Energy Group

Question 2410

In the past, all the emperors who were emperors kept talking about how they loved their own people, but when they really encountered difficulties, their own people were nothing but the whole Northern Empire. It seems that there are hundreds of billions of people, and hundreds of thousands are nothing among these people. Every year when officials from the county town go to the capital, the emperor is summoned by 10,000 people. For these people, the emperor is a capital. He can’t remember, even if there are a few typical models every year, he can’t remember. The problem is that there are three to five each year. The least emperor himself has been for decades. This is a hundred people. Yes, how can there be so much energy to remember these people?This is not a joke. I still need to make some things in the capital smooth, so when I heard the people below say that I lost Lucheng, the emperor just nodded his head in general. That’s the meaning of losing this province. There is no point in getting up. There are more than 2,000 provinces in Lao Tzu, and the governors alone are quite a lot. Where does Lao Tzu have so much time to care about such problems? Well, because of this reason, the emperor is still the same, and the return of the Ministry of War is over. The people in this household can not sit still. Damn, you will only talk about such things. Why not In other words, the focus this time is that the iron ore produced in that province has basically reached 5% of the empire's, and the smelting equipment and everything are all 10% of the empire's. This is an important piece of news. Don't say anything?Of course, with so many territories of the emperor, he certainly would not remember that he had visited the south when he first became the throne. The officials of the household department also knew that this was not a good thing. Later, he might let himself face the emperor’s anger. These damn guys all pushed things to their heads.

"Your Majesty, the emperor, although the scale of this battle is not big. But...but...well, the impact on us is very large. Two of the twelve forging divisions under the Humen are located in Lucheng. Weichen thought that the Ministry of Industry would also have many yamen over there, which would have a significant impact on the iron production of our entire empire. The soldiers in front are fighting bloody battles. If we can’t make these things. If it’s good, should the soldiers use wood to fight the thieves of the Cao’s business? Your Majesty, this matter needs to be considered early.” Hube Shangshu can be said to be an old and cunning guy, so he immediately took this The matter was pushed to the side of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry. Only then did the emperor understand something, as if he had thought of something, Lucheng?Isn’t that the place where the queen’s ancestral grave is located?I've been to that place. This guy finally found something useful from his thoughts. Where is the household industry?And the Ministry of Engineering?The following Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry hurriedly came out and told his own loss, but at this time, His Majesty the Emperor didn't listen.The emperor at this time is thinking about what is going on there?How could the soldiers in front have anything to do with things there?Is this guy already old?Suddenly, I finally understood something. That place is an iron ore, and the city is a smelting city. Damn, the people from Cao’s house have even captured that place. The people from the military department also told themselves before. There has been a fierce war, especially the private army in the house of the queen's mother.It can be said that it has brought great losses to the people of Cao's Commercial Bank, and I still praised it a few words at the time.At this time, I felt that, damn, what is the use of the loss? It is the best smelting base in the entire Northern Empire. If it is lost, farmers from dozens of provinces around even work. There is no iron.Damn, this kind of thing really makes me feel uncomfortable. The bastards below don't know how to report this thing back earlier, and the prince, what the fool is doing.Had it not been for the support of a lot of bureaucrats behind him, the prince would have been pulled down long ago. What is the role of this guy? Basically, he was doing something wrong. How could he find such a prince? Well, didn’t you ask this guy to negotiate a peace?How can there be war?You don’t need to ask where this guy gave the Cao’s business people to Reno. He shook his head when he thought of this. It shouldn’t be. Even if the prince is young and vigorous, the people who follow the prince are always steady and steady. People who do not make such low-level mistakes, when I first looked for someone for him, I had fancy the stability of those few people, how could they also be like this?I don’t know what is going on on the front line, and I can’t see it from the memorials on the front line.That's not the emperor, that's something that gods can do. Although he says he is the emperor, he has no blood relationship with the sky at all. It is impossible to see it so thoroughly.

