Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 337 Desert Town Nefer, Demon God and Friend Boy
I'm breaking up with the Karos and taking a stroll around town. They say this town is called Nefer. The town's specialty seems to be made from nuts, leaves, and bark that can be taken from Baobab trees. This is what was sold in the store.
Baobab's Robe: Rarity 6 Armor Quality C
Effects: Increased Vitality (Medium), Auto Recovery (Medium)
Robes made from baobab bark. It is called the robe where the power of life dwelled.
Baobab's Cane: Rarity 6 Cane Quality C
Effects: Healing Magic Effect Up (Medium), Dark Magic Effect Up (Medium)
Canes made from baobab trees. It is called a wand in which the power of life and the devil dwelled.
Baobab Potion: Rarity 6 Recovery Quality C
Effect: 70 HP, 30 Minute Auto Recovery (Medium)
Medicine made by frying baobab bark.
Baobab's Tea Leaf: Rarity 6 Ingredients Quality C
Tea leaves made from baobab leaves. It has a refreshing acidity of citrus fruit.
Baobab Feed: Rarity 6 Ingredients Quality C
Feed made from baobab bark. Popular with fruit-loving animals.
Baobab Powder: Rarity 6 Ingredients Quality C
Powder made from baobab fruit. It has a refreshing acidity of citrus fruit.
Baobab Festival. You know how much I love you. Baobab feed, Baobab tea leaves and Baobab powder were purchased in commemoration.
Baobab feed is a souvenir of hard-working Spica and the Darleys. I didn't know about Baobab tea leaves and Baobab powder so I bought it.
In the meantime, I made tea with tea leaves.
Baobab Tea: Rarity 6 Ingredients Quality C
Effects: 10 full, 75 vital, 1 hour automatic recovery (large)
Tea made from Baobab tea leaves. It has a refreshing acidity of citrus fruit.
It works great, doesn't it? Well, no. No body, but I tried it.
Mmm! This... tastes like grapefruit. It works great, and I'll do baobab.
Next time I eat powder but it still tastes the same as grapefruit… this could be used for juice, yogurt or hidden flavors.
"Strong brother. Can you give me some baobab tea, too?
Who? There was a boy and a long man with a distorted atmosphere.
I stand firm. This feeling... is a worse sign than Mr. Nephi's reaper. Then the boy laughs.
"Haha! I knew you could see the gin!
Hmm? Gin? It's like I've heard it somewhere... what is it?
"I told you so, Aladdin."
Aladdin!? This boy? And I remembered Jin. It's an Arab generic name for spirits, monsters, demons, etc. In other words, the magic lamp demon is also considered a gin. Apparently, in this world, the name of the lamp demon says gin.
"Yeah, but I've never seen a gin before, so you can't help it."
You don't have to be alarmed, apparently.
"Hehe. You're going to relieve yourself of the alarm. I knew it was funny. Brother."
"You be more alert. This guy has defeated the famous demons and starbeasts, and he has a deal with angels and holy beasts."
Isn't it too much to find out?
"It's okay. Jin's gonna do something about it, right?
"This guy..."
The boulders are famous for their famous combination of Aladdin and Lamp demons. Just talking tells me we're close.
"You're not going to fight me. I'm not stupid enough to think I can beat that gin. I apologize for letting you kill me."
"Ho. If you were so strong, wouldn't you be an idiot? I don't need an apology. I'm generous."
"Hey. I was wondering if you could give me more baobab tea than that."
"Nothing good."
I make baobab tea with aladdin and gin.
"Oh yummy!
"... Sort of."
"Gin's, well, it means it's delicious."
"Don't say anything extra!
You're really close.
"So? Baobab, you don't just want tea, do you?
"Of course. Is it true that your brother came from outside this desert?
"Oh. I'm from the freelancer"
"Freetier? That's the country your brother lives in!
Speaking of which, Aladdin had an adventure with heroines to see the wider world.
"It's nice to be interested in the outside world, but you don't forget we can't go outside without breaking through the trials, do you?
Hmm? You think it's a trial?
"What's a trial?
"There is a labyrinth in this desert made in leisure time by the gods called Desert Trials. We, the people who live in the desert, have to clear it before we can go outside. Abominable as hell."
Is that it? But the serian beasts of slaves... oh, you mean they could not have been desert dwellers?
"Me and Jin are challenged. You can't do it at all ~"
"Because you're weak!
Apparently, this demon, he's struggling pretty hard.
"How can you be dead when you're telling me to run around with a magic carpet!
"There's no way you can get away from those monsters! That's why I'm telling you to protect me!
"If I tried to protect you, you'd be dead at some point!
"You're because Jin won't protect you!
You somehow know what happened.
"Oh, better than that, brother. Can you tell me about the outside world? Anyone but your brother is a bad person and you can't ask him anything."
Wait a minute.
"I don't mind that, but do you know anyone who's coming to this desert besides me?
"Naturally. Who do you think I am? I know everything about this desert, Jin."
"I also know that your brothers defeated the bad guys."
You really seem to know everything.
I'm telling you, I can't tell you where the slave collar is or where they live outside.
I guess that is. But you already got the information.
"Heh. There's more than one of them out there, and they have an address, right?
"... chi"
Jin gives the face that it's gone. Aladdin laughs when he sees it.
"Hahaha! Jin! You're talking information! hahaha! Funny!"
"You laugh too much! This!"
Then talk about the outside world as an information fee.
"Huh. I knew I wanted to go to the outside world"
"If you think so, be strong on my level."
"No, that's because I can't. If that happens, I'll stop being human."
I use some pretty powerful magic. Would I be human if I saw it from Aladdin? I took it seriously but didn't have the courage to ask.
It's lunch, so I broke up with the Aladdins and logged out.