Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner
# 640 Azi Dahaka, Trent Forest Defense Battle
Lily and the others used dragon braces again, which became the werewolf smoke for the war. Directly hitting Azi Dahaka is still not going to do the damage.
Still doesn't warm the hand of the attack. One flight unit after another storms and the last dragonized Yuwell hits his body.
"Hmm. Waste."
"... Shadow Dragon!
"Hey, oh! Dragon moves! Dragon claws!
"Huh! Dragon moves! Dragon-tails!
Nowa's shadow dragon bites Azi Dahaka, dragonized from left to right Lily and Ion strike. But Lily's and Ion's attacks can be stopped by hand. And by swinging the two of them, they hit Nowa and Jewell, throwing them away.
Now the love fires and the fox celian beasts expose the radiation heat rays to Azi Dahaka and take Azi Dahaka's gaze off the fort. In the meantime, Jewell dives to the ground. Now we're ready.
It was Mr. Sabah Can who was waiting for that time. There was a tasram in my hand that finished the charge with the effect of a mana crystal.
"I'm going! Taslam firing. Ahhh!
Pulling the trigger releases a flash of destruction from the fortress of Trento Forest, aiming at Azi Dahaka.
"Well... did you have a small weapon?"
Hit the Azi Dahaka barrier and make a super explosion. Taslam destroyed the Azi Dahaka barrier and wiped out the right half. This was the moment when those without Xmakina gave Azi Dahaka his first decent blow. But I can't afford to be happy. I warn you.
"He's got extraordinary regenerative abilities too! Don't give me a gap to use my skills!
It was Aeon who moved first into my words. Ion wraps around Azi Dahaka and uses Ethereal Thunder.
'I won't let you!
Yuwell, who appeared off the ground with a nail directed at the ion, bit, and by weighing himself further, managed to prevent it from being directed at the nail ion.
"No. Yeah!
'... Mmm!
Lily releases a fist all over her central neck that converges her powers. Nowa sprays her nails around her left neck to continue, but it's still hard.
"Good collaboration, but it's overwhelming power to decide the battle"
Azi Dahaka emits light. That was when Jewell was hit.
'Please leave us all! I'll take it!
"Lily, you know what I mean, right?
'... yeah! Nowa, Yuwell! Get away from me! Everybody!
Everyone pulls temporarily at the decision of Aeon and Lily.
"Ice prison! Hydraulic junction! '
'Hmm. You think that would stop our attack to that extent?
'Why don't you try it?
"Fine. Get rid of it! Dragon Dragon Newt!
Azi Dahaka's mighty shockwave of light makes the ions disappear.
But everyone takes over Ion's readiness and continues to unleash a full-blown blow that has gathered its full strength. But Azi Dahaka took that blow and took it one step at a time.
On the other hand, I was running through the woods with Darley. Azi Dahaka is being stopped by everyone, but the Zahaks kept after us.
"Mr. Tact! Keep it straight, fly critical without touching the ground!
There were Mr. Tristan's men on the tree. I do what I'm told, and the dark dragons that tried to hit me get caught in the steel wire, and on the ground Zahrk explodes with a dynamite mine.
More catapult rocks and arborests fly from the fort, striking brilliantly behind me. And Mel and the warlords of cherry blossoms strike at the Zaharks. Then Bran says.
"Lord. This is where I will use the Protective Order and stop."
"Okay. I asked for it. Bran."
"Yes! Protective Order!
I then arrived at the newly built defensive line and jumped over it to reach the fort.
It was when I tried to watch Lily and the others fight. Attacks were unleashed simultaneously by a group of giant dragons.
This is the Dragon Squad of the Beast Demon Guild focusing on Princess Silfi.
'We'll take it from here. Master Tact needs to be ready. "
'Okay. Please.'
If it came out, I can't help it. In fact, this situation without the right half of Azi Dahaka can be considered an excellent opportunity. I tried to get Lily and the others back to the summons stone, but I can't. At this moment, I had a bad feeling. Because this means Azi Dahaka won't let you get away with the draft.
"An outrageous attack is coming! Everybody away! '
"Guys! I'm gonna hit him in unison and stop him at all!
At Lily's behest, my summoners hit Azi Dahaka all at once, and they go into a halt.
"Use your body. But come and stop it. What a waste. '
"You're not the one who decides whether or not what Lily and the others did was in vain! It's tact!
"In lieu of our lives, but I will protect you!
"Ion's connected to everyone! It's our turn next! I'll definitely protect you and show you!
I heard that. Azi Dahaka's body emits bright red.
"Now I won't even allow resuscitation. Risk your life and let them protect you!
"'' '' Let me try!
Everyone activates their defensive skills simultaneously and Azi Dahaka explodes super. But that super explosion hadn't reached the rear of the Lilies. Lily and the others have disappeared, but I think it's a definite battle that Lily and the others risked their lives to protect everyone, including me.
I'll prove it by taking him down.
"... I'm on my way to get ready."
"Um... Dear Tact, I was wondering if you might be all right"
When I saw Setia, I heard a voice from the sky.
The smaller Lily's have fallen into the fort. Is that it? Aren't you even going to allow resuscitation? Then there was even Aeon as if the bulk seemed bad. Hmm?
"What!? Why resuscitate? I must have sealed it and killed it."
Oh... did you just seal the resuscitation of your skills? Lily and the others are all eating cream stew, so you're resurrected. He was also not familiar with cooking by Azi Dahaka, who was familiar with witchcraft. Look at you. I feel like I won so much.
'... uh. We'll take over from here! All units, attack Azi Dahaka! You must not give a gap!
You've solidified Princess Silfi of boulders for a moment. I didn't know what happened, either, and I wouldn't have a choice. I'll take Lily and the others and transfer them to the island.
The battle continues while I adjust my battleship. Dark dragons and zakhaks come from the shadows of Azi Dakhaka, constantly striking defensive lines and finally letting them break through defensive lines.
And it hit a forest fort in Trent. Mr. Sabah can put out their own robots, intercept them, but in the meantime, Azi Dahaka's attacks never stop, and one shepherd after the other.
"Mr. Sabah Can, I can't do this any more!
"... right. Abandon all military forts! We will retreat to the village of Verdole!
The Kingsguard Knights, led by Princess Sarah, had consolidated their protection there when they all retreated to the village of Verdole. As everyone took a break, Trento's fort was destroyed until it was completely skinless, and even the right half, destroyed because of it, revived Azi Dahaka.
Dark dragons and zakhars then appear in the village of Verdole, all of whom hit the repelling of this.
When one afternoon passed, Azi Dahaka finally passed through the forest of Trento and was taken to range the village of Verdole and the king's capital of Freetier. Princess Sarah puts in life.
"O proud knights of the Free Tier! Don't be afraid! I'll bury the bad dragon here at all costs!
"Ooh... ooh!
Azi Dahaka laughs at the knights, completely at the waist.
"Those who can't even scratch us bark a lot. Then our whole dragon brace! Take it!
A distortion of space occurs over the knights who were deploying in the village of Verdole when Azi Dahaka breathes in and everyone is ready.
At the next moment, multiple laser simultaneous attacks from space hit Azi Dahaka. The attack easily destroyed the ever greatly struggling Azi Dahaka barrier, causing damage to Azi Dahaka.
And what emerged from space was a giant battleship made of unknown metal. Everyone cheered for the look.