Emperor's Domination

Chapter 333 Beginning of the War

With a scream, the Tiger Emperor disappeared like this. Seeing such a scene, many people were stunned. Whether it was the younger generation of geniuses or the older generation of real ancient sages, they couldn't help but take a breath. But the ancient sage of the Nine Rings, this is the existence that absolutely kills the ancient sage, and it was killed by a fat earthworm. This is incredible. If such a thing is said, no one believes it.

"Grandma's bear, dare to be an enemy of my son-in-law, something that doesn't know whether to live or die!" Xiao Niqiu roared wildly and shouted.His clay cannon immediately aimed at Tiger Howard Sect, the prince of the ancient sage of the sacred country of anger.

"Boom-boom-boom -" As Xiao Niqiu's mud cannons were shot out one after another, once he was bombarded by his mud cannons, no matter how princes or ancient sages were, they all disappeared suddenly, like this The scene made people look terrifying, which is more terrifying than dead.

"Boom, boom, boom" Then, bursts of shelling sounded, and the little mud and autumn mud guns were all pointed at by chickens and dogs, and the princes and ancient sages of the sage of the anger and the tiger rushed to escape. , Didn't dare to stop Xiao Niqiu's shelling.

"Kill—" At this time, Sikong Tooting was also mad, and a respectable wooden doll is like his incarnation. Sikong Tooting's strength is already very strong, and it is definitely not inferior to any genius evildoer. A wooden doll can be divided into several treasures and magical soldiers. This power can be imagined. The princes and ancient sages of the sacred country of the anger and the tiger screamed up and down, one after another. The strong man fell, and for a while, the sky was full of blood and screams resounded throughout Pingchuan.

Two people, Xiao Niqiu and Sikong Tootian, crossed the Tiger Howard Sect, the thousands of powerful princes and real-life ancient sages of the Sacred Kingdom of Fury. Li Qiye didn't make any moves at all!Just stood there quietly and watched.

This scene made everyone look pale, and they couldn't help taking a breath of air, this is too bad.At this time, the people present realized that why Li Qiye dared to challenge the sacred country of the angry immortal and the tiger cries sect, they were simply confident!

"Huh!" Just in the bloody battle, at the highest point of the sky, at the place where no one can see the cloud and mist, a pair of eyes suddenly brightened and became extremely terrifying, just like the awakening of an ancient giant beast.In this hidden depths, for a while, domineering.

"Don't make a move, it's not the time yet." Just when someone wanted to make a move in the dark, a cold voice sounded from the depths of the secret.

"This kid deceives people too much!" The secretive, who wanted to make a move, couldn't bear this breath.

"Someone will pick him up. The time for us to act has not yet arrived. Judging from the law of the Tiandao Academy's fission, the Tiandao Academy can't hold it any longer. Compared with the Tiandao Academy's million-year-old Emperor Ji, it's a mere thousands What is the disciple!" An old cold voice sounded in the darkness.

In the end, the old undead who wanted to make a move in the dark held back and closed his bright eyes.

On the battlefield, Li Qiye glanced at the sky, he couldn't help but curled his mouth and smiled. Some people really can bear it. He needs to see how long they can bear it!

"Li Qiye, are you trying to kill them all?" At this moment, a calm and powerful voice sounded, stepping into the battlefield one step at a time, and the divine light became independent from the battlefield.

It was the ancestor Emperor Wu who stepped into the battlefield. His whole body was glorious, sheltered by the sages, and the glorious light radiated thousands of miles, giving him the momentum of being invincible. There is a natural stone bone in his brow, like a warm jade. , Let him add a bit of charm.

Li Qiye glanced at him slowly, and said, "Do you have any comments? It's my business to kill them all."

"The Tiandaoyuan is a place to ask questions, not a place where the wicked can be fierce!" Ancestor Huangwu calmly and confidently, his words sonorously and powerfully, said in a loud voice: "You slaughtered thousands of people today, and let the Tiandaoyuan be tainted. Demon blood, such a fierce flame, should be removed! Even the Heavenly Dao Academy cannot protect a fierce person like you, this is to boost the fierce flame!"

For Zu Huangwu's words, many people in the audience disapproved, the cultivator, who is not the blood on his hands?It has always been normal for the weak to eat the strong, and killings and slashing happen every day in the East Hundred City.

Everyone also understands that it is not a matter of a day or two that Shaoguang Ancient Country and Li Qiye have enmity. Li Qiye killed the ghost and helped the tree, and it is normal that the ancestor Huangwu, as the senior brother, avenged the junior.

Li Qiye laughed and said, "If I love killing people, I will kill people. What's the matter with the Tiandaoyuan. Take a step back, even if the Tiandaoyuan shelters me! It's up to you!"

As soon as Li Qiye said something like this, many people in the room shook their heads secretly. It would be too unwise for Li Qiye to say such a thing. Everyone understands that now the Tiandao Academy cannot protect itself, and the fire is burned on the Tiandao Academy. The Tiandaoyuan wants to protect you, and that is impossible. Maybe the Tiandaoyuan will remove him.

