Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 20 Swordtooth Tiger and White Forest Sage
It's 5: 00 in the morning. Get out of bed, finish the bathroom, make breakfast, eat.
It was six o'clock when I was doing that. Now, do you want to play a game!
When I log into the game, everyone wakes up when I get up in a bed surrounded by summoners.
Everyone looks asleep, but everyone wakes up to the words of rice.
You guys...
There was Mr. Motch when I went downstairs, and when I greeted him, he got paid for a meat-roasting part-time job.
I got 5,000 Gs.
Sure, I could have put it up on the reward, but what about five times? He says he's making more than ten times as much money as he can afford, so he's fine. Then I want more rewards, but I won't say anything.
You shouldn't commit foolishness buying objections and lowering your salary.
And bake the usual pile of boreal meat. In the meantime, Lily and the others are eating boreal meat.
You look happy and above all. When you finish your part-time and meal, go to the Adventurer Guild on Mr. Motch's recommendation.
Apparently you can keep the money in the guild. And when I go to the Adventurer Guild, I tell the receptionist that I want to keep the money, and when I submit my guild card, they say I have already accomplished some guild quests.
Apparently, there was an overlook. Here's the quest I was completing.
Crusade Quest 'Desnia Crusade': Difficulty E-
Reward: Crystal Stone
Crusade the giant river fish of carnivores out in the woods of young trees.
Crusade Quest 'Wolf's Crusade': Difficulty F
Reward: 500G
Crusade over 20 Wolves out in the woods.
I was clearing these two. That Pyranian name is Deathnia... or was the material name of the drop item Pyranian? Hmm... I don't know the criteria.
Let's go. Get items and money more than that. So it must be a crystal stone, huh?
It seems more expensive than aqueous stone, but I'll try to appraise it.
Crystal Stone: Rarity 3 Material Item Quality E-
Stone with water attributes. The magic of the water attribute crystallized and became stone.
Water attributes may be attached when used for weapons, etc.
That explains it subtly differently... although it sometimes comes with water attributes
Pyranian material should have been extremely rare.
That doesn't mean you're expecting more!
Well, they can keep money and items in this guild. But if it's my rank, it seems the money is up to 5000G and the items are up to 50. They also go up when the ranks of adventurers rise.
So depositing 5000G and aqueous stones, crystal stones and pyranian materials, we're back in Pyrania and hunting for Death!
Now, collecting boreal meat, we head to the river (tentative) of Desnia, not in Pyrania.
Arrive at the river with no problems, eat rice, restore and buff your full stomach.
Well, it's a perimeter from here. First two circles, we reach our purpose.
Name Grey Grey Wolf Lv1 Lv2
Vitality 25 26
Magic 10
Muscle strength 30 31
Defense 16
Agility 30 31
Dexterity value 18
Biting Lv6 Signs Sensing Lv6 Night Lv4 Danger Sensing Lv2 Hardened Fangs Lv2
Name Tiger Toru Tiger Lv6 Lv8
Vitality 18 22
Magic 2
Muscle strength 22 26
Defense 18 20
Agility 14 16
Dexterity value 12 14
Bite Lv4 Nail Strike Lv4 Leap Lv4 Night Lv3
Name Konoha Owl Lv6 Lv8
Vitality 18 20
Magic 14 16
Muscle strength 14 16
Defense 12 14
Agility 16 18
Dexterity value 14 16
Surprise Lv4 Flight Lv4 Hooknail Lv4 Night Lv3 Hidden Lv4
Me and Lily don't level up, but the info flows exactly as we aim.
"Tiger Toru's level has reached 8. It can evolve. '
"Konoha's level has reached 8. It can evolve. '
Yes, let's look at evolution. Let's start with Tiger Toru!
White Tiger
White variant of Bengal tiger. Sometimes it is considered sacred in some countries.
Sabel Tiger is as aggressive and defensive as Sabel Tiger is, but he manipulates the wind, and the speed outweighs Sabel Tiger by a knot.
Celebrities! Celebrity tiger! It's a great preference. But it looks like Toru's name has an evolutionary destination that he deserves. Let's have a look at you.
Servel Tiger
A tiger with abnormally evolved maxillary canine teeth, also known as swordtooth tigers (kenshiko).
It boasts exceptional aggressiveness as its maxillary canine teeth tell the story.
Attack specialty… it doesn't seem particularly expensive because the description doesn't say anything about defense. And here's the last one.
Red Teager
Red tiger with hairy hair. Prefer warm climates.
The stats are average, but attack enemies with fangs and nails of the fire attribute.
No specialization of status with the addition of fire attributes… I personally want to choose White Tiger.
'Cause you're a tiger you can't normally keep. I have a desire to keep it because it's okay in the game.
But let's go on believing Tiger Cher's name here. I think it's quite important that it fit the name.
So here is the evolutionary tiger thoroughfare.
Name Tiger Toru Tiger Lv8 Servel Tiger Lv1
Vitality 22 26
Magic 2
Muscle strength 26 34
Defense 20 24
Agility 16 22
Dexterity value 14 20
Bite Lv4 Nail Strike Lv4 Leap Lv4 Night Lv3 Assault Lv1 Intimidation Lv1
"Tiger Toru has evolved into a Servel Tiger"
The evolutionary figure of Tiger Cher is the Servel Tiger itself, which lived in the Late Renaissance (Shinji) since the Late Period. The stats feel like they've abandoned their magic and raised their muscles. Twelve at once is too far up. But how bad is Lily beyond that offensive power? Two skills have been added: assault and intimidation. Let's see what it looks like later.
Okay, next up is Konoha. There are three places to evolve. First of all, here.
Silo Owl
Owl featuring a white figure. Owls living in cold areas. As an owl, I rarely hunt during the day more than at night. The means of attack manipulate the magic of key claws and wind, water and ice.
Huh? I don't know about ice magic... but you're a famous owl in some wizard movie anyway. You're magically specialized. It's already been decided in me, but let's see what else.
Big mites. I see them a lot in the woods at night. He has better enemy capabilities than an owl, and the means of attack is key nails and wind magic.
Mimizuku is one of the owl types. The owl is the one whose head is like an ear is a mite and round. I'm an owl man. By the way, there's an owl named Konohazk in this mitzk. If it was this name, I'd be lost. Well, let's see another one.
Big owl. Commonly seen in the woods at night. Higher Attack and Defense than Ohmizuku. The means of attack are key claws and wind magic.
I feel underhanded in the operation. But Oomizuk seems to separate it from Sovereign Specialization, Oowl from Combat Specialization, and Shiloowl from Magic Specialization. Well, from the name, a womanizzy konoha, but desire prevailed here.
Name Konoha Owl Lv8 Siro Owl Lv1
Vitality 20 25
Magic 16 25
Muscle strength 16 20
Defense 14 18
Agility 18 22
Dexterity value 16 22
Surprise Lv4 Flight Lv4 Hooknails Lv4 Night Lv3 Hidden Lv4 Wind Magic Lv1 Water Magic Lv1 Ice Magic Lv1
"Konoha has evolved into a Shiloh Owl"
To make an excuse, I chose the magic of wind, water and ice because we don't have it. To tell the truth, I just wanted to keep it once. Either way, I have no regrets!