Energy Group

Chapter 1369 Li Cong is Wrong

Episode 1369

"Huh, what is the use of a group dinner like this? After all the things that should be said at the meeting are said, should there be any dinner? It is really unnecessary. []" Kampot is basically not satisfied with the group as long as it is spending money. Li had learned this from a long time ago, so he just laughed and said nothing, but Dai Lai hasn’t come back for a long time. I don’t know how Dai Lai is in charge of so many things now, so I am not happy about it anymore. ?

"What's wrong? Kampot, is there anything wrong with the group's dinner party?" Dai Lai didn't see Li Cong's eyes, my god, can you ask these words at this time?Li Cong has trouble listening to these words. If he asks Kampot to give an evaluation, he is simply a social worm. It is unreasonable to waste this and that, so one person should have a drink. Just boiled water for a while. In Kampot's view, those precious things are simply too wasteful.

"What's wrong? I've posted an account. Now the leaders from all over the group have come back. They add up to thousands of people. We are going to have a dinner at the mountain top restaurant of the group Jinan. If that huge banquet hall is Without us having a dinner party, the group could make millions in profit a day. This is the first one. It is the cost of the dinner party. I have found so many celebrity models to accompany the wine. I don’t know what this group of men think. It costs hundreds of millions a night, and the food and drinks are even more. You don’t know. I calculated it almost cost nearly 200 million RMB. What is this concept? The current RMB is. It’s more valuable than before. This is more than two billion before the war. Is it fair to spend so much money on a dinner party?" Kampot has said this to Li Cong several times. Li Cong is now I feel a little guilty after hearing it. It seems that I am a bit too extravagant, but if you said that we might be guilty before, but this time, it is also our farewell dinner. I have worked so long for the group. Can't it be extravagant?

"Kampot, I feel that you shouldn't be in the charity department. That department is simply burying you. I think it's better for you to go to the finance department. If you join the finance department, I think the group can save a lot of money every year. "Li Cong ridiculed. Kampot heard Li Cong say that his eyes were bright, and he wanted to agree to it immediately. He was already annoyed by the group’s waste, but Li never gave him a chance. Dai Lai got into the car, leaving the staring Kampot there, wishing to strip Li Cong alive.

"My God, how did you say that Zhong Qingshan lived his usual life and how did he deal with his wife? You said that if they did that, Kampot would say how much it would cost, you said Qingshan Will he be crazy?” Li Cong said with a smile when he saw the angry look of Kampot in the rear mirror. Actually, this problem was not just remembered, but after thinking about it for a long time. It really feels like this. Thing.

“You’re hurting when you’re talking, and there’s nothing malicious about Kampot. After all these years of conquests, there will definitely be all kinds of refugees. Even if you don’t care about Kampot, it will cause you. There are many social problems. As far as I know, from the end of the war to the present, our group’s food department seems to have no profit, right?” Kampot’s approach is not so fruitless, at least it is pacifying the refugees. It has had a great effect on him, but chasing after the boss every day and saying that charity is the group’s most important task is unacceptable. However, Li will leave the group now, and there will not be much time to enter in the future. It's Li Er that boy, let's see what he can do.

"Yes, I know this too. In the past few years, there have been too many refugees in the world. I feel a bit too much, but refugees and refugees are also very different, just like those Little Japan, they have good technology and it’s easier to settle down, but if you look at those South Vietnamese, those people can’t save them, don’t want to do anything, just think about the rescue above, you say this What do I get them all back for? Do you really think I’m here as the almshouse?” Li Cong felt angry at the thought of those people who don’t want to do anything, and who still depend on the living quarters. It's hard for them to be hard on them. It is estimated that the international community will have to worry about it for a long time. Millions of people are raised by themselves. Li Cong also thought about it, but recently too many people are staring at him. After a while, I transported them to Africa in batches. Anyway, there is a large area and sparsely populated. If these guys want nothing else there, it is estimated that the niggers will tell them what to do. .

"This nation really has its roots of inferiority. It's too late to say this. Come on slowly. You have to be like this when you run into people like Kampot. Who calls her a good person?" Dai Lai laughed. She said, but her evaluation of Kampot is very appropriate. Before, Li Cong never thought that there was another term that would describe Kampot so well.

