End of the Magic Era

Chapter 330 Misunderstanding

“Hello...” Lin Yun was so stunned, and such a grumpy master? How can this character endure the boredom of alchemy?

By this time, the fiercely contracted magic chain had sent a tsunami in the air. As the tight bowstring suddenly loosened, the "bang” tied up the forest cloud...

“Speak up, who is your teacher, Kathy or Conky...” After a magic chain, the middle-aged alchemist didn't go on, just walked to Lin Yun with a face on his plate: “I'd like to see who is so ignorant of the rules, he actually broke into this alchemy lab at random. ”

“Alas...” Lin Yun looked at the magic chain on his body and finally shook his head helplessly...

Then, by gently pushing hard, you break free of the magic chain.

Yes, just a little hard...

From this magic chain, it can be seen that the strength of this middle-aged alchemist is at least five levels and above. The magic chain he released must have taken a lot of effort to dissolve if he were to replace it with a general level 1 magic champion. It is even possible to use an elemental shield. After all, level 5 and above suppression is too great...

Unfortunately, it was Lin Yun...

For Lin Yun, the magic chain formed entirely by magic is just like non-existent. Under the operation of the magic array, this magic chain is just like stripping naked. There is no secret. Lin Yun closed his eyes and knows what structure this magic chain is. Where are the weaknesses, what Lin Yun is going to do is to release a little magic, stimulate several weaknesses, and cause the structure of the magic chain to collapse.

The rest is just a little hard...

It's just this scene falling into the eyes of a middle-aged alchemist, but it's another thing...

“Battle Mage?” The middle-aged alchemist's eyes flashed slightly, looking into the eyes of Lin Yun, suddenly a little more vigilance and hostility.

In the view of a middle-aged alchemist, wearing a robe with a staff and no fuss at all, that is, he is a magician, not a warrior, but as a magician, he can earn his magic chains purely by physical force without resorting to any magic, and behave so easily, he can only come from the Caucasus and be a combat magician with the same amount of magic and martial arts.

It's a little complicated when it comes to battle magicians.

In that year, the king of the Caucasus, with his battle magician, almost ended the reign of the third dynasty. Although His Majesty the Long Legs defeated the king of the Caucasus in the Tulang Mountains afterwards, his battle magician was silenced for thousands of years, but the disaster 300 years ago broke the battle magician from the Black Tower again, and since then, the battle magician has become a true alien...

That disaster was really painful for the Black Tower.

Until today, Blacktower still hates this group of fae...

If you go near the Black Tower now, what you see at first sight must be a reward posted outside the Black Tower Gate, killing a battle magician, you can trade the Black Tower for a magic of the same level for 300 years, and the reward has never changed, which is the hatred that the Black Tower has had for 300 years.

Today, the attitude of black towers as in the middle of the day naturally affects the attitude of other forces. Over time, even forces such as the cloud tower or the mercury tower will not generally contact the battle magician, either because the battle magician is indeed heterogeneous or because they do not want to stimulate the black tower.

Three hundred years down, the Battle Mage almost disappeared from Auckland, and most of his movements remained secret even if he appeared occasionally.

“I really didn't expect that our Mercury Tower was still hiding a battle magician like you. Tell me, who is your teacher? I'd like to see whose eyes are blind. I actually let a battle magician mix into the Mercury Tower...” When the middle-aged alchemist looked gloomy and looked at the forest cloud, his eyes were already filled with unspeakable hostility.

This is no joke. Once Blacktower learns that Mercury Tower is mixed into a battle magician, it will surely cause enormous trouble and even retaliation for Blacktower...

The consequences are too serious...

The first thought that emerged in the middle-aged alchemist's mind was to make this battle magician disappear and erase all traces before things were revealed.

So after a sentence exit, the middle-aged alchemist didn't even wait for the answer, it was just a spell punch out, a ring of frost followed, just saw the ice blue light flashing in front of Lin Yun for a moment, followed by a "bombardment”, the huge frost element exploded in a circle, the power that erupted at that moment was enough to force any five-tier monster to put out an element shield...

But Lin Yun didn't...

In the face of the fierce frost element, Lin Yun just took a slight step backwards, avoiding the scattered ice, followed by a frost shield released. Under the powerful control of Lin Yun, this frost shield almost flashed, just that the ice shield alternated with the fire shield, the fire shield blocked the explosion of the frost ring, the ice shield dissolved the ice cone generated by the explosion, before and after, quickly and accurately, if not carefully enough, you will not even discover the existence of this ice fire shield...

