Energy Group

Section 1418 Interception and calculation cost

What Zhang Xiu opened was a topographic map of the city. The surface has been marked with some prominent locations of the city and the direction of the police and the army. The entire city cannot be said to be similar to an undefended city. The nearest garrison here is probably It is fifteen kilometers away, and there are many obstacles in the middle. There is no direct access road at all. I don’t know how the original Bulgarian government got mixed up, and their army has not yet accepted Europa’s reorganization. I guess.&

"Mr. Zhang, our current army is basically from the past. Because of the financial difficulties of the current government, the people in the army are thinking about how to live their lives. Take a man with the rank of major. I don’t think about how to improve combat effectiveness, but about how to fill the belly of my family. I believe you can see it when you meet soldiers on your way, if it’s not for the weapons in their hands. If you declare, it is estimated that they can all sell this, and their combat effectiveness is really not enough to mention." A local staff officer said, although he is not a regular staff officer, he still knows the situation in this area very well.

The original combat power of the Bulgarian army belongs to the lower reaches of the whole world. The economy of the Canadian country has always been not very good. Therefore, whether it is weapons, ammunition or food and clothing, they have nothing useful. How powerful is an army whose food is a problem, and the surrounding garrisons are all infantry. There are no technical arms at all. Some people might say that these troops are not even as good as the police in the police station.

"Well, this is very good. Now what we have to face is the police in the police station. The local police station will probably dispatch a thousand people tomorrow to maintain order. If there are only these thousand police officers, it is estimated that we will know. Attacks are okay, but don’t forget that the soldiers in this army are all soldiers. They may come down to form combat effectiveness. This is not the Bulgarian soldiers. They are all the trump cards of Great Russia, despite their combat effectiveness. There will also be a decline, but it can’t be so fast. They still have their own abilities. Since those of us want to face the tens of thousands of troops, it is estimated that we are not even a hairy." Zhang Xiu nodded and said. What they are talking about is the positive side. You can't think of things as simple as you can. At this time, you should properly pour cold water on them, otherwise it is not a good thing to be blindly optimistic.

"I have drawn up two plans. The task of your organizations is to start creating chaos in the entire city when the military train arrives at the train station. However, the scale must be controlled. It must not be too strong. If it is strong, it may be the military train. We won’t stay here anymore, but we can’t move to another place again. Your task is to take advantage of this time to destroy the railway five kilometers southwest of the city. You must master the time and destroy it when they are about to set off. The time is just right, otherwise it will be the same as my situation. Our task is to find a way to engage them all at once and try to make them impossible. I will think about the specific tasks slowly. It is not yet. Very mature, go and prepare right away." The reason why Zhang Xiu didn't mention all the tasks is that there is a mixed bag. It is impossible for him to say all these things too clearly, especially the bosses of the clubs, who knows they will Whatever they do, maybe these people will immediately report back. Some people in i don’t have any opinions. At this time, their power is not very strong in the first place. Everything is done in accordance with the energy group’s methods. Their orders.

"Wait, the arrangement is over? Are we talking about the price? I feel that the price of one million euros is not very good. I want my brother to pay his life. I will temporarily increase it to five hundred. Ten thousand dollars." Just when everyone was about to go out, a black man said, this guy controls the most fierce gang in the whole city, and his strength is not very strong. The other bosses heard him say that, but he didn’t want Following the increase in money, I feel that this guy is a bit unruly. At this time, a temporary price increase is not so good. If the rules are broken, how can someone come to them in the future?

"Such people are too unreliable. If you clubs can kill these guys within half an hour, I think their share can be divided equally for you. Anyway, it doesn't need so much to create chaos. Human, you can figure it out, anyway, if he can get out of here alive, I don’t think you need to go out." Zhang Xiu finished speaking and put her gun on the table, and then went out. A voice came from outside the door, "Inside." I don't want people who go out to be able to go out." The sound of bullets from the guards at the door made everyone listen to it for a long time, and everyone's sweat can get down. Is this true?

