Emperor's Domination

Chapter 3951 Immortal Clothes

Under the eyes of everyone, Xianzu Bian Du slowly took out an ancient box. This ancient box was made of extremely rare ancient sandalwood from stars. When such an ancient box was taken out, It makes people smell the scent of ancient celestial sandalwood, which makes people feel relieved, as if standing under the stars and bathing in the stars.

Anyone who looks at such an ancient box will understand that the things contained in this ancient box must be extremely precious.

However, when Xianzu Bian Du took out the contents of the ancient box, everyone was startled.

Because what Xianzu Bian Du took out of the ancient box was not a heaven-shattering treasure, it turned out to be a rag, how could this not make everyone stunned.

The ancient box made by Xingchen Gutan is just such an ancient box, what value is it?Such a precious ancient box, of course, is a rare treasure. Who would use a wooden box made of ancient star sandalwood to hold such a rag?

This piece of rag seems to be too old. Everyone can't see what color it originally was. The whole piece is white and it seems to be very precious. After being washed again and again, pick it up and save it.

Because such a rag is too old, some small worm eyes have appeared in the whole rag, it seems that there are worm eyes left by some small worms.

Moreover, the cutting of this piece of rag was very messy, and the edges of the rag were even sparsely broken, with a lot of filaments torn out, revealing the end of the thread.

The whole piece of rags seemed to be torn from a complete piece of cloth, or from the palm of a giant's garment.

Such a rag, if it were normal, it would appear in the eyes of everyone that even a tablecloth was much better than it.

If such a rag is thrown on the street, I am afraid that no one will look at it more. Most people will regard it as tattered, and no one will bend over to pick it up.

However, at this time, it was taken out of Xianzu Biandu's hands, and Xianzu Biandu had a solemn expression. Anyone knows that even if it exists like Xianzu Biandu, it is the same for this rag. Cherish extremely.

What kind of existence does Hyunjo Bian Du exist?He is a prestigious ancestor, and even more important in the Biandu family. In the Biandu family, what kind of treasures are there?However, Xianzu Bian Du paid much attention to such a rag, which meant that such a rag had a terrifying origin.

"What kind of treasure is this?" If someone took out such a piece of rags so solemnly, it would definitely make everyone laugh, and it would definitely make people roar with laughter.

However, such rags were taken out of Xianzu Biandu's hands, especially Xianzu Biandu's demeanor so solemn, which made many monks hold their breath.

At this time, many people can't help but guess, what kind of treasure is such a piece of rag, what kind of magical power does it have?

In fact, there were countless capable monks present, but no one could see the true origin of this piece of rag.

"What does it do?" A family elder could not help but muttered.

However, no one can answer. If this rag is not taken out of Bian Du Xianzu's hand, I am afraid that no one will take it as the same.

"This thing is not our mortal thing." At this time, the Eight Tribulations Blood King standing above the void couldn't help but be shocked: "Such silky quality, I have never seen it in my life."

The words of the Eight Tribulations Blood King shocked everyone, and they understood how precious this piece of rag was and how unparalleled it was.

What kind of background the Ten Thousand Blood Sect is, and what kind of knowledge the Eight Tribulations Blood King is, but he has never seen it before, one can imagine how rare it is.

"Things outside the sky." Prajna holy monk couldn't help but exclaimed.

The five-color saint nodded and said, "The Biandu family possesses such a divine object. Today, it really opened the eyes of the old man. I have never seen such a thing."

The third of the four great masters all praised this rag so much, and this shocked everyone's heart. At this time, everyone knew that all of them underestimated the rag. Precious.

Holding a rag in his hand, Xianzu Bian Du was not proud. He smiled lightly and said: "This cloth is obtained by our sages in the depths of the Kuroshio Sea. For this cloth, several sages died. "

Although Xianzu Bian Du's words were an understatement, anyone with knowledge knows how thrilling this understatement is.

In the depths of the Kuroshio Sea, it was so terrible and dangerous, and the sages of the Biandu family were so powerful that they all died in it.

It is also conceivable that in order to obtain such a piece of rag, the Biandu family did not hesitate to pay any price.

"This cloth, is it famous?" At this time, a voice came from the iron cast carriage. The voice was very low, even a little hoarse, which seemed intentionally unclear.

Hearing such a voice from the cast iron carriage made everyone startled. This was probably the first sentence spoken by the guardian of the Jinchu Dynasty.

