Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 566 Ball and the Knight King
The ball started. I danced with everyone and it was tough. I danced with Farida first, but she swung completely.
Farida scored 20 points.
"I don't think Tact will fail because he stepped it together, but if he's a man, he's got to lead a woman."
It doesn't even make any noise. Because of this, Farida scores 10 points for people who use auto features. That it's disgusting to watch. It would mean to say that there is no humanity.
After that, a series of failures… Lily and the others are wearing unfamiliar heels, so we can't help it. When I went to help, for some reason, I was just trampled with heels, but I want you to praise me for what I've done to the end. It was the right leg that was sacrificed.
At the end of the ball a standing meal was held. Colorful and delicious dishes are arranged at your desk.
"There's food... there's food..."
Lily and I can't even get to the desk. I wish I could fly, but they're banned by Farida.
"I told you how to walk, didn't I? Good luck. You mustn't put your hands on tact. This is about Lily and the others."
Farida's a Spartan. Well, if you can't get your hands on me, I'll just relax and eat alone.
"You can't escape into the shadow of tact."
"... thoughtless"
If you can't even escape Nowa, you're not going to escape Farida's Spartan education. Then the Princesses of Silfi came.
"That sounded fun. Dear Tact."
"Gentlemen, you would have laughed… every time I was stomped"
"It's my fault. May I have a moment, please? There are a lot of people who want me to introduce you."
When I uttered a disgusting voice, Mr. Lancelot and the handsome blonde in the crown came.
"Princess, I didn't know you had that kind of attitude towards your opponent. He seems like a delightful person inside."
"Master Arthur."
Arthur is the king of Paladin Road. I know because Mr Ruin and I are meeting during an international conference. When I found out about this, it goes without saying that Mr. Tristan held his head.
"It's the first time I've seen you. We are guild masters for the guild Reaping. My name is Tact the Summoner."
"It's Arthur, king of Paladin Road. Looks like Lancelot took care of you. Thank you as king."
"No, Master Lancelot has asked us to help too. Thank you again."
"Hehe, that sounds a little different than what Lancelot told me... Hmm"
King Arthur flies the kill. I don't care.
"King Arthur!?
"Master Arthur!?
Surprised Mr. Lancelot and Princess Sarah. I control my hands.
"Oh... that's fine. You tried me, didn't you?
"I'm sorry. This is still the king of the kingdoms of the heroes. I wanted to know how much the man who lost the Lancelot was, even though he was being manipulated. Apologize for your disrespect."
"Please don't bully Master Tact too much, okay? Master Arthur, he and I are promising to fight first!
"Are you going to fight Princess Silfi? That's amazing. She's a little scared, though, isn't she?
How bad is Princess Silfi that King Arthur is so capable of being scared?
"I have a trauma that was just slashed by Princess Sarah, so we're still ahead of us."
You just gave it back!
"Ho! Has Princess Sarah ever fought him?
"Yes, as part of knight training… you probably can't win now because we're still talking about a time when he's weak. Of course, if they try, I'm not going to lose."
Princess Sarah hates losing, too. I can't talk about people either.
"... All right. Some thanks to Lancelot for taking care of him. Why don't you come to Paladin Road?
Oh! I'd love to go to Paladin Road if I could. Besides, if you can thank me, I'll have to go.
Then came Mels, who perceived it.
"Is that the whole guild? King Arthur."
"No, it's just him this time"
Don't look at me with resentment. I'm the one who fought Lancelot, so you can't help it. But did I tell you this time?
"This time, does that mean inviting everyone one day?
"Ah. Because it looks like more adventurers are getting higher levels all over the continent. We're going to have a duel in my country soon."
Everyone's eyes lit up. This is a teaser for the next event, isn't it? A duel event… depressing. But can we just relax and duel in a state of truce? Anyway, I've decided to head to Paladin Road.
Afterwards, Mr. Hands, Leese's father, took me around to say hello. He thanked Ge Ye, Elfina and Hayataro and promised to send them a thank you later. Then Mr. Aertis spoke to me.
"I'm keeping a thank you for protecting Hawkman's village from the village chief and Ops. Please take it."
Apparently it's in all the guilds.
Brave Feathers: Rarity 7 Material Quality B +
Hawkman feathers. It is said to give courage to the bearer with wings with light and wind effects.
Assassin's Feather: Rarity 7 Material Quality B +
Raven feathers. It has the effect of darkness and thunder. It also has the effect of severe poisoning and paralysis with feathers.
Somehow the feather of courage is an item near the armor, and the feather of the assassin is an item near the weapon. But when I hear about the feathers, I have the image of a pen, so I might want to consider it.
"Thank you. Ops didn't come, did he?"
"Because he doesn't like this"
"I don't like it either."
"That's the Alliance Master, so get used to it"
Awful! I wouldn't struggle if they told me to get used to it! And Jeanne and the Leggins came.