"Hey, crocodile, you said who you talked to is not good, who is the opposite person? Don’t you know? This is a popular member of the Energy Group, and it is said that they are related to the Li family. Being able to sit with people like us is already saving us face. Who would take this job for the one million euro? We think we can take this line in the future. You kid really hates his own life. Now, you know what's going on outside. I'm sorry, kill them." A white man said with a smile. He has been thinking about this black territory for a long time, but he has never been able to find a suitable reason. Let’s see if there are seven or eight bosses in the house. If you want to get rid of this guy and his two bodyguards, it’s easy to get rid of them. If you hear him talking now, the nigga will know these people. I was thinking about something. When I immediately wanted to draw a gun, I suddenly felt empty, only to remember that I was taken away when I came in just now. I guess I won't be able to get my hands back in my life.

The old nature of the other societies will not let go of such a good opportunity. Isn’t it just to create chaos, and go straight to seize this guy’s territory. This is the best way, and there will never be too much trouble. But it will shed a lot of blood. When the time comes, the police in the police station will not have to do anything else. Speaking of this, the crocodile gang is not a small gang, and it will not capsize for these millions of euros, but this guy Seeing that the leader of the energy group is so young, he is also an Oriental, and they all say that whites look down on blacks. What the blacks look down on is the Orientals. It is a pity that the current society is different from before. These Orientals may be The ruler of this world will suffer a loss if you continue to think like this.

Five minutes later, two of these bosses were injured here, one boss over there, and the two bodyguards were basically out of breath. A white boss stabbed the crocodile in the belly. This is considered clean. There is no such thing in this city. They have to go back and make arrangements. The chaos will end tomorrow.

The Republic of Bulgaria rblifblgri is a country on the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe.It borders Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey, and borders the Black Sea to the east.The land area is 110910 square kilometers, ranking 103rd in the world.On February'day of the total population year, March 3rd was designated as the National Day for the anniversary of leaving the Ottoman Empire. On November 15th of the same year, the country was renamed the Republic of Bulgaria.On May 11, 2005, the Bulgarian Parliament voted to approve the treaty of Bulgaria's accession to the European Union.The constitution adopted on July 12, 1991 stipulates that it is a parliamentary country.In 25 years, I felt weak, so I joined Europa, but it has never been an economically developed area, so don’t expect Europa to give them much support. This time, if it weren’t for the Great Russia’s army, it’s from here. After passing, it is estimated that they will not be able to cause high-level suggestions. In the military ranks a series of problems have also been realized. If we continue to cooperate with Greater Russia, the Bulgarian strategic channel needs to be strengthened.

The Bulgarian army was established on January 26, 1944, the Council of State decided to ban party activities in the army.In September of the same year, the Presidential Security Council was established, with the president as the chairman.The Security Committee is responsible for formulating domestic and foreign policies related to the armed forces, and formulating guidelines and policies against foreign aggression during wartime.On November 1991, the Minister of Defense was replaced by a civilian official.The service period for soldiers is 9 months, and for those with higher education, 6 months.The total force is 45,000, including 25,000 in the army, 5,000 in the navy, and 12,000 in the air force. The civilian 300-year defense budget expenditure is 700 million US dollars.Although there was a certain development when joining Europa in 25 years, it did not have any combat capabilities and it was not an important area. So Europa did not increase its budget. Until now, they have no troops. What a great development, even some soldiers still have old-fashioned k47s in their hands. Such things should go to the garbage dump even if they don't need to enter the museum, but they are still using their waste heat.

Bulgarians generally do not work overtime on weekends in order to make more money. They think that weekends are a time for rest and should be with their family or with friends.Everyone likes to meet friends in cafes, and also like cafes when there is nothing to do.Some people are addicted to alcohol, and often drink strong alcohols such as vodka and whiskey. Sometimes they spend a whole day in the tavern, drinking and chatting.

Bulgarians generally do not save money.They spend their wages as much as they want, go to restaurants and dance halls.When the money is almost spent, they will stay at home honestly, waiting for next month's salary.Just ask how such people can build their country well. When Zhang Xiu walks on the street, he can see how old the country is.

Bulgaria's economy was hit hard after the loss of economic ties with the Soviet Union in 199.People's living conditions have dropped by 40%.The economic sanctions imposed by the United Nations on Yugoslavia and Iraq have also had an impact on Bulgaria.

The economy began to recover in 1994, but due to insufficient economic reforms and an unstable banking system, the economy collapsed again in 1996.The economy has recovered since 1997.Bulgaria is traditionally an agricultural country, and roses, yogurt and wine have always enjoyed a high reputation in the international market.The industry is currently dominated by food processing and textile industries, and tourism has also developed in recent years.Bulgaria is a member of the World Free Trade Agreement Organization.After entering the new century, the people of this country can only struggle with food and clothing. This economy is badly fast, and it is not easy to want a good one.

