Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 1152 The Trial of Till Na Norg
When we get close to Stonehenge, the final challenge is triggered. Rock giants appear as the center of Stonehenge shines.
Guardian Sprigan?
We'll put up the weapons.
You want me to take him down, don't you?
Alright! This way!
When Lisa charged, she was bathed in sea waves from above. Am I destined to see this fight without Lily?
When we looked up, there were countless enemies with wings, a woman in the upper body and a fish in the lower body.
This is the final evolution of Mermaid's Lorelei Branch.
"Fufu, this is where we live."
Human beings are off-limits.
Ocean fluctuation!
Liane stands in front of them.
"I'll take care of you."
"There are too many of them..."
"Mel... Either way, we have to split up our forces." Now that Lian's out, we're right for them. "
"Huh... this is where I get angry, Tact."
Surely you should be angry when Liane moves on her own? Then Cetia and the others say:
Mel-san, Tact-sama won't be angry.
"Because my dad is kind."
"And he's probably popping out, too."
I mean... get rid of it as soon as you can.
"Fufu, I'll try." Let's go! Everyone! We'll decide quickly! "
When we split up, I blew up the siren that attacked Lian. Luna and Darley followed.
"Oh, my God! You guys!"
"I'm Lian's husband." You can play with us, too. "
"I... I'm not obsessed with our territory at the bottom of the ocean!"
I heard you made him angry. I'm just telling you the truth.
"Heh... heh!"
The Sirens blew up as Darlay waved the Hegemon.
Now, what do we do?
In my opinion, a request from Meal will decide the plan.
"I'm moving the place."
Roger that! Horseback riding!
When I get on the Darley and get out of there a little bit, the Sailans will track me down. There was a major explosion from the Stonehenge side. Suicide bombing? Synchrovision for Setia, confirmed that Stonehenge shone and Guardian Sprigan was about to resurrect.
Have you seen Tact?
{Ah... one of the rocks in Stonehenge wasn't glowing. Please tell Mel. "
Probably revives the number of rocks in Stonehenge. The number is twelve. One thing is less now, but it seems like it can be done over there.
"Wait, invader!"
"It would be terrible to be told." Well, it's true that you razed the house, so that's what happened. "
But I was attacked suddenly from the other side.
That's right.
We move around the seabed throne to buy time. In the meantime, we're exposed to attacks from the Sirens. First of all, one of the characteristics of the Lorelei branch is the attack by song. Anyway, if you stay within the range where you can hear the song, you will take the damage forever.
In addition to this, the Siren uses songs that confuse, enchant, and weaken the opponent. Unfortunately, the chaos and charm didn't work for us, but weakening was too strong for the plains.
After that, it exceeded Lian's mobility during swimming. In terms of speed, Lian seemed to be higher, but she was able to move up and down by flipping her wings. By the way, Sailan can also fly in the air, and the range of action is wider than that of Orca Anise. Maybe that's why Lian has a strong sense that she can't lose battles in the sea.
The Siren's weakness was that it was unarmed. It was only natural because my hands were wings. However, I was able to use magic, and I confirmed the attributes of wind, water, ice, and darkness. These four attributes can be seen in other attack abilities as well.
Ryan tries to take on the melee, but his maneuvering power makes him vulnerable. I didn't lose because I prevented all the feather throws that were most used at that time.
Cecia reports unexpected reinforcements from Mel and the others that we are also under constant magical attack. Synchrovision confirmed that the fairy I knew well and the male fairy were on Guardian Sprigan's shoulder.
Here comes the fairy queen and the king. Apparently, it was triggered by defeating the Guardian Sprigan six times in half.
Oberon is the final evolution of the Pixie Gremlin Loot in this game and is known in reality as the fairy who appears as Titania's husband.
She had a demon sword that had the same effect as a demon sword with a debuff specialization. It seemed like the battle was using a lot of abnormal conditions and impairments to escape. And when you see that the opponent is weak enough, it turns into an attack. In a really nasty way, it's a fairy that protects the basic battles of the game.
I don't think he's a very good type from our point of view. That's why I'm glad Mel and the others are dealing with me. Thinking so, the Sailans realized that they were buying time for the Rock and headed for the Guardian Sprigan.
But I was slow to notice. We chose the seabed for a good reason. One after the other, the trees rained down from the sea floor on the sirens heading towards Stonehenge.
"What... what!? This tree!"
We will surprise the Sailans who took evasive action. The Sailan who tried to get further help was pierced by Gaymistortin, who flew from the sea floor, and died instantly. Sailan says he saw his buddy get hit.
That's it… you put up a trap while you bought some time.