"The three of you are going to work in our shop again."
"Yes… it bothered me because of my country, but my Uncle Beltran stopped me"
"I know we're selfish, but I figured it was usually more fun to deal with people in stores"
"Isn't that nice? So, while I'm fighting, I'm doing a lot of things."
The three of them laughed at me. Why laugh.
"" "I know" "
Synchronized. You're close. These three.
That happened. The ball is over, Lancelot is going home with King Arthur, and I'm home, but Lily and I have a belly bug.
"I'm hungry, I'm hungry..."
They said the food was gone by the time Lily and the others got to the desk. Farida's story says she crawled. But she tried to get to her desk, and she got really mad.
I thanked Farida for stopping Lily and the others from going wild. In a dress. That sucks.
"Princess Silfi has given me permission. I'll be fine."
While I'm feeding Lily and Gray to cook at home, I watch the Item-Chang Games in my guild.
Then Blissingamen was to be obtained by Shizukuishi.
"... why the water, ice main child?
"It's because you lost, right? If you want, you can negotiate."
It won't be that easy because it's a goddess necklace. Next up is the Devil's Sword Tilving. This was won by the leader of the Free Tier Brave Party.
"... don't you think I can have it because I put up my body? Tact."
"It's a decision we've all made, so there's no choice, is there? You're a brave man in the first place and you're gonna have a hard time equipping yourself with a demon sword."
Whoever gets it looks at me. 'Cause I can't equip it unless it's a dark attribute, so if I'm going to equip it, I have to collect the dark attribute armor. Well, it's a weapon worth doing, but I think there's a problem with naming brave men. That's my personal opinion there, though.
With that in mind, the Bleeding Sword is in Earley's hands. What the hell is this guy cursed at? I told you I'm glad you hit it for now.
The great sword of the reigning demon decided to raise it to Mr. Crowe and his men. The name is a thank you for your cooperation. Actually, I can only use it because it's only about my moon-hui night. Then I wish I could, but my unsolicited opinion is that this is not the weapon that Moonshine Night should have.
A considerable amount of weapons would be made from this great sword. I don't know what kind of weapon it will be, but let's look forward to it.
The Dragon Demon General's armor turned to Mr. Thunderbolt. The Elizer Great Sword became Luke. These two are the right weapons. The problem is the next Demon King crystal, but it belongs to Chiffon.
"Chiffon... you don't like to be called a fairy princess, so how about falling in the dark?
"Wow! Don't say that!"
"Fairy Princess?
"Don't repeat it!"
Apparently, that's what they say on the bulletin board because of the spirit armed figure on the trump card. Everyone else had a name on the bulletin board in this fight. It seems, for example, that Arlei is called Arlei the Blackbeard or Mirai the Virgin.
Others are Mel, the army chief. Mr. Saba can is Admiral Robo's Saba can, Rage the solar spear, etc. Sounds like everyone has something to say. Because of this, I seem to have been evaluated for various things in the operating instructions, but I never got a new one because of the words I've had.
Finally, the sceptre of the Disciplined Monk became mine. This is a story we should all get because we are unanimously the ones I defeated. I thought to Mirai for a moment, but I wouldn't need that guy's weapon. Thousands of shadows when it comes to crutches, but I don't want you to use them. Let's put it on hold.
I give everyone the Hawkmans' thanks and everyone puts out their own orders. I ordered Mr. Yug a black diamond ring from Penn and Mr. Nao.
Then when I left, there were the hungry Lily's there.
Such a glossy grin. Gray and the others are very satisfied. She looked cute in her prom dress, too, but I figured I'd like this look.
We have a little time, so let's take a look at inhibitory nullity, Sethia's new ability.
Setia and Livina face each other in a duel.
"Then I'll go. Livina."
"Anytime ~"
"Blossom Stream!"
That's a big move.
"Magic inhibition!
Originally, this should make the demon squares disappear, but without disappearing, the blossom stream is released into the livina.
Livina carded at the barrier.
"Is this what it looks like"
"I wonder what the extent of this inhibition is?
The result is Farida's sabotage of magic is effective. The magic seal due to abnormal state of seal or curse could not be invalidated. It's essential if we're going to have more fields like the Mangrove Forest, but in our current state, that's an image we don't seem to need to take yet.
I feel like I need a lot of magic inhibition. It would be a pretty effective skill, at least in interpersonal matches. I've also been notified of a duel event… let's put it on hold here. Even after the official announcement of the event.
Then I order a dragon glove from Wafox and show Setia Alexandrite.
"This... is a magic sword, isn't it?
"Ah. Can you ask for mine?
"Of course! If it's just this material, I'd like to make the best magic sword, so can I have a good amount of time?
Well, that won't help.
"I'm fine. I have time, and it's like we can't both"
"" Yes!
That's it. The last time I told you that I was going to a new country, Lily and I started the Jahn Games, so I decided to log out. It will be settled tomorrow.