End of the Magic Era

Chapter 993 Ancestral Spirit

Rumor has it that Goldsworthy could have broken through the sky scale a long time ago, except that he wanted to use an unprecedented posture to break through the sky scale, and at the same time to the sky scale swordsman and sky level magician, both forces simultaneously advanced to the sky level, that would be an invincible posture, even if just advanced to the sky level, none of the sky level strong is his opponent.

More importantly, this guy was recognized by the Ancient Man for his tens of thousands of years of service to the Ancient Spirit, and he was able to use the power of the Ancient Spirit to give his only son to the Golden Ancient tribe, even the Chiefs, with great courtesy and trust in Goldsworthy.

Lin Yun recalled the information about this guy and frowned, because the most famous thing about this guy is that he doesn't have the scale, but he also has the strength of the scale!

Plus, the Fury Battlefield already has some support for the Fury Orc, which makes things even more troublesome...

Goldsworthy now has no hand, just a group of golden beasts and the son of the chief, Kraft, the people of the cloud tower will be beaten to bits, if Goldsworthy himself, at most three minutes, the people of the cloud tower will perish.

Lin Yun rushed in with people. The people in the cloud tower showed a surprise look. Xingxian Joy looked tired and saw Lin Yun, but still showed a worried look.

“Merlin, be careful, that's Galsworthy, the Beamon Beast of the Golden Orc, who can play beyond the power of the Enclosure Master and fight as hard as he can, even compared to a true heavenly scale, plus the holding of a fiery battlefield, be careful...”

Joey looked worried, but did not say that Lin Yun might not be a senior Swoff opponent, just a cautious reminder.

Lin Yun and others arrived, and the one who had been chasing Crafton, a cloud-high tower, like a prey, revealed a flash of surprise.

“Hahaha, finally waiting for the prey to hook up, it's a smart choice not to kill these fragile guys directly. It's great to kill these fragile chickens first and then seduce other prey with the new prey. I'm a genius.

Kill all these fragile humans first, then go and teach other Orc tribe idiots a lesson... "

Kraft flew out of the ranks of the Orcs, leaning back and laughing, as if he had killed Lin Yun and all the others in the cloud tower.

When Lin Yun and others arrived, the Golden Orc did not continue to chase the towers of the cloud.

Lin Yun stuffed Joy with a dozen bottles of life and demon springs and looked at the golden beast man across the street.

Joey had difficult-to-dissolve fears on his face, distributing life and demon springs to the next magician, opening his mouth, trying to say something, but finally not saying it.

It has long been clear that these golden beasts did not intend to kill us at all. If Galsworthy fought with all his might, we would soon be wiped out. They chased us all the time, but did not attack with all their might, necessarily in order to attract other human forces.

I didn't expect to bring Merlin to them, hey, this time the fiery battlefield is opened, I'm afraid we in the Kingdom of Andalusia are going to lose a lot.

Although Merlin's power is powerful, Golsworthy is the most powerful of the Golden Orcs. Not only is Kensei a magician, but he is also a first-class heavenly magician. Plus, he can draw on the power of the Ancient Spirit of the Orcs. The power will not only be stronger, but will be endless. There is hardly any need to worry about consumption.

Entering the fiery battlefield, his strength will be stronger than outside, His Excellency Dubois of the Black Tower, I'm afraid he won't necessarily prevail over Golsworth here...

I hurt Merlin and them. After the Angry Battlefield closes, I'm afraid the battle will be greatly affected. It's possible for the Angry Orc to reverse his overall disadvantage...

Forget it, fight to the death, the magician has never been a cowardly warrior. If we attack together, we may still escape...

Joey swallowed life and demon springs with the mighty from the cloud tower, staring jealously at the golden beast across the street.

“Lord Joey, take your men to heal the wounds and restore their magic. I'll take care of this. ”

Joey glanced at Lin Yun with amazement, just about anything to say, and Kraft across the street laughed haha.

“Humans really breathe so much, you can blow away all the Kodo beasts of our tribe, since you are in a hurry to die, then satisfy you, leave these weak chickens in front of you, can also be used as bait. ”

Then, Clough flew out of the Orcs, like the magical fluctuations of the Ninth Enclosure Wizard, and a ray of gold appeared on the bronze skin, instantly turning Clough's body into a golden pouring, a group of dark red with a hint of gold flame floating around Clough's body.

In the meantime, the atmosphere of destruction spreads, and ominous and burning forces seem to emerge from the hearts and minds of all. This is the lineage of the Golden Orcs, who seem to have the lineage of hell and the lineage of the abyss.

