Emperor! Can You See Stats!?
# Eastern Outliers
The Grand Duke's director was brutally beaten in the capital city. Either way, he was a sign from the Imperial Knights. The majority of those who did not know the truth about his treachery had no choice but to show their condolences with a sad look.
The death of the Grand Duke was not just about the death of talented people, but also about the status of the empire.
“You didn't think the Grand Duke was going to die... Was there really a big raid? ”
“One of the four superhumans is empty with this. Who do you think will fill that position in the future? ”
“I don't know. In fact, even though there are many talents in the Empire, being superhuman isn't going to happen for a while. ”
“Isn't that right? At least these fortresses say there are many talents of Sharnos knights who stand out, including His Highness the First Prince. ”
“Ew... They're still too young! No matter how fast you get there, you have to be over thirty years old. It's still early bloodlines. ”
In addition to the memorial, the public's interest was a gap in the power generated by the death of the Grand Duke.
Although there is no country on the continent that dares to confront the empire, the majority argued that praying for one superhuman is quite a big problem as the fate of the Southern Desert has been sensitized recently.
It is the same in the imperial palace that there are people complaining about this matter.
Mareus opens his mouth while discussing his next move.
“Speaking of which, why don't you go to the Holy Land for a little while? ”
“I think so, too. If you were recognized as a superhuman in the temple before the Crown Prince's inauguration ceremony, wouldn't your stature go up even further? ”
I think the emperor is the same.
Superhumans also referred to it as the Fourth Stage Knight, but they had to pass trials in the Temple of War in order to be officially recognized on the continent.
And, of course, superhuman qualifications published directly in the temple were generally the greatest honor a knight could have.
Yurius' answer, however, was surprisingly aesthetic.
“I'll think about it. But my personal opinion is still preliminary. ”
“ ……!? ”
They tilt their heads. Now there's no Grand Duke, and it's a great opportunity to expand his position. Why are we so reluctant to do that?
Yurius opens his mouth again.
“Actually, you can take the test at any time, right? More importantly, I think it's important to clean up the confusing politics and refine the interior. ”
“If you think so, I won't stop you.... ”
Yurius smiles bitterly as he looks at the two old men with the sad look on their faces. Increasing his reputation, of course, may empower his march, but now he has little time to worry about it.
‘And frankly, I don't even know why I'm taking that test. ’
It was a secret what kind of test they took in the Temple of War, but if they had already gone up there, they would have risen up. Just because they don't go to the Holy Land doesn't mean their abilities suddenly fly away.
And above all, doesn't he now have a goal?
‘Now that the enemies inside have almost lost their power, it's time to turn your eyes to the enemies outside. ’
There was still a considerable deadline for the Crown Prince's Bookshelf. He is the right time to move his personal forces.
* * *
That night, Yurius summoned those who followed him. When he sees people coming in turn in the locked room at the Starpalace, he looks greeted.
“Thank you all for coming on such short notice. ”
The reaction in the room was divided into three largely. For one thing, Mareus sat down with a smile like a gentleman who had never been called before, but had a relationship.
“If the king calls, of course we should run. Haha... ”
The second was two young men with puzzled faces. Beatrice and Caines. They thought Yurius was simply looking for them, but were somewhat surprised by this surprise gathering.
“Your Grace? What about these men? ”
The third was Nuada. He looked around the room with an interesting look.
“How's your new face today? Are they all following their friends? ”
“By the way, shouldn't you be back in the mountains? ”
He grunts at Yurius' question.
“Somewhat stable and talented, the old people of the tribe will take care of it. The goal was to give him a good punch for a while, but I guess it's hard for him now, huh? ”
Yurius turns his gaze to the place where his sister is flowing.
‘That doesn't seem strange to you? Is there an emergency? ’
“ ……. ”
Thinking about it, Je Gal Unhyun, who was always fighting Nooda with an agile expression, was a little strange today.
No, all three people who attended the Zechariah family were sitting quietly today. Nooda looks a little rough, but she's sharper than anyone else.
He seemed to be reading the atmosphere and observing it without saying anything.
“ ……!? ”
“Joo-gun.... ”
“I will tell the Lord myself. ”
Jegalhwayyoung tried to open his mouth before he noticed Yurius' gaze. However, even before the words continued, Jae Gal Un-hyun hung up and began to talk with a serious face.
“Lord, you must have gathered these talents here to discuss your future plans. ”
“I see? Is there a problem?" ”
“With all due respect, ”
Rarely, Jae Gal Un-hyun kept his manners close to him. Looks like something really blew up.
“In fact, a red order arrived from the mainland of the Eastern Continent around the time the Lord returned to the capital. ”
“Red Orders?”
“An order, not a letter, is a sign of the most urgent news in Sega. Whew……. ”
Once he sighed, Jae Gal Un-hyun finally got to the point.
“Among them, the Red Spirit means that there is a crisis of Sega's respect. Well, something must have happened while I was gone. ”
“ ……. ”
Yurius remains silent for a moment. After that, I could naturally predict what would come next. Because Sega's honor is at stake, the characters of the Zechariah must fall in that direction for a while.
‘From their point of view, I'm embarrassed. I'm the one who decides when there's a Sega crisis. ’
Yurius has decided to test them first. What will they do in this situation?
“What do you want me to say? ”
“ ……. ”
After the heavy silence for a while, Jegal Unhyun opened his mouth again.
“We are just following the Lord's decision. ”
“Is it true? I heard Sega is a crisis of honor. ”
“Of course.”
