Entering a Company From Another World!?

142 The closer we get to the end of the year, something happens, and it doesn't change in the other world.

After a casual daily lunch break, I worked in the party room with Kaido.

"Senpai, are you getting more? Ma'am."

"Not exactly, but yes."

While I was working on the report, I replied with a bitter smile to the sudden cut out of the hall.

Unfortunately, it is a happy problem, but from the common sense of Japan, it is also a fact that it is a strange story, so this kind of response occurs.

"I envy you, how can you increase it so much?

"Don't you think you can do it when you're dying, when you're beaten to death, when you're dying, or when you're in trouble?

"Didn't you say twice that you were dying?

"It's important, so did my experience help?

"I'm sorry about something."

"I don't care."

I didn't think it would be a good time to make a dungeon report like this because I've been rattling lately.

While talking to Katakata and Kaido, your eyes stayed on your computer's screen and your fingers kept typing.

Repositioning traps, reviewing monster power biases, proposing new monsters, and building new passages in the Labyrinth Ward.

Every time you modify a dungeon, you can see where to fix it.

Thanks to this, my fingers are busy moving, but unlike in the past, I can afford to work while chatting mentally.

"When I heard the rumors, I thought I was serious, but how do you know each other? What is the rumored Fallen Angel?"

"The iron ball flew in at the meeting."

Shortly after telling him about the first time I met Himiku, the hall fingers that typed with Himiku stopped and looked at me.

I will proceed with the report without stopping because I am stuck with my next appointment.

"How dare you, it's dyed over pink and into violet."

It's true.

"Love in another world is scary."


"Still accept?

"... to Suera and the others."


Himiku, the fallen angel I brought home a few days ago.

I was worried about what to do with this treatment, to be honest.

Honestly, I was swallowed up by the flow and brought her home for a reason that suddenly turned into a fight and I couldn't leave her alone, but I didn't have any special feelings for her myself.

It wasn't, but it was my one-sided idea.

It goes back a few days.

Jiro san

What's wrong, Suela?

About Himiku-san.

About Himiku?

It was when Memoria was sitting on the sofa and talking to Suela as she watched Himiku feed.

Looks like Himiku-san likes Jiro.


It was a little joking, but Suela seriously shook it to me without pretending anything.

However, I ran out of space in my head to understand the contents, and the reply became poor.

When my eyes became a dot, I opened my eyes and stared into Suela's face.

I'm not kidding. Memoria is also aware.

...... Ariel

Himiku favors me.

Did that happen?

Speaking indirectly from Suela, speaking of the person (Himiku) who is conveying his preference for me.


There's a pie on my cheek.


I was obsessed with Doraki.

At least look at this sight and tell me what I think.

"Are you kidding me?

Does it look that way?

Oh, and I don't really know.

I don't say that I am sensitive to the preferences of others, but I don't think it is dull.

Judging by my sensitivity, I don't think Himiku has a preference for me.

Nor do I feel such an atmosphere from my own person.

That's right, I thought this was all a mistake by Suela and the others.

Fufu, Jiro hasn't seen Himiku-san's face behind you.

"Himiku's face?

"A kitten worried about being thrown away?

You had that look on your face?

Yes, I thought Jiro would explain because I brought Himiku-san with me, but no, there was an explanation. In a different direction than the explanation we were thinking. "

Even if you talk about Himiku, who is far from my image, it won't come.

However, there are no eyes behind it, and even if it is explored with signs, it is basically difficult to feel anything other than genres such as bad feelings, killing feelings and hostility.

Moreover, since I met Himiku, I am aware that I have dealt with her in a miscellaneous way.

Even though I wonder if there is such an element of falling in love with me, Suela says she is witnessing such feelings that she denies in me.

It's easy to cut this off because of your mind, but that's the problem.

Then I don't know what to do, but I can't come up with a strange plan.

Asking directly is a behavior that can be called overconsciousness.

This may not be the case, but if Suela and the others are mistaken, they won't be able to catch their eyes.

You don't have to think so deeply.


Suela will give me a rescue ship.

Mr. Himiku

What? Wife "

Suela is fine.

Once you've stopped talking to me, Suela invites Himik.

Himiku, who had grilled the ravens he was about to eat, once put them on a plate and walked here.

Suela seemed to be looking at Memoria at the time, but Memoria nodded once with cockroach and then just sipped a cup of tea without taking any action.

And Suela was only laughing nicely as to whether she was satisfied with the technique.

I don't mind getting along with my daughter-in-law, but I don't feel like a siege net is being built.....

Regardless of my inner feelings, Suela tells Himiku that she is there.

Himiku-san, will you be Jiro's wife?


Apparently, Suela's aid boat had a water jet on it, and from the beginning, the throttle was fully open and she cut into the décolleté.

As expected, she looked at Suela, but she just smiled and stared at Himiku.

And when it comes to the said person,

Ah, well...

What they say is too straight to cause overheating.

However, I don't see any negative emotions such as disgust in that expression.

Instead, I can see the favorable color of the face that I didn't see just now, with my index fingers together and flickering and staring at me.

And when my eyes met, I panicked and turned away, but I looked at you again.

Oh, I do have to believe Suela when she does this.

The eye contact between Suela and Memoria just now was probably the final confirmation of this story.

Ah, Lord, that...