"Forget it, don't talk about it, I think you are also very upset, now you retire and I am retired, I don't know what can pass the time." Dai Lai looked at Li Cong's expression and knew that Li didn't want to deal with it now. I'm bothered with work matters. These things will be Li Er's business in the future. I can't be too much trouble when I'm a Laozi. It's better to enjoy it later, and Li Cong is indeed tired.

"Haha, I am more interested in this topic. It is the world events that hurt my head every day. I already have a good plan. How about going to Tibet and climbing Mount Everest? This is my previous time. I just thought about it, but there has been no time. Now basically the whole world has calmed down. How about we do this?" Li Cong's eyes can shine when he says this. Such things seem to him. There is definitely a great attraction. Originally, he wanted to find Heshen’s treasure, but in terms of conquering the world’s highest mountain, he still felt that the latter was more attractive. After all, this is what a man wants to do. Yes, even if you find those treasures, it doesn't matter. My current money can feed my children and grandchildren for dozens of lifetimes. Any more so much is the icing on the cake. It has no practical significance.

"Okay, I thought you didn't have any plans, and I wanted to provide you with a few. I didn't expect you to have planned it a long time ago." Dai Lai is actually not interested in climbing or anything, but seeing Li Cong's eyes Knowing that this guy must have done that, he just followed.

At six o'clock in the evening, Energy Group Jinan Peak Restaurant headquarters.

Li Cong is wearing a black suit and there are no luxurious decorations on his body. At this time, this guy does not need any decorations to decorate himself. This guy is actually a living sign standing there, the reputation of the world's first person. But very imposing.

As the new president of the group, Li Er stood beside Li Cong. If it were other leaders, I would feel that the price of the two men was a bit lower. Those who came today are all members of the group. In fact, it is not necessary for the two men to stand at the door. I shook hands with everyone, but this is what Li Cong asked Li Er to come. Although they are all his own subordinates, these people are also the mainstay of the group. All of the group needs them to operate. It can be said that without them, there would be no group today. Some of them have been working in the group since the establishment of the group. More than ten years have passed. The group's credit is definitely worthy of them. As the boss, give them Such treatment can be said to be right.

Originally, Li Cong and one of his wife should have done this kind of occasion, but Li Cong has never been divided into big or small at home. At this time, who should come and who should come is a difficult question, so Li Cong I chose my son as a shield. According to Li Cong’s idea, Liu Yan and Jin Meiren still can’t retreat. The two of them will continue to work on their seats for a few years. Qiao Mengyuan just entered the board of directors. For those who need work, as for Zhou Xue, there is no need to hang the name of a group vice president anymore, just retreat.

"How many people are there?" Li Cong shook hands with a group's second-level minister and asked his son next to him. He always made such a move, and Li Cong would feel tired if he said the same thing. It should be almost the time, and if it doesn’t end, I can’t make it. It’s been more than an hour. Although many people don’t know them, they can see from their eyes. They are right. I admire very much.

"Father, basically all have arrived now, that is, there are dozens of others. You can go up and prepare for the opening dance." Li Er said with a smile. Basically the first dance of each group dinner is started by his father. Random father said that he didn’t know how to dance this thing when he was young. Obviously Li Er didn’t believe this because he had been learning this since he was a child, but now he is still a bit inadequate compared with his father. Big.

"Hehe, this is my last time at the group dinner, and it will be yours from now on, okay, you are here, I will go up and prepare." Li Cong said with a smile, and there are not many people left. I waved to them and went up.

Li Cong is also very troubled with the issue of the dance partner. If you choose this or that, you will definitely not be happy. It doesn't seem to be a good thing that there are more women, but her second daughter, Li Yinyun, solved this for Li Cong. Trouble, she has always had a special liking for music, and now she has a small reputation in the world. Many pianists of the older generation also say that her qualifications are good. Those old scholars will not be because of you. Who is Lao Tzu talking nonsense, they all talk about your strength, if you don’t have this ability, you can't get their praise, you can't do it with money, so Li Cong heard them praise himself The daughter of my daughter, then I know that the level of my daughter is really very high.

