End of the Magic Era

Chapter 344 Shares

“Squeak" the door was pushed open, walked in, a young magician in his twenties, wearing a white undyed robe, the eyebrows seemed a bit similar to William Merlyn, but he just looked much younger than William Merlyn...

“Who are you?”

“My name is Oyemerlin. In our relationship, you should call me cousin...” After the young magician who called himself Oyemerlin entered the door, he naturally sat across from Lin Yun, introducing himself and looking at the paper on the table at random.

“Hello.” Lin Yun nodded, but didn't stop Oyemerlin. The real element tide was still in his hands. The paper on the table was just a projection process. The complex formula, the boring data, were all written in his own magical language, and no one could understand it except himself.

“Oh...” Oyemelin just flipped a few sheets and put the thick pile of paper back in place. He just smiled. “I didn't expect you to be diligent...”

“It's just a matter of time.” Lin Yun frowned again: "I don't know what Cousin Oyer is looking for. What is it? ”

“Oh, nothing...” Oyemerlin leaned easily against the back of the chair and adjusted a more comfortable posture. “Come here today, mainly for two things. The first thing is, I want to meet you and meet Cousin Mafa. After all, the Merlin family has a lot of outcasts, but the only thing that can be recalled by Master Hoffland himself is you, cousin Mafa, and the second thing...”

Oyemelin said this and paused a little: “The second thing is to talk to Cousin Mafa about a business...”

“Oh?” Lin Yun laughed as soon as he was stunned. "Why, Cousin Oyer is interested in the alchemy business? ”

“Of course...” Oyemerlin nodded and smiled with a hint of pride: "Cousin Mafa, I believe you have heard something about me when you returned to the Merlin family, and I think you should know that I am one of the best alchemists in the Merlin family! ”

“Oh...” Lin Yun laughed indifferently.

“Well, cousin Mafa, let's open the skylight and say something straight. I know you'll be having a little trouble in the presbytery lately, and I happen to have a few allies in the presbytery. It shouldn't be a problem to say a few words for you at a critical time...”

“Well, that would be very kind of Cousin Oye, but Cousin Oye, you and your allies, speaking for me at the Presbyterian, don't know what else I need to do for you? ”

“Hahaha, talking to smart people is saving energy...” Oyemelin slowly stood up from the chair after a laugh, his hands on the desk, looking down at Lin Yun with a high stare: “It's easy to do, let me be a shareholder of gold-plated roses, I put 3 million gold coins in the stock of gold-plated roses, occupy 40% of the shares! ”

“Oh?” Lin Yun looked at Oye Merlin for ten seconds before suddenly laughing: “Cousin Oye, you are such a joke...”

Three million gold coins...

He can't say anything!

“Oh, you can't say no.” Oyemelin's smile was full of gas.

In Oyemelin's view, there is no suspension in this deal at all.

Nowadays, the whole Merlin family knows that there is a consensus on the part of the Presbyterian Church to have the newly returned family brother hand over the named gold-plated rose, noting that this was not the idea of an elder, even some elders, but the common voice of the entire Presbyterian Church.

I can't help it. Last month at the Black Cape auction, the noise was a little big...

For a few magic materials, the birth of 340 million gold coins, even Charlotte's Hansen Charlotte is said to have vomited blood on the spot. Even in Oakland, this kind of financial power can be described as appalling. How can the elderly people in the Presbyterian Church not be blind?

When I heard about this, Oyemelin knew his chance had come...

Now everyone knows that the three geniuses of the Merlin family's younger generation will compete together for the next generation of heads of households. In fact, whether Rosemary or Oyemerlin, or even Lyon Merlin from the cloud tower, has been doing this. Over the years, he has been nurturing his own power. Among them, Rosemary was the first to engage in a facade war, and a facade regiment was formed early on, and Lyon Merlin has the support from the cloud tower. With just one opening, he can get great help from the cloud tower.

Only myself…

With the strength of a Level 5 Demon Master plus a Mason, he did not get enough support. He could only watch Rosemary's legion sweep through one side after another. He watched the cloud tower spare no effort to support Lyon Merlyn, watching himself get further away from the owner's position...

But now, an opportunity has finally emerged…

That's right, the opportunity is gold-plated roses.

