Entering a Company From Another World!?

112 Emergency inspections, not necessarily, but similar.

Jiro Tanaka, 28, married.

My wife, Suela Henderberg.

Memoria Tris

Professional Dungeon Tester (Full-time)

Magic Ability 9 (Quasi-Demonic King Class)

Position Warrior

"Too sudden."

My parents are really too free.

The attack on your parents? When I ran into him, I was walking in the hallway of the company on an early walk, leaving my paperwork behind.

Hands naturally surround the back of the head and scratch the head.

"Yo, Jiro! You're going to your wife's!

"Whisper love, but work hard, we'll have more overtime."

"Scratches, bachelors. Get back out when you're a winner."

"Come on, let me borrow it to the training center."

Oops, if you have time.

While I was doing that, I could have a joke with a pair of demons, who were part of a familiar fantasy workforce.

This kind of thing has become a recent stereotype.

I'm no longer used to these guys, smiling at each other and farewell.

For me, it just turned out to be a good mood shift, and I felt a little lighter to get to my destination.

Kelly, is Suela there?

"Yes, hold on a second. Suerra, my husband is here to see you."

Walk through the door with a plate on it that says Tester Division and go inside and call Suela, who will meet you in the back seat.

Suela, who was called in that way, had just seen the documents on her desk with the magic of a familiar physical enhancement at a speed similar to that of a printing press, but now her hands are stopped.

Probably, but he noticed it when I checked in.

Kelly responded faster than her voice, stopped her hand and smiled at me.

By the way, I can't really do that fast paperwork yet.

This is because, in addition to strengthening the body to move fast, it requires exquisite force that does not break paper or pens.

When I tried to do it before, the pole pen broke.

When I tried to strengthen the ballpoint pen with the guidelines of the mine tree, the paper was cut, and the lower desk.

And then I thought about writing with my desk and paperwork reinforced.

Enhanced paper played ink.

I think that there is still a waste of magic manipulation and how they move their bodies, and I will create it by watching their movements.

"What's the matter, Jiro? Something's wrong."

"Hey, that sounds like I'm in trouble every time."

Didn't I?

"Half of them are involved."

"So, what about the other half?

"I'm involved, but not the main one."

Shrug her shoulders and give her a break for laughing and teasing Suela, and her smile deepens even further.

Thought was about to derail, but don't forget the subject.

It's not because Kayleigh flies me off to work if I ever flirt.

"Fufu, so what can I do for you?"

"Ah, that's right... can you do external human facility admission procedures?

"Yes, but are you a new scout?

"No, it's my parents. I want you to meet Suela and the others."



I can't help but get a slight time lag out of this.

I was embarrassed to go out of my way to invite my parents into the company.

Suela shows a quick-thinking technique in Suela and a few seconds of silence.

I'll just wait for her permission and shut up naturally.

"Phew, well, I have to tailor my dress."

My parents are ordinary people.

Suela occasionally shows her diagonal thoughts when she is punched into falsehood, but this time she didn't seem to be in the example.

I was trying to connect somewhere without rushing, but I stopped the action.

Rather than being noble in other worlds, parents are more right to call themselves exotic than ordinary people.

I prefer ordinary dressing to dressing up.

I prefer street ramen under the iron bridge to luxury restaurants.

You don't have to be so energetic... no, maybe you don't have to be.

Mostly in a spiritual way.

I would also like to see Suela in her dress, but let's save it for later fun.

It's time for Suela and Memoria to meet their parents.

"But, Jiro's parents? If you're being rude and you're being opposed to marriage."

"Oh, I don't think there's anything to worry about. I'm going to be told to be free because I'm a freelance parent and I've decided to be free."


"Instead, I'm worried that I might be too free to admit marriage and rather want to travel to another world."

Looks like your parents are having fun.

"The motto I heard a long time ago said that what I enjoyed in life was winning. It's not a motto for children."

Suela laughs funny when she laughs when her ears tell her that she's heard octopus from her childhood.

"So, can we get permission?

"Yes, if that's the case, you might need a certain hint, but it's fine."

"Implicit... I wonder if my father will work for my mother anyway"

"No matter how much Jiro's parents are, I'm too worried. As long as it's not as strong as the Devil King or Evia."

"I hope so, for now, thank you. What about sunshine? I guess you should take a break, right?

Even with that mother, I feel like I'll be fine the next day, even if I make a suggestion.

Try not to think any further than you should worry about.

"Yes, we need to schedule with Memoria."

"Oh, then I'll tell Memoria later. Let's set the tone for tonight."

"Yeah, I'll have the procedures and the paperwork ready."

"Sorry, please."


Say that and smile lightly. That's the end of the story.

"Oh, I wonder if the flirting time is over?

"Why don't you let me slowly flirt with you tonight, and why don't you find someone like that, too?

Jiro, you must have made Suela a widow to tell that story to the Dark Elf woman.

"Oh, I'm afraid, before the dark elves kick me, shall I retreat?"