"Assholes, you guys don’t know what to say about you. You damn guys, you can’t even hold onto such a useful place. Come here, give me the person responsible for the defense of this city. The general pulled me out and chopped it down.” The emperor killed several people's heads one after another, and he felt a little more comfortable in his heart, but seeing other people's eyesight still showed some raging, these guys were all dumbfounded. , If the emperor is doing something, it’s good not to come at Lao Tzu, look at his eyes, this is to eat people, why did we offend you? How could we not see it before? You people are so useless. At the beginning, how could you be ashamed to ask you people to be some high-ranking officials for Lao Tzu? In the past, looking at the way you were, I felt that you were very capable. I tried to tell myself what poems and songs I wrote, and now I don’t have that ability. I can’t do anything that I have an idea, and I don’t know what you are thinking about in your mind. Just stop doing serious things. Sooner or later, you will have to get rid of the wine and rice bags of your group. It is simply Lao Tzu’s greatest shame to ask you people. The senior officials of the Northern Empire held a meeting for a long time, except for continuing to let Apart from the past support of the troops that have just been trained in the rear, there is nothing else to say. Each of these people feels something is wrong with what they are doing, but what can be done?Where do we have such great ability to talk nonsense with you about these things.Just look at what we look like. All of them are fat-headed and bragging. It’s okay. Let us go to war. You still look up to us. After coming out, these ministers will all It's all sweat.The three hundred thousand private armies of the three kings in the capital were all deprived. In fact, the emperor has nothing to do. Normally, these people are hard-working the king’s own private armies, so their fighting power is all It’s very cold. Besides, the laws of the empire were very clear in the beginning. As long as there is a war, any private armies of the nobles must fight with the empire’s army. It’s just that there hasn’t been much for a long time. That's it for war.It makes them think that they don’t need their own army to sell their lives in the past. Now they are here. If they dare to say a word, they might be in danger. It was from the early emperor. You started to grow old. If you have money, all this money has been put into your private army, if you don't give your private army a little bit of power.You really don't know how capable you are?This is just some of your skills, if you don't let you know how powerful it is.I don’t know what you will do. These troops are all sent out. Now that there are internal and external troubles, so many private troops are around the capital. This is not a good thing. If you are all true The words of loyalty are good.If you all have your own ideas, then Lao Tzu will kill you all.

There have been so many things happening now that the senior officials of the Northern Empire cannot arbitrarily pull some ministers out and chop them off. In fact, it took a long time to consider using the four armies of these nobles this time. If these people resisted, they really couldn't say anything.Do you tell these people that your army is used by Lao Tzu? If anyone of you dares to talk nonsense with Lao Tzu, you will be killed directly. They are also very afraid of such things. They see His Majesty the Emperor didn't know what to do when he had the same face as Hu's. If he couldn't fix it, he might have his own head twisted off.

Now the emperor wants to do two things most. One is to quickly get the prince to sign this agreement with the people of Cao’s house, or the people will be panicked, and they will not work hard. As for things, everyone is watching. The businessmen think that their money can’t just be thrown away. If they can’t come back, the matter will be big. The people don’t want to work well. Er, who worked so hard, was dismissed by those people tomorrow. The people from the Cao’s house came again, and they immediately took away their masters. They have nowhere to eat, even Some generals in the army have also started activities. People have come to the army to have a good life. Why is it so dangerous now? Some wars in the past can all come back, but now this The problem is that it’s basically impossible to take the lead. In the battle with Cao’s house, it seemed that they had snipers, the magical archers in their army, but they were not at the same level as others. Yes, if people want to kill you, it is simply too easy. If you want to kill them, you should take a break. This is not a problem of human ability, it is a problem of weapons, which can launch so far. It’s not impossible to make a bow and arrow of a Chinese character, but one costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Who has that much money? Except for some nobles who have such people around them, there are such people in the army?Forget it, I don't have that ability.

His Royal Highness, who is on the front line, can't sit still at this time. This guy also knows what he has done to make things look like. No one is more stupid than himself, and no one can do things better than himself. Now, for now, there is no way to talk about the rubbish things that I have done. Now everyone understands what is in front of them, and most people also clearly know how incompetent the prince is now. It’s not what people inside the court said, but the most loyal Heguo around the prince was gone. He said that he had gone to the Cao’s house. The people in the Cao’s house did not hide the news. The prince looked for it. People in the past asked, and the people from Cao's firm also said, they don't know what fruit.That person has never been to their site. The people in Cao’s house just saw someone who was similar to the one mentioned by the prince got on their airship, but this has nothing to do with the people in Cao’s house. Millions of people will take the transport airship of Cao's House of Business. This is a business of Cao's House of Business. We can't stop doing business.Besides, I never heard that you were looking for this person before. If you had already told us about this person, we would not do anything like this. We would definitely put this person in the morning. The guy caught it, and he will definitely bring this person to you at that time. We can't do anything wrong with this kind of thing. They look at the princes in front of them one by one and feel so happy in their hearts. In the past, they were just ordinary people.When did you dare to do such a thing? It’s not about death. Don’t talk about the people around the prince. They listen to the prince just like watching gods. In the past, the bullies in their village would hide away when they saw it. Yes, who would dare to challenge him? This county grandfather seemed to them to be a remarkable group of people, so if you were to confront such a person.I really don't have that ability, but it's different now.What can the prince do? These so-called princes are nothing in their own eyes. What happened to the prince of the Northern Empire? Laozi is an ordinary horrible employee of Cao's firm, but I can’t do you. How arrogant the people who have won you are your own business.Whatever you want to return to your own territory is your own business. It has nothing to do with Lao Tzu. If you want to do something disrespectful to Lao Tzu, you just have to try it. The prince’s followers are really I'm going to give these guys a fight here.However, when I saw the patrolmen of Cao’s Commercial Bank not far away, they were honest one by one. I was joking. If those people came over, they shouldn’t have their heads knocked out, and they could fight against them. Not that capable.