Li Yinluan’s solution to his father is that, whether it’s his father’s wife or a confidante, Li Cong’s first dance has nothing to do with them. Li Cong’s first dance is to dance with his daughter. Yes, this is the first time in any group's ball, but this also just resolved the embarrassment of his father. Everyone knows that this is the last time Li Cong showed his face at such a grand ball. It can be said to be a farewell. Yes, even if you come out in the future, the first dance will not start, so this time it seems very precious. Liu Ruhua and Qiao Mengyuan both hoped to dance with Li Cong, but Li Cong also politely declined them, Li Cong Knowing what they mean, they don’t have a formal status in the Li family. If Li Cong could dance with them on such occasions, it would be a recognition for them. A family would have such things, Li Naturally, Li Cong is no exception. Naturally, Li Cong knows what they think, so he will not give them a chance. If they are given a chance like this, the few in the family will cry. Such a thing Li Cong Won't do it.

"Father, am I still pretty tonight?" Li Yinyun didn't talk to Li Cong so actively before. It's different from her sister. Li Yinyun has been autistic since she was a child. In addition to her parents, she is also a sister. We were able to talk together, but it was still a little later, and basically the contact with Li Cong began to decrease after we got older. It made Li Cong feel strange to have such words tonight.

She wears a jeweled Lancer evening dress. Her daughter’s height has inherited her own height. It is a full 1.7 meters. She is almost the same height as her own when she wears high heels. It’s strange these years. Some people always say she is. Shaoxing, Li didn’t pay much attention from the beginning, but if I look in the mirror at this time, I really feel a little bit less excited. I don’t seem to be any different from myself at that time. If I give all my beards If you scratch it, someone can believe that you are less than thirty.

"Hehe, there is nothing displeasing to a father when he sees his daughter. You are always the most beautiful in the eyes of a father. When I was a child, I hoped that you could grow up safely, but now I see daughters that are so big. I feel a little bit painful. When your aunt got married, I was also uncomfortable. Soon my dad’s little baby was going to someone’s house. It was a bit depressing.” Li Yinluan never thought of Li Cong. I even said this, making my face flushed. Fortunately, there are only these two men in this room, otherwise it would be big news for others to hear.

"Dad, what are you talking nonsense? How could there be such a thing? Your daughter must stay with you. In the past, you would never have so much time with me. Many times I was on TV. I can only see you. Will you have a lot of time when you retire in the future? I hope my father can compensate me for participating in the world tour." Li Yinluan twisted his nose and stuck to Li Cong. Although there was a gap between the father and daughter before, but with this time everything is gone. The father and daughter are still father and daughter after all. Li Cong patted his daughter on the shoulder.

"Okay, no problem. Dad is now a big idler. All things are left to your brothers and sisters. Dad will accompany you little ones at home in the future. Okay, don’t hold Dad and cry. Yes, the people outside have been waiting for us for a long time. My little princess will also appear at the banquet this time. In the future, you will still be the ambassador of the group. Let the reporters take pictures of your most beautiful side. "Li Yinyun wiped her eyes embarrassedly when she heard her father say that. She hasn't felt this way for many years, and she can make her eyes moist.

The two of them arranged their clothes, and then Li Cong sent a message to the number one outside the door. The noisy hall outside immediately calmed down, and Liu Ruhua’s sweet voice came from the loudspeaker. After gathering all the high-level banquets of the group, she is naturally the host. This is also a must. At this time, she is still a little excited. After all, the current group is completely different from before.

"Everyone, our president and the second young lady of our group are coming out soon. Please play the music and our dance party will officially begin." Liu Ruhua said that the lights in the entire hall began to dim. Most people Consciously let go of the central position, and then there was a beam of light shining in the middle position. Just now when the light was dim, Li and his father and daughter had already walked to the central hall. At this moment, the music started, father and daughter. The two began to dance on the dance floor. Before, Li Yinluan knew that his father’s ballroom dance was very good, but he didn’t expect it to be so good. He received special training and was not as good as his father. When the two of them finished dancing At the first beat, someone followed suit.