Like a middle-aged alchemist...

A middle-aged alchemist strikes a ring of frost, but he doesn't even see the appearance of the Ice Fire Shield. The first thought that flashed in his mind was, what is the strength of such a horrible body, not a battle magician?

“You are indeed a battle magician!” After the inner speculation is confirmed, the middle-aged alchemist won't let go, the rings of ice cream are released, followed by fire dragon, flame explosion, Hellfire...

Three fire spells in a row bloom almost simultaneously.

This is a magic strike commonly used by Wizards of Level 5 and above, using the characteristics of Fire Dragon technology to delay the eruption for a few seconds, filling the middle of inflammation and Hellfire, a single spell and a range spell, will erupt simultaneously with Fire Dragon technology, this instantaneous eruption of power can completely exceed its own level limit.

“Hmm?” As soon as the middle-aged alchemist spewed out the Fire Dragon spell, Lin Yun's eyebrows had wrinkled. Previously, whether it was a magic chain or a frost ring, it was dominated by control, not aimed at killing enemies. Plus, Lin Yun had always had a good relationship with the mercury tower, so there was no real anger.

But this time...

Fire Dragon, Flame Explosion, Hellfire...

Magic commonly used by Wizards of Level 5 and above even came out.

It also means that this middle-aged alchemist is trying to kill himself...

The experience of the last 20 years has long made Lin Yun accustomed, stifled all danger in budding state, you want to kill me, then I will kill you first, it is almost a subconscious move, Lin Yun is almost an element incarnation of instinct, the whole person directly into a flame, through the other party released three fire system spells, one flame flashed through the past...

Followed by a flame spear.

The reaction of the middle-aged alchemist was not slow. At first glance at Lin Yun's incarnation of elements, it was directly the release of an element shield, because he knew that the counterpart's counterattack was coming. Indeed, the element shield had just been released, and a flame spear had already arrived.

Flame spear collides with the element shield and instantly dissipates into a brilliant spark...

The middle-aged alchemist's face remained the same, and even a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. The battle magician is the battle magician. These strangers who think that magic and martial arts weigh heavily together, how do they know what real magic looks like...

Before the smile on the face of the middle-aged alchemist completely opened, Lin Yun, who had transformed the elements of the fire system, had raised his hand again, and a flame explosion came out with a long tail flame...

“Damn...” The middle-aged alchemist cursed in his heart, how so fast.

How does he know...

With a magical array of clouds of Lin, when under the state of elemental incarnation, it is almost possible to ignore the time of spell failure to perform homologous spells...


One flame explosion, two flame explosions, three flame explosions, four flame explosions...

Lin Yun carried out seven flame explosions in a row, and the middle-aged alchemist's forehead was sweating cold...

Looking at the diminishing light of the element shield, at first it was so bright that no one could open their eyes. Now there is only a slight light left. The middle-aged alchemist knows that he can't even sustain a flaming explosion...

At this time, unless you strike back immediately and suppress the opponent back, the next inflammatory explosion of the opponent will break the element shield.

Then, the flames will completely swallow themselves...

The middle-aged alchemist panicked...

How could a battle magician from the Caucasus possess such a terrible ability to impose laws? It's a whole seven flames. Even with the enhancement of the element incarnation, it can't be this far?

Besides, in the beginning, didn't you want to teach each other a lesson so he could understand the rules? How did this happen all of a sudden?

The middle-aged alchemist awakened in fear, this suddenly realized that he was about to lose his life in this battle. This sudden change really made the middle-aged alchemist want to cry free. This feeling is as if he saw a little stone on the side of the road and kicked it randomly, but suddenly found that this little stone turned into a man-eating monster...

“What are you doing!” At this time, the door of the Alchemy Laboratory was suddenly pushed open. Someone rushed in and saw the dim element shield on the middle-aged alchemist and the flame explosion in Lin Yun's hand. For a moment, he couldn't even analyze the previous causes and consequences. Singing the element shield spell, he wanted to save the life of the middle-aged alchemist, and shouted to Lin Yun: “Stop it! ”

I just finished shouting and stunned again: "Merlin? ”