After hearing this, the prince was so angry that he couldn't even eat anything. The Cao family firm's people really deceived people too much. He actually caused the traitor around him to leave in such a big way. He Guo also It's not a worry-free thing. It turned out that when I left, I had a long conversation with my opponent before, telling those people not to continue to hang around with the prince, but to find a good place to find a way of life. That’s it. I’ve never seen such a minion before. What’s hateful is that the minions talk about this everywhere after they come back. This is not killing the prince, he is a good-tempered person. I would be pissed off by such things, not to mention that the prince was not a good-tempered person. After he came back, he would kill those guys who talked to He Guo, but this would not let the anger in the prince’s heart be given. Those who came down, these damn slaves turned out that they didn’t even pay attention to their own masters after they came out, so why did that bastard have such a courage to not even listen to his own words? The guy really wants to divide him into five horses. He is the prince of the Northern Empire. It is said that killing a minion is a matter of one sentence. Sometimes, if you don’t even need to speak, someone will naturally help you kill that guy. There are more people trying to figure out what they mean, but those people can’t do it now, even they can’t do it themselves. In this sky, only the airships of Cao’s Commercial Bank can go up, and other things simply don’t. What is possible, He Guo still didn't know where he would go, and he didn't have the chance to know. What would happen if he knew it? Isn't the matter just now enough to insult him?His own people are already there, but He Guo is still in no danger at all. This is fine. Usually, he is not good to these dog slaves. Now they all want to change to a new master like He Guo. Now, how can I bear this kind of thing? I would rather die than do this kind of thing by myself. I used to talk about this kind of thing and it felt like it was impossible. A slave for a lifetime. I am also a slave. How could there be a time to bully the master? I believe it now. This bastard not only bullied himself, but also bullied himself in front of the people of the world. It is estimated that there is no need to talk about this negotiation, He Guo must be Knowing some things about the negotiation, it seems that he needs to modify the negotiation. In fact, if he knew that He Guo was not talking about this issue, he might vomit blood. This damn guy didn't mention anything at all. Negotiation issues.All the questions mentioned are about my own life experience. For so long, I have never doubted my own life experience. When did my life experience go wrong? It seemed like there was no such thing in the past. It turned out that such a thing happened, and I couldn't talk about some other problems.Fortunately, you still don't know about this. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean that this hasn't happened. It's absolutely impossible to hide your ears.

Looking at Li Cong's things, Xiaolongnv is finally doing her own thing. She feels a bit strange to the person in front of her. Why doesn't she know some of the things in this guy's heart? At that time, I just felt that this person was very genius at practicing alchemy, but now I discovered that there are actually a lot of things in this person that I don't know.For example, this formation is just that. It looks very subtle. Although I don’t know much about such things, I can see that this is not a generalized thing. Other people want to make such a thing. Obviously, a formation is not so easy, and because of this, she sees Li Cong's eyes with such a little admiration. He is such a person.How many things do you not know?In Lengshuiquan, the meridians of the little dragon girl have been greatly developed.It can be said that she is now a super version of her. If she learns the same cheat, it might take fifty years before, but now it only takes forty years to find out. Don’t underestimate these ten years. In time, he can do many things.You can also make yourself more proficient in similar things. Because of this, Xiaolongnu felt light and flirty. She told Li about this matter from now on, not to mention how greedy Li was at this place.It's really depressing to die. It would be great if I had this opportunity. Even a genius like myself would feel enthusiastic about this kind of thing. In fact, it is directly related to a person's opportunity. Many people have gone in. However, what they have gained after coming out is not the biggest, that is, they can make some progress. It is absolutely not proportional to what they have given. The little dragon girl can be said to have gained something in the cold water spring for tens of thousands of years. The most one person, it’s this kind of person that makes Li Cong feel a little depressed. It would be nice if he could go in and take a look, but it’s a pity that nothing good would happen if anyone other than a woman went in. Yes, if a man enters in, he might make himself unmale and female. Although the desire to make himself a little tougher is very strong, but let himself be a woman or a eunuch, then forget it, I’m not so. People who are eager to become a strong man, Lao Tzu looks good now, it is better to be honest.