Oyemerlin himself is a master master. For gold-plated roses far away from Chiang Fan City, he knows far better than the elders of the Presbyterian Church. Oyemerlin even went to the eastern part of the kingdom himself and witnessed the alchemy store in Chiang Fan City, how to monopolize the alchemy business in the eastern part of the kingdom...

Without exaggerating, it is a monster of alchemy who can produce huge amounts of wealth every day. Every time you see alchemy with a gold plated rose imprint, Oyemelin cannot bear the secret envy, how good it would be if this huge amount of wealth fell into his own hands...

With this wealth, you can take yourself to the helm of the Merlin family, and you can lead the Merlin family to crush the other two families, or even join one of the top forces in the Kingdom of Andalusia...

In contrast…

This wealth falls into the hands of the cousin Mafa, which is a real waste...

Just look at the auction last month and you'll know that 34 million gold coins, just to smash down a few magic materials, is enough to prove that the cousin Mafa lacks ambition, otherwise, 34 million gold coins, can be completely armed with a powerful mercenary regiment, it may not be enough to flatten a position, but to protect the gold-plated rose and let this giant alchemy monster go further, but it's more than enough, isn't it better than to smash down a few magic materials?

In Oyemelin's view, this wealth can only be truly exhausted if it is in his own hands.

Now, Oyemelin finally has this opportunity...

The elderly men in the Presbyterian Church who saw the money were really impatient enough to reach a certain degree. This cousin Mafa returned to the Merlin family, which was not enough for two months. The elderly men in the Presbyterian Church couldn't wait for this time. Now they have to force Mafa Merlin to hand over the gold-plated roses...

This is simply stupidity.

Now that Mafa Merlin has returned to the Merlin family, less than two months ago, it can be said that no one but William Merlin knows a few people. For the Merlin family as a whole, there is no sense of belonging. At this time, people are forced to hand over gold-plated roses, which can only end up with fish dead nets broken.

In Oyemerlin's view, the best course of action is, of course, to wait a few more years, until Mafa Merlin is completely integrated into the Merlin family, and even if it is already inseparable from the Merlin family, then use the Huairou method to slowly erode it, allowing him to hand over the gold-plated roses little by little. By then, even if the Merlin family does not get the whole gold-plated rose, it will certainly occupy a key position in the alchemy market in Andalusia.

It's just a pity that the elders of the Presbyterian Church don't understand this...

But don't understand, just give yourself a chance.

I can take this opportunity to make a deal with Mafa Merlyn.

This depends on the help of the elders of the Presbyterian Church. Otherwise, they would have made this deal with Mafa Merlyn. Eighty-nine of the ten are going to be rejected. Now, with pressure from the Presbyterian Church, Mafa Merlyn, as long as he is not an idiot, cannot refuse his proposal.

So, now that Oyemerlin is sitting there, it can be said that he is full of confidence.

After Oyemerlin said, "You can refuse”, he never spoke again. He just looked at Lin Yun with a smile. The smile filled with confidence and a deep breath...

Time goes by, but Oyemelin is not in a hurry.

Because Oyemelin knows that the other party is thinking and weighing the pros and cons...

However, no matter how you think about how to weigh and ultimately make choices, you won't be surprised...

Sure enough, Oyemelin waited less than three minutes to see the young magician across the desk with a slight smile on his face: "I guess I can't say no? ”

“Oh...” Oyemelin didn't speak, just laughed.

The bitter smile on the young magician's face is getting stronger...

Finally, under the gaze of Oyemelin, he finally spoke.

“But I really don't agree...”

“Hmm?” At first, Oyemerlin thought he heard it wrong, but remember carefully, yes, he really didn't hear it wrong, the other party really said “no"...

How could you disagree?

Originally, Oyemelin's face was calm, but it didn't calm down.

“How could you not agree!” Oyemerlin couldn't accept this result. Oyemerlin, who was sitting safely on the chair, almost jumped. When he looked at Lin Yun, his eyes were fierce and his breathing was impatient. It was just as if he was losing his mind...

“Because, indeed, it is not necessary.” The look on Lin Yun's face still hasn't changed, just looking at Oyemelin with a regrettable look: "The current gold-plated rose is in very good working order, no need for more shareholders to join. Why, the business condition is not good? ”