"Boss, our spies in Italy have sent the latest news. Our mission has changed. Because of the big waves, we have to fight for them for two days. We sent an action team to me. On the way here, but the number of people is only 80. They are all coming by civil aviation. They will land at the airport in an hour. I have arranged a car to greet them." A deputy next to him brought a bad guy. According to the news, these Americans are dragging things like this. If the original delay of one day is considered acceptable, it will take two days now, which is forty-eight hours. It seems that the destruction of the railway just said it was not How useful, now there must be a new way.

Zhang Xiu thought of the information. The army will stay here for three hours, but they will definitely not allow the people in the car to get off. The only people who can go under the car are those who deliver meals. Suddenly an idea comes. It should be okay if all the people in the train eat bad stomachs, but this will definitely expose a lot. Is it worth it? After all, the biggest beneficiaries are Americans, not ours, let us It is absolutely impossible for the entire system to expose this.

"Tell the Americans that their goals have changed. Let our people do the things that destroy the railroad tracks, and their people will infiltrate the restaurant that delivers meals and let them put some good things in. As for what they want. It's their business. Tell them that the best we can do is this. If they don't want to do it, we will retreat immediately. After all, they are the mastermind." Zhang Xiu can definitely be alone, and soon I just thought of who should do this. In fact, I should have thought about it a long time ago, why do I want to do this? It is better for the Americans to do such a thankless thing.

The local Americans were also depressed for a long time when they heard the news. They thought that they would be very dangerous to destroy a railroad track, but they didn't expect that there was still such a person waiting for them. They wanted to report it and talk about them. The situation is to fight for a safer thing, but the answer to him is that he should do exactly what Zhang Xiu meant. The meaning of the face is already obvious. Compared with the whole of Sicily, their lives are not at all. What the hell.

Just as they were preparing, at a distance of more than two hundred kilometers from here, a train with dozens of carriages rushed towards the city where Zhang Xiu was located. They were the Russian army, the marine division. , But at the moment they have all redesigned and changed to the First Army of Great Russia Stationed Abroad. After the expansion, there are 100,000 people in the whole army. This time it is only the first unit, and the following units are following. A tens of thousands of kilometers of training can be regarded as training them. They have to pass through more than a dozen countries on the way. For the first time, the army of Great Russia can swagger towards the west of Europe. This is their dream for many years. The soldiers were sipping their vodka, singing loudly the exhilarating military anthems of the former Soviet Union, as if the glory of the former Soviet Union was about to come true.

In their view, there will be no problems from the beginning of Russia to Italy. After all, this is the territory of Europa. People like themselves are fighting to help Europa. If they can't even do security work. If it’s good, let’s just go back and forget it. Europa is also very embarrassed. If it weren’t because of the reorganization of the army, how could we invite the Great Russian army to our territory, and if we win. And give Great Russia a port in the Mediterranean as their naval base.

There are a thousand soldiers and a dozen tanks in the army, and there is another army 15 kilometers behind them. This time the vanguard is divided into five army and advances with a total of 10,000 people, but because Europa wants The reason for controlling them is simply to let them take this route, which also makes it easier for the energy group and the Americans to do things in a disguised way. If they are dispersed, they are really not good at doing things.

The army’s airspace is a gunship patrolling, monitoring everything within two kilometers of the surrounding area. This is also within Europa’s regulations. After all, they don’t want the common people to know too much about the entry of Great Russian troops. For Europa, this is basically the act of slapping the face.

Two hours later, everything in the city was ready. Zhang Xiu saw the train slowly entering the station at the highest point of the city. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous, knowing that she was blocking tens of thousands. On the way of the army, at this moment, according to the news from the intelligence agents on the greater Russia side, tens of thousands of people have already boarded the train. At this time, they just want to turn around and it’s impossible, and in other places to prevent accidents, the group They are also ready, even if they turn around temporarily, it doesn't matter. Their line is a main line, and there are thousands of pioneers behind them. Even if they can stop them, it will be a great achievement by themselves.

The special operations team of the Energy Group has arrived. They have changed their equipment and stayed with Zhang Xiu. Judging from the current arrangement, they do not need to participate in any operation, but they are not sure where they are needed. Supported, it was time for them to go out at that time. Good steel needs a blade, which is necessary.