"Oh, I can't help but telling you that all my people are here."
From the sea floor, a meal with Gaymistortin in hand appears. The bottom of the sea is the home ground of the meal, where the water tree is protected.
"Fufu. But I'm sorry." There are too few traps to catch us! "
The ideal was certainly to trap the Sirens in a wooden cage. It certainly took too little time to do so. But you licked us too much to leave us alone and go to Mel's.
Ah… Let's go! Leanne!
"" Marriage Burst! ""
When an unbelievable swirling current occurs around us, an Orcaanis warrior awakens to the power of God as it floats over us.
What!? Huh!? Huh!?
We pierce the Divine Spear Calyubtrident in an instant.
"Eat all you can. Kalyubtrident!"
The targeted Sailan and the nearby Sailan were devoured by the Divine Spear Calibrated Trident.
"Damn... blast waves!"
Here you go!
When I grab Sailan's head, I hit the bottom of the ocean and head for the next prey.
"That man... How dare you put my face on the ground!" I will never forgive you! What!? "
Left behind, Sailane tried to chase her, but her legs were tangled with trees and she couldn't chase her.
"If you won't forgive Tact-sama, you'll have to defeat him." I won't kill you easily, so be prepared. Plant Summoning! Tricabuto! "
When the seabed turtle appears, it pounds the siren and is contaminated by the turtle's poison. Meal was also stuck in a tree cell, where he used parasites to kill the siren. My children are really scared when they get angry.
"This! This! Don't come ahhhh!"
"Hey. Gluttony. Next."
There are people running away.
Well then, let's take care of it.
When we got stuck, the Sailans turned back. When I try to chase them down, a heroic attack flies. Guardian Sprigan. More Oberon in front of Luna.
"What are you attacking Tact!?" Is this him!? "
"Besides, we're in the middle of a maridge burst!" You're too quick to die! "
But look! Oberon is nagging Luna!
"" "I'm glad..." "
I feel like I've been told something terrible. When I returned my gaze, the sailan that hit Darley flew in, and when I kicked back, Darley also kicked, hitting Guardian Sprigan. Perfectly targeted.
"" "Whoa!?" "
"Attack! Attack!" I'm turning my tage over here! "
Looks like Mel and the others are having a hard time. Titania is battling the Chiffon, so it's impossible to kill Oberon. Luna's Holy Sword was unleashed, and Oberon was smashed. When he was slapped by the Guardian Sprigan, the Guardian Sprigan's vitality was reduced, and he blew himself up.
Are you okay, Luna?
"Yes! I hate him for being so mean, Dad."
It seemed like you had a good time. More than just showing up at the same time, she was probably married to Titania, who was fighting Chiffon. And yet, I suspect Oberon's nerves that he is going to snap at another Titania in front of him. Oberon came at us as we watched the blast. Then Mel attacked me. Apparently, Luna and I felt the same way.
This is where Lian tells us.
Senpai, the number of sirens has increased. Looks like it's back to its original number.
This feels like it's been going on forever. Return to Noaz Scuna before the Maridi Burst expires. Until then, let's go berserk. "
Yes! I'll do my best!
We retrieve the meal before it runs out, and when we get back to Noaz Sukuna, the Sailans come after us, they shoot at Noaz Sukuna, they shoot at Shallow, they shoot at Cetia, they shoot at Cecilia.
"Wow. That was pretty rampant." What's the situation like? "
"Titania and Oberon have been defeated. Guardian Sprigan has only two revives left."
Setia tells me that the Guardian Sprigan will trigger a suicide bomb glow. The Shallows waited for this.
"Take the bow to Guardian Sprigan!"
It turned out at this very moment that the Shallows were aiming to take it completely. When you blow yourself up and resuscitate, you will be able to resuscitate to the point of self-destruction, so you need to use your defensive skills immediately after resuscitation to make it easier to target. It would be difficult to judge this without anticipating an attack in advance. Whether or not Guardian Sprigan can do this.
Magic cannon, ready to fire!
Energy, I'll turn it into a magic cannon ~
Here, Mel and the others realized, complaining and retreating. When Shallow sees me, I'll return it with a jest. This is where the Guardian Sprigan explodes.
”Nnh! Firing the magic cannon!”
The magic cannon detonates when it hits the last revived Guardian Sprigan. It's impossible to take a boulder, isn't it? When all the light from the rocks in Stonehenge disappeared, the emerald green light circled around the stonehenge and a pillar of emerald green light emerged.
Is that what you're saying?
I think so.
"Now, let's charge." Order everyone to return! "
Mel and the others are going home, but in the face of the Sirens' sabotage, we were able to cover them, get them all on board and get into the light.