End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1267

“Just now, the Rodney family Tours came looking for trouble. You didn't see that the gold-plated rose was a guarded alchemy puppet standing out, and then just one hit. Tours' four heavenly spirits were killed in seconds, and Tours himself was seriously injured, unfortunately he escaped...

Well, I won't tell you anymore, it's kind of Toles' dead ghost blessing. All the gold-plated roses are 20% off today. The gold-plated roses are really classy. They're so much better than the Rodney family. I'm going to grab something soon, or I'll be bought out... ”

When Lin Yun came down from upstairs, he heard a lot of people talking about the battle just now, but the more outrageous it got, for a few minutes, even someone blew it later, an alchemy puppet appeared, and then Tours peed his pants...

Walking out of the street where the gold-plated rose was, Lin Yun suddenly stopped and looked away. He saw Gandalf standing there with a slight smile on his face, but none of the people beside him seemed to have found him...

“Lord Mafa, do you have time today, I will take you to see the adult. ”

Lin Yun nodded, just sent off the Rodney Tours, believed the Rodney family, but if you want a little brain, you won't be attacking gold-plated roses any more recently.

As for the adult Gandalf said, Lin Yun already has a little speculation in his heart, but he is not sure that the strong of this era can be called by Gandalf, and the tone is very respectful, one hand can count.

Gandalf leads us beyond the city and continues to fly far away. Lin Yun is surprised, can't he still be elsewhere? Not in Winterless City?

You know, Winterless City is huge, and at least half of it is occupied by Starry Sky College.

It took Gandalf an hour to fly down a seemingly ordinary mountain forest, and the surrounding mountain peaks were not very high. Such places were so ordinary that there was no mountain peak thousands of meters high within at least a few dozen kilometres of each other, and the magic was not so abundant, and the surrounding creatures, most of them were also low-level warcrafts and beasts.

Immediately after landing, Lin Yun began to explore the surrounding area. However, the surrounding area was ordinary and completely unlike anything special.

Gandalf looked at the feeling of Lin Yun, and didn't explain it. He walked ahead and walked a few minutes later, he appeared at the foot of a mountain with Lin Yun. There was about a road leading to the top of the mountain in front of him, but it seemed that the weeds were bush, but someone just walked by, but he didn't walk a lot...

Gandalf pointed to that path.

“This is the only place I can send you. You can go up there yourself. I can't go up there without hearing from you. ”

After that, Gandalf flew away. Lin Yun opened his mouth and didn't say a word yet. Gandalf had vanished into a small black spot in the sky.

Look at this weedy trail in front of you, or even the already abandoned trail, as some hunters have opened up on the hill.

Looking up from the bottom of the mountain, you can see directly the top of the mountain. The trees here are the highest, but not more than a dozen meters tall, and the vegetation is also rare and lazy. It is completely impossible to see that on this ordinary mountain peak, there is actually a figure that Gandalf would like to honor to call an adult.

Is it wrong to speculate that this person is not strong, but has a special status, or special abilities?

If you speculate like this, it is also very likely, after all, that Starry Academy is not a pure magician force, but mainly based on alchemy. At Starry Academy, status itself is not gained by strength. Starry Academy also has some special magicians. Theoretical knowledge is very scary, but it hinders its own strength, and it is just unable to bring out those theories...

After a moment of reflection, Lin Yun didn't think out who the people on the mountain were. Suddenly, Lin Yun shook his head and smiled.

“Forget it, just go up there and see, you can't even guess...”

On that trail, Lin Yun did not walk up slowly, but after 10 minutes of walking, Lin Yun suddenly stopped walking and looked back and frowned.

He walked not very fast, but ten minutes, should be almost there, but looked up, the mountain peak was still far away, looking back, it was only discovered that the foot of the mountain was far away, this distance had already exceeded the height this mountain should have had!

If it were normal, it should have reached the top of the mountain by now, but the top was still at the bottom of the mountain when it was seen.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed a light, turned around and walked back. Still at the original speed, for more than a dozen seconds, he walked to the foot of the mountain. It seemed that every step of the way out, the foot of the mountain was constantly approaching, and the feeling was very normal. It seemed that this should have been the case.

But if it's thousands of meters away, at normal walking speed, a dozen seconds will pass, which is not normal in itself...

And the perception, but the feeling of anomaly, this is the most anomalous place.

Lin Yun looked up at the top of the mountain and remained in his original position. At once, Lin Yun revealed a smile.

“It seems that the adult above here must be a very scary and powerful man on alchemy, at least a sacred power, a space that prevents the perfect layout and almost deceives me. ”

Stepping on that almost invisible hill path again, Lin Yun's eyes began to emerge with countless symbols. The symbols formed a small trap in Lin Yun's eyes, and then slowly spread towards the white eye.