"The train has entered, and all have started." With Zhang Xiu's order, the whole city was immediately stunned, and the police were also directly dumbfounded. Originally, there are not enough manpower today. Several clubs started to fight. The police and clubs in this place are acquaintances. They would never have thought that they would choose to fight at this time. There are dozens of people left in the police station. If you don’t care, the ghost knows those. What would people do? People in the city hall would blow up the phone number of the police station. Some of the leaders’ family members were affected. The chief of the police looked at the army columns behind him. Damn, this was with him. What's the matter, his black hat is the most important thing, and he immediately called a confidant over.

"You immediately take the people from Team 2 and Team 3 to deal with it and tell those bosses not to make trouble. I'll talk about it after today. If they don't like it, kill them directly." The chief of police also felt that things were a bit unusual. He knows all the bosses in the city. They must have other meanings this time. But now he has to call the police back. Just now the mayor’s phone call had to scold his family’s ancestors I did it again, if I didn't have any reaction, I guess I would have to get out of here immediately.

"Chief, I'm afraid?? Look at this place, the army has already come in. I'm afraid this is a ghost trick to move the tiger away from the mountain." The confidant looked at the army that was about to stop. If something went wrong at this time, the army would I'm afraid it's hard to explain.

"You idiot, is it the salary that the army paid you or the salary that the mayor gave you? Can the army remove you and me? But the mayor has the right to let us get out of office at any time. You do it right away. "The director can't wait to slap this guy directly. At this time, time is money. Maybe Lao Tzu explained the effort to you. Several people in the city will have to die.

The deputy chief thought about it and it was the same thing. He immediately began to assemble the team and go back. This is not a joke. As for the soldiers in front of them, they can't take care of them for the time being. Anyway, when did the soldiers ask the police to guarantee them. It’s safe. What kind of guys do these soldiers have? They have pistols. It’s okay to deal with those who are in trouble. If there is a conflict with these troops, it’s still yourself. In Bulgaria, it’s with others. Places are the same. Military-police conflicts are everywhere, and police can't understand the military, but they often exist.

"The police have started to retreat in accordance with the regulations. Everyone started to act." Zhang Xiu started to command in a building near the train station. Following his words, people who were preparing to deliver meals in several restaurants began to enter the train station, although there were some faces. The owner of the hotel is right. They are urging their subordinates to bring the food in. These uncles are not so easy to wait on. If the energy group is doing things, they will definitely go to the boss directly, and then give He got him out of a sum of money, but i's way of doing things was different from them, and he got in as a temporary worker. It only took ten people to get the job done, and he hadn't mixed the drugs. It seems to them that the chance of getting sick with the meal is faster. It may be different from the time designed by people like themselves. Instead, they mix the medicine in the gum and cigarettes. These things may not be immediately It works, but after two hours, these people basically have diarrhea, and then there will be a good show.

Even Zhang Xiu has to say that this kind of thing is easier to do. Their people estimate that they have done this a lot in the past. Now they are familiar with the road, especially the language in their mouths. People can’t tell that they are Americans who work for i. They look like people. A few beautiful girls and the guys in the car started to laugh, and they delivered chewing gum and cigarettes to their mouths. Anyway, you’re sure you don’t smoke. They can eat chewing gum. Although 10% to 20% of people are not interested in this, 80% is considered good. If they become ill after two hours, they have just walked out of the city. , The next train will just come in. More than 10,000 people are dead here. As for whether the remaining people will reorient themselves, it is beyond their control.

"It's up to you. Let's start." Zhang Xiu looked at the dozen or so agents around him. They all wore the same clothes as those on the train. Their task was to create a conflict between the soldiers and the local station. They went out. It is to start with a few female conductors. If things are going to be a big deal, the station will definitely not let them go out so easily. It can be considered as buying time for comrades outside the city who are preparing to destroy the railway.

As a matter of fact, the high-level leaders are also unpredictable about such a huge move by Great Russia. This is completely different from the two-headed eagle foreign policy of Russia back then. The so-called two-headed eagle diplomacy refers to the period from 1993 to Putin's stage. Russia has adopted an all-round foreign policy of "emphasizing both the West and the East", emphasizing independence, all-roundness, and distance between major powers.The basic plan is to give priority to the development of relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States, stabilize Eastern Europe, and carry out all-round diplomacy that takes into account both East and West.Its general goal is to safeguard Russia's national and national interests, re-establish Russia's status as a major power, and create favorable conditions for domestic reform and development.