Wait, that fight Kylie, please work Slow down!! Wait!! Now I have to smash the Iron Fist of Wrath of all Dark Elf Women into this man!! You're kidding, right? That's not going to be cool!! So, yes, Suela, I just got a call from the other side. "

I blame Kelly for the teasing, and leave the appearance and the scene behind.

As she walked out of the room, she waved her hand at Suela and looked back at her as she piled up the papers on Kelly's desk.

Ignoring the cries of Kaili, who could be regarded as the demon of the end, she walked towards her next destination.

I thought I heard something you shouldn't have missed, but, well, look.

"So, Memoria, are you okay with your plans?

"Does Jiro understand that it's not okay to tell me that I'm not getting married?

That's right.

Turn around from the noisy office, now in a quiet quiet quiet chick shop.

It seems that thanks to the recent event, a tester has arrived as my shop.

However, because the overall number of testers is small, there is still a lot of free time like this.

Memoria, who explained the same situation as Suela, responded in the same way as usual, listening to the conversation in a hassle of reading.

But I realize that.

The line of sight is towards the book, but the page hasn't progressed a page since.

She must be in a hurry to become her too.

My parents are really sorry.

But seeing the unusual look on Memoria's face, I think it would be useful.

"Well, anyway, I wanted to say hello after I was pregnant, just like Suela."

"This is a roundup."

I'm sorry for the sudden talk, but I can only spill a bitter smile.

"So, when is it going to be?

"I'll discuss the details with Suela tonight, but maybe next Saturday."

Really? I see. I'll take the day off. "


"No, I'm looking forward to what your parents are like now."

"I'm telling you, I'm not meeting you in a store with a dress code, so you don't have to have a dress or anything.

"I'm sorry. Did you see it on your face?

"Because Suela said the same thing."

I see, I see.

Only me and Memoria's voice echo in the quiet shop.

I thought time would pass.

Suddenly Don and the store door open.

I wonder if other testers have arrived, and I wake up from the counter and turn my gaze.

"Memoria-chan!! I can't wait to hear you're getting married, so I came to see your mother and son-in-law!

But what came into my sight was a girl dressed like a tester who was going on an adventure.

Yes, it was as if the inhabitants of the dream country were getting lost.

The girl standing at the front door shows a bright smile and waves her hands up and down as if she appeals to be energetic.

I see such a girl running from top to bottom.

A girl with long thin golden hair resembles a memory except for her eyes.

A girl is even smaller than Memoria in a brightly colored Gothlori costume based on peach.

I wonder if there was such an employee in the sudden appearance of a girl, but I can't think of anyone who did.

And what did this girl just say?



"It's my mother!

Memoria stood up from her chair and opened her eyes with a surprise expression.

I screamed as if I could confirm the presence of this girl.

No, in my case, would you be my stepmother?

No, you're still too early because you don't have permission.

Without worrying about my confused confusion, I slowly took my shaking hands to my cheeks.

I can't hide my surprise from a girl who points with her index finger and declares herself a mother with a smile.

In any case, the girl, her back and her outfit, which is only visible to elementary school students, would look like a distant sister, high school students and elementary school students, alongside Memoria.

But judging from what I just said, the age position should be the opposite.

If she were Memoria's mother, she'd be a vampire too, but the more sparkling vampires look like her earlier, the brighter she keeps her expression.

I don't think it's a vampire from that technique, but it tells me that the canine teeth I see when I smile are vampires.

Is it legal to have a girl like that before, Lori? The word overwhelms my head, but when I get lost, I immediately chase it out of my head.

Memoria comes out of the counter in a hurry before me in such a mess.

"Why are you here?"

"That's what Memoria-chan's mother just said. I came to see my son-in-law because Memoria said she was getting married."

"I wrote in the letter that I would come to you."

"Already, Memoria. I haven't heard from my daughter in a long time. I'm getting married. Do you think your mother can wait? Because spring came to my daughter, who didn't care how much I recommended to marry her, so of course your father would be surprised to see you again. So I wondered who he was."

"No way."

Looking side-by-side, it really seemed like only a sister, and yet the conversation was like a child in panic with a parent who suddenly appeared worried about the child.

I feel uncomfortable with the gap, but my feelings are gradually calming down.

And now Memoria's gaze looks like her mother? Turning to the entrance opened by a girl, I followed her gaze, and a gentleman with purple and silver hair, the same as Memoria wearing a vampire black cloak, came in.

And the next thing I hear from my mother,

"I came with your father."


You're going to be a father.

I often say that I can stand in the dark clouds, but I wonder if I'm telling you this?

Ah, and Memoria's eyes resemble those of her father.

Jiro Tanaka, 28, married.

My wife, Suela Henderberg.

Memoria Tris

Professional Dungeon Tester (Full-time)

Magic Ability 9 (Quasi-Demonic King Class)

Position Warrior

One word today.

Because it is a strike, it is an emergency inspection.