Emperor's Domination

Chapter 1983 Eternal Enemy

Hearing such words, the Reincarnation Wild Ancestor was not surprised, and said: "So you found me, this is indeed a good choice, at least I can't run away, no matter how far I can run. Goal. It is clear that killing the chicken and the monkey, killing me, is enough to deter the entire era, and it is indeed me that would make such a choice."

"Reincarnation Wild Ancestor, once the dark origin of an era, cut other giants, I believe there is no more deterrent than cut you, the rest may not be better than you, even if there are really stronger than you, then you will not see More prestigious than you." Li Qiye smiled faintly.

"Speaking of which, I am proud of it." The reincarnation ancestor was very elegant, and said with a smile: "Plowing the darkness, starting from me, this is really a very bold start, but also a very smart start."

Looking at the kind of elegance of the reincarnation ancestor, listening to his talk, you can hardly imagine that he is a dark tycoon who devours billions and billions of living beings. It is difficult for you to harvest countless old people like him and every era. Linked with the life of the person, you can’t imagine that the hands of the old man in front of you are covered with too much blood. The life he has swallowed and the people he has killed are countless. It may even be in time. One of the most killed people in the long river.

"There are too many fascinations in the world, but some people hide too deeply. There is no record of them in the world, and it is difficult to find their tracks." Li Qiye smiled faintly, and said: "The reincarnation is cut. Huang Zu, I believe many people will weigh it."

Li Qiye's move was a deterrent, starting with the Reincarnation Wild Ancestor. After all, he couldn't stay in this world forever. No one knew what would happen in the future, so he started by cutting the Reincarnation Wild Ancestor to deter this era.

"Darkness, I see more than you." Reincarnation Wild Ancestor smiled and shook his head, and said: "You can't imagine how dark is so sweet. If there is light, there must be darkness. If there is no darkness, how can light be. There is no bad person, how can you know what a good person is. Even if you kill me, you can't make the darkness disappear. It has been there forever, whether you admit it or not."

"I know this." Li Qiye nodded and said, "In the world, who can eliminate the darkness from the invisible. I just ignite a hope for everyone. The darkness is not as terrible as imagined, and not everyone in the world will fall into it. In the dark, there are still people who stick to the light, even if countless years have been wasted. Ignite your darkness and illuminate the light of this era!"

Li Qiye's words made all the great emperor immortal kings uncontrollable. Li Qiye's words were meant for the reincarnation ancestor, so why not tell the great emperor immortal king?

At this moment, the King of War, Heavenly Emperor, they all truly understood that Li Qiye wanted to cut the reincarnation barren ancestor, not for his own desires, not just for the treasure, but he was warning the great emperor of the thirteen continents.

Imagine that when darkness falls, giants such as the Reincarnation Desolate Ancestor will take action. What kind of choices will the great emperors and fairy kings face?In the end, or is it from the darkness?

There is no high-ranking emperor immortal king who is not a person with great wisdom. Now that Li Qiye said such words so frankly, it sounded the alarm in the hearts of Emperor Tiandi.

"Respect the light." At this time, the reincarnation ancestor was solemn, without the slightest meaning of ridicule, and said slowly: "Without light, there is no darkness, and without light spreading in this world, how can life grow abundantly, and how can it be brought? Come to a fruitful harvest. Respect the light, even if he swayed in the dark, it will still be immortal."

The words of the Reincarnation Wild Ancestor sounded very cruel, with a strong smell of blood, but his words were full of truth, without light, how could this world prosper and grow.

"Respect for the dark, with darkness lingering in our hearts, can we warn us to strengthen our Taoism and let us fight to the end. Whoever has not forgotten the original intention can live up to the people who love you and those you love." Li Qiye also has a solemn expression. , Said slowly.

Li Qiye's words shocked the hearts of great emperors like Emperor Tiandi and the others. If darkness comes, can the great emperor and immortal king of the world be able to keep their original intentions?Think about the person you love, think about the person who loves yourself, whether you have lived up to the original intention of the year.

Li Qiye wants to kill the ancestor of reincarnation. The two of them are enemies of life and death. But at this time, the two of them talked like old friends. They talked for a long time, and they were quite overwhelming. It can be said that they are on the top of them. , But there is a sense of sympathy.

"It's time for me to send you on the road." Reincarnation Huang Ancestor smiled and said slowly.

"No, you misunderstood what I meant." Li Qiye shook his head lightly and said, "Although I am leading the overall situation today, I will kill you. But I am not the main force to kill you!"

"Okay, I'll kill you first, and then see who can stop me." Reincarnation Wild Ancestor smiled and covered it with his big hand.