Everyone had no idea about Russia’s huge moves, so he was caught off guard. Li has been studying in the combat research room for a long time at this time, just wanting to find a way to see if he can take the Great Russia. They were all eliminated in this war, but after thinking about it for a long time, they still didn't think of a way to stop the polar bear.

"Sir, there is news from Zhang Xiu. They are doing very well. The Russian army cannot be activated for at least 24 hours. Everyone over there is having diarrhea, and the local government has to punish. Those great Russian soldiers who did wrong.” Karelina said with the latest news. This is good news, but there is also bad news.

"Looking at your face, I know they are doing a good job. I have an impression of Zhang Xiu, a kid. I have to call me uncle and arrange for him to go to Richard. If he wants to enter the military, he will give it to me. He is a company commander, look at his ability, and if possible, hand over the dispatched army in Gibraltar to him." Li Cong thought for a while and said, if such a talent allows him to continue to operate those broken companies in the commercial sector In the case of the hotel, it's really a bit of a consumptive talent.

"Yes, sir, but there is also a problem in the Gibraltar area. The 35th Division of the Europa Army that was dispatched from Spain has begun to land. Neither we nor the US have any extra power to prevent them from landing. There are currently more than 8,000 troops. The soldiers landed with a large amount of ordnance. It is estimated that the war will start in a few hours." Karelina also brought a very bad news. It seems that Europa is ready to do it himself without waiting for Great Russia. It’s no wonder that there are so many things before the forces of Great Russia start fighting, and they can’t favor the forces of Great Russia regardless of the idea of ​​the Bulgarian local government. If that’s the case, all Eastern European Union republics will appear. Very centrifugal.

"Thirty-fifth Division? What's the situation? I haven't heard of this unit before. What else is there except them?" Li Cong didn't look up, and looked directly at the map of Spain. He did not expect Europa to be so sinking. Breathless.

"The Thirty-fifth Division is Europa’s trump card. It seems that there have been a little more trump card recently. It was adapted from the previous German Army. The reorganization has just been completed recently. Some units from Spain are also coming with them. One hundred and fifty thousand, if our reinforcements can't arrive quickly, Gibraltar may fall." Karelina simply reported the situation ahead. The Energy Group has only one independent group of ten thousand people in the Gibraltar area, and it depends on them. It is still a bit difficult to resist these 150,000 troops. Even the tens of thousands of Canadian American troops are still not enough. It seems that they need support the most.

The total strength of the Spanish regular army is man, including 77,100 army, 19,400 navy, 21,000 air force, and reserve of the three services totaling 10,000.In addition, there are 53,000 national police and 71,000 national guards.Since 2004, the three services have cancelled the original organizational system, and based on the division of functions and tasks, they have established 6 combat headquarters and 10 troop support agencies to reduce the level of command and enhance combat efficiency. They are unified under the control of the highest military headquarters of Europa. This time, they sent 30,000 people in the army, 30,000 people in the Canadian National Guard, and part of the navy, a total of 70,000 people, and the 80,000 people in the 35th Division were preparing to wipe out the energy group and the American army in Gibraltar. Their combat capabilities are also acceptable. Spain's previous economic situation is still acceptable, so the equipment of their troops is also acceptable.

"Order our air force in Morocco to take off and directly bomb a few military bases in Spain. Of course, we are only a supporting role. Contact the Americans. If their Atlantic Fleet now sends an air force, it should be enough for Spain?" The Atlantic Fleet is now on the side of the Atlantic Ocean close to Europe, and it should be no problem.

"Yes, sir, their maximum combat distance is enough, but this time the U.S. Atlantic Fleet has come a little bit more. Are we also increasing our naval power?" This time the U.S. Atlantic Fleet can be said to be overwhelming. In addition to leaving two aircraft carrier battle groups on the mainland, all others have come, including 11 large aircraft carriers, 15 small and medium-sized aircraft carriers, 17 amphibious landing ships, 67 destroyers, more than 100 frigates, and 1 nuclear submarine. Ships, 15 supply ships. As for some other small boats, there are even more. Nearly two thousand carrier-based aircraft have come. If they really want to come, maybe the navy of the energy group will have to be given by them. Package round.