"This cloth is nameless, but we choose it as Xianyi." Xianzu Bian Du replied.

"Xianyi?" Bian Du Xianzu's words caused many people present to look at each other involuntarily.

If this is said from someone else's mouth, it will surely make people laugh out of their teeth, a piece of rag, it is called a fairy clothes, this is really outrageous.

However, at this moment Diyang's words came out of Bian Du Xianzu's mouth, and everyone did not laugh.

At this moment, Xianzu Bian Du wrapped this rag around him, and wrapped his whole body tightly.

In fact, this piece of rag could not completely wrap the body of Xianzu Bian Du, but, in order to wrap his whole body in the rag, Xianzu Bian Du shrank his body tiredly and let the rag cover his whole body. Curled up.

Xianzu Bian Du shrank tiredly and wrapped himself tightly with a piece of rag. This appearance seemed a bit funny, but no one made a joke.

At this moment, Xianzu Bian Du, who had wrapped himself tightly with rags, flew up, and instantly rushed towards the fairy soldiers inserted on the mountain.

At this moment, everyone's eyes opened wide, watching the scene before them seriously, everyone did not blink their eyes for fear of missing any details, even the four great masters.

At this moment, Xianzu Biandu approached Xianbing. Just between the stone fire and electric light, I saw the white cold light of Xianbing's teeth flashed, and shot towards Xianzu Biandu in an instant.

"Be careful—" When such a cold white tooth shot towards Xianzu Biandu, many people were surprised. Someone exclaimed to remind Xianzu Biandu.

Everyone has seen how terrifying this cold tooth white light is, so at the moment when this cold tooth white light shines, everyone's heart can't help but hang high.

But at this time, something incredible happened.When this cold tooth white light shines on the rag, it is like a ray of ordinary light shining on the thick cotton wool, without hurting Xianzu Bian Du, as if nothing happened. same.

"Really?" Seeing such a piece of rag, it blocked a touch of cold tooth white, causing many monks present to applaud.

"No wonder it's called a fairy clothes." A great ancestor couldn't help muttering: "It's a miracle that such a piece of rag can block the white fairy light."

"They are all immortals outside of the sky, maybe they are restrained by each other?" Some big people couldn't help but say with emotion.

Before that, how many great ancestors tried, and how powerful and invincible defenses and weapons they were, they had never been able to block the cold light of the fairy soldiers, and a fatal blow.

However, at this moment, this cold tooth white light was actually blocked by this rag. What an incredible thing, it was a miracle.

Such a piece of rags, called Xianyi, can't be overstated.

When the rags blocked the tooth white cold light, Bian Du Xianzu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that their treasures did indeed work.

This also makes Xianzu Biandu also happy. If their fairy clothes can really block the light of this fairy soldier and can restrain the fairy soldier, then they will have a chance to get it. This fairy soldier.

If their Biandu family really got fairy soldiers, what would it mean?

In this instant, Xianzu Biandu approached the fairy soldier, trying to seize the fairy soldier.

Just in the midst of this stone fire and electricity, the fairy soldier burst into wisps of white cold light in an instant, and the wisps of tooth white cold light shot on the rags, but did not penetrate the rags.

This surprised everyone, and Xianzu Bian Du was completely relieved.

However, just when Xianzu Bian Du was completely relieved, there was a cold tooth white light that stopped on the rag, and it swayed on the rag as if it was alive, and it even found the rag on the rag. The extremely small worm eyes penetrated in instantly.

With a scream of "Ah--", Xianzu Bian Du was hit hard in an instant. Between the fire and electricity, Xianzu Bian Du flew out and fled at the fastest speed.

With a "bang", Xianzu Bian Du fell heavily in front of the disciples of the Bian Du family.

The disciple of the Biandu family immediately took off the fairy clothes, and saw Xianzu Biandu's body dripping with blood, but he was not killed and was still alive.

"Quickly save people." The Biandu family immediately lifted Biandu Jinzu down and quickly saved people.

Such a scene dazzled everyone. Just now, everyone was amazed that the rag could block the cold light of the fairy soldier's teeth. Unexpectedly, Bian Du Xianzu was seriously injured in an instant.

"This piece of fairy clothing has damaged places, and there is no way to protect it completely." A big figure saw it clearly and understood why Xianzu Bian Du was so badly injured.