Li Er and aunt Li Hui are considered the second pair to enter the dance floor, followed by some senior leaders such as Li Ming. When the dance is in the middle, thousands of people are already dancing their bodies on the dance floor. Tight, Li Cong's series of plans, a series of plans that have had a major impact on the world, have made these people feel tired, and each one has no chance to breathe. Maybe from this time they can start to relax. Li watched the surroundings from the moment he danced. Many people who are usually very dignified have let go now, singing and dancing happily one by one. Yes, now they can relax and relax. Opportunity.

Five minutes passed. Li Cong let go of his daughter’s soft little hand, slowly greeted the people on both sides, and walked towards the podium. It’s a sure thing to speak on such an occasion. Leave the matter to Li Er, but now I still need to show everyone some group muscles. Some people who are ill-intentioned think that if they push it down, they can fool their son.

"Everyone, let us welcome our president's words with warm applause." Liu Ruhua said loudly. The achievement of a man he admired can be said to be the lifelong hope of any woman. At this time, Li Cong is in her eyes. She never regretted leaving the Great Wall Club here. This is the most correct choice in her life. It has always been like this. Even in her dreams, she thinks so, watching Li walk towards herself step by step. With such a firm pace, I feel more at ease in my heart. I used to worry about the troubles caused by the expansion of the group. It seems that they are gone at this moment. Li Cong has such magical powers, which makes people very comfortable. .

"Everyone, the first thing I have to correct is what Minister Liu said just now. I am no longer the president of the group. From the moment I walk out of the meeting room in the morning, I am not the president of the group. I said it before. I’m going to retreat cleanly. The energy group belongs to me. The era of Li Cong has all ended in the morning. The rest of the time belongs to my son. I know that everyone has treated me a lot for more than ten years. Support, but what I want to say is that this is still not enough. I hope that in the days to come, you can help my son as much as I did. Everyone can see the group’s rejuvenation. My former sister, Li Yan, the biggest hero of our group, began to retreat. My daughter took over as the chief executive officer of the group. At that time, everyone was panicked. It was a challenge for the group, but Looking at it now, we are stronger and more prosperous than before, so it is necessary for the group to absorb fresh blood." Li Cong paused and looked at the people in the stands. Many people's faces did not have the previous ones. This kind of self-confidence is a matter of course. Although Li Er has shown great ability in recent years, after all, these people have been following Li Cong for a long time. For these people, they believe in Li Cong, and for Li Er They can only start to explore slowly. They all knew that there would be the current situation in the past, but they all thought that Li Cong would definitely be watching from behind. They never thought that Li Cong would retire so cleanly. , Is such a big empire given to Li Er so young, can he?

"You guys, the old saying is clear, saying that it is easy to fight the country and it is difficult to keep the country and the mountain. This sentence is not unreasonable. My son and I started to fight the country when I was so old. More than ten years have passed. It can be said that our current achievements are absolutely unprecedented. As for whether there will be anyone in the future, I dare not say so for sure. After all, this is a society where talents are born. It may be a brand of our group in a few decades. I will be stepped on by others. I can say with certainty that my son’s talents will definitely not be under me. Your current ability is also greater than when you first joined the group. I don’t know how much, then you Why do you have no confidence? When I asked you, you answered that I was very confident, but from your eyes I can see that you have no confidence. You are still in confusion. I will give You are confident that after more than ten years of development, you are not the same as you used to be. If you can measure your combat effectiveness, you are definitely several times what you were before. This is absolute, plus the current group’s Strength, as long as you throw away those shortcomings that you shouldn’t have, I dare to say that our group will not have a big crisis in decades. Now I will show you the latest technology of our group. I hope it can Give everyone a sense of stability." Li Cong snapped his fingers after speaking, and soon there were videos on the big screen behind him.

It was the same as when the major forces of the Skull and Bones Megatron were the same. At this time, the powerful aircraft lineup appeared first on the screen. At least hundreds of fighters were parked on an airport that was out of sight. Ground workers are busy refueling and loading the aircraft.

