Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 1099 Fast Fortress Island

After dinner, I logged into the game and the hungry lilies stuck together.

"" "" I'm hungry. "" "

"You're going to say that and eat dinner twice, right?"

Lily and the others were in shock. I can understand this now. That's why I sent Lily and the others into battle until I could cook. Luke came as he was cooking.

Isn't Lily and the others moving badly?

"Maybe you care when I call for dinner." Yesterday, I told you to come to dinner after defeating the enemy in front of you. "

Oh, I see... it looks like Lily and the others.

Here, the elf who was in charge of Luke's Summon Beast rice handled Luke's rice.

"Here, it's for you."

"Oh, thank you."

"I didn't make it for you." Let's do it. Let's do it. "

She came to me for tastings and advice. [M] You can tell Luke, but let's put her feelings first.

It's always like this, isn't it?

“The one with the face on it.

Are you telling me that you're finally in orbit? … You can now make magic swords with dwarves, and you're enriched.

You also make armor for Tyrol's Summon Monsters?

"... yeah, well... Tact-san, it's surprisingly informative."

If I lick Gilmouth, it won't work. We all know that Luke and Tyrol are close to each other, so we can talk about them quite a bit. Get help from Luke here.

Where did the Elves evolve...?

“Yes, I'd rather think of a different route than Tact.”

"That's where you're wrong, Luke."


I'll stop cooking.

"Stop thinking about me as a criterion. Luke had already chosen the Spirit Summoner route and was on a different path. So instead of choosing a different route because I chose an ancient elf, you should definitely talk to an evolving elf and decide on a route. If you say you've decided on a route based on me, your elves will definitely get angry."

Takuto-san… Right! I'll talk to the Summoning Beasts and make up my mind!

Luke jumped out cheerfully.

"Oh my God, I'm a junior caregiver."

That's right.

Setia has appeared.

"... it's not good to eavesdrop on a man's counseling"

Yeah, that's right.

Luke's cook, the Elf, emerges from the shadows of Setia. Come on.

"I don't think you should ask me..."

"That's not true... um... thank you." I also want to make my own decisions. ”

With that, he lowered his head and followed Luke.

"Oh my God, you're a junior who needs to be taken care of."

"Don't imitate me... have you been consulted by her?"

“Yes, I'm sure Tact will give you some good advice, so I was hoping that Luke would talk to Tact.”

I'm totally in the form of being used. Well, if this works for Luke and her, that's it. When she was ready to cook, Alina said that she was interested in calling Lily and the others.

"You should stop thinking about me as a criterion."

Was there anyone else here who overheard you? Besides, they're worse than Setia because they're funny.

"... Alina, give me the plate." I'll cut down on rice. "

"If you can take something, take it!"

"Ho ho. I told you."

I'll take out the Mamongrimoire.

"Oh, do you think that's against the rules!?"

Thus it became a busy table. Mr. Lewin will call you here.

“The mackerel cans found Azazel's face near the center in front of the island. Apparently, half of the damage done to the island is caused by the damage done to it. It seems that the color of Azazel's eyes can tell the pattern of the island."

You can damage the island...

"What is not forbidden"

That's right. It was the kind of operation that would do that. But this can be quite dangerous.

If the island is damaged by the same reflection after dealing damage to the island.

Worst case scenario, the players in that area will be wiped out.

It's a hard fight...

It seems that I hate letting my forces take control of the operation here.

Having finished cooking, Lilly and the others were brawling with energy, and it was time for the boss.

Tacto, you still have to wait?

The number of enemies is dwindling.

"... not as much as a mouthful"

It's not very convincing to say that Nova is showing her face from Tact's shadow, is it?

Here we are in the outrage of brushing time on a disabled enemy island. That's because the cosmic magic that Airy started showing the most troublesome glycerophim exploded.

The cosmic magic capella was a magic sphere created by four giant spheres on the left and right sides of the enemy. This is probably due to the fact that the capella is a quadruple star.

After that, it moved to pinch the enemy, but as the sphere approached, it twisted and twisted the glygoricellaphim barrier by barrier. The glycoliserafim could not withstand this and exploded.

It was terrible magic, but I had a magical image dedicated to a giant enemy. If the sphere is approached, we may lose our escape, but if we do, we may miss. It was definitely the Special Class's power. It was a magic that made me think about how to use it.

Furthermore, Ix's relentless blowing up of the satellite cannon reduced the time considerably and made it unavailable. That's why I tend to look at Lily and the others who are rampaging in the sky, but on the ground, those who can't fly, such as Black Iron and Dean, are working hard to defend themselves, so I decided to work hard. Lily and the others are helping us out.