In a few seconds, Lin Yun's eyes are completely invisible and white. There is only one circle of tiny puzzles of coloured aperture, dense and numb dense clothes on Lin Yun's entire eyeball.

This is the spell that Lin Yun studied after studying the truth symbol. The alchemy method used to spy on, as long as there is an alchemy method array, or something related to alchemy, you can directly see the other party's symbolic structure.

Here, even if it cannot be directly seen through, it may be possible to find some nodes of the alchemy array. Once those nodes have been found, it is not that difficult to crack a path to the top of the mountain. Even if it is not possible to completely crack the alchemy array, Lin Yun still has confidence in cracking a path.

However, after stepping back to the mountain peak and moving forward again for 10 minutes, Lin Yun became a little confused.

Because all the way through, I didn't see a single symbol, I didn't notice any magic, I didn't even find anything about alchemy, I didn't even find anything about magic.

The aperture in his eyes dissipated, and Lin Yun's gaze became too heavy. This is too unusual, too unusual.

The space here has changed so much, which means that he's definitely inside the Alchemy Front, walking off the trail, moving in other directions towards the top of the mountain, but the same thing has happened, and the top of the mountain is always that far away.

After torturing for half an hour, Lin Yun stopped and frowned bitterly to meditate.

No traces of the alchemy matrix were found, nor were any traces of the alchemy objects found, because it was impossible to have an alchemy matrix that clearly acted on the space, but made him unable to detect any traces.

This confident forest cloud is still there, because even the strongest alchemy in the Northender peak period is unlikely to do this, there is only one possibility left.


Fantasy can be arranged by the alchemy array, or it can be a magic device, or even some special warcraft, something special, there are so many things that can do that.

Since there is no alchemy array here, it may be a fantasy created by some special magic or something. This place is a fantasy in itself, and it does not work on people, so it cannot be detected.

Mirage dragons in the depths of darkness at the bottom of the endless ocean can illuminate a vast city, and even the characters who live in it are alive and completely invisible.

When the most powerful astral phantom beast, the astral phantom beast that is free in the infinite void, preys on it, it directly illuminates a near-real world, and if anything enters the world, it will be devoured.

Lin Yun's eyes looked around for several minutes, but did not find how to break this illusion. If he used a special powerful illusion magic device, and did not find the magic body, he would never try to break it.

But as long as it's an illusion, and you want to reveal a blossom, there's a 100% working shortcut.

As long as you stimulate your soul and make it feel the sting, at that moment, you become very sensitive to some of the things around you, which is the instinct of the soul when it is in danger.

And that's enough to find a little clue here. With clues, you can find a way to crack it.

Lin Yun mobilized his soul power into a few illusory fine needles, and then stabbed him hard into his soul. Between now and then, the sensation of unspeakable pain rose, and the horrible death sensation caused by the sting of the soul.

At that moment, Lin Yun's capture and feeling of the surrounding environment soared at least a hundred times, and every trace of air around him, every little bit of magic change, felt very clearly.

Even the world in front of us becomes a glorious picture, so gorgeous that the eyes are somewhat unbearable and the soul is under heavy pressure.

This is the vision of the soul, the most fundamental source of the whole world, and the most fundamental face of the world.

The information captured by the eyes at that moment, instantly let Lin Yun's magical array run to the extreme, and even the Wheel of Magic joined in the cracking of this information, barely withstood the immense amount of information at this moment.

There is a powerful soul beast that is naturally extraordinary, and what they are best at is seeing the world with their soul vision, because their bodies are pure soul bodies, and they see the world hundreds of times higher than humans.

With the strength of Lin Yun now, if he saw the world in front of him with the vision of a soul beast, the huge amount of information would instantly burst his soul...

After a few seconds, the stinging pain of the soul disappeared completely, and the fine needle that pierced the soul was itself the power of the soul itself, but it was only a little rough when returned, without causing any harm to the soul.

One minute later, Lin Yun frowned and opened his eyes. He captured a huge amount of information. He cracked it twice. Each piece of seemingly useless information was not ignored, but the result was that it was completely normal here.

Without the Alchemy Array, without the power of magic, without any illusions, this is an ordinary hill.

Looking at the top of the mountain, which is still so far away, Lin Yunchang spit out a symbol, the culture of the symbol as a wind blade, then continue to compress to only the thickness of the fingers, and then mark a magic mark on the wind blade, the wind blade shoots towards the top of the mountain.