In the meantime, let's talk calmly.

When I realized I was finished, all I could do was listen slowly, just like Suela and Memoria.

I said, "Keep your eyes together and talk to me slowly."

Himiku talks to me.

I heard that the angel could feel my soul, and I fell in love with it at first sight with my preferences, and I was attracted to my clumsy kindness that I showed after I met Himiku, who praised my soul in front of me so much that I became embarrassed.

I know there are Suela and Memoria, my wives, but please put me next to them. Just leave me alone, and I'm satisfied. "

He was a little scared to tell me where the virtues of his first prestige had disappeared.

Himiku, who can be said to be a beauty by a woman, can say that he doesn't like it. He's either a homo or a lollicon, or he's a species of cattle.

None of that is what I do.

"Damn, you're not that scared. Looks like I'm doing something wrong."


I had no choice but to accept the favor honestly.

Even though I think it's cash, it's also true that I feel happy about it.

As an expression of that feeling, Pong and I will gently stroke Himiku's head consciously.

I couldn't organize my mind with sudden things in my heart, and I still couldn't accept it perfectly, but fortunately I have a little room for time.

I can't do this right away, but at least I don't hate you. So let's get to know each other first. "

Uh-huh! Well, let's start with getting to know me!!

Suddenly the stage was skipped and the marriage was so early that the situation settled in the form of an engagement.

However, the most impressive thing I remember at that time was that Himiku's face, which smiled happily when he stroked his head, was not a word that was daunting or cool, but only that he honestly thought it was cute.

"Senpai, I'm telling you I can't help it, but my face is laughing."

"I am conscious."

"If it's not you, I'm screaming for an explosion."

When I remember the time, my cheeks relaxed, and I went back to work with my expression tightened.

"Speaking of which, what is the fallen angel doing now? If you're not with senpai, you mean you're somewhere else.

"Enjoying tatami mats"

"What about it?"

"I don't know how you react either."

It seems interesting to me that Kaido is trying to keep talking even when I get back to work and start concentrating.

Thanks to the elevated status, I can talk in parallel while I work, so there is no problem, but don't point out that the key hall finger has stopped.

Himiku, who drew attention to Kaido's interest, is enjoying the tatami mat mat, or Japanese-style room, even though he thinks it is his own responsibility to struggle later.

The next day I came back, the problem wasn't just about my relationship with Himiku.

I also talked about her residence.

I didn't like the man's room, and I was thinking of getting Suela's room or Memoria's shop to take care of me first.

Suela couldn't because she had some confidential documents in her room, so Memoria's shop was too popular to be corrupted, and placing angels in the shop could cause some trouble, so it was put on hold.

After that, the conversation about moving to a room where four people can live was decided with a tongue of applause, and Suela showed me the room for households in the common sense of the world.

6 Ldk

I wouldn't even be a candidate for a room if I were you.

Looking at the room that boasted one-third of the floor, I wondered how obvious it was over there, but when Suela told me that it was still narrow, I had no choice but to give back a bitter smile.

It was good that the rent for such a room was subsidized by the company, and if it was this big, it would be a bad price.

There is no problem in terms of income and the atmosphere is not bad.

Suela and Memoria reacted better because they were on a high level and the view was not bad.

I realize that there is no himiku at this point in time.

I tried to find it in a hurry, but Memoria led me to one of the rooms, which was a little bitter and smiling.

After showing the technique of placing her fingertips on her lips and saying quietly, she opened the fusuma, and there was a himiku lying on the tatami mat with her wings spread out and her arms on the pillow, and her face was rounded with depression.

Memoria, I found this room during the tour, and at first it seemed to have touched terrifying tatami mats, but gradually I fell in love with the feeling, smell and atmosphere of tatami mats.

And then I lay down slowly, but at the end, it seems that I was invited to sleep gradually.

Somehow, it's a fallen angel who likes tatami mats and Japanese-style things.

Though I thought I would be happy if I wore a kimono this time, I couldn't leave it in a room that had not yet been contracted. I lightly chopped Himiku's head, sleeping happily, and woke him up.

Himiku's line at that time was, "I'm not sleeping! I'm not sleeping!? The student who was asleep during the class said what he was going to say, so I laughed.

Hee, did that happen?

"Ah, thanks to you, I made a deal for the room that day. I really appreciate Suela's presence."

I finished my report while I was talking about Himiku, who became a tatami lover.

Finally, check for typos and activate the email.


"What's going on?

No, I got a call from HR.

"Should I contact you?

I thought I'd quickly attach a report to it, but I noticed that there was an unread message in my inbox and opened it.

"Announcement of the creation of PV for reference in the upcoming New Year's Dungeon Tester Career Choice?

"PV is the PV of a promotional video?

"Oh, that PV."

Apparently, the current occupational bias of the dungeon tester is slower than originally scheduled for the dungeon test.

So, as part of making up for that bias with newcomers next season, they're going to make PV.

By the way...

There's only one right of veto.

"I can't help it. There are only three of us in the vanguard."

"Is it good to think of it as an investment in the future?"

I don't know.

At the end of the e-mail, it was noted in the supervisor's name that there was no right of veto along with the date.

When I joked with Kaido that this was a sign of something, they would say that they were all dyed in this company after returning that it was not funny.

One word today.

Towards the end of the year, I often get busy with various things.