After the little dragon girl came out, she received a news that a dragon team was destroyed in the battlefield of ten thousand races. The strength of this team can't be regarded as very powerful, but it is also very good. They are all destroyed. What the hell is going on? If they do something to others, it won’t work, but it’s okay to transport some things and run back. The people of the Dragon Clan sent two elders to investigate the matter and asked Li Cong and Xiaolongnv that there was nothing wrong If you want to go over to see what is going on, the two of them are still capable, if you look at it in the past, there should be no problem. The two elders of the dragon clan have already arrived in this place. Of course, the dragon clan’s People don’t force them to do anything, anyway, Li has nothing to do now, just follow them and see. Since I came here, I have been alone, and this time I suddenly increased by ten. I don’t know how long it’s been a long time since some of my subordinates have not done anything like this. The people of the dragon clan were very happy to hear that Li Congken went there. They all looked at Li Cong happily. If this guy is willing to help in the past, everything will be very easy to talk about. If this guy is not willing to go, there may be a lot of trouble. Although the elders of the dragon clan are also very capable, they are similar to the person in front of him. There are still too many shortcomings in comparison. After all, this is the world of these young people. If they really meet a very tough young man, the two of them will not be able to win if they are controlled, so they still stay. This kid used to be better.

This time, the dragon team mainly came in to transport some valuable minerals. The most important thing was that there were a batch of top-quality spirit stones. These were all the dragons who had to transport to another stronghold after trading here. It will be transported directly from the teleportation array.But this time there was a little accident, and another stronghold was urging these things. The number was not that huge. There were only 50,000 top-quality spiritual stones. Of course, it was in the eyes of the Dragon and Li Cong. The number is not very large.If you change other people, this is not a small number. Other races may not have so many top-quality spirit stones in a year. In the past, the dragon clan had similar transportation, basically It’s okay. I don’t know where the problem has occurred this time. It’s necessary to let people go and see what’s going on. Although the people of the dragon race cannot develop their own forces within the battlefield of ten thousand races, But they also have to know that the advantage of the dragon clan is not so easy to take.People like them also have to understand. These things are not as simple as you think. Since they are taking advantage of the Dragon Clan, then the Dragon Clan will find it back one day, and it depends on your skills.

If the place they are going is to rely on them to walk past, it is estimated that they will not be able to arrive in two years, so they will have to take the teleportation array to pass by, and each of a dozen people will cost a high-grade spirit stone. This is the cost of transmission. It's really not low.However, such expenses are nothing to the people here, and the young guys of the Dragon Race hurriedly paid the transmission fee.Then I felt that my eyes seemed to have entered a huge ball of light, and then I arrived at that place. This is a small city. Some races here are different from those Li Cong has seen before. Yes, it can be said that these people here are very strange, very similar to human beings.Most of them are beasts. These races are also inferior races on the whole continent. Many races are not very intelligent. The reason why they gather in such a city is because their IQs are not high. High reason.Some other places have very high IQs. If they go to other places, they may be deceived by those people and can’t find the North. Those people know this well, as long as they see it. These people will come to trade with them.

"Most of these races here are small races outside, and many of them can't be regarded as one race, but they just insist that they are. In fact, if you count their numbers, this ten thousand races battlefield is also true. It's a well-deserved reputation, but these people are not very powerful in combat. These people have some good goods in their hands, which are very valuable in human society, but in their hands it is just some rubbish. If you are looking for something good, don’t charge too high a price.” Xiaolongnu said as she walked. She knew that Li Cong didn’t know much about things on this continent, and how she said she was also a princess of the dragon clan. Yes, I know a lot, so I told Li Cong. The provincial Li Cong was taken advantage of for a while. Not only was he embarrassed himself, but the people who followed would also feel embarrassed. Li Cong laughed. Laugh, in fact, there are such people everywhere. They are just some uncivilized people. The few dragon people on the side saw that their little princess was so kind to Li Cong. I'm really going to marry a human, but the pill that they sent back last time is also given to them. The effect is very good. Although the dragons are very proud, the dragons also know that they respect Looking at these people, they all know that these things are not that simple. They know that they can only tell them in the future. If they have any bad thoughts, the man in front of them may tear themselves up. Uncertain, it's just a pity that the blood on the little dragon girl is gone.

