End of the Magic Era

Chapter 444 is coming back.

Now he doesn't dare to think that, you know the young magician just burst out of strength enough to fight Bells!

It's estimated that Helen in Black Tower, at best, could have done the same for a young magician.

This Mafa Merlin is so horrible...

He's just a Level 5 Wizard. If he reaches the height of the Seal Wizard, the whole of Auckland. Who's his opponent?

It's scary when you think about it...

And I seem to have pitted a young magician before. It seems that when I return to Auckland, I must consider making up for my mistakes. Otherwise, I will be hated by such a horrible guy and woken up by sleep.

“Ah! You made me do this! ”

Just as people were immersed in shock, suddenly Bells emitted a deafening roar, sounding like thunder in everyone's ears, eardrums were shocked with pain...

“Boom boom...”

Demonic forces like the tide poured out of Bells and poured into the corners of the palace. With that roar, Bells occupied the desert lord incarnation, in vain conveying a horror to the extreme, and the entire shell swelled dramatically at this moment.

The cheeks of the wretched devil appear insane and completely twisted.

“Ah... he doesn't want to detonate this incarnation and destroy the power on the gate, does he? ”

Dalson just finished his sentence and suddenly “Boom” sounded, the power of the desolate lord incarnated, swelled to the extreme point and suddenly exploded, for an infinite amount of time the power of the demon poured out to the crowd.

Most of the impact of the explosion of the Desolate Lord was resisted by the mysterious force at the gate and passed to only a small part of the palace, but even so, people, including Lin Yun, changed their face and rushed to show the strongest protection...

“Boom! ”

When the demon power dissipates completely and the crowd hasn't reacted yet, it feels like the building at your feet is suddenly trembling. Sensing this change, Lin Yun's eyebrows locked tightly and tightened the Doom staff in his hand.

At the moment of the explosion of the Bell's manipulated shell, he prompted the magical array to capture the breath of the Bell's soul, and before the explosion, Bell disengaged from the shell, using that impulse, the soul entered the magical tower. However, the situation now seems to be somewhat bad, with Bells' soul gradually merging with the magical tower.

The soul of the heavenly strong, almost arguably vast, covers the entire magical tower, the lowest level has long been heavily sealed, even if the power of the sealed Wizard peak erupts, it is difficult to break.

“Merlin, you find no…”

Standing next to Lin Yun, Weiss's face became very ugly. A large sweat fell on his forehead, squeezing a hoarse voice: “It seems that Bells' soul has blocked this place, it is difficult to get out...”

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly in everyone's ears. Everyone suddenly shocked and looked at all sides with horror. It was only then that it became clear what Bells meant when he said that before the Lord of the Waste blew himself up, not to kill them, but to trap them in the Magic Tower forever.

This is definitely more painful than killing them...

At one time, everyone shows despair...

The souls of the heavenly elite are almost insoluble to a group of them, and no one has tried to get out of the tower.

“Boom! ”

But at this time, a brilliant golden sword light suddenly blossomed, sending an unparalleled loud noise. Everyone, including Lin Yun, showed horrific divinity, in front of that golden sword light, as if they were very small, like dust...

A shocking sound sounded, the entire magical tower trembled slightly, followed by a scream if nothing, as the sword drew, Bells blocked the soul at the bottom, suddenly broke a crack, between moments, his soul power surged wildly, trying to repair the crack.


No matter how he fixes it, the crack is like a bottomless hole, devouring his soul power to the fullest...

“Let's go! ”

At this moment, Lin Yun's voice clearly entered everyone's ears, without any hesitation, a group of people crossed the crack in seconds and escaped from the magical tower...

Lin Yun only felt a flower in front of him, his feet stepped on the solid earth, surrounded by bird-language floral scent, pounding lively surfaces, hidden several warcraft howling, most importantly, when he perceived the four rules of water storm fire, he judged that this was not a space, but a real Northender world.

After robbing him for the rest of his life, he couldn't help but take a few deep breaths. Bells' soul sealed off the entire magic tower. He was going to try it with the ancient demon soul fragment, but the last light appeared...

In the overhead palace and the blood-dropping forest, he had been exposed to the battle between His Majesty the Long Leg and the King of the Caucasus, leaving traces of a struggle that implicitly determined that the sword that cut the soul of Bells should have been left behind by His Majesty Sandman the Long Leg. Fortunately, His Majesty left a hand behind, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable...

Lin Yun a group of people walked out of the magic tower, appeared deep in the first line of sky canyon, took several hours to find the members of the three major mercenary regiments, a huge and shaky team, and rushed to the direction of Auckland.

