Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 252 Purification work in the village of Verdole
The next day, Haidou said he was going through the party and coming to the freelancers. So you decided to work with me.
The flow of players varies according to Kaito. Apparently, a lot of mid-level players stay free. The reason is that the weapon material is enriched and the strategy is the most advanced.
Strong people move differently. They say some will remain freelancers, but more like many will be after the first exploration of other countries.
They say what a bunch of production jobs are in Wantwork. The reason, he said, is because of the quest for production jobs due to reconstruction.
All in all, they're starting to free-tier away. Well, there's nothing you can do.
I want to do something about Fast Town and Young Wood Forest, too. But so is the village of Verdole, but we have to do something about the corroded land. I left Puo-suke and Sabik as first responders... but let's talk to Sethia and Meal.
School is over and shopping in the supermarket. Shopping before the holidays.
Log in to the game as soon as you get home. Ask about the land corroded by Setia and Meal.
"Corroded land has no choice but to remove or purify corroded soil. Isn't that right? Meal."
"Yes, it is impossible to isolate corrosive soil due to the amount of corrosive soil this time, as damage will recur if it is not isolated"
Does that mean we still have to purify it?
"What are we going to do with the purification? I think Puo-suke can fix it, but can he fix it with clearance or something?
"Even clear can cure corrosion. But there's a problem."
What is it? Meal tells me.
"The soil does not return to its original soil… corrosion can destroy the nutrition in the soil and produce soil where the crop does not grow."
Then the village of Verdole cannot be saved.
"Why don't we just use fertilizer?
"Yes, I don't think you'd want it to work unless it's just a fair amount of fertilizer"
That's a lot of fertilizer… you know the material.
"Ta, Master Tact? Are you going to use that one?
Sethia and Meal noticed the boulder. Naturally because it's our own snack.
"Can't you use it?
"It definitely works. or better dirt than before... I think..."
Untrained. But it's nature loving elves and dry adds. I don't even have to compare. I'm probably sweet, too, though.
"I'll leave you two weeks' worth of snacks, and in two weeks, I'll go knock you down"
"" Okay!
Quick answer… let's head to the village of Verdole first.
"Warp Gate!
Underdevelopment... not enough magic. Damn... then we can't even clear this. And I realized it was important. You can't go to Hot Springs or Battleship anymore!? Oh, my God!
"Duh, what are you going to do?
"I just have to ask someone to take me... and I have to clear... or can't I do anything?
We can sow fertilizer. Rain can rust but glow can't be used... kichi.
I had no choice but to go to the farming guild and there were a lot of reconstruction quests. But all we can do is purify the soil contamination.
Besides, he can't make it out to the field. This is what I think I can do.
Request Quest 'Eliminating soil pollution in the village of Verdole': Difficulty D
Reward: 10000G
Purify the soil in the village of Verdole.
It was a quest, right? But it doesn't make sense that you can't go.
I couldn't help it, so I took Hapaistos and asked my carpenter grandmother for a new blacksmith in Hapaistos and a new Leaplich, and I logged out. Mr. Yug of boulders can't make a house that uses stones either, so I can't help it.
Hepaistos also makes quite a bit of money, but I didn't have enough money for the blacksmith on the boulder, but I paid for what wasn't enough. I answered as many other Hapaistos requests as I could. Hapaistos, who was frightened at first, but he still smiled when he was able to do his own workshop of dreams.
I'll have dinner and then log in. Then it looks like we're all going on an adventure... sounds like fun. I'm producing Roccomo, Alanea, and Airy, and Mr. Ruin and the others are coming.
I found it quickly. Quest. Please, Mr. Ruin and the others will cooperate, and we'll take the quest together before heading there.
It was hell there when we got to the village of Verdole.
"That smells amazing..."
"It smells like I left raw garbage for a week..."
"Yuna... that statement is self-destructive."
As Mr Ruin said, that would be an expression only people who have done… rush to correct but it is too late.
And Mr. Ruin told me what's going on.
"Apparently, being in a corroded field would result in an abnormal state of illness. And now we have ghouls and mysterious monsters."
I can't help but get sick if it smells like this. Ghoul is a corpse-eating monster. It is also known in Japan as the Corpse Eater. If you were going to eat a corpse, I wanted you to eat a rotten zombie.
Quickly, Mr. Ruin and the others are clearing up.
An hour later... there was a look at the Ruins going down with out of magic. I can't help but use magic all the time.
Besides, I haven't been able to purify it at all... it's only natural because of the range.
"Hey... Meal. You're gonna have to purify all this, aren't you?
"You will..."
You can't... how long does it take?
"I can't do this the normal way..."
This, then, would be difficult to navigate in other countries. And my secret, the cleaner of nature, summons Furo-suke.
"Puo-suke... can't you clean the dirt here?
Puo-suke flattens and stretches when I ask him to. And Puosuke was shining a light, and when she got back to normal, she was cleansing the soil.
Obviously, the range is wide… and Puh-suke has a split. That's it. He carries the split Puh-suke with the Ruins, and Puh-suke cures the corrosion at once.
This is what nature's cleaners are capable of! It's amazing! Puh-suke!
"The slime... like this..."
"I feel so lost..."
Sethia and Meal are like shocked by what Slime has done that we've been hating scatterly.
Slime is a great monster, so I need you to recognise him.
After that, I healed quite a bit of Puh-suke, but I did my best... if I could use Entrust... sorry, Puh-suke.
