Emperor! Can You See Stats!?
# Gifts and wishes
Lord Haynes asks with a curious look on his face.
“Hunting this winter? There today is the Emperor's...... ”
Yurius asked for a quiet tone while cutting his horse.
“All you have to do is escort me. I don't know what the servants or officials will say to Avama if I go alone. ”
“Keep your ears open for a moment."
I whispered something to Lord Haynes, and he jumped.
“Still, it's too dangerous. What makes you think you're going after that guy by yourself? ”
“Isn't that why you're taking him? I'm willing to risk my life to believe you. Haven't you got a gift for Avama since her name is Avama's birthday? ”
“But……. ”
“Not as a prince, but as a disciple. ”
As Yurius continued to say this, Lord Haynes couldn't help but look at me eagerly.
“Very well. But if you feel dangerous, leave it to me!" ”
“Are there any? ”
The place where they arrived, well dressed for the cold, was at the foot of the imperial hinterland.
‘Who knew there was such a thing living on the back mountain of the imperial palace? ’
The cave was a natural hiding place, hidden by the hillside and delicately snow-covered needles.
“You found it. Lord Haynes will call you if he thinks I'm in danger. Stay here for a moment." ”
“It's not that I don't trust your skills, but be careful. ”
Coming out of a cave that looks like a small tiger, but looks twice the size.
A body covered in silver leather, sharp claws, and fangs growing to the chin give it an unparalleled amount of pressure.
“Grrrrrrrrr…. ”
But Yurius is no less.
‘I'm sorry, but I need you to be a good gift for me. It'll be subdued in two years if I let it go. At least it'll be useful for me. ’
The beast leaps at an unbelievable speed and aims for Yurius' neck, but he lifts his head lightly and smashes the silver fuselage of the beast with his fist.
Along with a dull sound, the water soars several meters and falls to the ground.
He punches with his fist filled with the Force, but the monster leaps back to the ground with his front foot to make sure he's not too shocked.
Yurius spits his admiration lightly.
‘But you can't just punch a creature with half a name, right? ’
Yurius draws his sword and blocks his front foot with it. This time, he kicks the lower belly of the horse.
This time, the leather is relatively thin, so it will be effective. Now, you carefully raise yourself up to look around Yurius to see if you feel the threat of the water.
Whether or not, Yurius stands still and thinks.
‘I guess blood would be worthless, right? Where do I cut my hide to keep it intact? ’
Yurius clenched his fists and his feet as he thought hard in his mind.
"Yes, let's do it with a glance! ’
When Yurius made his decision, Marsu was already preparing to run away with her tail down.
Magic jumps several meters at a time.
I was trying to get away from Yurius.
“No way!”
Yurius' body disappears instantly. The missing body moves in front of the beast, and as it does, a bright blue flash flashes across his brow.
This Magic Hide was not so hard, but the destructive power of the Force, typed into his blade, penetrates it lightly.
Maestro's blade pierces through his glabella, without feeling any pain. His brain bursts out and cuts out.
Yurius shrugs off the blood and bribes from the mark of the beast's brow and summons Lord Haynes.
“Lord Haynes, you may come out now. ”
“Your Majesty, are you all right? ”
Lord Heines hurriedly ran to the cave, looking at the corpse of the beast and expressing his surprise.
“This guy really was on the back mountain of the imperial palace. ”
“I saw it as an accident, too. If we don't get there soon, we're gonna be late for the gift proceedings from Avama, so let's go! ”
What appeared in the intestine was the first prince Yurius, who was invisible.
There he surrounds the corpse of a large creature.
Several nobles who felt the cool chill emanating from the corpse vomit wonder.
“No, isn't that the White Chapel Tiger? ”
“Why is a horse that lives so far north here? ”
The corpses of the giant beast that Yurius had surrounded all the inner nobles could not conceal their surprise.
“Everything I just felt came from that guy's hide! ”
“Did the First Prince do that himself? ”
[White Shaveltiger.] It has long been reflected by Shaveltiger, a tiger-shaped mascot, absorbing heat in very cold areas.
The leather that absorbs heat and shines silver does not stick a sharp blade. It is a very rare fur that can be processed into clothes or armor to give a subtle breeze in all seasons so that it feels cool in summer.
“Th-the last gift from Empire First Emperor Yurius von Sharnos. ”
The nobles in charge of society lead Yurius to the mainland in a trembling voice.
Yurius lays the corpse of a giant beast in front of the Emperor.
“Abamamma, I'm sorry I haven't finished processing in a while. My gift to you is this beast's hide. ”
“Haha, did you catch Yuri yourself? Where have you hunted such a rare creature? ”
The emperor also asks with a curious face.
Yurius smiles and replies.
“I was hunting in the mountains behind the Imperial Palace, a while ago, when I stumbled upon this creature's habitat. ”
The back mountain of the imperial palace was also used as an open hunting ground for the nobles of the capital or for the royal people, but it was also a somewhat dangerous area because of the mountain range behind it.
Originally, this was a beast that was discovered two years later, and was badly hurt by some nobles who came out to hunt, causing a massive subjugation.
But he's not the one who caught him in his past life.
"Thank you, Leonhard. I wouldn't have made this plan if it wasn't for you. ’
Yes! This magic was originally discovered by the Grand Duke hunting two years later, and Leonard Hart himself will lead the Knights and subdue them.
However, unlike my previous life, I took it myself.
Yurius blinks one eye at Leonhart, which is located between startled officials.
‘ ……. ’
Leonard Hart is still expressionless, so I don't know what he's thinking, but he must be pretty confused.
This time Lord Haynes, who was politely set up behind Yurius, will also call upon him.
“I would like to report to the Emperor, the new incarcerator, Heinz. I accompanied you on an escort to keep you safe, but you were the only one who caught the beast by yourself. ”
“I didn't hear the rumor that the first prince excelled in swordsmanship. ”
“I thought you didn't have an adult ceremony yet, but you brought a creature like that by yourself. ”
A murmur erupts between the nobles and the Sadducees.
The old beast was cunning and powerful enough to resist even the dizziest knights.
It should come as no surprise that the White Shaveltiger has captured Yurius, who is not yet twenty, although he claims to be incomplete.
There were a lot of nobles there who took notice of rare items, but they couldn't help but be surprised by the corpse of the White Chapel Tiger.
“That's amazing. I stabbed him in the glabella at the exact same time and killed him instantly. I've never seen a leather in this condition before! ”
The emperor who was initially worried about the praise between the apostles and the nobles also had to listen. How can a parent feel bad when their child's compliments are everywhere?
“Hahaha! I have so many children, I've received gifts like this. ”
And the emperor looks at Yurius with proud eyes and continues to speak.
“The first emperor of the empire, ‘Player’ Sharnos, was also said to have built the empire with a blood-body sword. I knew you were talented with the sword, but now that you've proven it in front of so many people, I shall reward you separately. ”
“This is just a small gift for the birthday of Avamar. How can I ever hope to repay you for that? ”
Yurius pretends not to act.
But the emperor still cares if he's feeling better.
“Tell me what you want. Especially when it comes to your training, you will listen to anything you want in the name of the Emperor. ”
The Emperor of the Empire has spoken in front of countless people and other important figures. This is okay, even if it is an absolute promise.
‘More success than I thought. ’
Yurius begins to talk about his goals, trembling with joy of success.
“What I want is a superman. ”
“Superman!? ”