battle began again, but Yam Nahar dived into the sea and attacked. Moreover, even though I tried underwater battles, my speed was the same as Lian's.
After all, won't you be able to compete like this?
Can I ask you something?
"Ah, I'll take care of it!" Gay rune! Unleash the spear! "
The gay runes of the Wizard Orb burn when the gay runes say so. Yam Nahar, who saw it, laughed with his nose.
Do you think such a flaming spear can be used against a sea god?
"It won't work." But we can make a sign of victory! I'll show you! The scorching hell that evaporates the ocean! Penetrate throw! "
Throwing a gay rune into the ocean causes the gay rune to move straight into the ocean, and thrusting it into the ocean floor activates the power of the gay rune.
The water level in the Leviathan waters dropped slightly and eventually dried up completely, and the ground was covered with lava. This is the effect of the Great Scorching Fever, a skill unleashed by Gay Rune's Magic Spear. Here, Gay Rune also activates the Vit Up effect, which is a magic spear release effect.
Seeing this, Yam Nahal removed the piercing gay rune, but Mr. Full Moon stopped hitting his tail.
"I won't let you take this off even if you die."
"Stay out of my way! Dragonbreath!"
"" "Let's do it!" "
The Emperor and the party members of the Full Moon entered to defend it. Looking at this, I think we've grown up better than when we were in Baal.
I bet on the pride of a heavy warrior, and I'll keep this spear to myself!
I don't like insects!
When Yam Nahar focuses his power on his mouth, a bow and arrow with bazookas and dynamite are poured down here, causing a massive explosion.
"... look down at him like he is!" Feathery! Stay out of my way! "
Countless sickles are unleashed in the sky, but they are dispersed.
"I won't let you do it so easily." Zhou Yu Hall "
Zhuge Liang seemed to have wiped it out. It was Zhuge Liang who let the wind blow in the battle of the Rock Red Wall. Are you manipulating the wind?
"I know! Heroic technique! Sun Yan Tiger Formation!"
As the tiger of fire surrounds Yam Nahal, it strikes at once, and bites Yam Nahal and burns. Then Yam Nahar threw out the sea waves, but he slipped through the illusion. It was the power of Sima Tsubaki.
Next, Hannibal and Agrippa activate their powers.
Heroic moves! Change Siege!
When a flipped ship or another ship disappears, it appears to surround Yam Nahar. A heroic move to reposition people and objects throughout the field. Nasty. No matter how much you cut it down, it could besiege us in an instant.
Heroic moves! Roman Victory Order!
Soldier spirits appeared in front of the revived ship's cannon, and a massive artillery barrage struck Yam Nahar. Looks like this is a technique to trigger an order. Excellent collaboration, even though we're not close.
While the players were attacked, they were restrained by the Dolomi. But the power is too strong to break the dolomi. It's a broken chain in Fenrir. Can't Yam Nahar be restrained by the boulders? This is where King Arthur decides.
"If we can't stop it, we'll have to push it off!" Let's do it! "
An on-parade of great talent hits Yam Nahal, and the final heavy warrior player with Ayyamuru and Yagursh slams into a hegemonic blow and falls. But get up.
"Not yet! We can't lose! Whoa, whoa!"
Water bursts out of the burning ground and gushes underneath the gay rune, releasing the scorching heat and flushing everyone out.
It's not delicious!?
"Anyone! Defeat them!"
Everyone unleashes a Special Attack, but they're blocked by the Sea Wall.
It's over! God fire!
God strikes King Arthur directly. But King Arthur rises. The Immortal King Arthur will not die. But the rise in water levels won't stop.
Oh, my God! Tact!
I won't let you defeat him soon!
"... calm down, guys. Here we go."
"" "What? What!?" "
A giant was coming down from the sky. Hepaistos and Pandora made it in time. Identify them.
Tharos was falling from the sky, and when he stood his fist, his arm was armed. An iron stake in the elbow moves, and when Yam Nahar finishes his fist, a burst of fire is activated. Tharos flies again with a shock, sprays a thruster and decides on a landing.
The smoothness of the movement is very different. The pilot was a mackerel who had been involved in the development of Talos.
"... what? You? Water pressure cut!"
Intensely pressurized water is discharged into the horizontal gutter.
God Barrier, unfold!
A divine barrier was deployed around Talos to guard against hydraulic cutting. Seeing this, Yam Nahar gets grumpy.
"Damn it! It's a metal doll made by another god!" What!? "
A charged ray is emitted from Talos' eyes. Eating this, Yam Nahar shoots a charged beam of light back at Talos, but the charged beam is played with reflective armor. And when Talos stood the opposite of a bursting fist, Meliken was equipped with a lightning bolt.
"Eat it! Burst! Railgun rocket punch!"
"That kind of attack will work!" The Great Seawall! "
A sea wall forms around Yam-Nahar. I licked Hepaistos and Pandora. I know that rocket punch isn't just a rocket punch. Hepaistos and Pandora wanted me to use the Ultra Vibrating Stone.
The ultra-vibrating railgun rocket punch played water and pierced the great sea wall. This wasn't the only trick I had. Meliken's projections contain core and uranium ore. As a result, when Yam Nahal is hit by a railgun rocket punch, he is enveloped by a nuclear explosion.
This will bring down Yam Nahar. The players and Lily were excited. Especially Ywell. It's big enough to hug my head. [M]
"What is that!?" Taku! I want to use that too! "
"Yes, yes, when this battle is over, ask Hepaistos and Pandora how to make it."
"Of course you are, but there's no point if Taku doesn't ask for it!" Promise me! Ah!? "
"I'm still in the middle of a fight." Yuwell, be on your guard. "
Farida grabbed me by the neck. I'm not nervous. It's the usual thing. Here, Mackerel draws Talos before the ocean returns completely. I couldn't fight underwater, so I couldn't help it. I felt like I was saved by the size of Tharos. I see everybody.
"This is the real thing." If the god of the sea was defeated, the next one would come for real. Everyone, please don't spare any money. "
Of course!
A terrible pillar of black light emerges from the sea. The final battle was about to begin.