End of the Magic Era

Chapter 995 Magic Crystal

Goldsworthy's tall body also continued to rise at this time, eventually becoming a giant more than three metres tall, whose hair became as hard as stainless steel and whose roots burst.

For a moment, the momentum of Golsworthy exceeded the limits of the seal magician or sword saint, and the horrific repression fell, making it difficult for people within thousands of meters, human beings and beasts alike, to breathe.

In the distance, Joey looked at Golsworth with horror.

“Tianzhu, damn it, this guy can merge with the ancestral spirit of the Golden Orc, his strength climbs to the Tianzhu scale! The legend is true. No wonder the Golden Orc is unstoppable. It's over. In the battlefield of rage, nobody can fight this guy anymore...”

After a little exploration, Golseworthy acutely discovered that Lin Yun was far more powerful than imagined, so he immediately put all his strength into trying to kill Lin Yun here.

Lin Yun frowned, the flame elements scattered, a strand of lava emerged from his body surface, instantly re-engineered the lava incarnation, incarnate into a nine-meter high lava giant.

A purple light flew out of the dragon's staff, turning behind him into a giant purple dragon fiction over 100 meters high. The purple dragon fiction held the giant roulette fiction behind Lin Yun.

Suddenly, the circulating rune flood in the shadow of the roulette became more violent and more numerous, and the lava incarnation of Lin Yun was again elevated to thirteen meters.

A book appeared on the left like an ancient Iron Book. The chains on the Iron Book broke down automatically. The book opened loudly. The chapters of the Elements and Senroe blew out the light at the same time. Lin Yun's lava incarnation was once again elevated to eighteen meters high.

Between now and then, the breath of Golsworthy blossomed, endless elements began to rally wildly toward the forest cloud, the earth below began to tremble, the ground crumbled, a piece of earth rapidly broke, then merged with endless earth elements and flame elements, and turned into a ray of lava.

Looking away, it was like a volcano was about to erupt beneath the ground, and a wave of magma swept up and floated around the forest cloud, and within seconds, there was a magma pool of two or three hundred meters around the forest cloud.

Goldsworthy saw this scene, and the killing in his eyes grew stronger.

Such a young man can actually show such strong strength, and his rank is definitely not that of a Class 9 Enclosure Mage. If he breaks through to a Class 9 Enclosure Mage, I'm afraid I'm not his opponent.

Such a powerful gift must be strangled here. He must not be allowed to leave the fiery battlefield alive. After leaving, I'm afraid he will never have a chance to kill again.

To think of it, Golsworthy waved the giant totem column in his hand. Between now, behind him emerged a dark red whirlpool of flames, ominous and abysmal, a meteorite with a little golden light in the dark red, erupting like a meteor rain.

The dense and numb meteorite spins into a massive meteorite flood, repressing the past towards the forest cloud.

Lin Yun held the staff in his hand, dragged the Book of Death in his hand, and spit out a symbol. The lava rolled under his feet turned into six giant lava swirls.

Endless lava spells erupted, as if volcanoes were erupting in the sky. Endless lava spells shook the sky, colliding with that meteorite storm on the front.

Boom boom...

Thunder struck, the sky and earth trembled together, and in less than two seconds, the hundreds of meters were completely filled with spells, confused and violent magic.

Golseworthy did not take advantage of the spell collision, nor did Lin Yun's spell flood overwhelm, and the intense spell collision lasted for a minute.

Golsworth suddenly retreated.

Without the battlefield, Goldsworthy dissipated an attached layer of spirituality and put away the totem columns.

Lin Yun frowned and looked at Golseworthy. Instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to attack, he looked at it coldly.

Goldsworthy glanced at the forest cloud.

“My Lord Mafa Merlin, your strength came as no surprise to me that there was a man on the battlefield of wrath who could even fight me.

Your head, first on your neck, now around your life, we don't have time to waste here with you, now is not the time for the final showdown.

Take care of this for a while, and by the time of the final showdown, I will cut off your head myself and hang your head in my bedroom as a trophy. ”

After one sentence, Golseworthy flew far away, and the battle stopped. The golden beasts looked at Lin Yun's men and those in the cloud tower with disgust and laughed, cautioned against the attack and slowly retreated.

Lin Yun looked at the back of the Golden Orc from afar and smiled coldly.


There is room for Gaulsworthy, but why not Lin Yun? This guy is the strongest of the Orcs this time. He can actually play heavenly power, and here, because the fiery battlefield may be stronger than Dubois.

