Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 608 Dueling Event Authentic B Block I Match
After lunch, we were in the Colosseum's understatement.
"Are you sure you want to do this? Mr. Tact?"
"Ah. Unlike everyone else, we know very little about information. You'd be the first to do it."
"Is it really going to succeed?
"Don't succeed, let it. This kind of thing."
The first game began when we were making final confirmation of the operation. The modem is equipped with a monitor that can be seen. Match cards are 'Fallen Arc' and 'Protein'. It's Aroma's team. The members are Fallen Xcea, Greater Demon, Banshee, Guardian Gargoyle and Auga.
Banshee is the next evolution of Silky, the evolution of Pixie. Guardian gargoyles are the evolution of gargoyles. At first glance, it's an army of demons.
Opponents are all party members in tank tops… probably a fighter party. He's making some kind of pose. I can see not only the aroma, but all the summoners are pulling.
"Tact - what are those people doing?
"... I don't get it either. There's so much the world doesn't know. Lily."
Then tell him. He said he was just showing off his muscles. Then why? Though questions like that will come! I can't answer that. 'Cause I don't understand!
That's how the game started.
Aromatic movements first. Fallen Xcea flew through the sky and countless purple electric spears were attacked by 'Protein' people.
"My muscles! Paralyze ~ ~!! '
All the tank top legions are all dashing for aroma though. Sounds like it's not working. No, the damage is in there, but it looks like it's healed by the fighter's self-healing skills.
That should also have a paralyzing effect, but is the condition abnormal invalid? It seems robust because it runs while eating. And that's nightmare footage. Lily's mouth is open.
But if you're proud of your power, Aroma has a Greater Demon and an Auga.
Greater Demon and Auga wield the Great Sword and Axe.
"" Good muscle! But we don't have enough protein!
He was alone in taking attacks on Greater Demon and Auga's full swing, respectively. I wonder how much muscle power difference would make such an artist? I'm going to be confused by that, but they have a lot of skill. It's not something anyone can do to take a weapon by bare hands.
I was also trained to take out a serious blade, but it requires motion vision, skill, bravery, etc. Definitely a strong enemy.
When the other four approached Aroma, Aroma's Banshee moved.
Banshee suddenly exclaimed as she joined hands. Then every member of 'Protein' hangs a debuff and falls. Overall debuff attack to rub off state anomaly invalidation... strong.
"I don't have enough muscles..."
Everyone is attacked. I thought we'd all decided. Party that's still winning up to this point. It couldn't have been weak.
"Physical awakening!
The debuff is released and the more the tank top chops the more muscles swell up. At the same time, their minds exploded.
The summoners, who jumped into the fighters who became a mass of muscle, ate the counter beautifully. Defensive pride Guardian Gargoyle survived, but the other Summoners were defeated.
"Phew... Phew... Phew."
From the whole body? Or Aroma fled to the sky with the Guardian Gargoyle to the sight of a nightmare of a muscle group giving out hot air. And continue the magic attack from above but there was a boulder battle.
"That's it! Winner! 'Protein'!
You're perfect for a decision pose. I also caught a glimpse of an operation that looked silly but was calculated. We have to be careful. Then Lily and the others follow me and look back.
'I don't want to fight...'
Well, it would be like a nightmare to a woman. This reaction may be natural.
The nightmare game is over, and the second game is next. Match cards are "Steel Division" and "Ranger". "The Steel Division" was an emperor's party we fought together in the Battle of Bael, and "Ranger" is a probably hunter's party with a helmet on a gun in camouflage clothes.
Well, this is a creepy party, too. What kind of battle are you going to have?
"Let the game begin!
The first 'Rangers' people were thrown by smokescreens. You're here on a full-scale operation. The emperors set up guards in dense formations. That's a boulder... in this smoke, it would be the kettle they think moves darkless.
The shooting starts, but it's well prevented. But I felt uncomfortable.
"... you don't hear a lot of shooting for the count"
"Huh? Like less if you ask me that?
You got hit with this, Emperors.
Smoke clears, the emperors strike out.
I found a hunter with a system like a sniper, and when he attacked me, he caught me on a wire trap.
"Nah!? Shit."
"This is how Ranger Squad fights"
About a headshot, one was knocked down.