"This is a very ordinary air force base in the Indian Ocean. There are 550 airplanes and 300 helicopters in the base. The ammunition storage is enough for them to complete several major missions. In addition, the base is also a garrison of 20,000 soldiers. Army, at least one military satellite in the sky keeps an eye on anything within 500 kilometers around the base. Because of our energy transformation, now as long as I give an order, these aircraft can fly to the center of the base and within 10,000 kilometers. Everywhere." Li never finished speaking. In fact, it can fly up to 20,000 kilometers now. If a plane keeps flying and does not look back, it can definitely circle the earth. This is the result of energy transformation. It used to be on a small scale. But now all are okay.

People in the military department know these things very well, but many people don’t know about them. One-quarter of the people in this room belong to the military department, and those in the past also know themselves. The group has a strong economic power, but they don’t know how strong it is. Now they all understand. The air force of their group can be called the first air force. Even the American air force is not an opponent. At the time they were like a stunted child, wandering around with a big golden brick, but now they all understand that now they all have their own abilities, they have everything to protect themselves, if As before, any direct military armament that is not open to the eye will pass.

"The Air Force can be said to be the most important part of the war now, but now can we keep everything just by relying on these aircraft? This is absolutely impossible. Let me make an analogy, if we rely on our current If airplanes come to compete for the world, we may eventually disappear and we won’t get a third of the world. Let’s not talk about other people, let’s talk about the Americans. Although they only have a few thousand airplanes now, they are Americans. We know what productivity the Americans had during World War II. Therefore, if we fight these conventional wars with the Americans, it will definitely be a torturous war. In the end, we and the Americans will all lose out. , And then cheaper a newly emerged king. Of course, this is our previous estimate. Now that our group has these, it will not be a problem. Take a look at our group’s new aircraft carrier.” Following Li Cong’s introduction, the slideshow It has changed, no longer what it was before, and has become a giant in the air.

The aircraft carrier you see is completely different from the existing aircraft carriers in the world. This giant is a real aircraft carrier that can fly in the sky, and its weight is much stronger than those of American aviation carpenters. It weighs 500,000 tons, is four kilometers in length, and 350 meters in width. It carries more than 900 various aircraft, but this is not the main one. The main thing is the hundreds of missile launchers on them. , I believe everyone knows our arsenal ship, but the arsenal ship is nothing compared to them. Please see."Li Cong pointed to the curtain after speaking.

A huge black shadow on the screen flew over, and everyone stopped talking. If the planes just now were surprised, this huge aircraft carrier is absolutely shocked now, and the most terrible thing is that this aircraft carrier is not on the earth. It is in space, which means that this aircraft carrier has the ability to fly in space. This thing can be said to be a dream of mankind for many years. I did not expect it to become a reality at this moment. This is absolutely the same as the energy group. Many of the products are equally shocking.

"Everyone, I think everyone can see clearly. This is our aircraft carrier, a real aircraft carrier. This aircraft carrier can definitely sail in space, at least to reach our base on Mars, and we are on the moon. Basically, our base can accommodate 100,000 people. We are ahead of others in space. Let’s see the biggest attack effect of the aircraft carrier.” Li Conggang finished speaking, and the aircraft carrier that had just been flying steadily began to deform immediately. , There were densely packed pipes immediately protruding from the originally flat flying wall around. Upon a closer look, you could see that those were light launch capsules. With an order, hundreds of missiles flew out into the black night sky, and They were all in the same direction. Then, before everyone blinked, the second batch also flew out, and stopped after five consecutive batches.

"In the past minute, our aircraft carrier carried out five volleys. In these five volleys, a total of 5,500 missiles were flown out. I can tell everyone responsibly that this is definitely a huge weapon. It takes half a minute to rest to continue the attack just now. His entire attack capability allows him to instantly turn a large city with tens of millions of people into a waste area. Now, our group has eleven such aircraft carriers. The cost of each ship is more than 70 billion U.S. dollars. Even if the Americans know all this, do they have this economic strength? This is just the cost of hardware. From the beginning of construction to the formation of combat effectiveness, I can tell you all. It needs to cost more than US$300 billion." Li Cong said confidently. Many people will ask the group what it does with so much money every year. Even if the previous wars consume a lot of money, it’s not that powerful now. I only know the group now. What did you do with all your money? It turned out to be here.

