Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 638 Pallers Shield and Yellow Ossa Mountain Extinction
After dinner, he logged in. - Paistos completed Bran's new shield.
"Wow, I want to see it too."
"I'm not feeling well yet, so I told you to stay asleep."
"Ugh... can't you really...?
Muggu... will you tell me while I cover my face half with a futon? I didn't expect you to do this to Blanc. But it is Bran who moves and suffers. I can't allow that.
"No. I'm asleep now."
"Ugh... yes"
I go to Hepaistos and receive a new Bran shield.
Shield of Pallers: Rarity 9 Shield Quality S
Weight: 80 Durability: 1000 Defense: 800
Effect: +10 All Stats when Angel Gear, Absolute Defense, Hero Barrier, Sturdy, Giant Protection
The shield where Giggers' pallers' protection dwelt. A shield that has the effect of considerably increasing muscle strength and boasts the strength of an integrated offensive with the effect of increasing the power of the weapon along with the protection of the iron wall.
Absolutely defensive, sturdy, Giant protection is the first. What effect will it take for Bran to recover? I checked with Jewell on the boulder, and I think I can shake it.
I ordered Sefone's sickle from Hepaistos. After all, the weapon of immortality will have a high priority. Azi Dahaka naturally thinks so too because he sees Hydra. They use Adamantite and Rigidstone and Magic Stone for the materials. This is going to be a shitty weapon.
What leaves Bran like this. Poor thing, so I take the Pallers shield to Bran.
"It is! Ahhh!?"
"Look. I'm not healing yet, so I told you to stay still. I'll leave the shield up so you can see it."
"Yes. Thank you. Lord."
I'm staring at the shield. I think I liked it a lot. Bring it, I guess I got it right.
Tell Sefone he's making a new sickle once.
"What! Of!?
"So I told you not to get excited, didn't I? It's not finished yet, so get some rest now."
"You can't rest while there's noise."
Best of all, but now it's time for both of you to rest. I see Mount Yellow Ossa.
Azi Dahaka has progressed to the last mountain area of Mount Yellow Ossa. This area is heavily attacked by humans. Thus, free-tier flying units, summoners, and beastmen will be at the centre.
Furthermore, weapons are placed near the entrance to Mount Yellow Ossa at night in the main unit, the Fort of Trento Forest.
"Azi Dahaka captured!
"Copy that. Wavy bombing! Start the first wave of attack!
When summoners riding on summoners with fast legs such as griffons, unicorns, etc. at Mr. Al's direction become attacking posture from the front of Azi Dahaka, Azi Dahaka comes down with light and magic.
"Khuuu... Successfully guided! Mr. Al! '
"Rapid descent bombing! Begin! '
A magic inhibitory smokescreen is dropped from Wyburn and those on a large rideable subpoena. Then the demonic squares that Azi Dahaka was deploying disappear.
"Smoke that inhibits magic. I made something small."
"Confirm the extinction of the Devil's Square!
"Everyone is free to attack! I'll fold it all at once!
The summoners' normal attack was launched, and a trump card was put in here.
It's a Dragon Knight party. It turns out that if this situation doesn't work the magic can fight pretty effectively. Again, without magic, it was less dangerous and I could bring it into melee, but I still can't break through the barriers. Still push in as much as you can to buy some time.
"Hmm. You want a power battle?
"Guh!! Ahhhh!?
Crushed and bitten the other way around. They all attack desperately to help, but they don't even look. Then a dragon appears from the ground. It's Mr. Maya's Dragon Newt.
"Another dirt dragon Newt! Get out of my way!
Take a blow to the tail of Azi Dahaka but stay on foot.
'No! Let me interrupt!
Both hands and tails were turned into drills, and when hit, the boulder Azi Dahaka also changed his target. Throw away the dragonized.
"To all dragon knights. You can't compete with decent power. I think a series of dragon dives would be the most effective. If everyone else does melee fights, I think the move to hit the opponent works best, so refer to it. '
Copy that!
While everyone takes an offensive stance, Azi Dahaka was being attacked by dirt dragonuts. Hold the drill between your hands with your bare hands and hold it up, hitting the mountain.
"Dragon Dive!"
"All Army Assault!
A dragon-tamer unit led by the wind dragon and evolved Mr. Thunderbolt and the summoners of the first line storm can be stopped at the barrier.
And the barrier moved, and it became a situation where everyone was pushed by the barrier, pushed straight into the mountain and crushed like a specimen.
'Did you think the same hand would work? Die.'
Lightning runs to Azi Dahaka. That's when. An unexpected group appeared.
Countless lightning fluctuations from the darkness of the night sky struck Azi Dahaka. It was the Ravens led by Ops who were in the sky.
"Will you stand in my way?"
"You wouldn't, would you? I did."
'Right. Then die!'
The Ops evade Azi Dahaka's Dragon Breath and work together to attack Azi Dahaka.
"First retreat! Second Battalion Attack Started!
Re-use of the magic inhibition smokescreen by the Free Tier Knights and bombardment by dynamite begins. All the players escape to the fort and receive recovery. In the meantime, the Fox Celian Beasts attack with a radiating heat ray, and the players return to battle.
But surely Azi Dahaka proceeded and entered the range of troops in the Trento Forest. A barrel can be thrown from the fort's catapult.
"I thought it proved ineffective."
Azi Dahaka stops the barrel and fire and shooting strikes, but it can be stopped before it reaches the barrel.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Dragon Breath!"
Forced to destroy barrels, firearrows, etc. with fireworks' dragon braces. This was taken as a last resort.
The liquor in the barrel hits the barrier of Azi Dahaka and is inflamed again. And it's when Fireworks tries to pursue you further when Mr. Full Moon gets a special attack at the same time. I detected an anomaly.