The level of hostility between hell and the abyss is no less than a contradiction with the Northender world, and it is very difficult to have the blood of both places at the same time, and even many of the golden beasts will die as a result of clashes of blood.

But as long as he doesn't die, the Golden Orc can use the power of his veins to unleash powerful spells, these summoned flames, not only the destruction and burning of the fire of purgatory, but also the ominous and sulfurous smell of the abyss, very powerful.

Krafhaha laughed, waved his hand, a few dark red fireballs floating beside him suddenly rushed towards the forest cloud, the original slow-burning fireballs rushed out of the moment, like crazy, the flames burst, the head size of the fireballs instantly grew to 78 meters in diameter.

In the dark red flame, a ray of golden red flames kept flowing, completely distorting the surrounding air, and those fireballs looked like a twisted swirl.

Lin Yun ignored Clough. He didn't look at Clough from the beginning to the end. He stared at Golsworth with no expression on his face. In the face of Clough's attack, Lin Yun waved randomly. Several flame symbols flew out into those giant fireballs.

In an instant, the fireball with the power of terror rapidly twisted, suddenly blown up more than a dozen meters before the forest cloud, the flame instantly evaporated water in the range of dozens of meters, the wet earth instantly condensed into a dry piece of earth.

There was a flame of orange next to Lin Yun. Those flames seemed to be unimaginably attracted and did not go into that flame to disappear.

Halfway through the air, Clough's face changed dramatically, and Golseworthy, who had been holding his eyelids, finally opened his eyes. His eyes raced like a razor blade and slashed into Lin Yun.

Ding, ding...

In the center of their gaze, a sound of gold and iron resonated, and a sharp collision made everyone around them couldn't help but grunt.

Joey at the rear looked shocked at Lin Yun. I had no idea that Lin Yun's power had reached this point.

Higher-order magicians, after learning the ultimate in magic, can easily break down low-order magic, but rarely between the same levels.

Kraft is a level 39 veterinary magician, that flame does not look special, but contains the power of multiple flames, the killing power is very strong, most importantly, very difficult to get rid of as long as it is contaminated, the end result is burned alive.

Merlin actually broke Kraft's spell structure by using only a few flame symbols, and also broke Kraft's control over the spell.

There is only one possibility…

There's a big gap between Kraft and Merlyn!

My God...

Kraft was shocked, but the next moment, Lin Yun suddenly condensed a four-series bomb, and the four-series bomb instantly appeared in front of Kraft.

Shocked Kraft couldn't even avoid it, he could only hold up a flame shield and the four-series bomb had exploded...

Terrible explosive forces surround terrible forces. The closer the explosive forces of the four series of bombs, the more powerful they are, the more positively struck they are, and the force of the explosion is absolutely comparable to that of the top monolithic spell of Level 8.

At this moment, Kraft felt as if he had been slapped by a golden beast. The flame shield didn't even achieve symbolic resistance, and the whole man flew out.

A string of necklaces with three veterinary teeth hung on his chest suddenly revealed a golden light, a ray of golden light covering his body, against that horrible explosive force...

But instantly, the three teeth blow up one after the other, and the three teeth all blow up, and the golden light guard covered by Kraft's watch dissipates.

That horrible explosive force tore Kraft's body apart rapidly, and in less than a blink of an eye, Kraft's surface became fleshly blurred.

At this time, a totem badge in Clough's arms also lit up, a translucent beast ancestral spirit shouted, attached to Clough, a cool atmosphere spread, the power of the explosion was barely resisted.

But Kraft's body inevitably flew backwards, and a faint halo on his body surface became slightly dimmer.

Kraft hasn't relieved himself yet. He saw another four-series bomb rush. His frightened face was white on the spot. His ancestral magic apparatus was instantly destroyed. If he hadn't been responsible for teaching him to protect his beast ancestral spirits since he was a child, he would have been killed now...

But this animal ancestral spirit is not the kind of totem ancestral spirit. The totem ancestral spirit is a spirit born after countless years of sacrifice and worship by the animal, and this animal ancestral spirit, which is about the size of an ordinary person, is a strong man in the animal, after death, is admired and consecrated by the animal, and the soul is transformed into the ancestral spirit.

The Ancestral Spirit of this Orc has suffered such terrible power and has already been severely traumatized. If it is not well cultivated, it may disappear completely...

Now faced with the offense again, Clough panicked a little. At this moment, standing still, Golsworth suddenly appeared in front of this four-series bomb, and a golden light exploded on the sword in his hand, shooting it hard on the four-series bomb.