Jegal Unhyun's expression did not shake like a stone statue. If he had preferred Sega over his command in the first place, he would have left without waiting for an answer.
‘Since they have shown their sincerity, I must give them a proper reward as Lord. ’
Yurius replies with a serious look on his face.
“Actually, it takes considerable force to summon you. If the power goes out from there, it's actually going to be very disappointing. ”
“ ……. ”
“So how much power do I have to drain? ”
“I have no face to face with the lord... but at least I think we should return to the mainland. ”
‘Tsk! I knew it. ’
Yurius kicks his tongue. It was not to be solved at the level of subtraction from the informants or the common masters of the previous month, as he expected.
In fact, the existence of Jegal Unhyun, who belonged to almost the highest superman on the western continent, was one of his most powerful forces.
Jegalgan was also an outstanding master, close to superhumans. If these two fall apart at the same time, there is little power that can be expected by force at Zegal-sega.
That's why they hesitated. Yurius called them there because he needs his current force. What kind of answer would he give?
‘If the Lord has a place to keep us, it will be inevitable. ’
The characters of the Zechariah were determined. Seeing someone so invisible, this plan will not be as common as the last time we defeated the Grand Duke.
“Very well. As soon as the meeting is over, I want you to leave for Eastern Continent. If it's urgent, I'm sorry to keep you. ”
“I can't help it... What? ”
“Haven't you heard? When the meeting is over, head straight to Eastern Continent. That's an order.”
“But……. ”
Yurius grins.
“It's not just a decision I've made. Shouldn't we give other talent a chance to do the same? ”
And his confident gaze stared directly into Jegal Unhyun's eyes.
“ ……!? ”
Jegal Unhyun opened his eyes for a moment and scoured Yurius' body once. A master of that magnitude can give you a rough idea of the opposing Pokémon's predicament.
You've grown another level? You are a remarkable man. ’
The waves that Yurius felt were different by the sky train before he left the capital. It was natural for me to have tasted more than four stages of hardship, even though it was still incomplete.
He immediately bowed his head and bowed down deeply.
“I thank you for your kindness, Your Highness. ”
“Thank you for your kindness! ”
The Jegalhwa Young and Jegalgal Gun also raise the temple. Other people who don't know what's going on are just staring at them.
‘If you have grown to that level, you can solve the chaotic dangers by yourself. I was worrying about nothing. ’
In fact, Jegal Unhyeon was also the last battle with the Grand Duke, and Yurius' safety, which is still a minor part of being unmanned, was the most important danger.
It was because he was in charge of protecting the Blue Dragon of the Apostolic Church, and of course he had to put Yurius' safety before Sega's.
And what he worshiped was that Yurius cared for the inside of Sega, even though he knew it.
‘Indeed, the person who was born with the delayed lifestyle, as Almighty Emperor said, must have something special. ’
Yurius spoke to Jegal Unhyun, who was so amazed within himself.
“Then I'll see you in the east next time. It won't take long. ”
“You're crossing the continent yourself? ”
“Shouldn't we recover the abolition you speak of? I have my own abdomen. Don't worry, go and prepare a big welcome first. ”
After seeing Yurius' spontaneous reply, all the figures of the Zechariah turned their heads. How did he cross the east to become the Crown Prince?
‘It's better. In fact, I felt sorry for being so dependent on their power that I neglected other talents. ’
Where would Yurius go now to be beaten?), and the characters under the command had grown to some extent, except for the Zechariah price.
The plan was to take full advantage of the talent he captured, not the benefits he received as a player.
Utilizing talent in the right place is a natural ability for an emperor to have.
‘In that regard, there are a lot of people who have to contribute well this time! ’
Yurius claps his hands with a smile intact.
“Actually, there are some talents here that we have not yet introduced. ”
“Who are you? ”
Jegalhwa Young asked as if he was curious first. At that moment, the door of the lockroom opens and two men enter.
“I'm here to see the Crown Prince. ”
“I see you! ”
The moment I saw them, most of the characters in the gut tilted their heads. Two young men came in.
One man looked like a man, but he was an officer in uniform, not unmanned. It seemed like he belonged to the army chief.
The other guy was a younger looking kid. He had intelligent features and a dry figure. It was dressed as a typical terminal portal.
“Devon, and Byron, it's been a long time. ”
“It's been a long time. ”
“Thank you for remembering. ”
They said hello, but their faces were a little blurry. It is because the characters in the intestines did not show much vigor, but they were so contentious that even the slight force leaking out of the smoke formed the air that crushed them.
‘These are not all ordinary people. What kind of meeting is this? ’
"Mareus, seeing as you're here, doesn't seem like your usual place. Why did you just summon me, the terminal gateway? ’
Yurius observes their expressions for a while and then opens his mouth.
“Actually, you're the one I've always wanted to see here! ”
“You mean me? ”
The figure he pointed at suddenly became confused. Why would Yurius want to see himself?
However, soon after realizing that he had made a mistake, he quickly bowed his head.
“I beg your pardon. Haona, how can I...? ”
“You don't have to be so nervous, Byan. ”
The figure that Urius pointed to was Byeon. He was helping Mareus to make a revolutionary achievement in the north, and in his past life, he was famous on the continent under the title of the "All Wealth Award."
In fact, Yurius had only heard rumors of his nickname and abilities, but had no further information about him.
‘I didn't know he had any other talent besides financial management. Geniuses in their field are masters in other similar fields. ’
Yurius looks at Mareus and Jegalhwa.
“Is it true that the merchant's advice was his greatest help in discovering the Black Market place before the current month? ”