"Huh!? Takuma, evacuate everyone! There's a hell of an attack coming!
'Fireworks say something bad is coming! Run, all of you!
Azi Dahaka's body turns bright red. Then the surrounding heat soars and the mountains become lava and melt.
"That's a good fire dragon Newt. Our enemies have escaped, but they will know our strength. Look at that! This is our power! Hypernova! '
Silence reigns for a moment. The next moment, the world is enveloped in light. That's the light the stars take for the last time. It was the light of the end that mankind could not reach.
At the next moment, there was a super explosion covering all the sights, and at the same time an awesome shockwave reached the King's Capital of the Free Tier.
"... what happened? Everybody all right?
We tasted it at home. We finished to that extent, but those who tasted it up close would have had a reduced lifespan. I'll send the comms, but no response. Guys, did you erase it? No, because there's no response until Mr. Ruin and the others. Should I see that the communication is jammed by the attack just now?
Anyway, I look in the direction of the blast zone. Mount Yellow Osa, which should have been there, was gone.
Thereafter, after a short period of time, communication is restored and the status is checked in the guild. Fireworks were praised by everyone in the guild.
I don't know what I'm bragging about. It's refreshing to me. Afterwards, I found out that Fireworks helped everyone.
"Heh heh."
"Yes, sir. Well done. After a series of disturbances, give Takuma more rewards so she can buy whatever she wants."
"Yay! Clothes, accessories, weapons."
"Wait a minute! Fireworks! Gilmouth says more, but not more!
You've noticed. Takuma is also growing.
And Hypernova... a supernova? Don't start a cosmic explosion. If you can crumble gravity, maybe you can do this, but if you're normal, instead of stars, it's the end of the galaxy. I guess this is the game that was all I had to do with one mountain and the broken glass in the building.
And I reunited with the Ops and thanked them for the rescue.
"Thank you. I just repaid the debt I was helped to make. We've got business to run, and I'm gonna let you go home."
When I said that, I flew away. Well, you're not joining me. Then Gilmen is nibbling.
"Isn't that coupéré?
In the midst of all the suspicions of Ops, I first sent an investigation team to find out what was happening in Azi Dahaka. Fortunately, the fort seems safe and a report came soon.
"Don't you move in silence?
"Is it a recoil of moves... or are you getting ready for something... do you want to attack anyway?
It is helpful not to move as things stand, but would you like to make an attack for once? If I can take him down here, I've never crossed that.
That's why we're all headed for Azi Dahaka's attack, and I'll report the status quo at the castle. Then the Free Tier Knights also headed for the attack.
I then told Jiu-Tao that it would be as easy as a mountain to get back to normal. It would be something like a boulder nine-tail.
Afterwards, they were informed that the attack on Azi Dahaka had ended in underdevelopment, and planetary magic and so on, but they were intact. Plus, the Tyrols' Xmaquina series offense didn't work either.
They still haven't been able to discover the battleship in the first place. The reason for this is the difficulty of the Dark Continent. They're completely different from the trap on the field to the monster level, and in numbers.
"Please help me."
"You said we'd find it ourselves. Well, I'll let you head over after this event."
However, I think there will be reconstruction and all sorts of priorities.
That's why I take Ikes and shoot the energy cannon, but no damage. No. Shit.
"That's probably it for today."
"We've got a mountain to do. Build fortifications, defensive line walls, and weapons have been damaged, so replenish the items to repair them. We'll split up our roles and get our attitude ready by tomorrow!
I head to the battleship and give the current repair status and the energy drinks I made at the dining room facility to everyone who works hard. Then put your hands on your hips and drink them all at once.
"Complete Master Magic Refill"
"Continue the work"
"Ah, ah. More than that, why would you drink that?
"Because the master was drinking like this in the bath"
... I do think I was drinking. But how did you see that? I'm a little scared. And don't tell me anything weird.
Well, if you're in the mood for work, good. I cook when I head home. This is still my production work. Setia reacted super when I was cooking.
"This smell is from the contest!
Correct. Sethia was in a contest in the town of Fast, so you remembered exactly what a stew smelled like. But right now, the stew I'm making far outweighs the stew of that time.
The ingredients are the best vegetables I have received from Fox Celian Beast, and the milk I use is Hayes Rune's milk. In addition, here is my all-powerful dish made with safe-fream nil bacon, hidden flavors with roe butter and cheese, and vegetable raw cream.
Cream Stew: Rarity 9 Culinary Quality A +
Effects: 100 Fullness Recovery, 2 Hour Fullness Reduction Disabled, 2 Hour Magic Up (Question), 2 Hour Muscle Strength Up (Question), 2 Hour Cold Resistance, 2 Hour Condition Abnormal Disabled, 1 Hour Magic Auto Recovery (Question), 100 Magic Recovery, 2 Hour Resurrection Granted
A nutritious soup made with seasonal vegetables, safe cream nil bacon and haze rune milk. The use of golden wool cheese and butter for concealed flavors gives it a mellow and intense flavor, with the addition of vegetable raw cream, which makes it a stew for the luxury store face loss.
What do you say! This is my stew! I got it! It is huge that the explanation made me label it a luxury store face loss, and the effect is disastrous. This is a trump card. Let's take it for tomorrow.
It was a complete standby system with plates ready for Lily and Kyouo. Eventually I let everyone, including the Grays, taste it and break it up. It's a bad ending because I'm up to Kyouo!
Well, instead, the Fox Celian Beasts, who are assistants to the Nine Tails, were supposed to help us cook, so we got a good amount. Let's behave to everyone tomorrow.