This tour of the Turan Mountains was a bit difficult, but it was a good one. At first, he came to the Turan Mountains and just wanted to get the six formula meditations back. In fact, not only did he get the Six Formula Meditation, but he also had a lot of unexpected gains, such as the Three Eyed Coyote, the Chapter of Elements, the Old Demon Soul Piece, the Magic Vine, etc...

And most importantly, of course, after killing that high-ranking dead creature in the second level of the tower, he dug up the Book of Death, a function that summoned the dead creatures. There are three marks in the Book of Death today, the Dead Knight and the Dead Witch, and the other, as for absorbing the essence of the dead not long ago, he tried to inject magic, but he didn't react, and then he ignored it, and he waited for time to study it.

On his way back to Auckland, he carefully linked up what had happened in that year, but found many mysteries, first of all His Majesty the Long Legs and the King of the Caucasus, for the purpose of coming to the Tulans. With his head, he also knew that this was by no means just a duel, but he could guess that the so-called duel was just a front, judging from that tablet in the bloody forest, His Majesty the Long Legs and the King of the Caucasus seemed to have gone somewhere...

Where is it?

This made Lin Yunbeith incomprehensible. In the study on the ninth floor of the high tower, translating Ronin's diary also mentioned that place, and His Majesty Long Legs and Ronin, because certain things caused disagreement, exploring the matter of that place, it was not possible. Finally, Ronin went to that place alone.

There are also many problems with the Tianzhu Mage Bells, the Emperor belongs to him and is also the son of His Majesty the Long Leg. Lin Yun can't really think of the motive for Bells to come to the Tulang Mountains to assassinate His Majesty the Long Leg. There must be something hidden in this.

In this part of the Tulang Mountains, he will come again in the future, not only to find out the truth about the year, but also what he needed. On the tenth floor, a facade path to the puppet position appears. Although the coordinates of the puppet position were recorded at the time, he still needs to be in the magic tower in order to open that facade.

Find the thing hidden in the puppet seat and you can raise the puppet in your hand to a very high level. It is not a big problem to sweep the strength of level 378.

That's why he's so eager to go to the puppet side. Although it's very dangerous, it's no worse than the spirit side, but now he's strong, be careful in the puppet side, he shouldn't be in too much danger.

Peace came out of the Magic Tower, a total of ten people, almost everyone reaped substantial benefits. Of the three young people in the Merlin family, Rosemaryn fought Stanworth in the illusion and eventually defeated him. Not only did he unravel a knot, but most importantly, his strength improved quickly. Now he is a Level 8 Magic Master, with a full element tide, promotion to the seal Magic Master is just a matter of time...

Lyon Merlyn got the complete ring of Ofa and spent some time in the illusion, eventually combining the nine rings of Ofa into one, standing at the peak of the Seventh Mage, single-round fighting power, I'm afraid even Rosemary would be a little less powerful.

Of the three young people in the Merlin family, William Merlin's benefits were the most eye-catching, and the well of the stars could almost be said to be the most powerful magic charm in the ancient history of the Northender world, apart from the magical array, and when William Merlin researched that lava heart, he could destroy the original magic charm and recast the well of the stars. Although he is only a Level 6 Demon Supervisor now, after owning the well of the stars, even a Level 9 Demon Supervisor is not necessarily his opponent...

After taking a nap in the illusion, he was already a Grade 9 swordsman after coming out. With the eighth floor of Warcraft space, and the grinding of the period of the Dead Spirit space, he is the peak of Grade 9 swordsman. It is estimated that he can successfully advance to Sword Saint for up to six months...

The three mercenary regiments completed the royal descendants of the Kingdom of Odin and took the crown out of the magical tower. Soon they will receive the heavenly reward. But Dalsen's guys, worried along the way, were not happy at all. It was no small thing to implicate the enemy. It was no secret that they were hired by the royal descendants of the Kingdom of Odin. At the second level of the Magic Tower, Dalsen spoke publicly, leading the entire team to know.

If this matter is divulged, as strong as the existence of their three major mercenary regiments, it will be difficult to solve...

For a few young people in the Merlyn family, they were not too worried, and the road had long been marked by deep friendship, unlikely to reveal secrets, the only one worried about Senator Vis of the Black Tower.

In fact, they were really worried...

Vis was not in the mood to care about their affairs. He had been worried since he saw the horrible power of the young magician in the tower, that the young magician would not, because of that unpleasant thing that happened in the front-line canyon that day, he was looking for trouble.