Energy Group

Chapter 720 Adding fuel to the fire

The 720th Festival adds fuel to the fire

Carvalho should have gone out to do his things at this time before, but today he is a bit abnormal as if he has something to say. The old general has obviously discovered this too. Does this kid have any new ideas?I used to rely on this kid to gain a lot of appreciation in the family, and I was able to stay steadily on the throne of the Pacific Fleet Commander for several years.

But today the old general was destined to be disappointed, because he looked back and saw this guy holding a pistol with a silencer at him. Is this guy crazy?

"Carvalho, what are you doing? Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?" General Canet almost roared, hoping to use his own voice to draw the guards from the headquarters. , It was a pity that he was very disappointed. No one came over. It seems that this guy had already arranged it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. General, I need you to remain silent for a period of time, so you should keep silent." Carvalho faced his old boss, and his uncle didn't seem to be soft-hearted at all, although this person promoted himself. Now that I am in my current position, I also wanted to rely on this person to achieve a career with the Antonov family, but everything ended a few months ago. I liked Nova when I first saw Nova She was, how I wished to marry that beautiful girl to be his wife at the time, but this old guy in front of him repeatedly warned him to stay away from Nova, and also gave him several actual punishments. Carvalho was so discouraged.

For a long time, Carvalho didn't believe that there were people in this world who he didn't deserve. This incident really hit his self-esteem too much. Isn't Nova the core figure of the Antonov family?Isn't he a marginal figure?Since you think that the Antonov family is your lifelong support, let me help you break up this support, so he chose Vladimir and the Vasil family.

After discussing with Vladimir, he found that his mission is very simple, just to inform the other party at a critical moment, and to control the Pacific Fleet, these are really too simple for himself, and his own The return is 50 million U.S. dollars plus Nova Antonov. When that time comes, I will take Nova and leave. With 50 million U.S. dollars by my side, I can enjoy it for the rest of my life.

General Carnet fell, but he did not die. From now on he will be a living dead. Carvalho glanced at Carnett one last time. He didn't feel guilty at all, and he was all this old guy at this step.' Forced, if he is willing to help him pursue Nova, he will surely sell him his life, without hesitation, it is late now, everything is late, whoever can achieve his goal will do it himself Who works.

General Canet was quickly sent to the military hospital, and soon the medical certificate came out. It was caused by excessive drinking. Li Cong was still asleep when the news reached Li, but he knew the news. The first sentence I said was "Niu Cha, even the admiral can have a stroke at any time. This Vasily family is really a courageous family."

Carvalho did all the tasks assigned to him, but one thing he was upset was that he did not involve the energy group. Although he had no contact with Li Cong, he saw Li Cong and Nova’s outside the hotel last night. I feel uncomfortable when I look close. Although I think so, the facts are not my control. No matter which force they lean against, they don't have the guts to become an enemy of the energy group, and they should honestly take Nova.

After finishing the matter, Carvalho went to the temporary detention center of the customs. Of course, when Nova saw Carvalho, he still didn't understand what was going on. Could it be Carnet who asked him to rescue herself?Or if there is something to bring to herself, Nova never thought that this guy had become a shameful traitor.

Seeing the goddess Carvalho in his heart, the breathing was a little short, but he soon calmed down and told a bunch of lies made up in advance.

"Miss Nova, the general has prepared the ship for you. I will escort you out of here today. If you are still here after dawn, it will cause a lot of trouble to the family." The lie is more true than the truth. Nova thought about it a little bit, and felt that her uncle should have made such a decision. As long as there is no member of the Antonov family here, she can say anything. Although she doesn't like this guy very much, she also knows that he is Kane. Tote's confidant, he will definitely do this sort of confidential matter. It seems that he will not be able to return to Russia for a long time. At least he will have to wait for the matter to calm down.

If Nova goes with this guy, then there will be another charge, that is, escape from prison. There is also a plan here. If Carvalho takes this girl away from here, then several people who guard Nova She will also be killed in the next five minutes to create the illusion of an armed escape. All of this will be recorded by the camera. By then Nova has already gone abroad, although one important hostage is missing, but if this video is If it is announced, it is definitely more meaningful than the public trial of Nova.

