Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 395 Second Island, Prepare for Interception
The loss of the enemy's shadow finally frees him from tension. And tell Command we've been able to retreat from the island.
"Good day, everyone's thanking you."
"I'm glad, but things are serious."
'I have the information. Even sacred attributes can't defeat enemies. But you must be able to defeat them. "
Yes, there must be a tactic. I just don't know what that is.
"The boss is Davy Jones. He was alive when he tore his body apart. '
"Is Davy Jones the one with the crazy face?
"That's a movie. It looks like the devil has a fishtail in this game."
The devil with the tail of a fish? Like Lian? I'm getting sick, so I gave up my imagination. But I remembered it with fish.
"Oh... were you originally a demon believed among sailors?
'You know very well. You're famous for Davy Jones' prison. They say the sunken ship, the water dead, was sent to David Jones' prison. "
'Does that mean it's the seabed that's suspicious?
'You will. I hear the pirate ship came out of the bottom of the ocean, and here's the conclusion that there's something. Just...'
Mr. Ruin feels bitter.
"Is the damage still considerable..."
'Yeah... we lost at least four gunships. Other ships are also badly damaged. 150 people have returned to the dead... and so have the full moon and Yoichi. "
It's more damaging than I expected... no, should I think it was good to have stayed with all that damage? There was a threat of total annihilation.
"The gunships that were safe will be repaired by the Yugs from now on. We just don't have enough wood, so we're gonna fix it here. '
I'll calculate the time... Okay.
'I have a plan for you, okay?
"What could it be?
"The Second Island and the First Island... why don't you throw it away thoughtfully and see?
Ruin the boulder seems surprised too.
"... what are you after?
'This one is more disadvantageous than the cannon ship is unusable. Then I think it's a good idea to trap the second island and find a way to attack it. And on the first island, everyone is gathered.'
"That's a bold hand... we'll talk about it for a second"
In the meantime, I'll ask Lily and the others if they've noticed anything. Then Lily told me something serious.
"There were so many little ships! Tact!"
Probably a landing ship. But why would we have a ship for landing? I know if you don't get close by boat... but no, there are other useful uses on small boats. Is that what the enemy is after?
The second island stronghold, the bell cave, brought to set the trap. Working with the Fire Shadows would do a lot of that.
The problem is the inexplicable immortality of the Car Spirates. Whether that's a stop at a third island exclusive or not changes the means to take it.
My prediction is that the third island is exclusive. The reason is their name first. Car Spirates... Pirate of the Curse. Yet they did not make the curse abnormal. From this, they are likely not cursing pirates, but pirates cursed by something. This explains immortality.
The question is what curses me. I feel like Davy Jones, but if he's immortal too, Davy Jones will be cursed, too. Still suspicious is the seabed, will it be inside the stronghold at the next point?
After a while, their opinions broke. It's just that this is too little information. As a result, it was unanimous to trap on the second island and gather information on the enemy.
"Tact, you're the first to come up with a plan, so Tact, you're in command. Do you have the people you want?
'Now, the Fire Shadows and the Ninjas… and I have something for you to check with Nick. And Tyrol, can we keep this up?
'No problem. What do you want to confirm with Nick and the others?
"Can an alchemist ask me if I can build a wall?
Then Mr. Saba can answered the answer.
'I think most alchemists are possible because they have wall smelting in their alchemy skills.' Cause it's everyone's favorite move. '
"Now, please contact Nick and the others so they can come."
'Okay. We're both on the first island, so I'll be in touch.'
That's why I'm working with Tyrol and Mr. Fire and Nick. And what do you care? They made me operational commander.
"That's a serious responsibility..."
"Mr. Tact will be fine. Be confident, too, Mr. Tact."
They gave me back what I told you to be confident before. Then let's give the instructions with confidence.
"Did Tyrol and the others swap witch hideouts?
Everybody snorts. All right, then let's ask the Tyrols for something serious.
"I asked Lily and the others. They said the Car Spirates ship had a small boat. Perhaps the enemy will use this. So Tyrol and the others can monitor the car spirates boat and tell us how big it is."
"You're responsible. Is that all?
"Of course that's not all. Once you have surveillance of the Car Spirates ship, check the enemy ship. And I want to know the enemy's movements from now on, so somebody go out and scout in pairs. Talk to the rest of you and decide how to rotate the recon."
The safe ship was to gather at the first base. Therefore, Sknavicona decided to keep it with the Mels. Safi would be better off if we were to scout or run.
It wasn't until noon that we got to the second island. Along the way, Mr. Ruin contacted us about the arrival of Mr. Fire and Mr. Nick. I decided to contact him, log out other than the guy who took on the scout, and then make a decision about the trap.
I'll have lunch and then log in. Then the information was communicated quickly.
"The enemy has made a move. Thirty pirate ships are on their way."
"You know what time it worked?
Looks like it was 13: 00.
So it will be 15 o'clock at the earliest, 17 o'clock on the first island, and 19 o'clock on the first island? I'm gonna trap you here, so it'll actually take longer. Then the enemy's aim was largely narrowed. I'm scouting. Contact Cozette and Felt.
"It's tact. What's going on with the magic fog?
"The pirate ship is in progress through a magical mist."
"The magic fog seems to be fixed on the third island, in the vicinity."
"... well. Good luck. You'd want to log out, wouldn't you? I'll let you take my place, so you can go home."
Tyrol and Aroma were in charge of the change between the two.
Well, let's get this one ready for the trap with the assembled members.
Start by writing the terrain of the bell cave on paper based on everyone's information. The uncertain information was actually checked. Now this map will be almost correct. And it turns out to be a fairly wide bell cave. Very helpful.
"It's easy to understand when you write it on paper."
"If you want to set a trap, I'd like it here and here."
"You can go here and here, too."
We all come up with a plan for the trap, and I'll explain the operation I was deciding on.
"The boulder is Lord Tact... you must forgive me."
"That's how you use wall smelting... this is lame"
"But... you feel like you're having fun"
"Alchemist was a less sunny job."
Apparently, they all agreed. Quickly the firemen and Sethia, Alanea, Isho and Meal headed for the trap installation. I don't have time for this.
Information comes from Lara and the woman summoner who changed their scouting roles with Tyrol after a while. It looks like the enemy has docked and sent out a small boat.
"The enemy ship has disappeared from sight!
"Probably a small craft craft."
Again... I guess that boat is used for landing as well as for surprise and night raids.
"Thank you. I'll replace the watchman. You two need to stay on your feet."
"Copy that!
I'll tell everyone.
'It's the timing and our collaboration that determine the battle. Let's teach the pirates how horrible we are!
"'' Oooh!! '' '
Thus began the second island, the defensive battle.