Please wait, Tact-kun. You can drop it. I guess I just raised the level of difficulty on the island. A new humanoid robot called Grigori Soldier has appeared on Fortress Island. I heard you used flamethrowers and cannons, so be careful. "

Roger that.

Now, do you want to interrupt the work and go drop it?

"We will be in a series of battles." I want to share this island with someone who wants to fight the boss. If you want to drop the island, raise your hand. "

Overwhelmingly few. Well, that's right. Ywell is the most motivated. Thinking of compatibility, Cetia, Ix, Wagyu, Blanc, Yuwel, Farida, Gray, Gale, Black Iron, Aranea, Puyosuke, Darley, Meal, Dean, Kruis, Skier, and Reese.

When Dean blew out the first entrance with his braces, the tank he had been waiting for was caught up in it, and everyone was dumbfounded. Then, as they destroyed the obstacles from one side to the other, an enemy appeared that Lewin had taught them.

Grigori Soldier Lv60

Event Monster Crusade Target Active

It was just a soldier, lined up to block the aisle. Then a quadruple missile launcher came up to the rear of the Grigori Soldier. I tried to attack everyone who saw it before it was shot, but Ywell was the first to pop out.


Ywell stormed with a gimmicking jet of gimmicks in a Ywell buster with nothing but a cage that sealed off the gimmicks causing the nuclear explosion. Then the Grigori Soldiers were blown up like bowling pins. Yuwel did not bend the aisle and crashed into the wall. I'm getting tired of seeing this scene.

Then everyone destroyed each of them.

You're already jumping in on the premise of getting help...

I admit it's a difficult weapon to master, but don't be like Lily's sister, Yuwel.

"Information analysis complete. Yuwel is doing it deliberately, Master."

No, I didn't! Taku!

Yuwel's face turned bright red, and Yuwel denied it. The reaction convinced me that everyone was deliberate.


"Father, Yuwell loved the fact that he saved me when the cave collapsed."

"Cu, Cruz! Don't say anything more!"

"To answer Master's question, this is what happened on the island where the ghost ship was."

Oh... once a cave collapsed on an island with a blackbeard treasure, holding Ywel who couldn't fly.

"I see. So I made a deliberate mistake to get the Lord to help me."

"What are you so calmly convinced of, Bran?"

Yuwel is pathetic anymore, so if you stop and move on, you will reach the power chamber.


It's not good to hit the wall eight times, Yuwell.

“I just broke it!”

Yes, yes. We have strong enemies coming from here, so let's focus on the battle.

He turned his gaze to the habit that no one was going to struggle. I'm not going to struggle with that. After all, the enemy here had already been identified as a speed type enemy based on the information Lewin had given me.

"Aranea, Puyosuke"

Yeah. Sticky thread!

The two of them stretched the adhesive thread around the power chamber. When it was over, the Japanese foxes strengthened their defenses at the barrier. Now that we're ready, when we take the formation, I'll enter the room, and the boss will appear when the power unit is dyed blue.

Grigorisonic Guardian?

The enemy was a humanoid robot with wings of light growing from its back. And from the back of his hands, he unfolded a beam weapon like a chainsaw. Seventeen enemies appeared, the same number as us, according to our information. And then all the enemies disappeared and attacked us.

But it hits the barrier. Well, it won't easily stick to the adhesive thread. That's why I decided to take the strategy of hitting the adhesive thread.

»» »» »Shah!» »

Grigorisonic Guardian is caught in a sticky thread blown up in Dean's field of defense. Here Grigorisonic Guardians first understood the complexity of their situation. Then, the adhesive thread was slashed and torn with a chainsaw to eliminate it. But there's an attack coming from us.

Sticky thread!

Aranea and Pu Yosuke were added to the team, whether they slashed it or not. I had to deal with the attack in this situation, no matter how fast I was, it was really tough on me. Some of us tried to help, but there's our attack coming.

While holding hands like this, the power chamber became full of sticky threads, and there was a battle. The last Grigorisonic Guardian worked hard to get rid of the adhesive thread, but didn't notice the adhesive thread that had become transparent in Puyosu's simulation. When he was caught, Puyosu approached and ate it. Grigorisonic Guardian must have realized the horror of spider hunting.

"If you're fighting Tact, you really know the power of strategy..."

Ladies and gentlemen, it was a very difficult story, so I think it's superfluous.

"Well, this is the first time that Aranea and Pu Yosuke have established a plan using adhesive threads." Black Iron, break the device. "

When the black-iron rocket punch is determined, the bulkhead closes and the suicide bombing countdown begins. I'm going to return everyone with a slow leg to the summoning stone and escape. The boss fight had already begun outside. I had a lot of leeway in the fight, but it was tough. Use it in conjunction with Safi's Healing Space to keep an eye on the fight.