It's a pity that such a sophisticated plan has missed Li Cong. The important person is not in their plan. Li Cong has reached an agreement with Vladimir. How you do it is your business, but this Nova It’s the person I want. As long as I can save her, that’s the greatest kindness to the Antonov family. Then the Antonov family will also be very grateful to themselves. They are not guilty of both aspects, and they can still get Nova's own gratitude.

"Sorry, Mr. Carvalho, you can't take her away. No one can take Miss Nova without the order of the Lord Mayor." The guard at the door dutifully stopped Carvalho, and Carvalho was about to get angry. At that time a Land Rover drove over and Li Cong and Zhong Qingshan got off the car. Carvalho felt that things had changed. How could this guy come to harmonize? An ominous premonition made Carvalho feel very upset. Comfortable.

"Mr. Policeman, I don't know if the warrant you mentioned is something like this in my hand." Zhong Qingshan took out the release order issued by Vladimir himself from his jacket pocket, and Carvalho looked at him in an incredible way. What was in Zhong Qingshan’s hands, why did this guy have this, what the hell Vladimir was doing, but before he could figure it out, another car came over in the distance. No one in the car knew better than him. The car was a military policeman from the Pacific Fleet. At this moment, they received a report saying that Colonel Carvalho was going to defect. Although they didn’t believe it, someone had to investigate the report. The general just announced that he had a stroke. The general’s most important person disappeared. The military police in the army naturally dare not ignore it. In recent years, there have been too many defectors in the Russian army.

Nova and Carvalho seem to be watching a show. Nova followed Li from his Land Rover. She felt that this man would not deceive herself, and there was nothing she could deceive. As for Carvalho At this time, he has lost use for both parties, waiting for him will be the trial of the military court, Vladimir does not worry about this guy telling his own affairs, this guy does not live in this world, as long as He dare to say that everything he valued will disappear, so it is best for him to confess his sins and spend the rest of his life in prison.

No one thought of the development of the matter to this point, especially Mr. Carvalho, who was the initiator. At this time, he understood that he had been abandoned, and all the promises in the face of big interests were shit, Vasily The family sacrificed themselves in order to be able to cooperate with the energy group. At this time, Carvalho suddenly regretted that if he honestly served as an assistant to the general, he would still be the youngest and most promising military officer in Russia, even without Nova. I still have other beautiful women, now I have nothing, waiting for me is an unknown danger, I really regret it, but unfortunately there is no regret for selling medicine.

On the way, Li Cong briefly told Nova about the outside situation. From her expression, she knew that this girl was really calculated by someone. The thing she couldn't believe was that Kanette had a stroke. This was simply Impossible, although Carnet’s age is a bit older, but the body has always been no problem, and there was no similar condition before, how could he have a stroke, the most unacceptable is Carvalho’s stroke in Carnet During this period, he helped the Vasily family take over the entire Pacific Fleet. Now at least half of this army has been controlled by the Vasily family, which means that in the Far East, the Antonov family will lose his greatest support. Up.

Li Cong also told her about the arrangement for Nova, that is to take her away from Russia to China immediately, because now she is a wanted criminal, she can’t wash herself off the crime, this is also the agreement between Vladimir and Li Cong. One.

"Why? I don't want to leave Russia. I want to stay here. My family needs me. This is the most critical time for my family. I can't just leave." Nova is very reluctant to leave. At this time Leaving means fleeing, and one of the two responsibilities of the family in the Far East is oneself, and the other is Kanette. Now that both of them are in trouble, it means that the family will give up the cause of the Far East. How can it be.

Li Cong didn't have so much time to explain to her. Taking her out of this vortex is the biggest help for her. He patted her on the neck directly. Please take a good rest and wait for you to wake up. Time may have entered China's territorial waters.

Li Cong’s ammunition ship has already set sail, and only Li Cong’s luxury cruise ship is waiting for him on the seashore. Although it has only been less than forty-eight hours in Russia, it really made myself a wonderful time. I looked back at Vladivos. Tok, maybe I will come back. Russia has so many things that it needs, but it will be back when you two big families kill you to death.

Not long after Li got on the ship, a large number of members of the investigation department also came up on the 21st.

"President, 17 members of the Antonov family, 15 members of the Vasily family, the important figures of the two families in the Far East have all been resolved." This fire was added by Li Congzhi, and you burned the best More fiercely, the dead included the fleet commander who had a stroke and the poisoned Lord Mayor of Vladimir.