For such a strong man, it's hard to beat, let alone kill.

Real fighting, regardless of the outcome, must be heavy losses on both sides, listening to each other, there seems to be more important things now, fighting him to death is a completely irrational manifestation...

Lin Yun pondered and landed on the ground, allowing his men to regain some of the power they had just consumed.

The Golden Orc is very powerful, the weakest person on the other side is Grade 8 Sword Sage, and the other side also has an Orc Shaman to follow, when fully committed, is no weaker than these people.

Moreover, the natural blood of the Golden Orc is stronger than that of humans at the same level. In particular, Kensei is stronger than that of humans at the same level, whereas the Orc Magician, who can advance to the level of Superintendent of the Ninth Seal, will not be weak in blood, will not be weaker than the human Mage, and even stronger than the vast majority of the Mages.

At the end of the battle, the people of the cloud tower took life and demon springs. Almost half their strength has been restored, but the rest of them are less than half of what they were when they came in. This time, the cloud tower is a heavy loss.

Without Joey's protection, none of the remaining magicians in the cloud tower would have survived.

“Merlin, thank you so much this time, if it weren't for you, we would all be...”

Joey's face was lost, and this time the loss was a bit big. Just the Ninth Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure En

At the age of thirty-five, he was already a Level 8 Enclosure Mage, and he did not encounter any difficulty in making progress. The chances of future advancement are very high, and now he has fallen.

In order to preserve the rest of us, three pieces of the True Spirit Magic that were brought in were destroyed, including the Cloud Tower, which deterred the star reflection of Andalusia's top True Spirit Magic.

With this magic object, the tower of the cloud can be said to have no fear of being attacked at all, and the reflection of the sky can create a space labyrinth, as if the shadow of the entire sky had been printed out, but also to know the horrible environments, a rare superb magical device with the power of space.

And now it's destroyed, and all the incarnations have collapsed and lost it, and the status of the cloud tower in Andalusia could be affected.

If the rest of the forces knew about it, they would definitely shake the dominance of the cloud tower in the Kingdom of Andalusia.

Now that the losses are heavy and everyone is injured, coupled with the threat of the Golden Orc, Joey resolutely requests to work with Lin Yun.

When it comes to cooperation, it is actually a nicer name. In fact, it is only through the protection of the forest cloud. The harvest of the forest cloud, the cloud tower does not need to be allocated. There are only some resources. The cloud tower will collect its own, and the pseudo-heavenly beast, all of them belong to the forest cloud.

After a few days, Lin Yun's hand has accumulated twenty pseudo-celestial magic crystals.

When the twenty crystals were put together, there was a sudden mutation.

Twenty magic crystals simultaneously shed light and resonated with a place in front of them, where the forest clouds could clearly sense resonance just 20 kilometers ahead.

From the beginning, a magic crystal, with only one direction, is now able to clearly sense where it is, even the surrounding environment, with an approximate sense.

Put away the magic crystal, Lin Yun carried people on the road at full speed, in a few minutes, people came to the place where the magic crystal resonated.

What you see is a huge temple.

The temple is surrounded by a thin cloud fog, which protects the temple inside, passing through the thin cloud fog layer, and the ancient atmosphere comes to life.

The temple is hundreds of meters tall, with twelve large stone columns on the front, full of statues of various warcraft, and ancient inscriptions of dense and numb beasts.

At the centre of the front is a round stone door, 66 meters high, which is very strange, not in the normal shape of a gate, but as if it were made up of three triangles.

Around the stone gate, there are a lot of ancient spells engraved, as well as some already extinct statues of warcraft.

Even if there was no magic response, people felt a kind of pressure from the soul, and it seemed that there was a very powerful man standing here, and that enormous pressure came through time to suppress it.

Lin Yun's eyes carried a slight surprise. This temple and stone gate, taken together, is a very ancient alchemy, and very powerful.

Without a specific key, it is impossible to start this huge and ancient alchemy array, the kind of seemingly nil pressure that seems to act directly on the soul, is from the ancient alchemy array itself, which did not start.

The stone gate is divided into three parts, each part has 36 gaps. Lin Yun took out a pseudo-celestial crystal and thought about it. The gap is exactly the same shape as these pseudo-celestial crystals.

When these crystals were previously captured, Lin Yun could see that they were all exactly the same size and shape, regardless of the system.