The emperors have become immobile. But one of them got knocked down. I just have to strike out. The result was the feeding of mines and poison gas planted by the hunters, and the emperors were defeated.
"Winner!" Ranger "!
Is the group here a group that needs to scream?
Nevertheless, the Rangers should probably have been the names of the elite units of the land militia, but naturally those people can't be playing games. I don't even think anyone who's even been a ranger will quit the militia, and I'm sure it's just a party where they admire former militias and stuff.
But the strategy is brilliant. Maybe I'm lucky.
"Reapers, turn to the ring."
"... Let's go"
There was a suspicious group of people in hoods when we went up to the ring. Is that our opponent or a member of "Even Knights Want to Use Magic"? I find out what kind of party by name because I'm wearing a corner hood but a magic swordsman came out in a personal battle. If this were a completely different party, I'd be surprised.
My weapon chooses the scepter of the water tree. If the opponent is a Magic Swordsman party, it's speed that determines the battle.
"Let the game begin!
You still come with acceleration. As expected.
"It's no use hiding! Tornado!"
The tornado flies fog and Lily guards the tornado with star walls. Got it!
"Jewell! Show him your special moves!
"Leave it to me!"
"Something's coming! Get ready!"
Jewell's Special Attack while the Magic Swordsmen are on alert. Round on the ground but activated.
All the venues, including the other party? I felt it come out. That will happen.
"" I'm sorry ""
"Heh? Ghaaaaaa!?
The Magic Swordsmen were knocked down by a misty ion and love fire.
"Winner! Reaping!
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!?"
The venue was amazed by a kind of deception that no one would expect.
"... Enough? Tak."
"Ah. Good luck. Jewell, that was a brilliant special."
This operation was a kind of bet. This kind of thing is the first thing I did. It has a strong winning side. Once someone does, the next people won't catch on first. I was lucky.
Yuwell fans were skyrocketing when we returned to the audience. Looks like he's been hit by the cuteness of a rounding Jewell. When I returned, Mr. Aura was stuffing a tissue in his nose.
"That was awesome... Mr. Tact."
You look happy and above all.
"I don't know... Tact, that was your kind of operation."
"Absolutely... I wouldn't normally do this, would I?
"Is that why you get caught?
This is it.
Everyone frightened me. Okay, next is a match to decide our next opponent. Match cards are Shooting Star and Sky Impulse. It's a battle between Sirius and Al who fought in the Baer event.
Mr. Al's members are Griffon, Wyburn, Peacock, Thunderbird and Chimera. Apparently, Chimera could have been summoned with a triple synthetic summons: King Cobra, Scapegoat and Rave. It evolved now with Lesser Chimera at that time. Mr. Al is riding a griffon.
This is going to be a fancy fight.
"Let the game begin!
When we started, it was still a battle between air strikes and shooting from the ground. First Mr. Al and the others got a sterling silver scatter shot by Sirius and the others. That should only be made by us, but it's a mystery whether the people who came to rescue us from Reich took it back, or whether they saw our stuff and imitated it.
Pretty damaging Mr. Al, but Peacock, Thunderbird and Wyburn went in to protect him, so he could take off the pinch.
And from here on out, Mr. Al will be in his favor. One after the other, he is attacked from the sky and Mr. Sirius and his men are turning to the rear. Still, it's a big deal because it shoots accurately while dodging.
Now, when this happens, both will hang on the decision-maker. But you can't go cheating like this. And that hunch hit me. How dare Mr. Sirius and the others take out the Calvary cannon.
Seeing it, Mr. Al gives instructions for destruction. Naturally. If something like that targets you, you won't be able to resist. Mr. Sirius had anticipated that. The iron net was stretched when the bullet released to the steep descending Mr. Al burst in front of Mr. Al, who was brilliantly caught all of them.
"Ku... destroy it"
"Unfortunately, it's over"
The end ended with Mr. Al being shot.
"Winner! 'Shooting Star'!
When I saw that, Mel and the others muttered.
"That's the Calvary cannon that got Apaosha."
"Isn't it strange that Mr. Sirius and the others have it because it sounds like a trump card for the Reich Empire?
That's the trump card. Then I had a gaze with Mr. Sirius and the others. Interesting... let's take that battle and stand.