"Hehe, no, it’s the current strategy to join the vertical and horizontal lines. Originally, he didn’t have an advantage over Europa at other people’s doorsteps. He still has to rely on us to contain the Great Russia fleet. If this time he tells us In case of trouble, the big deal is that we will join Europa and eat him. Our Atlantic fleet on the west coast of Africa is not a vegetarian.” Indeed, the energy group also has a huge fleet on the west coast of Africa, although it may not be able to compete with the US Atlantic. The fleet is comparable, but there is no problem in hitting him hard.

The Americans were struggling to cross the Atlantic when they received information from the energy group. They also knew that the current era is different from before. If they don’t hurry to keep Gibraltar, they probably won’t have this chance in the future, so they must be fast now. After hearing the news that Europa was ready to attack Gibraltar, they were naturally not dissatisfied with the idea of ​​air strikes against Spain. They said that they could immediately send hundreds of fighters to start air strikes on several military bases in Spain, hoping to bring the Spanish troops attacking Gibraltar. Forced to go back, of course, even if the hope is not great, you have to try. The pressure on the 150,000 army is really too great. On the other hand, it also requires the energy group to send an army to fight it. How can their army from the mainland? It took a long time to arrive, crossing an ocean, and if the Americans could say it would arrive in twelve hours, Li Cong was envious.

It’s just that the energy group’s army is also on the way, and Li never wants too many troops to participate in the war. Until now, what he wants is to control the war within this range, that is, hundreds of thousands of troops. If there is more, you may not be able to stop it when you want to stop, and the world war may start again. This is definitely Li never wanted to see.

Li Cong can only fight haha, or die, no one can predict what will happen in the future.

Half an hour later, more than 10 various aircrafts were assembled in the air of the Atlantic Fleet. Such scenes are rarely encountered in modern warfare. After they took off, the energy group's base in Libya immediately took off dozens of them. Fighter, this is not to say that the energy group does not have planes, but that the main force in this matter is the Americans, and we can't overpower the guests.Besides, there are a lot of flying costs.

The vertical extension of the air battlefield, the air is also one of the most dense areas of high-tech weapons, and it is also a huge consumption point of money.According to relevant information, it does not mean confirmation or approval. At the beginning of this century, the unit price of the J-10 fighter jet was USD 0 million, and the hourly flight cost was about 100,000 yuan, while the hourly flight cost of the American F/1 fighter jet reached USD 5,100.The unit price of Su Yi's fighter is 35.4 million US dollars, after localization is 0 million US dollars, the unit price of Su Yi 30k fighter-bomber is 50 million US dollars.A research report entitled "Estimating the Real Cost of Modern Fighters" by the French Defense First Aerospace stated that the third and third generation semi-fighters developed and produced by NATO countries recently include the French Rafale and the Swedish J-39 The Gripen, the EF 00 "Typhoon" jointly developed by the four European countries, and the United States' F/One, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and F-22.The average purchase price of these 6 modern fighter jets exceeds 100 million U.S. dollars, and the highest f-22 reaches nearly 200 million U.S. dollars.

With the development and installation of third- and fourth-generation fighters, people began to pay more attention to the unit cost of the development process.The development cost of the Rafale is US$135 million, the weight of the aircraft is 9400 kg, and the cost per kilogram is US$14,446; j-39" Griffin is US$ billion, the weight of the aircraft is 5700 kg, and the cost per kilogram is US$13,345. f/One is US$95.3 million. The weight of the aircraft is 13,400 kg, and the cost per kg is US$7; the f-35 joint strike fighter is US$2.5 billion, and the weight of the aircraft is 100 kg, and the cost per kg is US$9,375; "Typhoon is US$100 million, and the weight of the aircraft is 9750 kg, and the cost per kg is US$1,474; The f-22 is 3.3 U.S. dollars, the aircraft weighs 14,400 kg, and the cost per kg is 23,472 U.S. dollars.The cost per kilogram of these fighters ranges from $7 f/one to $23,472.Even if the energy group has its own energy supply, it cannot fail to calculate the cost. All of these add up to save much less than those countries. No wonder people say that war is a golden beast. These dozens of planes go back and forth. It's been in five hours, and counting those weapons, there is no twenty million dollars but it can't be beaten.