"It seems that you are reliant and fearful! Is it possible that with the Tiandao Academy sheltering you, you can do whatever you want and act aggressively at any time?" At this time, another voice sounded, aggressive, and said: "Let the evil people do evil, the Tiandao Academy should Give everyone an explanation!"

It was no one else who stood up to speak. It was the emperor Qingxuan. The emperor Qingxuan's body was green and full of mystery. However, his eyes were so deep that they were terrifying, as if they were convincing. fear.

Emperor Qingxuan stood up and fell on the battlefield, suddenly making the atmosphere of the whole scene extremely strange, and everyone couldn't help but face each other.

The ancestral emperor martial represents the ancient kingdom of shaking light, the emperor of Qingxuan, and the ancient kingdom of Qingxuan. The two ancient kingdoms are both a double emperor, and the background is unfathomable. How many people dare to provoke?

Especially when the ancestor Huangwu and the Qingxuan emperor stand in the same camp, it has completely different meanings. If the two ancient nations join hands, I am afraid that the entire human emperor world will tremble at this time. Such a behemoth is simply OK. Swept the entire human emperor world.

"Yes, this fierce can't stay, if he is allowed to go out, it will definitely harm Dongbaicheng. Then I don't know how many innocent people will suffer. Tiandaoyuan absolutely does not allow such fierce scorpions to exist!" At this time, in Dong The descendant of the prince of the Great Religious Kingdom of Hundred Cities also raised his voice.

Some disciples from other Dajiao Jiangguo also said in agreement: "The Tiandao Academy should take action to eradicate this scorpion, and it must not shelter such a murderer. Tiandao Academy should give everyone an explanation."

"As it should be, the murderer will be suppressed immediately, and the Tiandaoyuan will give an explanation." Many people mixed in the crowd and spoke.

Suddenly, many people were incited and shouted for an explanation from the Tiandaoyuan.At this moment, the older generation of cunning cultivators smelled a different breath. Some geniuses who knew the inside story couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Suddenly, the wind direction changed. On the surface, it was crusade against Li Qiye, secretly. It is already directed at Tiandaoyuan.

As for the monks who don't understand the mystery, especially the many students of the Da Shi Yuan who were born as ordinary people, they can't help but feel angry!Some students couldn't help but said, "Could it be that you only allow you to teach Jianguo to kill, and you are not allowed to kill others!"

For many students from the Da Shi Yuan, Li Qiye is the pride of the Da Shi Yuan. Of course, they hope to see Li Qiye rise to power. This will also make the students in the Da Shi Yuan feel proud.

"Why, are you with a gang of murderous people like Li Qiye? You kill people everywhere, torturing innocent people, and everyone is condemned. Do you want to partner with Li Qiye and be the enemy of the world? Being suppressed by the world?" A disciple of the Great Teacher nearby glanced at the dissatisfied student and said coldly.

The student's complexion changed suddenly, and he was angry and angry. The Dajiao disciple was a naked threat!This anger made him tremble.

"Puff--" However, the great teacher disciple had just finished speaking, and a big hand pressed down, and a scream rang out. The great teacher disciple was killed on the spot without even having a chance to fight back.

"Enemy against the world!" It was Li Qiye who shot, sneered horizontally, and said: "Whoever is an enemy against me, I will push and slaughter! What about Dajiao! How is Tiandaoyuan sheltering me? Lao Tzu stands here today. Anyone who refuses to accept it will come up, and I will challenge the world. What's so great about that!"

This domineering sentence makes people excited!Many students of the Great World Academy cheered. At this time, the students of the Great World Academy applauded and shouted: "Brother Li, kill them all! Is it only allowed to kill us? Huh, what? Heavenly law! For them, fist is heavenly law, then we will retaliate!"

"Yes, Brother Li, crush them with your fists, bah, they are innocent, we are innocent!" Many students in the Great World Academy could no longer bear it, and sentiment rose.

"Little brother, come on, defeat the ancient kingdom!" At this time, many girls screamed and cheered for Li Qiye, especially the little sisters of Chi Xiaodie, who even raised their fan fist to cheer for Li Qiye!

"Junior Brother Li, beat the ancient country master to death, and I will warm your bed tonight!" The more courageous girl in Da Shi Yuan encouraged Zuo Chong, screaming excitedly.

"Ha, Brother Li, did you hear that, knock them down, raise your eyebrows for us, and everyone supports you! A senior sister warmed you up tonight!" All of the students in the Da Shi Yuan screamed.

All of a sudden, the scene became chaotic. The older generation of cultivators turned into spirits and did not disturb the muddy water. The younger generation of cultivators, especially the students of Tiandao Academy, suddenly turned into two camps. The students of the same group formed a group, and the students of civilian background were also united in an unprecedented way, and they all stood up to support Li Qiye.

"Hmph--" At this time, Emperor Wu and Qingxuan both snorted coldly.

Li Qiye gave them a glance at the two of them, and said, "What's the matter, I'm not convinced!"