Along the way, Li never saw what he needed. He soon reached a contact point of the Dragon Clan. After entering, he found that the second lady who had just bid farewell to him had met again, and she was also waiting here. , Isn’t the whole thing that simple?Otherwise, how could there be so many masters? Li Cong looked at the several dragon people around him with some suspicion. Didn't they tell the news at the beginning?Or is there something hidden, and it's impossible to deceive yourself?In this case, I really feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. What do these guys want?What have they not told themselves?

"Don't look at them anymore. This matter has nothing to do with them. I also just learned the news. Our people went to see where the accident happened. It was done by your human demon, so I have to come and have a look. Li Cong still didn’t understand what he said. The human "devil?" Soon the little dragon girl on the side came to explain to him again. This human devil can’t really be regarded as a human anymore. They are some of the demons who have lost their minds. Such people will not seal their strength when they enter the battlefield of ten thousand races. The most important thing is that things like this system can't kill them at all. , Because the battlefield of 10,000 races controls the minds of people. These people have no mind at all. How can you control them? If these people come in, they will naturally control themselves, but if they are abnormal, they will Like lunatics, they are very aware of such things, so they will not do anything excessive to these people. Sometimes these people will understand it, but waiting for them to understand it is obviously not A good thing. The only problem is, since these people have no brains, how can they still rob the dragons’ goods? Besides, with their powerful ability, how could they only target the dragons? There are so many good things in the world, and those caravans are no problem.

"I have also studied this question. According to some records in our clan, this demon must have had some feasts with the dragon clan before. Even if they lose their sanity, they all know what they are going to deal with. Human. It’s for this reason that they will come to deal with the Dragon Race people. Why don’t we go to the scene to see?” The second lady also acted decisively. He wanted to go there, but thought of that guy. The terrorist forces in the country are still waiting for Li to come and pass by.

Li Cong nodded, but did not let the little dragon girl pass.She had just cultivated herself at Lengshuiquan, and took the pill. These few days happened to be when she needed to meditate. If this time passed, the effect would be much worse. How could she let him do it? Such a thing.Let her rest here for a while. If possible, let her go in the future. Anyway, if you have yourself there, nothing will happen. You must be able to do things there. It's very good.

The little dragon girl always wanted to follow, but after the persuasion of the second sister, Li Cong and the other two elders, she still stayed. In fact, all those people can see that the little dragon girl must have been controlled by Li Cong. I didn’t see it. Li didn’t say anything as soon as he raised his face. This kind of thing was never encountered before, and now I discovered that the jealousy in the second lady's heart really came out immediately, and she went too. If there is danger, I didn't see Li Congduo taking care of her. Isn't this person a wood? How can I not care about myself a little bit?

A few people didn’t waste time, and they knew that this time is not something they can delay. You have to go over and see it quickly, otherwise it may cause greater consequences. They are all staying in large numbers. After the battle items of, these people felt the pressure one by one, and they all felt a little helpless. This matter now makes them very helpless. Many people feel that this kind of thing is the most depressing It's the Dragon Clan. Why would they offend such a person before? At the contact point just now, they got another news that two young Dragon Clan were killed again. There is no such thing as dead people. Yes, this is a very normal thing in any place. As long as this is the battlefield of ten thousand races, similar things will happen frequently, but now it is different from before, and now there are many fatalities. In fact, almost all those people who were killed were tortured and killed. This is not a trivial matter. It shows that it is aimed at the Dragon Clan. What do these people want to do?No one knows, don't they have any mentality when doing things?This is a sign that offends the dragon clan and is dying. They must have no good end to them. You must kill them all, otherwise, they will not be posted in the future. .

The location of the incident is different from when it was originally. Many people saw something happened here and came to see what was going on. What made people bothersome was that these people died here, too. They all do things like this, as long as they see someone coming over, no matter what they are like, they just kill them first. As for the consequences, they are not what they think.

Li Cong didn't know much about on-site investigations, and there is no other way. The people in this place were probably all dead at the time. There could be no survivors. I saw these people one by one. With his eyes open, Li Cong felt a little scared in his heart. Damn, how could these damn guys put so much pressure on him? What is going on with each of these people?Why didn't I find them so powerful in the past?What is going on, these people were really killed by that demon?Li Cong didn’t know what was going on in his mind. Some such thoughts appeared anyway, and he didn’t know what he found in his mind. The results of the search did not have any clues. No one knew how this happened. People like them have already seen it. All of these people are dead and can’t die. It’s impossible for anything to happen. These people can’t speak, and the murderer also leaves. Now, Li Cong felt that there was no danger around him. If the person was still around, he would definitely be able to feel it. Now he can feel nothing. There can only be a result. I don’t know if it’s happened. Where did you go.It is not so easy to find.(To be continued...)