The reincarnation barren ancestor covered it with a big hand, there was no surging weather, no shocking power, but this big hand covered it, making the emperor and the immortal king horrified, because there is nothing under this big hand, which means that once it is covered by this big hand In the filming, there is nothing at all, whether you are in time, space, or heaven and earth, or the great emperor, as long as you are being filmed, it will be nothing.

This is a general trend of nothingness. This general trend can destroy everything in the world. Such a general trend no longer requires moves or exercises.

It can be said that such a powerful hand can be said to be cutting the great emperor, destroying the immortal king, and slaughtering the emperor with one move. It is not an empty talk in the reincarnation ancestor.

With a sound of "Boom——", under the general trend of Wu, suddenly the Holy Light bloomed, and it was instantly filled with this general trend of void, suddenly majestic and full, when I heard a "bang" sound, the reincarnation of the ancestors The big hand was blocked.

At this time, the ancestor of the reincarnation took a look, retracted his big hand, and slowly said: "Who else in this world can stop me, I should be able to think of it, old friend, we have met again, and the epochs will pass in a blink of an eye. , Haven’t seen each other for so long, good old friends."

At this time, there was an old man blocking the front, it was he who blocked the big hand of the reincarnation ancestor.

The old man was dressed in grey clothes with a pair of wings on his back. These wings had been dilapidated, and his whole body was spotless, even if he didn't emit the holy light, he still gave people an extremely holy feeling.

When you look closely at the old man in front of you, and then look at the reincarnation ancestors carefully, you will find that the two of them are really alike. The similarity between them is not their looks, but a kind of tolerance between them. They are people with grandeur, people with great wisdom, and people with great courage.

If you want to say that they are different, one of them represents the light and the other represents the darkness. This is the essential difference.

This old man is not someone else, but a saint. Of course, there are very few people in the world who know a saint.

"It's been a long time." The saint said slowly: "My body is very strong and I can't die. If you expect me to die sooner, I'm afraid I will disappoint you a bit."

"No, old friend, you have misunderstood." The reincarnation ancestor smiled and shook his head, and said: "In the world, who can be the enemy of me from time to time, who can resist me from time to time. Who else is there? There is no one else except you, your old friend. If your old friend is no longer in the world, wouldn't my time be too boring."

"Really?" The saint said flatly, "When I send you home today, you won't be bored."

"It's been a long time. Why should my old friend be so angry?" Reincarnation Huangzu said with a smile: "Presumably my old friend hates me for being stabbed by someone. I can't blame me. It's just her choice. Either from the light or from the darkness. When there is no hope in the light, you can only look to the darkness."

"I don't blame her." The saint calmly said: "You are right, everyone's choice is only. Since it is from the dark, I can only purify her and let her dark heart ignite the light. In the sky full of blood In the years, in those young years, I vowed to plow the darkness, and I promised her that I would plow the source of darkness. She failed to hold on, but I did not forget my original intention!"

"Yes." The reincarnation ancestor nodded, and couldn't help but sighed, and said: "Just now Li Daoyou said this sentence, it is more precious than anything to stick to the original aspiration. It is the old friend who can persist in the original aspiration, in this era of reincarnation. They are all capable of resisting me and almost succeeded by an old friend, who can be said to be the person I admire most in my life."

The reincarnation barren ancestor lived longer than the saint. When the saint was born, it was already full of blood. It was a harvest time, and countless relatives and friends died tragically. This made the young saint set the grand ambition to plow the darkness.

Along the way, endless wasted, endless difficulties, but the saint has always been holding on, he never forgets his original intention.

He once walked with the person he trusted and loved the most. Unfortunately, in the end she still failed to hold on to her original intention. When she could not see hope in the light, she could only look up to the darkness. In the end, she forgot her original intention. In the dark, he once gave the saint a fatal blow behind his back, otherwise, the saint might have ended this long dark era.

Although he has experienced countless sufferings and pains, the saint still has not forgotten his original intention. He still moves forward. He does not look up to the darkness in the light like her.

"An epoch is too long, and it should be over. It is time to give an explanation to the howling sentient beings, and to the sages who fell on this road. Today, not only the distant famine is about to end, it belongs to our era. The darkness should also be over." The saint Gujing Bubo, holy is supreme.

"My old friend, it's not that I despise you. Although I was punished by God back then, but after such a long period of recuperation, I should be better than ever, but my old friend is in decline, even if I fail to return to the top. Status, my old friend is not my opponent either." Samsara Wild Ancestor shook his head and said.