"Everyone, look at the next step. Our aircraft carrier is not alone. Like the American configuration, there are more than a dozen other warships around our aircraft carrier, but these warships are all capable of flying. Not as terrifying as an aircraft carrier, but their combat capabilities are not what you can imagine. We have done a test. Now the aircraft carrier battle brigade in the world is the American standard. One aircraft carrier, three air defense frigates, and two destroyers. , Two nuclear submarines, and an amphibious landing ship. Such combat capabilities are only about the same as our flying destroyers. Although they can’t completely wipe them out, it’s no problem to pester them.” Li Cong said with a smile, he knew very well. Just look at the expressions on the faces of these people, and all of them are stupid.

"Father, thank you." When everyone was frightened, Li Er walked to his father's side and whispered. He knew that his father did all this for him. In fact, this sentence has been stored in his heart for a long time. When time is up, he wants to tell his father that he is really grateful to his father. Because of his father, he can inherit such a large group. This is really a challenge for himself. When he is downstairs, he has confidence. There are also some shortcomings, and I also think that if the group that I hand over my father to myself is changed, then how I should face my father.

Li Cong smiled and didn't say anything, and then the picture changed again. All of these will belong to the Air Force in the future. It's better to take a look at the Army.

"Everyone, I am a commentator today. The following is our army. Although our army has many different services, what I want to show you is not these things. I want to show you Everyone is looking at our army’s new unit, the flying soldier." Li Cong looked at the screen after he finished speaking. The air force unit with a total of 65,000 people was flying in the sky like a wasp, following an officer in the center. Ordered, all the troops, tens of thousands of people turned into a neat team within a minute, it can be seen that they are already proficient in the application of this flying equipment, many people think of the past when they look at them The flying soldiers in a game of Red Alert, actually had flying soldiers when the American base was destroyed, but they have only become an army until now. In the future, these flying soldiers will definitely become energy sources. A sharp knife of the group.

The weapons carried by the pilots are two air guns, and their attack capabilities are also very powerful. An ace regiment of the African Legion with only 550 tanks was completely at a disadvantage when confronted with the 300 pilots. In the end, the tanks were the whole army. At the time of the destruction, the flying troops only lost less than one-third. At this time, people pay more attention to this low-cost military. The current total number of 65,000 flying troops is just as powerful as possible. It can only be seen in practice in the future.

"Next is the heavy artillery unit of our army. It can be said that the artillery has been forgotten, but I think the heavy artillery group of our group should be remembered. This is a city in South Vietnam that was abandoned due to war. In the past, there were millions of people in this city. Let’s watch our performance now.” Li Cong continues to work as a narrator. This may be the happiest moment for him. It's a pure display for people, but his display will make many people throw their chins on the ground.

A row of huge artillery appeared on the screen. This artillery is definitely the first time everyone has seen this artillery. It is different from the artillery in their impressions. These artillery pieces are vertical, and many of them look different. Li Cong explained patiently that these artillery can be said to be a huge symbol of the energy group’s land. They are all launched vertically. Most of them are electromagnetic artillery. There is no need to install shells at all. It has huge lethality to people, but it doesn't have any lethality to those buildings or anything.

Although some various weapons were displayed next, they were not as important as the previous ones. Li Cong was able to take a break and walked to the lounge with his son. Li Cong was really tired at this moment. Now, this is my last post.

"Son, this is a huge stage for you. I originally wanted to unify the whole world by myself, but I think I should leave some for you. The rise of a family is definitely not based on the idea of ​​one person. Achieving it often requires the efforts of several generations. Now that my hard work is over, it’s yours. Do you have any plans?” This is the first time Li Cong asked his son’s plan. He used to What I think is that I should not interfere too much in this matter, but now it seems that I still feel a little worried.

"Father, I think I need to rest and find goals in two years. If the group continues to fight in the north and south, I think it is impossible." Li Er thought for a while and said that his father would not feel that his plan would A little conservative, right?

"Well, you are much better than me. Actually, you can see that if it weren’t for our arms to keep up, I don’t think I would retire now. I have many other plans. If we have With enough arms, the war will not stop now. I didn’t feel it before, but now I really feel it. Actually, I was wrong. I don’t want to admit it, but I can only say that if the war continues, I will It's really wrong." Li started his own review, and it was right to start a war, but it was really wrong to keep fighting.