The wind blade disappeared instantly in front of the eyes. Half a minute later, Lin Yun lost his sensation of the wind blade. In the induction, for half a minute, that extremely compressed wind blade had exceeded the speed at which the sound propagated. Half a minute, it flew at least 20 kilometers away.

But it still hasn't reached the top of the mountain, and the distance from the top of the mountain still seems so far away...

In other words, you can see the top of the mountain so far now, but if you fly for 10 years, you may not reach the top of the mountain, and the distance from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain may be longer than across the entire Northender world.

But Lin Yun's eyebrows twisted together spread, because he almost understood what the problem was.

This is a possibility completely ignored by Lin Yun from the beginning, that the rules here have been changed!

The heavenly ones, the rules of understanding, are just using the rules, they are in control of the rules, but they cannot make a slight change in the rules, what the rules themselves are, that is, what they can only be.

If you want to change the rules, you have to go beyond the heavenly scale and ignite the powerful ones of divine fire in order to have the power to change the rules, change the rules to your own advantage, even have your own rules...

There is a test in front of you, not alchemy, not magic, not illusion, not magic, everything is normal, then there is only one possibility that has not been considered from the beginning, the rules here have been changed!

Only in this way, when exploring, can you find no difference, and you will feel that it should be like this.

Looking at this pristine hill, less than a thousand meters of peaks, sparse and ragged vegetation, Lin Yun's eyes couldn't help but bear a hint of horror.

No wonder Gandalf called him such a respected adult, a terribly powerful man who had changed the rules!

The distance of more than a thousand meters in front of him, dragged to infinity, but without any lethal force, suggests that the other party itself is not deliberately manipulated, but sits there, and the rules around it change, adapting more to him, adapting the rules of the world to him, which is undoubtedly a very terrible situation.

This is the terrible place of the strong who lit the fire. As long as the other party changed the rules, if the heavenly ones could not resist, perhaps in this area, a simple fireball could not be released. The rules of understanding are wrong here, the truth of mastery is wrong here.

No wonder the mountain doesn't need to be guarded at all, because as long as the other side is there and it doesn't look like it's getting close, then even if it's just a meter apart, the distance becomes tens of thousands of kilometers.

When he found out why he couldn't climb to the top of the mountain, Lin Yun's mouth revealed a smile.

It's just a test, the power is not very strong, the control over changes in the rules is not very strong, it seems that the breath of the other party leaks out, it just changes naturally.

Lin Yun knew that at the height of Northender, there was such a rule of specialty space. He was almost invincible because he had offended a lot of people, but nobody could kill him.

Even the strong of the same rank can resist some of those changes to the rules, but they cannot attack him at all. Whoever it is, seems to be a world away from him, unable to punch a hole through a world, even the other party's clothes corner will not touch...

The situation in front of us, though too far apart, is a little too interesting.

Lin Yun stood still, thinking about how to break away from the rules of change here, it is impossible to avoid them completely. The other party's strength has exceeded the ultimate amount. Now even if it comes to thousands of heavenly strength, don't try to attack the top of the mountain. All the methods centered on quantity are completely useless here.

After a few minutes of reflection and filtering all his powers, Lin Yun suddenly stunned and suddenly thought of a previous speculation on the identity of the person on the top of the mountain, smiling.

The enormous momentum emanates from the body of Lin Yun, and the divine colour of Lin Yun becomes condensed.

Slowly, a half-sided fictional shadow emerged behind the forest cloud. The vast fictional shadow is more than a dozen kilometers large. It looks like a miniature natural half-side. Everything in it has been shrunk countless times. Only the most central Tianzhushan can still be seen clearly.

As the vast half-side fiction emerged, the surrounding space began to swell, and the world, which seemed completely normal, became like an angry demon, as if the surrounding rules were forcibly suppressing the natural half-side fiction.

A dozen kilometers of half-sided phantom was rapidly repressed to only three or four meters. The half-sided force was instilled in Lin Yun's body, resisting the repression of the surrounding space.

Within half the surface, space was trembling slightly, but momentarily, Tianzhushan blew out the light, the light of the Truth Symbol floated, the lake water in Magic Lake dissipated rapidly, and half-side tremor stopped, but the lake water in Magic Lake dissipated rapidly.

Half-sided forces spread around the body of the forest cloud, resisting the repression of the surrounding space.

Here, the rules of space are different from the rules of the half-side, even if the difference is not particularly many, but it is also a completely different rule. The collision between the rules. At the moment Lin Yun borrows the power of the half-side, it has not much to do with Lin Yun. Instead, it becomes the rule of the half-side and the rules of the outer space compete for control.

The core of the world does not allow itself to be covered by different rules, which means that the world becomes incomplete.