However, Mr. Ruin and the others used the MP potion for Pupusuke, and the purification of the soil in the village of Verdole was completed.
"Thanks for the help. Thank you, Mr. Tact."
"No, thanks for using the MP potion."
"Well, you won't get paid without this."
Return to the freelancers with Mr. Ruin and report for quest clearance.
Then a new quest occurs. Next is the quest to revive the soil.
Request Quest 'Resurrection of the soil in the village of Verdole': difficulty D +
Reward: 10000G, Title
Revive the soil in the village of Verdole.
I suggest that Mr. Ruin and the others take this.
"... are you okay?
"I don't know. I just know a possible item."
I'm convinced Mr. Ruin and the others will explain the situation. Then Mr. Ruin buys me half of the fertilizer and I take it with him.
Then again we go to the village of Verdole, where we teach Dr. Sethia and Dr. Meal how to sow fertilizer, and we all sow it.
It's become quite a labor, but it's over safely, summoning Savik.
"Savik, ask for a rain beg. Make it normal rain if you can."
When the rust cries out to heaven, a rain cloud occurs, and it rains. It could have been a magic rain, but if it was a rain beg, I decided to use rust because it would be over in one go.
Grass sprouts grow everywhere when Mr. Ruin and the others glow after the effect of the rain begging expires.
"I did it! Master Tact! Meal!
"Yes! The soil is full of nutrition! You can grow crops again on this land!
We all report quests. Then the mayor of the village of Verdole greatly appreciated me and gave me the title again.
Title: "The Savior of the Village of Verdole"
Effects: Increased quality of vegetables grown, increased power of light magic
Title to be given to those who revived the soil of the village of Verdole.
I'm glad Ruin and the others benefited properly.
"Tact, your fortnight is set for soil purification."
"Huh!? Do you do this all the time!?
"Good luck with your soil purification quest."
"Er... I can't get out on the field..."
You can't purify the whole country... I was on my way and there was Mel and the others when I left.
Apparently, he's back to death. I hear every field is currently filled with a monster named Ghoul. But this guy's a hell of a number, but he's not a problem.
The problem, he said, was that there was a mysterious monster in that ghoul who defeated the Mels. He was suddenly attacked, so no one knew who the enemy was.
A mysterious monster… I have to be careful. Well, I'm in Despena. I logged out, thinking it didn't really matter.
Name Sabik Yurlunglu LV3
Vitality 79
Magic 44
Muscle Strength 58
Defense 42
Agility 64
Dexterity value 48
Biting Lv21 Winding Lv14 Hunting Lv3 Iron Wall Lv3
Toxic Lv19 Thermal Detection Lv13 Underwater Behavior Lv1 Thunder Magic Lv3 Water Magic Lv3
Soil Moving Lv3 Rain Begging Lv2 Lv3 Water Braces Lv3 Resuscitation Lv1
Name Loco Moco Happiness Seaf LV8
Vitality 104
Magic 69
Muscle Strength 11
Defense 89
Agility 48
Dexterity value 40
Flight Lv3 Per 6 Bodies Hazard Detection Lv11 Escape Feet Lv3 Hair Growth Lv9 Lv10
Milking Lv9 Lv10 Cold Resistant Lv1 Happiness Lv8 Blessing Lv8 Protective Lv4
Light Magic Lv3 Heaven's Protection Lv10
Name Alanea Earthspider LV7
Vitality 46
Magic 55
Muscle Strength 52
Defense 28
Agility 34
Dexterity value 86
Biting Lv6 Fighting Lv1 Adhesive Yarn Lv13 Lv14 Soft Yarn Lv8 Lv9
Steel Yarn Lv22 Lv23 Trap Installation Lv20 Yarn Sensing Lv6 Poison Brace Lv3
Soil Latent Lv3 Throw Lv4 Soil Magic Lv1 Curse Lv1 Sorcery Lv1
Name Puojie Clean Slime LV3
Vitality 70
Magic 0
Muscle strength 0
Defense 91
Agility 36
Dexterity value 42
Predatory Lv21 Defensive Lv10 Physical Invalid Lv12 Deformed Lv18 Lv21
Shock absorption Lv11 split Lv4 Lv8 regeneration Lv11 Lv14 provocation Lv3 corrosion Lv3
Underwater Behavior Lv9 Extremely Cold Body Lv19 Purification Lv3 Lv9 Water Attribute Disabled Lv1
Fire Attribute Disabled LV3
Name Aeries Latrok LV8
Vitality 84
Magic Power 50
Muscle Strength 52
Defense 32
Agility 65
Dexterity value 45
Angle Strike Lv18 Climb Lv4 Hazard Detection Lv14 Leap Lv10
Disease Lv15 Wood Magic Lv3 Light Magic Lv12 Milk Collection Lv7 Lv8
Guardian Lv5 Blessing Lv6 Resurrection Lv1 Madness Warrior Lv2
Name Meal Dry Adds LV9
Vitality 74
Magic 76
Muscle Strength 35
Defense 35
Agility 73
Dexterity value 74
Soil latent Lv15 crawling Lv10 handsome Lv8 wind magic Lv3 soil magic Lv8
Wood Magic Lv7 Water Magic Lv7 Photosynthetic Lv3 Transfer Lv3 Nectar Lv3
Pollen Lv4 Collection Lv22 Planting Lv4 Lv6 Parasites Lv10 Trap Installation Lv10
Plant Summoning LV2