Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 1084 Ywell's Wedding
When I thought about the future plans that came to the ceremony, I felt the sign behind me and hid the paper.
Why are you hiding it?
No, it's nothing.
"Hmm... I'll hide something fun again." I know that Tact-sama summoned the dragon. "
"I've been thinking for a long time, but isn't it against me to duel with Princess Silphy?" Isn't it leaky information? "
"You can go out and venture out now, but it's a battle between me, who's trapped in the country, and Tact, who's just out there." I have to get a little handkerchief. After that, the time stop used in the battle with Leviathan is illegal, so it is forbidden to use it. ”
I don't know what that means!
If Princess Silphy knew that she would stop for a while, she would be able to handle it.
“No, don't you think it's ethical to stop women's time?”
Well, even Lily and the others hated it. I know how it feels, even though I hated it the most.
“So, stopping men's time is also against ethics, right?”
”Hmm... that's... not a problem, is it?”
It's a big deal!
You can't be so convinced! Male discrimination! Ywell's wedding calls you a fighter.
Ywell appeared at the ceremony in Buoneck's pure white wedding dress. There are even white flower ornaments on the head. Yuwel, who came to me, follows me.
"Ta, ta... is the smell of sweat okay?"
I guess you're worried about that when you're blacksmithing. But not during the wedding. Everyone's reacting like ahhh.
"Did you do something strange!?"
"It's okay. Come on, let's go."
"Um, yeah..."
The paleness has become much greater than usual. Apparently, Yewell was the type to be quiet when nervous. It is not thanks to that, but the wedding is going smoothly, and the ring will be exchanged.
Yuwell was petrified. It may have been like this when it was always round. Mr. Cain also smiled bitterly at this. If you don't put the ring on Yuwell, the marriage won't be established, and the wedding won't end.
"... hey"
No answer. No. Wow. When I looked at everyone with a troubled face, they were all smiling bitterly.
"Excuse me, may I use a backstage technique?"
If the ceremony can go ahead, that's fine.
"Excuse me. Damascus wire to Yuwel this time."
Really! Taku!
If Lily is meat, then Ywell is a weapon. But it's not a wedding conversation.
"Before you do that, put on the ring."
"All right! Is this all right?"
This is where the info screens come in.
Yewell and Maridge have been joined
Cain confirms that the ring has been replaced.
Yeah. Fine. Let's get this wedding over with.
Yuwel has become a stone again, but everything is too late. Lily and the others carry Yuwel, who won't move after the ceremony.
Yuwel-chan... move...
"Why are we... nowa putting our strength into it?"
“Of course… I am”
In my eyes, Nowa only seems to be grabbing the edge of Ywell's wedding dress. And when she put the wedding cake in front of her, Yuwel went back to her senses, but finally it became round. This pose must be rare in a wedding dress.
"I told you not to do that with your wedding dress, so why would you do that?"
"Don't let me talk to you..."
"In that state, you can't eat cake."
Yuwel came out with her hand in a rounded state.
"If you intend to eat in such a state, you will get angry." Here, sit in the chair. "
Embrace Yuwel from her stomach, and let her sit down.
"What are you doing!?" Taku!? ahhh... khh ~ "
"It doesn't make sense to stare at us."
”If this happens, I'll burn already!”
"Ahhh!? What are you doing!? Yuwell-chan!"
Yewell grabbed the wedding cake and ate it. Lily and the others who saw it grabbed it with their hands first.
”That's vulgar...”
"This sucks. This is..."
“What are you going to do? Tact. Huh!?"
"... this is a punishment for stony rocks."
Reacting to the sound of me tapping on my desk, the eyes of Lily and the others covered in fresh cream of the wedding cake showed me furious.
"" "" Wow ""
This wedding cake is a substitute that Lewin and the others have prepared for us every time. It is unacceptable that I made it so innocent that I could see it like this.
"Ah, I don't know Alina."
“You ate it, didn't you? It's no use running away. Noah, be prepared for a long punishment today. Those who ate the cake with their bare hands are here."
"" "Yes, yes..." "
On this day, an unusual post-wedding sermon was held. And it goes without saying that Lily and the others realized just how frightened I was.
As a punishment, I decided not to let Lily and the others participate in today's skill and level up. After doing production work, I instantly killed Sugawara Michisha.
"It's against the rules to use a time stop..."
I don't want you to tell me that you've been using heaven.
It was also like a time stop. I could have gotten some of my scolding back. I got an email from Mr. Lewin here. Apparently, I had all the materials I needed for my conjugation summoning. Let's get it right away.